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Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII announced for 2013 [Up3: Famitsu Details]


Tragic victim of fan death
Also, did they state that the 2013 window was for worldwide or Japan, or just leave it out. I have a feeling if this is coming out Q4 2013 for Japan, it'll come out early 2014 for US/EU.

You missed the joke bro. EDIT: Read his entire post wrong. I thought he was saying they should've made the release date 13-13-13 so the game doesn't come out. Damn.


Also, did they state that the 2013 window was for worldwide or Japan, or just leave it out. I have a feeling if this is coming out Q4 2013 for Japan, it'll come out early 2014 for US/EU.

it's 2013 everywhere. could be different months though.


so, I'm trying to estimate somewhat when they exactly started this project. yeah, yeah Kitase said something a while back about it but them having an alpha build right now obviously doesn't add up, no way they started this game a few months ago I mean. also Kitase says lots of random things in interviews.

Yuji Abe was only credited as battle supervisor in FF13-2, but here he is 'Game Design Director', obviously he wasn't actively working on 13-2. The other hint might be the time Square Enix USA registered their XIII-3 domain, which is Sep 7, so while they knew there was going to be something they didn't know what it would be yet quite. I'd say they started this as early as early summer last year, they knew about scenario of 13-2 of course, don't think they waited much.

That leaves the release date, it's Sep now and they don't have voice acting nothing. chances of this hitting first half of next year is really low. they probably want to have a E3 presence for it too and going by 13-2 unveil -> release, about a year. I'm thinking an August-Sep 2013 release isn't that far off, could be July-June in Japan.

Honestly think so as well. It makes the most sense, to have time for pre-production and all. I think that is why XIII-2 was outsourced or at least the partial reason. They've probably had a lot more time developing this, I mean using place holder textures and whatnot.


They make an open world that people would enjoy exploring, but put a timer mechanic so they can't do that? Wth?

Who wants to play as only Lightning for the whole game? >_>

Reading about cover mechanics is the pits. I don't want to play Assassin Creed or those sorta games. I want to play a Final Fantasy game with menu based combat damnit.


Seriously. This stupid company.

Who cares about how it might look? Show the gameplay elements off.

Seriously. I'd be less miffed if it was purely a cinematic trailer, but gameplay? Come the fuck on.

Sounds like you can make something akin to Paradigm Packs with your weapons/armour. I kind of see what they're getting at with regards to the materia description. But it seems as though you need to combine different pieces of armour/weapons in order to create a good flexible paradigm.

And a visual transformation sequence, lol. Well, can't say I didn't expect that.

This might be cool if they have entirely different weapons to change up the playstyle instead of it being like "Sword that does good fire physical damage" or "Sword that does good magic damage." And they give us enough slots to save these so we don't have to swap between too many.

...This transformation sequence better be skippable like X-2's. or else that's gonna get annoying.

I'm trying to wrap my head around the ATB gauge part of it. Like, I'd rather there not be an ATB gauge attached to it, because for some reason it makes combat sound less fluid.

But if you assign evade to buttons and they have that block mechanic in there, then Noi might be right about certain "paradigms" being related to countering.

Called it! But yeah, this is something we really have to see in action. Unless they're trying to go for what was shown in the original '06 E3 trailer...

Konami is already dead to me until they make Suikoden VI.

I feel fortunate that my extent of dipping into Suikoden is the first game and my interest in picking up a non-bank breaking copy of II someday.


Tragic victim of fan death
it's 2013 everywhere. could be different months though.

I'm very firm and certain that this game will not come out before August.

Honestly think so as well. It makes the most sense, to have time for pre-production and all. I think that is why XIII-2 was outsourced or at least the partial reason. They've probably had a lot more time developing this, I mean using place holder textures and whatnot.

XIII-2 had 18 months of ACTUAL dev time if I recall. This doesn't include Pre-production, pre-dev. LRXIII will have less time than that. if you think that this bodes well for the game OR that it'll come out earlier than August then I question your statements.


Crystal Bearer
I'm guessing Q3 2013, which could leave Versus XIII for December in Japan. Similar to what they did with Type-0 and XIII-2.


I love doomsday clocks and monorails but loathe Lighting.

So conflicted.

Maybe I'll ride the monorail until she explodes into feathers.


Unconfirmed Member
This IS XIII-3.

I kindof think so too. Lightning's overall goal is to stop armagedon, and that certainly does play into the end of XIII-2. But I do have to wonder how
Caius and the stuck in purgatory Sarah
plays into it. If those two things don't get cleared up in this game then you have to suspect XIII-3 is a different thing.

What would really suck is if they just moved on without tieing those loose ends, because the characters in that game could have easily had their personal stories wrapped up very neatly if Square Enix didn't have plans for them in the future. They could have left the cliffhanger only about lightning, and the overall state of the world instead.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
@miladesn: thanks; sounds pretty logical.

Is that the Spaceport?

Overclock is a thing again? Moon Tiara Magic confirmed.
Lightning strikes me more like a Uranus World Shaking/Space Sword Blaster or a Jupiter Flower Hurricane/Sparkling Wide Pressure type of person.

Huh, didn't notice overclock before... it does seem to sort of work similarly, only this one's fixated on freezing time to hit things quick (and just seems like a super-stagger), while the other one filled a gauge to unleash blows.

Then we get Noel's Journey: Final Fantasy XIII which will be a visual novel. Am I covering all bases?
Why can't Noel get his own game?
The first page of this thread sums up everything wrong with GAF. This game sounds amazing and had half of those people taken the time to actually read it instead of trying to be "First" they would've realized it too.


Crystal Bearer
Another avatar bet?

Do you really want to go up against me again, kayos??

I kindof think so too. Lightning's overall goal is to stop armagedon, and that certainly does play into the end of XIII-2. But I do have to wonder how
Caius and the stuck in purgatory Sarah
plays into it. If those two things don't get cleared up in this game then you have to suspect XIII-3 is a different thing.

What would really suck is if they just moved on without tieing those loose ends, because the characters in that game could have easily had their personal stories wrapped up very neatly if Square Enix didn't have plans for them in the future. They could have left the cliffhanger only about lightning, and the overall state of the world instead.

No seriously, they wanted to call it XIII-3. The game went through a variety of name choices.


Tragic victim of fan death
The first page of this thread sums up everything wrong with GAF. This game sounds amazing and had half of those people taken the time to actually read it instead of trying to be "First" they would've realized it too.

If you read the rest of the thread, you would've gotten more insight that they're not entirely wrong.

Do you really want to go up against me again, kayos??

I do. You say Q3 Japan, right? I say Q4 Japan.


lol. They fucking cut the video and showed some gameplay.


Square... good god.

Hmm..so they decided that it is ok to just talk about it, showing as few concept arts as they can, make a statement about better communication with the fans, and cut the gameplay video for the 99% that may want to know more about the game.

Dat Logic. I don't even know why they bother to make a live stream.


Tragic victim of fan death
Fuck. I can't even recognize my own posts because of this damn avatar. Not even one day and I'm suffering more than I did with the other one. FML.

prepare for disappointment. Type-1 will come before Versus :)

Wait. I was talking about LRXIII coming out in Q4. Not Type-0.


I'm kind of confused about the story too. If this takes place 300 years into the future, (Can't remember where I read this but I swear I did) What happened to the other characters? They just died or something? Seems kinda lame.


This is at least much more appealing to me than XIII-2, maybe I'm missing it, but no trailer? Bad form.

EDIT: It's an Action RPG? Rad, very rad, I'm pumped.


Tabata actually was on Sqeuni Chan thing today about Future of Final Fantasy, anybody saw that?

StuBurns said:
This is at least much more appealing to me than XIII-2, maybe I'm missing it, but no trailer? Bad form.

yeah, really FF13-2 alway looked shit, from the very first teaser and that armor and feathers, I wanted to believe but I knew it was shit. looking forward to see their Light redesign here, that should give some clue about the mood of the game I guess.


Tragic victim of fan death
I'm kind of confused about the story too. If this takes place 300 years into the future, (Can't remember where I read this but I swear I did) What happened to the other characters? They just died or something? Seems kinda lame.

Lightning is the only important character. Only HER happiness matters.
I'm kind of confused about the story too. If this takes place 300 years into the future, (Can't remember where I read this but I swear I did) What happened to the other characters? They just died or something? Seems kinda lame.

Seriously.. I'm pretty confused too.


Lightning is the only important character. Only HER happiness matters.

Lol. True enough. I'm just going to say Serah and Noel jump 300 years into the future and meet Lightning there using some historia crux paradox effect crystal magic moogle power. I hope SE doesn't steal my idea.


Read the 1up article, the changes they promises sound really promising, sort of like Majora's Mask meets Crisis Core. I'd rather have them focus on finishing Versus but this could be cool too.


Seriously. This stupid company.

Who cares about how it might look? Show the gameplay elements off.

Who cares? More or less everyone. People are losing their shit over next to no information, plenty seem to have missed they arent showing it because its alpha footage. If they had shown it all they would have got was people whinging that it looked shite, with the fact it was alpha footage lost in the shitstorm. People complaining about lack of footage is always going to be a smaller percentage than people put off the game because their first impression was shitty alpha footage.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
What's the thirteenth month? Um nevermind.
You've never experienced the lousy Smarch weather?

This might be cool if they have entirely different weapons to change up the playstyle instead of it being like "Sword that does good fire physical damage" or "Sword that does good magic damage." And they give us enough slots to save these so we don't have to swap between too many.

...This transformation sequence better be skippable like X-2's. or else that's gonna get annoying.
Toriyama wants you to see Lightning change clothes as many times as possible and you will like it! :p

I get the feeling they won't give us a ton of slots, but considering that Lightning seems to be the only main character, maybe they might let us save more customization options. Or maybe they might give us something akin to Garment Grids, which would be pretty neat. I certainly hope the weapons/armour change resistances on top of giving Lightning certain skillsets. I don't want it to be completely elementally/stat-based. That would be very boring.

Called it! But yeah, this is something we really have to see in action. Unless they're trying to go for what was shown in the original '06 E3 trailer...
I think this is starting to become the case, myself. But even back then, I wasn't sure how the ATB progression worked. I just think it might hinder how quick you can attack because you're essentially doing it in 'rounds' rather than fluidly attacking and recovering in terms of an action game/ARPG.

I feel fortunate that my extent of dipping into Suikoden is the first game and my interest in picking up a non-bank breaking copy of II someday.
Konami seems to not want to finish the overarching narrative of the Suikoden series and instead feels the need to pump out games in a universe that some people don't really care for as opposed to moving on with the numbered series.

Hey, wait a minute...

Another avatar bet?
Someone doesn't learn from his mistakes!
Kinda hoping on NA release announcements for Type-0 or Bravely Default.

I wish. Type-0 is looking iffy and I'm guessing Bravely Default, if it is gonna be localized, would only be announced for the west after the Japanese version is already out. Or maybe it'll be like the 4WoL situation, but I don't really remember what that one was like.


Thirteen flew over the cuckoo's nest
No seriously, they wanted to call it XIII-3. The game went through a variety of name choices.

It's obvious they wanna sell this game to non-XIII fans by not calling it XIII-3 and introducing with it gameplay mechanics that don't have anything to do with XIII. It'll be interesting to see how the marketing will be done.
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