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Little Devil Inside Attacked For Having ‘Racist Caricatures’

People are always outraged... black people over representation, white people when a character is non white or male. Someday we'll get over this.
It's actually racist to think that those are racist.

"Hey black people, we think you should be offended by the hideously large and grotesque red lips like on these imaginary cartoon enemies in this fantasy computer game, but fear not, we will be outraged for you and try to get it banned!"

Get the fuck outta here with that bullshit.
I don't really care one way or the other but are you seriously pretending you don't see the caricature of tribal African savages there? Come on man.


Some nobody somewhere said something stupid about a game in order to seek attention.


I miss the days before internet.
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The main character is dressed like a Samurai.

Let's call the Japanese people immediately!!

He even surf's on the back of a penguin down a sand dune at one point!!

Get fucking Peta on the phone NOW!!!

I really am getting tired of this constant need to disrupt anything you don't agree with. It's called inspiration. It's artistic. You should be proud the artist took inspiration from whatever culture.

And. It's a fucking video game.
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Sad part is these things only get traction/attention after the target who's being attacked bends the knee.

Their artistic vision ends up compromised and they get tarred like they've done something wrong.

Good going guys. Best to ignore these trolls who have obvious deficiencies in their lives. They are looking for their moment in the sun, and you just gave it to them.
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I don't really care one way or the other but are you seriously pretending you don't see the caricature of tribal African savages there? Come on man.

What's bad about tribal Africans of old?

It's a really cool culture and time period. Is depicting white people in their savage period racist? How about Native Americans?

Should be a point of pride, and a neat bit of history.


Lord of Edge.
I wish the devs the best.

They would have had no idea America was going to react like this. It will probably be easy for them to change the look of the characters and quickly move to focus on marketing what looks like a pretty neat game.

This is going to be very common in gaming going forward.


I don't really care one way or the other but are you seriously pretending you don't see the caricature of tribal African savages there? Come on man.

Honestly hand on heart, I didn't notice it when I watched the trailer, no. I didn't notice it at all and wouldn't have noticed it until the outrage mob tried to make a big deal of it.

This smacks of someone going out of their way to look for something to be offended by and in my opinion, looking out for shit that black people should be offended by is actually kind of insulting and condescending.

Would it be less racist of those lips were yellow or something?
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What's bad about tribal Africans of old?

It's a really cool culture and time period. Is depicting white people in their savage period racist? How about Native Americans?

Should be a point of pride, and a neat bit of history.
Depends who you ask. I think people mainly take issue with them consistently being depicted as dangerous, unhinged and backwards and overall inferior to western culture.
For generations, the tribal savage was used as a justification for the invasion and enslavement of native Africans, Polynesians, Natives etc. So them being a negative stereotype has everything to do with the way they were portrayed and the image they conveyed throughout history.

I mean Vikings wearing horned-helmets and swinging giant swords getting drunk is also a huge stereotype but nobody takes issue with this, especially not Scandinavians because this imagery was never used to undermine their culture or attempt to make them feel inferior(at least not successfully), on the contrary, it celebrates it.

If the tribal savage was a cool and positive stereotype throughout history, I doubt people would be this mad.

Like I said, I'm not bothered by this and am a huge proponent of freedom of speech but people acting like they don't know why others might be offended are every bit a problem as those who get offended.


Honestly hand on heart, I didn't notice it when I watched the trailer, no. I didn't notice it at all and wouldn't have noticed it until the outrage mob tried to make a big deal of it.

This smacks of someone going out of their way to look for something to be offended by and in my opinion, looking out for shit that black people should be offended by is actually kind of insulting and condescending.

Would it be less racist of those lips were yellow or something?
I noticed it immediately lol. Also it's not just the red lips. Dreads, dark skin, mask, blowguns...that's a lot of elements.


I noticed it immediately lol. Also it's not just the red lips. Dreads, dark skin, mask, blowguns...that's a lot of elements.

Fair enough.
I've read through some of the Twitter comments for the tweet that originally raised the concern. Seems like there's a mix of some black people being offended and some black people not being offended at all.

I do understand what you're saying about the tribal savage traditionally being used as a negative stereotype. I just honestly didn't see that this depiction was particularly nasty or 'problematic'. Having seen it now I still don't believe, at this stage based on the trailer anyway, that there was any kind of malice intended by the developers of that game.


Gold Member
but people acting like they don't know why others might be offended

Never assume malice when stupidity is still on the table as a reason.

Do you really make the assumption that everyone is up on the cultural history of this imagery and are just playing dumb? You've got a choice, you can explain and educate or just assign malice.


Depends who you ask. I think people mainly take issue with them consistently being depicted as dangerous, unhinged and backwards and overall inferior to western culture.
For generations, the tribal savage was used as a justification for the invasion and enslavement of native Africans, Polynesians, Natives etc. So them being a negative stereotype has everything to do with the way they were portrayed and the image they conveyed throughout history.

I mean Vikings wearing horned-helmets and swinging giant swords getting drunk is also a huge stereotype but nobody takes issue with this, especially not Scandinavians because this imagery was never used to undermine their culture or attempt to make them feel inferior(at least not successfully), on the contrary, it celebrates it.

If the tribal savage was a cool and positive stereotype throughout history, I doubt people would be this mad.

Like I said, I'm not bothered by this and am a huge proponent of freedom of speech but people acting like they don't know why others might be offended are every bit a problem as those who get offended.

Do you think the game is trying to undermine African Americans?

The thing is, if we give in to tribal portrayals being racist, and wipe them from the face of the earth, aren't we erasing African history itself, which is ironically quite racist?

While little bits and pieces like this aren't true history, just pop culture drawing from the history of the world, and exaggerating it, shouldn't African history have a place at that table?

Or are we going to be afraid of what some retarded racists did, forever ago, for all time? Or today, people in their mom's basement, playing Neo Nazi or KKK, that aren't a fraction of a fraction of a fraction, they're so small and irrelevant?
Do you think the game is trying to undermine African Americans?

The thing is, if we give in to tribal portrayals being racist, and wipe them from the face of the earth, aren't we erasing African history itself, which is ironically quite racist?

While little bits and pieces like this aren't true history, just pop culture drawing from the history of the world, and exaggerating it, shouldn't African history have a place at that table?

Or are we going to be afraid of what some retarded racists did, forever ago, for all time? Or today, people in their mom's basement, playing Neo Nazi or KKK, that aren't a fraction of a fraction of a fraction, they're so small and irrelevant?
Of course, I don't think that but the issue isn't whether or not the dev is ill-intentioned, clearly, they are not. The issue is that the stereotype they use has traditionally been filled with malice.

Also nah, you're not erasing African history by not using negative stereotypes lol.

As I said, I'm not the slightest bit bothered by it. I actually thought the little guys were funny and fit perfectly within the game world but I also understand why someone might get offended.

Then again, I also find this hilarious;


So I'm definitely not the guy who's gonna complain about any racial caricature be it Asian, white, Jew or what have you.
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Also nah, you're not erasing African history by not using negative stereotypes lol.

Again, who said it was a negative stereotype? I've said it before and I'll say it again, that culture is really neat and visually striking.

If people frequently see this stuff in their pop culture, maybe it leads to wanting to learn more. If they don't, at all, well, for many, it might as well not exist, with how uneducated or uninterested people are in things like world history.

Again, why shouldn't African cultural history have a seat at the table with the Vikings and Native Americans in popular culture? You don't seem to have an answer, other than 'nah', or writing an entire race's history off as racist, because some long-dead white people said so.


It's too much based on something so minuscule IMO. Sure, I could understand people being offended, but then again, people are literally offended about anything these days.

Something that's meant to be taken innocently can be deconstructed in a way where intentions never existed in the first place, but suddenly that doesn't matter.

I remember seeing many cartoons and video game characters growing up that contained indigenous or tribal characters that generally had masks that had large eyes or mouths. A spear, blow darts, and a grass skirt. Maybe people didn't rage because of the color of their skin? I don't know.

Look up tiki characters, there's a lot there.

It's a stereotyped look for that specific kind of character. Tiki characters.

I feel bad for the developers, because I'm positive that intent was never there to begin with. But being accused of something that never existed really sucks. It's demeaning and embarrassing.

But whatever, I guess at least it's over and done with and they can move on. 🤷🏻‍♂️
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Geez almost like racism is everywhere in every human population in existence.

Except teasing isn't racism. People need to be less sensitive and uptight, and find joy, humor, and community with people of all sorts of backgrounds and races.

The world won't be right until that happens.


Don't people have real problems nowadays? In some countries they even censor Tom & Jerry, because it has to be racist that the housekeeper is black or when they disguise themselfes as a black, asian or indian person.



It's OK, the developer has apologized and will be making changes, now everyone complaining will happily buy this game and forget all about this little mistake. Right?

This is absolutely fucking retarded.

Imagine if Scandinavians got triggered over every minor detail in the dozens of viking films and games which are being released lately.

Imagine if us Slavs start to get our panties in a bunch over every mention of vodka, CYKA BLYAT, tracksuits etc. etc. Not to mention every other race and nation.

Will there ever be an end to this constant outrage?

All SJWs should just stop playing videogames and go someplace where there aren't any people who can offend them in any way.

Or maybe.... MAYBE... the gameindustry should drop that forced inclusivity and diversity just for the sake of being inclusive and diverse.
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Gold Member
Geez almost like racism is everywhere in every human population in existence.

The difference is intent. People will notice what is different about you as a race specifically if your the first person they have interacted with more so for children who "See it, say it".



It's OK, the developer has apologized and will be making changes, now everyone complaining will happily buy this game and forget all about this little mistake. Right?
Negative. Haven't you been paying attention? The next step is to ruin their lives.
Again, who said it was a negative stereotype? I've said it before and I'll say it again, that culture is really neat and visually striking.
Arthur de Gobineau, Christopher Columbus, Hernan Cortes, and a lot of influential western explorers, thinkers, philosophers, etc.

Give you an example, here is an excerpt from Christopher Columbus as a Civic Saint: Angelo Noce and Italian American Assimilation justifying Columbu's subjugation of native Americans(not Africans but the same idea I'm trying to convey).

Columbus was fired by the noblest motive that can guide the action of man. Every page of his life is teeming with evidence that he went forth on his perilous voyage to carry the Gospel to debased and erring savages, and to pass it to them with the torch of true Christian Civilization... Where shall we find a character worthy to be compared to with him? [...] Columbus was in a measure divine [....] Write his name beside no human hero.

Or how about this entire piece about the white man's burden by Rudyard Kipling, defending Europe's domination and invasion of the Philipinnes because it was the white man's duty to bring culture, Christianity and civilization to a bunch of tribal savages?


The White Man's Burden: civilising the unwilling savage. (Detroit Journal, 1898)

Throughout history, the savage stereotype has been used by a myriad of influential thinkers to undermine tribal people. If I really need to show you this then you need to crawl out of your hole because it has been going on for centuries.
Except teasing isn't racism. People need to be less sensitive and uptight, and find joy, humor, and community with people of all sorts of backgrounds and races.

The world won't be right until that happens.
At this point what are you trying to do? I'm trying to explain to you why people might be offended yet here you are telling me you are not. Your view is irrelevant to our discussion, so is mine. All I'm attempting to do is show you why some people are offended for very obvious reasons. Whether you agree or not is of no importance because well, it won't stop them from being offended right?

You turned this whole thing into a debate which is incredibly stupid because there's no debate to be had. Neither of us is offended by this so what are you defending here?

Do you understand why people are offended? If yes then there's nothing to debate.



It's OK, the developer has apologized and will be making changes, now everyone complaining will happily buy this game and forget all about this little mistake. Right?

Part 4 had be cracking up, I was literally sparking a doobie when I read it and I blew sparks across the room :messenger_tears_of_joy: Best timing possible. I didn't even notice the "joint" the first few times I looked at the image. Mostly because it has no signifiers that indicate its definitely a joint over say, a cigarette or a rollie, just a fucking nothing situation.

What the fuck is wrong with these people!!!! They see an NPC in a mask with big dreadlock-like hair, big red lips and what they think is a fucking marijuana joint in his hand and the first thing they think is:

"This reminds me of a black person"

Your thinking is completely fucked if thats where you go first imo, they need to get out of this mindset of looking for something to be offended by everywhere, just carry on and have a happy life ffs lol.

For me its not, "ignorance is bliss", its "most real hardship is gone from western society, maybe just enjoy it instead of creating new strife to keep you busy"

I wouldn't blame the devs, they are just trying to protect their art, although I wish they would stand up more to backlash like this.


Arthur de Gobineau, Christopher Columbus, Hernan Cortes, and a lot of influential western explorers, thinkers, philosophers, etc.

Give you an example, here is an excerpt from Christopher Columbus as a Civic Saint: Angelo Noce and Italian American Assimilation justifying Columbu's subjugation of native Americans(not Africans but the same idea I'm trying to convey).

Columbus was fired by the noblest motive that can guide the action of man. Every page of his life is teeming with evidence that he went forth on his perilous voyage to carry the Gospel to debased and erring savages, and to pass it to them with the torch of true Christian Civilization... Where shall we find a character worthy to be compared to with him? [...] Columbus was in a measure divine [....] Write his name beside no human hero.

Or how about this entire piece about the white man's burden by Rudyard Kipling, defending Europe's domination and invasion of the Philipinnes because it was the white man's duty to bring culture, Christianity and civilization to a bunch of tribal savages?


The White Man's Burden: civilising the unwilling savage. (Detroit Journal, 1898)

Throughout history, the savage stereotype has been used by a myriad of influential thinkers to undermine tribal people. If I really need to show you this then you need to crawl out of your hole because it has been going on for centuries.

At this point what are you trying to do? I'm trying to explain to you why people might be offended yet here you are telling me you are not. Your view is irrelevant to our discussion, so is mine. All I'm attempting to do is show you why some people are offended for very obvious reasons. Whether you agree or not is of no importance because well, it won't stop them from being offended right?

You turned this whole thing into a debate which is incredibly stupid because there's no debate to be had. Neither of us is offended by this so what are you defending here?

Do you understand why people are offended? If yes then there's nothing to debate.

So, a bunch of long-dead racist white people, as I said, and you lecturing me about no room for debate on a debate forum.

A+ tier argument. 👌
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