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Little Devil Inside Attacked For Having ‘Racist Caricatures’


I feel like the issue is not with people being offended, because no matter what you do some people are just going to go looking for a reason to be mad or offended about something. The issue is that developers are caving to these people. Some people are going to complain just to complain as they have nothing better to do.


Ridiculous. Let me guess, ps5 is racist next because the colours are black and white but there’s no brown in it. 🤔

Embarrassing they have to make changes now. What a joke.


It’s racist because of the oppressive, patriarchal, white clamshell enveloping the innocent black interior.



I don't really care if they change the designs, those particular enemies aren't the thing that caught my attention about the game.
I just hope the change came from comments they were getting from their Kickstarter audience and not because of some random tweet of someone who has no interest in the game nor will ever buy it either way

People are always outraged... black people over representation, white people when a character is non white or male. Someday we'll get over this.

SOME people are always outraged
The problem is Social Media has convinced companies that small vocal audiences represent the feeling and opinions of the majority, so they tend to bow down every time there's even a bit of a backlash online
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Not even close

Are you blind or something? The masks in the game are white ffs.


I don't really care one way or the other but are you seriously pretending you don't see the caricature of tribal African savages there? Come on man.
it has more to do about blackface than tribal savages.

the only point you can make about those designs in terms of being caricatures or not is that masks were not actually worn during normal life or hunt, but during cerimonies..and funny thing is that the redesign is gonna take out everything BUT the masks...even the dreads that many people see as exclusively african are in reality been part of many cultures around the world throughout the ages, from IndIa to egypt passing through german tribes.

but many people see big red lips and scream in outrage automatically nowadays
So, a bunch of long-dead racist white people, as I said, and you lecturing me about no room for debate on a debate forum.

A+ tier argument. 👌
Dude you asked me "who said it's a negative stereotype" I listed you some of the most influential people in the history of the western world and this is your response lol? Their ideas and writings persist to this day and have influenced countless people and these racist stereotypes originating from them have trickled down to the present day.

Should have told me you weren't interested in an honest discussion and just wanted to argue for internet clout.

Too bad this backfired spectacularly because all you did was show how ignorant you are and how much you lack perspective.


SOME people are always outraged
The problem is Social Media has convinced companies that small vocal audiences represent the feeling and opinions of the majority, so they tend to bow down every time there's even a bit of a backlash online
companies are not stupid, they know not everyone has the same views, but for them is a win-win situation, you get good press showing that you care about social problems, and people that will not like you "bending the knee" will outrage online giving more visibility to your product.

from a marketing point of view it's a prettty obvious choice to make.
I don't really care if they change the designs, those particular enemies aren't the thing that caught my attention about the game.
I just hope the change came from comments they were getting from their Kickstarter audience and not because of some random tweet of someone who has no interest in the game nor will ever buy it either way

SOME people are always outraged
The problem is Social Media has convinced companies that small vocal audiences represent the feeling and opinions of the majority, so they tend to bow down every time there's even a bit of a backlash online
Yeah "Some" should be highlighted... thank god most people don't care about some trivial things while others make mountains out of nothing. Respect manifests itself differently on each individuals. Some people want more of it or think they deserve it.


Dude you asked me "who said it's a negative stereotype" I listed you some of the most influential people in the history of the western world and this is your response lol? Their ideas and writings persist to this day and have influenced countless people and these racist stereotypes originating from them have trickled down to the present day.

Should have told me you weren't interested in an honest discussion and just wanted to argue for internet clout.

Too bad this backfired spectacularly because all you did was show how ignorant you are and how much you lack perspective.

So, again, a bunch of long-dead racist white people are in control of your mind and perceptions. 👌

You should calm down, come back in a bit, and actually read what I said, assuming you want an honest argument without cherry-picking out of context, which I'm not so sure about.
So, again, a bunch of long-dead racist white people are in control of your mind and perceptions. 👌

You should calm down, come back in a bit, and actually read what I said, assuming you want an honest argument without cherry-picking out of context, which I'm not so sure about.
What freakin' argument are you talking about? I'm not even arguing with you because I'm not even offended by this.

I'm telling you why it is seen as a negative stereotype and where the stereotype stems from. You asked me "who said it was a negative stereotype" and when I give you influential people you went "hur hur, racist white man from a long time ago". Who was I supposed to mention? My friend Tony the pizza deliveryman you never heard about lol?
So, a bunch of long-dead racist white people, as I said, and you lecturing me about no room for debate on a debate forum.

A+ tier argument. 👌
Discussion forum....not everything is a dick measuring contest through a screen man. The guy is kinda just stating the history. I don't see much a debate here either 🤷‍♂️
it has more to do about blackface than tribal savages.

the only point you can make about those designs in terms of being caricatures or not is that masks were not actually worn during normal life or hunt, but during cerimonies..and funny thing is that the redesign is gonna take out everything BUT the masks...even the dreads that many people see as exclusively african are in reality been part of many cultures around the world throughout the ages, from IndIa to egypt passing through german tribes.

but many people see big red lips and scream in outrage automatically nowadays
Spot on....I don't think those masks are very offensive at all. They actually look perfectly menacing. It's just people are trained to get alarmed at oversized red lips on any type of caricature of people of color. It's kind of a shame cause it's gotta put a damper on creativity but hey 🤷‍♂️...
Sometimes I wonder if this isn't a giant shit test, to see which Devs will cave in.

The individual feels, theorem the individual is right, therefore the individual tweets, therefore his criticism snowballs, therefore Devs are in the wrong, therefore they must ask for forgiveness. Therefore probably months of hard work go down the drain to appease the like-minded individuals who walk around the world with a hammer, therefore everything looks like a nail to them.

I agree with one of the Twitter comments, change the color and the problem is solved.

There's nothing to solve and therefore nothing to rectify. Developers need to stand their ground, especially because you yourself say:

I'm sure the devs had no bad intention and in many contexts there is nothing wrong with that design

It is immoral to ask for forgiveness when you've done nothing wrong.

I don't really care one way or the other but are you seriously pretending you don't see the caricature of tribal African savages there? Come on man.

Stylized appearances of cartoonish characters always approach caricature. It's in the nature of stylization and cartoonish depiction. A cursory look at other LDI characters plainly confirms this.

Depends who you ask. I think people mainly take issue with them consistently being depicted as dangerous, unhinged and backwards and overall inferior to western culture.

Western culture of the Enlightenment is superior. But anyone can embrace Western values. People from all over the world do embrace them, for they recognize them as superior. Although historically western, these values are in fact universal.

If all cultures were worth the same, then a culture which, say, hypothetically speaking, practiced human sacrifice would be just as commendable as that exact same culture minus the practice of human sacrifice. That would mean value stands irrespective of content, which is a nonsensical proposition. Ergo, not all cultures are worth the same.

For generations, the tribal savage was used as a justification for the invasion and enslavement of native Africans, Polynesians, Natives etc. So them being a negative stereotype has everything to do with the way they were portrayed and the image they conveyed throughout history.

"Little devil inside is a story about 5126 Kickstarter backers who wants to survive in a surreal world."

Surreal world. Not the real word. Not even the depiction of the real world.

I mean Vikings wearing horned-helmets and swinging giant swords getting drunk is also a huge stereotype but nobody takes issue with this, especially not Scandinavians because this imagery was never used to undermine their culture or attempt to make them feel inferior(at least not successfully), on the contrary, it celebrates it.

Were devs trying to make millions of people "feel inferior"?
If your answer is No, but some 400 people apparently did feel like they were, which would you say got it wrong?

If the tribal savage was a cool and positive stereotype throughout history, I doubt people would be this mad.

So current-day Devs must pay a creative price for what happened mid 20th century in colonial Europe?

Like I said, I'm not bothered by this and am a huge proponent of freedom of speech but people acting like they don't know why others might be offended are every bit a problem as those who get offended.

I do assume to know why they're proclaiming to be offended.
They're flexing their muscles. They want power over others.

I noticed it immediately lol. Also it's not just the red lips. Dreads, dark skin, mask, blowguns...that's a lot of elements.

A lot of elements and zero evidence for them even implying racism.

Of course, I don't think that but the issue isn't whether or not the dev is ill-intentioned, clearly, they are not. The issue is that the stereotype they use has traditionally been filled with malice.

Genghis Khan used to pee. Khan was bad. Therefore peeing is bad.

Also nah, you're not erasing African history by not using negative stereotypes lol.

You seem to be having a hard time dealing with the notion of fiction. And surreal fiction at that.

As I said, I'm not the slightest bit bothered by it. I actually thought the little guys were funny and fit perfectly within the game world but I also understand why someone might get offended.

I understand why people might get offended by a traffic light. Thta doesn't mean I'll start rationalizing them wanting to tear it down and calling myself a huge proponent of traffic lights.
There are people who are offended, that people are offended by being depicted as tribal savages.

Calling out a race of people and saying you don't owe "them" anything is very offensive.

Extremely offensive in fact.


As soon as I saw the pygmy characters I immediately thought to myself "Snowflakes are gonna eat this game alive". I was right, it didn't take long.

So now artistic interpretation of fictional video game characters is automatically racist?! The fuck out of here with this bullshit.



Oh give me fucking strength. I'm so sick of the professional outrage mob.

Seriously, they'd all be much happier if they collectively jumped off something high. I know I certainly would.

The tossers.

* Just seen the devs have already apologized and given in to the shit stirrer who raised the subject, crossed off my list then.
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Discussion forum....not everything is a dick measuring contest through a screen man. The guy is kinda just stating the history. I don't see much a debate here either 🤷‍♂️

Maybe you should learn to read too, versus seeing what you want to see.

(Incoming out-of-context quotes, rearranged and disordered to alter narrative)


Hard call, how much influence does the big angry mob have?
Apparently a lot these days with everything going on. Maybe this was a smart move, but otherwise I'd tell people that there is no intention of racism and they can choose to spend money or not, essentially be a fucking adult.
Quoted me completely missing the point. I'm glad you taught me about your views though even if I never asked you about them.

I don't require your permission or approval to post my views. This is a forum.
Neither do I think I missed your point. You stating as much, without bothering to explain yourself, isn't exactly helpful. But you're free to do it.

I think you are wrong and exacerbating the problem. You are giving intellectual coverage to arguments which deserve none.
I don't require your permission or approval to post my views. This is a forum.
Neither do I think I missed your point. You stating as much, without bothering to explain yourself, isn't exactly helpful. But you're free to do it.

I think you are wrong and exacerbating the problem. You are giving intellectual coverage to arguments which deserve none.
Yes you completely missed it.

Perspective is important, something that is obviously lost on a large part of the userbase here. Not agreeing with someone doesn’t preclude you from understanding their point of views and that goes a long way into having honest discourse.


resetea with an 8 pages thread of pure idiocy already. Those people there live for this shit.

Wow thanks for pointing out the ree thread. I love all the "I didnt even realize until it was pointed out now im upset" posts.

In FF7 remake Barrett is a big bad muscular dude and the complaint over there was he wasnt black enough.

Outrage culture.


I wish I knew how to be offended about things being against my culture as I'd try and get every game with British people changed to exactly how I like it.

Games will all look very similar if human/earth based going forward.

I wonder if crash bandicoot has things that some people are offended by this game in it too as that has similar looking enemies?


I'm all for the BLM movement and that there should be equality for everyone.

But wtf is wrong with this? How is that racist? How is that offensive? These are when things go too far and its tarnishes the real movement for real problems and real inequality.
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