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having a great time, but boss battles at the end soured me on this.

i hate these "go through the motions, get punished at wrong move" boss fights.
rage-quit at hell guard couple months ago and couldn't return


Definitely my GOTY.

I went in with high expectations and it still managed to surpass them. Absolutely love the fast paced Arena style combat. Adrenaline pumping for sure (which is rare for SP FPS games).

The Hermit

Its my 2016 goty and it rekindled my love for fps.

I played much latter, but it was worth waiting because of the Vulkan patch.

My only nitpick is the CyberDemon design.


Finished the game and I was glad it was over. It went on for far too long. Very repetitive game play and music with a terrible plot. Definitely one of the worst gaming experiences in the last 5 years for me.
Finished the game and I was glad it was over. It went on for far too long. Very repetitive game play and music with a terrible plot. Definitely one of the worst gaming experiences in the last 5 years for me.
The plot is kinda barebones, yet whenever it does show up DOOM guy usually does something to mock modern shooters. It's brilliant.
Finished the game and I was glad it was over. It went on for far too long. Very repetitive game play and music with a terrible plot. Definitely one of the worst gaming experiences in the last 5 years for me.

Guess it just wasn't for you, but heck even then, one of the worst gaming experiences? Damn...

I never really got into it tbh. I bought it due to hype and came away quite disappointed - the gameplay loop remains identical for a long ass time and everything started to blend together, not helped by the generic sounding metal.

I feel like it had slightly inflated positivity because people were expecting it to be terrible - it'll be interesting to see how a sequel is received depending on what the change.

Although it subverted expectations, I definitely do not agree with this. People liked it because for many, it felt a return to classic DOOM, whilst paying homage to platformers like Metorid Prime (in a way you wouldn't expect from an FPS) in regards to the exploration and backtracking.

I understand why you feel this way, but I definitely would not say it's the reason for the positivity.


10 missions in, I think, and I'm just having a great time. Seems like they're kinda running out of enemy types (just more waves of progressively more difficult mobs), but the boss fights have been a pretty high point. They're fun and engaging, and I'm loving all the hidden passages and secrets. I've missed so many. I might go back later, but who knows. Game does feel a bit long, but the quality has been consistently high, and performance (980 Ti) is buttery smooth. If I can finish it out this week, it'll certainly find a place on my GOTY list.


I want to like it, and the parts where I actually shoot stuff are great. The problem is that it tells me exactly how many secrets and upgrades I have left to find in each level. So I spend 75% of my time looking for them, and not shooting demons. It totally kills the pace of the game.

How can I convince myself to just keep going, and that I don't need to find everything?
Yeah gaf is constantly ecouraging me to pick this up so perhaps I should

Even If the Campaign feels long, is there any replayability of the game? New game mode? Gears of war horde mode? I really like horde mode stuff, hoping for something similar. If so, is it playable offline SP as well ad MP?


Discouraged by pending system updates, title updates and the need to delete stuff for those 80GB's i kept my copy wrapped for a couple weeks (which is unheard of for me)

YesterdayI finally found the time to go through all that and played the first 30 minutes or so.
Not too impressed (looks nice tho) but eh, it was just the first 30 minutes, so i wasn't expecting to be blown away.

But then...motion sickness. Never happened to me before (except when switching back and forth from game to photomode in Forza 3/4/5) and it sucks.
Maybe FOV too wide and game too fast ? I wasn't feeling great to begin with and i was tired, guess i'll try again later.


I want to like it, and the parts where I actually shoot stuff are great. The problem is that it tells me exactly how many secrets and upgrades I have left to find in each level. So I spend 75% of my time looking for them, and not shooting demons. It totally kills the pace of the game.

How can I convince myself to just keep going, and that I don't need to find everything?

Just play through the game and after you finish it you can replay each mission as many times as you want to get the secrets. They are saved.


Yeah gaf is constantly ecouraging me to pick this up so perhaps I should

Even If the Campaign feels long, is there any replayability of the game? New game mode? Gears of war horde mode? I really like horde mode stuff, hoping for something similar. If so, is it playable offline SP as well ad MP?

SnapMap is what you seek. It's separate from the Campaign, but it allows the users to build their own custom maps, campaigns, horde modes, co-op modes, etc. There's more than enough good stuff there to keep you playing.
SnapMap is what you seek. It's separate from the Campaign, but it allows the users to build their own custom maps, campaigns, horde modes, co-op modes, etc. There's more than enough good stuff there to keep you playing.

Awesome thanks man. I assume this is available without ps plus subscription? For example create a horde mode in snapmap and play it alone? Is bot mode also available without ps plus? Need my quake 3 arena from ps2 Days fix :)
Ah f*ck that just found out you need ps plus to enter the MP mode at all, meaning the bots are also locked behind the paywall. Really curious what the devs thought about that? Hype is gone
Played this for the first time handing it off with a friend on his PS4 over New Years, it's so hella good.

Love how the game forces you to GET FUCKING IN THERE as a key to success, glory killing enemies to restore your very quickly diminishing health and armor.

Even though I agree it's a very exhausting game and I saw a bit of repetition where we got to (a few levels before the end?), it's still a very solid and rewarding gameplay loop.

We screamed at the TV trying those later Rune Trials over and over, and we were so happy once we beat them. The battle challenges (eg get specific kill on specific enemy) were a bit bullshit tho.

I found it funny how accurate the finding of secrets were to classic Doom, just searching for nooks and crannys at the end of the now empty and desolate level. Finding those hidden levers for the classic levels was the worst tho, and we just ended up googling them. The classic levels themselves are unbalanced to all hell, especially some of the more advanced ones that expect you to fight a horde of Pinkies, but still a fun time.


I just recently finished this and it's so damn good. I've been looking for something of a power fantasy game for a while and I'd exhausted the list of decent to great character action games (Devil May Cry's, Bayonetta, Metal Gear Rising, etc) and DOOM was just what I needed.

Just charging into the fray blasting things with the super shotgun then tearing out a heart and shoving it down a Mancubus' throat, curbstomping an imp, or beating a zombie to death with it's own arm never got old. At it's best the combat was chaotic and sublime. Picking the right tool with the right mod for the job then realizing you're outnumbered just charging in looking for something to crush for health or ammo.

The game has plenty of flaws, repetition can drive people away, the "Gore nest = big fight" takes away from the classic feel of opening a door/jumping through a portal and seeing just how fucked you are, the game's relative ease,
the final boss and the ending
but none of that mattered. I haven't had that much unbridled fun playing a game in a while. Plenty of games where I wanted to see the story to the end and the game was good enough for me to see it through, but really Bayonetta was the last game I played where I couldn't wipe the smile off my face like DOOM.

Everything about the game was just so satisfying, the rip and tear aesthetic permeated every corner of DOOM.

Easily one of the best games I've played this year.


Definitely one of the best in its genre. Deserves all the praise it gets. Definitely it's Bayonetta of its genre.


I have played a dozen better single player FPS campaigns, but I'm not sure I've ever played a better multiplayer mode (Maybe Quake 3 or Destiny, MAYBE).


So I got this game during BF for $15 for ps4 and barely played through it last week. Holy fucking shit. What a ride, the game was such a joy to play from beginning to end. The level design is so great, I had a ton of fun trying to find all the secrets in every level. The combat is out of this world smooth and fun. The graphics at 60fps were incredible. Man, if I didn't have other games to play I would be doing the campaign all over again. It's that good.
Damn, everyone was right about this game! It is really fucking good!

FWIW i am a 1st Gen DOOM fan, was playing Barney DOOM and Aliens TC back in the 90s, made my own maps, the whole thing. This new DOOM is just incredible, and a perfect example of how you can take an old game and make it new, all the while keeping true to the spirit of what made the original so great.

Locking chainsaw to getting ammo = BRILLIANT! Yes, give players more of a reason to use it! Also see Glory Kills, not just a gimmick but a wholly essential game mechanic that you will need to master in order to survive. Really everything in this game is finely-tuned for maximum pleasure, the gameplay itself compels you to engage. Also I'm getting strong Metroid Prime vibes here - which is a good thing - and really love how exploration is as important as shooting things.

Really amazing. I honestly didn't think they would be able to pull this off. Old games shouldn't translate into new ones this easily!


Just started this on the weekend, one of my Xmas pick ups. So far I'm enjoying it, much faster pace after finishing The Division this week but the pace change was welcome.
I love how optimized the game is, all details cranked and still the game gets insane framerates with vulkan.
Sounds like the game might get repetitive but thus far I'm stoked to keep playing
i've kind of reached a difficulty bump where i am. having a real hard time getting past the final room in the Advanced Research Complex.....


i've kind of reached a difficulty bump where i am. having a real hard time getting past the final room in the Advanced Research Complex.....

There should be a bunch of BFG ammo around, as well as some really good power-ups. I remember getting past that fight pretty easily when I used all my BFG ammo. Try saving two or three BFG shots for those last couple waves with the biggest enemies, but don't be afraid to use it when you're in a pinch. Same with the chainsaw.
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