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LTTP: Wolfenstein The New Order


I'm about 1/3 of the way in but hadn't played in a while. Is there a way to start over while keeping the perks I've already unlocked?
should have had autocollect. I hated having to collect every single item manually. A shard of that, a piece of that helmet, that armor, that ammo, that weapon etc.

Yeah, I really enjoyed the game but this was a pain. Ended up spending so much time looking at the ground.


Actually now that I think about it, the robot concept at the end is definitely similar to Cain in Robocop 2 which they still used stop motion in, so if that jerky animation was done on purpose then that's a brilliantly dedicated easter egg.


Really enjoying this game after picking up on PSN. The story is a lot more interesting than I expecting and the gun play is sooo good.


Really really wanted to love it, as I'm a fan of old school shooters like wolf 3D and the Doom games. The weapons and shooting just felt off, and just never "hit" right. The level design for the most part felt extremely boring, they just weren't fun to explore at all. It's still a decent game, just don't get the goty comments that people love to spit out around here. I'd say it's somewhere between a 6 and 7.
I wish I loved this game as much as most of GAF does, but it wasn't in the cards. I found it to be okay, but nothing special overall.

I played on the hardest difficulty for most of the experience, but then got frustrated with its cheapness during one of the boss battles and dropped it down to hard. Enemies would spawn in random locations and shoot me from behind at some points, too, IIRC.

Ended up beating it on hard, but I got credit for uber, so I'm wondering if it ever did change. Reason being is that the final boss was insane in his second form, and a bullet sponge.

I guess I'm just in the minority in being ho-hum about it. I liked The Old Blood more.


I really was surprised by how much I liked the MC talking to himself. Very moody. Almost kinda noir-ish in its way.


It pretty much is a HL2 retread in many cases. Lots of set pieces and story beats mirror those found in HL2.
Exactly what I was thinking. I'm in chapter 7 currently and having an absolute blast. Can't believe I skipped the game when it first launched.
Loved it, I rarely replay games, but I will do that with this one. Also picking up The Old Blood for 6.6 during the sale.

Gameplay alone makes this a great game, but the story, immersion by things to read and nice little details made this a gem for me. Can´t trust reviewers, game is a 9 for me.


I just started playing through this game on Xbox One as I got it during the sale. I'm not excited about going up against the boss since it gave me a problem on PC and I'm much more comfortable with mouse/keyboard. Especially with the
cutting of fences you need to do during the first part
of the last boss.

I think my favorite line I heard in this game was
"Well I'm coming for you, Nazi fucking Spaceman..."

I think I'm finally gonna get Old Blood out of my backlog too, I didn't really give it much of a chance when I got it.
I've just started it, and I'm glad to say it is indeed fantastic! I don't remember the last time I enjoyed playing an fps campaign where it wasn't just the set pieces selling it.
Only problem, can't hear the damn voice work! The story's even good, why can't I hear all of it!?


Yeah, this is the first time in an FPS since...well Half Life 2, that i've really been drawn into the story. Doesnt hurt that RtCW was pretty good in that department too (for the time anyway).


BTW, the game's german and use of it is pitch perfect.

This surprised me the most. I wonder if the german version of the game is actually voiced worse. I'm glad they put in an exception so that you can activate an international key in my country, without the censorship and forced german synchronization.


I'm about 1/3 of the way in but hadn't played in a while. Is there a way to start over while keeping the perks I've already unlocked?

Yes, go into the chapter menu and select the first one. Your savegame will be overwritten but you'll keep all your perks.
I've only played a few hours, but so far this is fantastic. I love the story, voice acting, music, environmental details, and gunplay. You can feel the Starbreeze heritage in the presentation for sure, and that's a damn good thing!


I'll be starting this up tomorrow, in the last month or so I've picked up Battlefield4/Hardline, this and The Old Blood, worried I'd find it much harder to go back to BF4/Hardline after playing this so doing them first..Finished BF4 last night, campaign was trash, don't expect much better from Hardline.


I ordered mine online during Best Buys Black Friday sale, looking forward to playing it when it arrives at the end of the week.


On a side note, did I misunderstand something about the combat or something? In the last third of the game, enemies were usually such ridiculous tanks (even if you shoot their heads) that I could unload my entire ammo and not even finish half of them. Which left the Laser as the only option - let the autoaim do its thing, recharge, repeat. In one particularly respawn-heavy instance, I recharged it over a 20 times before the spawning stopped. How was I supposed to do that with normal weapons?

And while the gunplay felt good (fuck yeah dual wield), the weapons felt lackluster compared to the previous Wolfenstein game (that's one thing that game REALLY got right)


He touched the black heart of a mod
On a side note, did I misunderstand something about the combat or something? In the last third of the game, enemies were usually such ridiculous tanks (even if you shoot their heads) that I could unload my entire ammo and not even finish half of them. Which left the Laser as the only option - let the autoaim do its thing, recharge, repeat. In one particularly respawn-heavy instance, I recharged it over a 20 times before the spawning stopped. How was I supposed to do that with normal weapons?

Armored enemies tend to be weaker to laser weapons. Other than that, you just have to unload on their heads and use lots of explosives.
On a side note, did I misunderstand something about the combat or something? In the last third of the game, enemies were usually such ridiculous tanks (even if you shoot their heads) that I could unload my entire ammo and not even finish half of them. Which left the Laser as the only option - let the autoaim do its thing, recharge, repeat. In one particularly respawn-heavy instance, I recharged it over a 20 times before the spawning stopped. How was I supposed to do that with normal weapons?

And while the gunplay felt good (fuck yeah dual wield), the weapons felt lackluster compared to the previous Wolfenstein game (that's one thing that game REALLY got right)

Yeah I remember a hall with a lot of enemies especially uber soldats, abuse the laser and rockets, bullets don't hurt them as much


Armored enemies tend to be weaker to laser weapons. Other than that, you just have to unload on their heads and use lots of explosives.

Yeah, they're weak vs the laser and explosives (grenades and the machinegun alternate fire rockets) work well.

Especially on uber difficulty you basically can't go toe to toe with any of the robot enemies with just your regular guns.


And then the LORD David Bowie saith to his Son, Jonny Depp: 'Go, and spread my image amongst the cosmos. For every living thing is in anguish and only the LIGHT shall give them reprieve.'
They should've let Machine Games work on Doom, these guys are good.


So, i finished this a bit earlier.
How to put this shortly....


WTNO is really, really good shooter.
It is not perfect but overall its mistakes and flaws are small enough they do not detract from the overall experience.

Hell, i hate ADS in shooters, to the point i stopped being a Halo fan because they added a partial ADS to the game (IIRC, ADS in Halo 5 is just zoom like in this game but i hate weapon and muzzle flash blocking my screen and that was enough for me [and i have tested it and still hated it]).
But here, i let it slide, the gameplay is so good and i spent majority of my time sneaking and knifing or dual wielding so i didn't even need it much.

Indeed, it is great the game offers stealth option. Fits the game well and it works pretty well for such a rudimentary stealth gameplay. Very fun option that doesn't feel forced.

Enemies react to hits satisfyingly, and are reasonably smart though the AI isn't overall that great still (no shooter i've played has AI i'd call truly good).

And the story, characters, themes and atmosphere. Whoah.
The game really makes you hate Deathshead and Frau Engel, and Nazis in general. In most games, villains just are but don't really feel any special.
And the game makes you realize how fucked up the Nazi regime was, from their ideology to how they reduced people to little more than animals and sadistic automatons. The concentration camp mission is pretty strong, and the game does point out how an average Nazi may have been (via Klaus).
The storytelling is overall good, and i like the way cutscenes are cut.

And then there's the music. It is great, moody, fits the game very well. Audio is otherwise unremarkable though not bad.

Overall superb game, especially for the price i got it (from that previous Steam Sale).

Will get The Old Blood from Christmas sale for sure.


And tight

That is factually incorrect. Dual-wielding ARs sprays the whole room with lead.

More seriously, dual wielding was inaccurate as hell. Realistic for sure. Fortunately the game made it fun, if not that useful against normal enemies.

(Seriously, i get what you mean.)


That is factually incorrect. Dual-wielding ARs sprays the whole room with lead.

More seriously, dual wielding was inaccurate as hell. Realistic for sure. Fortunately the game made it fun, if not that useful against normal enemies.

(Seriously, i get what you mean.)

Dual Weilding ARs was such fun in close range.
So satisfying damnit


Ya, dual-wielding is mostly for fun on lower difficulties. Ammo conservation is too important on the higher levels.

Dual-wielding those auto-shotties is just one of the greatest things in any shooter, though.


Ya, dual-wielding is mostly for fun on lower difficulties. Ammo conservation is too important on the higher levels.

Dual-wielding those auto-shotties is just one of the greatest things in any shooter, though.


Dual-wielded Marksmans with alt mode made it feel like you were an army of Stormtroopers from Star Wars. That was hilarious.

Speaking of alt-fire modes, it was great to have them. Old-school, fun.
And the game has Flak Cannon (shotty alt-mode), the greatest FPS weapon there is! (Loved Flak Cannon in UT2k4, such fun, allowed me to dominate one LAN once.)

A shame the game had ADS, dropping it favor of alt-fire button would have been great, switching modes during a firefight was a bit awkward (couldn't figure any better keys for than the default ones).


Kind of underwhelming. Picked it up on sale. The AI breaks all of time and their tactics are just a joke. You can sneak in their faces too. I like the story and tone. It's like a Great War era Quake 4. Manually picking items up off of the ground kind of upsets the otherwise excellent pacing for me a bit. The crouch button on pad is misplaced and basically eliminates a more offensive style. I sometimes switch to M&K just to change it up and be more aggressive. I'm getting more fun out of the game creeping around with throwing knives currently than I am shooting. Firefights are either really good or extremely slapstick: run to cover, shootbang, run out, get pincered, run into a guy with my knife, find cover, shootbang. All of this on Uber. I don't really get why people keep claiming it's old-school. Is it the health system? It's most of the time very linear and AAA.

Fallout 4 had guns that were more fun to use and better enemy AI tactics and better enemy feedback although the actual gun feedback was less good than TNO's. Survival is harder than Uber too. Only comparing the two because I spent 100+ hours with one right before jumping into the other.


Hell, i hate ADS in shooters, to the point i stopped being a Halo fan because they added a partial ADS to the game (IIRC, ADS in Halo 5 is just zoom like in this game but i hate weapon and muzzle flash blocking my screen and that was enough for me [and i have tested it and still hated it]).
But here, i let it slide, the gameplay is so good and i spent majority of my time sneaking and knifing or dual wielding so i didn't even need it much.

I'm pretty sure the sights don't give an accuracy bonus so they're never strictly necessary as they are in other shooters. I never used sights for anything but a sniper rifle and I was still able to hit pinpoint pistol shots from far away.


I'm pretty sure the sights don't give an accuracy bonus so they're never strictly necessary as they are in other shooters.

Indeed but the zoom function was pretty damn useful at times. And the gun being in way made some long shots a tad difficult.
(The handguns's suppressor blocking the aim point didn't help any.)

Given the ADS being effectively effectless, it could have been replaced with a simple zoom. ADS wasn't even necessary for peeking from cover, and the same could have been accomplished with zoom...

Really, the inclusion of (worthless) ADS is my major gripe in the game. Fortunately it was worthless and the gameplay good enough i liked the game despite ADS.


not characteristic of ants at all
One of the best single player FPS games in a long, long time. A game I'll likely replay every year.


I used the optional ADS on the PS4 version all the time, but never on the PC version.

Playing FPS on consoles without ADS sucks, it's a concession that has to be made to be multiplatform.


It just me or is there a big difficulty spike at the train heist and Uboat stages? I've been playing on Hard and up 'til then it was ok but now it's taking me 10+ attempts to get through some areas.


I've been playing on hard and doing perfectly fine, think I died 3-4 times throughout the game up to the return to the London Nautica..fuck this place. Burst through a window after falling and I see an assault rifle and some body armour..pick them up, fight off half the enemies then die because I didn't notice the armoured shotgun asshole before he was too close and had nowhere to regroup at..respawn..Rifle and armour pickups are gone and I now have 80 health, no assault rifle and like 14 armour. Die half a dozen times, before realizing I need to wait for one of the assault rifle dudes to get close before I kill him so I can run out and grab it.

Kill him, get the rifle+grenades and get back to my tiny hiding spot..now I'm down to 40 health, kill the heavily armoured guy, down to 20..Now 1-2 shots from any of the remaining half dozen enemies in the game kills me. Another 10+ deaths. Finally get past them and I'm in an area with another half dozen enemies at 20 health..0 armour/health pickups, die 3 times getting through there, get to an elevator shaft, drop in get blindsided by some chump and die.

Amazing game up until this point and now I'm tempted to just say "fuck it" and lower it to can I play daddy? Just to get it over and done with.

Fox Mulder

One of the best single player FPS games in a long, long time. A game I'll likely replay every year.

Yep, pretty fun.

I had been burned out on shooters and passed on recent cod, halo, bioshocks, and even this until it was on sale real cheap for black Friday.

Hope they do a sequel.
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