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Luigi's Mansion 2 is being developed by Next Level Games


I really liked LM1, it was a bit too shallow for its own good, but it was fun, certainly as a launch title. I'm really looking forward to the sequel, I'm not expecting something too different from the first, but a few welcome additions and I'm happy. Seems a perfect fit for the 3DS too, 3D works best when the game has a "shoebox" view like Steel Diver, and this of course has that doll-house feel to it which will be a great showcase for 3D.
The first game is still the second best on Gamecube after Resi 4. Truth.

I'm worried there will be multiple mansions in this one, but I'm so glad it's being made. Shame it's not for Wii 2.
loosus said:
Punch Out Wii is great for me to poop on. Most broken game ever. SUPER PUNCH OUT GO GO GO

This is literally untrue and you probably should retract such needless hyperbole because it negates whatever opinion you're half-trolling about.

This is the part where you list problems you had with design decisions which in no way approach the definition of "broken".
loosus said:
The new Punch-Out really isn't very good. It's definitely the black eye on the franchise. Ha ha ha...

Give me Super Punch Out (SNES version) any day. What a great fucking game.

Wait, you are saying the best game of the series with the original console one is shit, while the worst one is the best?
Because I fucking cant comprehnd that.

Super Punch-Out!! is not bad, but its not even near the goodnes the other one have. Shitty super power bar, shitty characters that are nowhere as memorable as the originals nor the wii ones (easy Mr Sandman lol), shitty main character, and the rivals dont know how to fucking box. I mean, yeah, Punch-Out!! is not real boxing, but a fucking old man with a stick? how the fuck he could enter the ring? and a karate man that kicks? Fuck off.

And then here comes Punch-Out!! wii, takes two unimpressive characters of Super and makes them totally new and awesome. Aran Ryan and Bear Hugger are now true awesome characters of the franchise.

The only thing that I really like a lot from Super is the different trainers for different boxers yelling things in their own language. I always wanted to see Glass Joe behind the ropes training Gabby Jay.
If there is a Punch-Out!! for wiiU thats one of the things I would like to see.
Neiteio said:

Retro Luigi!


And second trailer 00:40... Inspector Gadget music?


Chet Rippo said:
I think the strobe function is just a new ability on the flashlight you start with, but I could be wrong.
Yes, I believe you're right. The strobe feature is a new gameplay mechanic in LM2 where you discharge an electrical current along the suction stream to shock the ghosts into submission. Pretty nifty. :)

Foliorum Viridum said:
The first game is still the second best on Gamecube after Resi 4. Truth.

I'm worried there will be multiple mansions in this one, but I'm so glad it's being made. Shame it's not for Wii 2.
There are multiple mansions this time around. We've already seen two distinctly different mansions, the one in the rainstorm and the one in the snow. It's possible we've seen glimpses of one or two more than that, because there's also a mansion where it's not raining, which may or may not be the same as the one where it is raining, and then there's the Egyptian tomb with the mummy spirit seen at the end of the E3 trailer...

But I don't see why multiple mansions would be reason for worry. Each location seems to have just as strong a sense of place and character as the single mansion in LM1. Each will feature its own boss ghouls, its own puzzles, its own environmental interactions and Poltergust puzzles that reward exploration and experimentation. Each will have a delightfully tangible "dollhouse" quality to them in stereo 3D, as well.

It feels like a miracle of sorts that a decade after the first game, we're getting a sequel. I honestly didn't expect one given how one-of-a-kind the first one felt. The gameplay and premise certainly deserved a sequel, so the E3 announcement had me cheering in my seat. :)


Beat EviLore at pool.
Gonna have to replay the first when this comes out. To bad it is coming next year at least we get a new Mario this year.


That looks utterly fantastic. I was never a fan of Luigi's Mansion 1 on the Gamecube, mostly because I was a tween pissed off about how I had to play the effeminate green man rather than MARIO on my new system. I might get a 3DS this holiday season just because these AAA Nintendo titles are just too much to pass up on. I've owned every single Nintendo system (except the Virtua Boy lol), and I doubt I'll be breaking that tradition this handheld generation.


Chet Rippo said:
The ice mansion looks pretty slick.
If you watch the end of the special trailer (the 2:55 one), you see the exterior of the ice mansion. The landscape is covered in fresh snow and Luigi trudges along through it. Should be pretty to see snowflakes drifting down in stereo 3D. :)

I wonder what other mansions might be in store? A castle would be cool...


Wait, so have we actually seen any of the "big" ghosts? The main ones that require puzzles to catch? They were the best thing about the original.


Mistle said:
Wait, so have we actually seen any of the "big" ghosts? The main ones that require puzzles to catch? They were the best thing about the original.
We've seen one, possibly two. In the rainstorm mansion, there's a brainiac ghost with a huge head and a wispy tail that pulls tricks on you like turning stairs into a slide. When you finally reach his lair, the library study (complete with stacks of books lit by candles and fireplace), it levitates and flings dozens of books at you. You can fight it from the bottom and upper floors of the study. You can see it at 11:14 in this walk-through of the E3 demo (with direct-feed audio). I love the ditty playing on the piano!

The other possible boss ghost is the mummy spirit seen in the Egyptian tomb at the end of the E3 trailer, though that could just as easily be a regular ghost.

EDIT: E. Gadd calls the first boss ghost a "telekinetic," so yeah, I was right about it being a brainiac, lol.
Neiteio said:
If you watch the end of the special trailer (the 2:55 one), you see the exterior of the ice mansion. The landscape is covered in fresh snow and Luigi trudges along through it. Should be pretty to see snowflakes drifting down in stereo 3D. :)

I wonder what other mansions might be in store? A castle would be cool...
Yeah, I can't wait to see more mansions.
Neiteio said:
There are multiple mansions this time around. We've already seen two distinctly different mansions, the one in the rainstorm and the one in the snow. It's possible we've seen glimpses of one or two more than that, because there's also a mansion where it's not raining, which may or may not be the same as the one where it is raining, and then there's the Egyptian tomb with the mummy spirit seen at the end of the E3 trailer...

But I don't see why multiple mansions would be reason for worry. Each location seems to have just as strong a sense of place and character as the single mansion in LM1. Each will feature its own boss ghouls, its own puzzles, its own environmental interactions and Poltergust puzzles that reward exploration and experimentation. Each will have a delightfully tangible "dollhouse" quality to them in stereo 3D, as well.

It feels like a miracle of sorts that a decade after the first game, we're getting a sequel. I honestly didn't expect one given how one-of-a-kind the first one felt. The gameplay and premise certainly deserved a sequel, so the E3 announcement had me cheering in my seat. :)
Yeah, I know there are, that's why I'm worried. :p

I liked there being one big mansion in the first, that's all. It was cool to explore all of it over the course of one game. I think I'd rather than again than a few different ones.


Ah yeah, cool vid! I hadn't seen that before. While he seems cool, hopefully we get some more "human-like" ghosts, and not just the generic look. Such as:




The music/sound effects still bother me in the new game. For example, the ghost sucking music for weak ghosts AND strong seems to be the same. And it's... not that good. It gets annoying fast, specially when cutting in and out of the BG music.
Here are the originals for comparison:

Sucking Up Weak Ghosts
Sucking Up Portait Ghosts

They're infinitely better. Both of them are amazing in my opinion. The same counts for the main theme, the key pick up sound effect (which used to be awesome), and the general feeling of unease. There always seems to be carnival-like music in the new game, not often allowing for tension to be built. Needs more Luigi humming! :p


And here's just a great tune overall. Made the ghosts really seem menacing:

Talking to Portrait Ghosts

I'm gonna stop clicking of youtube links not because each track from that game was so good.

Dash Kappei

Not actually that important
It still pisses me off that this game will lack rumble support.
LM (and Wave Race) are all about visceral tactile feedback through rumbling effects :(


As standalone tracks, I'd actually say the new themes hold up better. But yeah, while the LM1 tracks might not be all that special by themselves, they did fit the gameplay well, and that's what it's really all about.

I agree with Mistle that I hope we see some more colorful, "human" ghosts. There was an astounding variety of them in LM1. Hopefully LM2 continues this tradition. :)

I'm thinking this October, before Arkham City hits, I'll make a point to dust off the Wii and replay Luigi's Mansion. I'll use the corded controller, too, as I played it with a Wavebird the first time around and thus missed out on the rumble. It's a special game. Still looks gorgeous to this day, too, thanks to the lovely glow of the ghosts -- they're like Christmas lights at night, all warm and colorful in the dark.
The snowy scene looks great. The snowflakes falling down will look nice with the 3D effect I think. The atmosphere also looks much nicer than E3's showing.

I'm curious though there seems to be a lot more situational things like walls turning and Luigi getting taken to the other side or at the end where the floor seems to dissapear under Luigi when he's in the chimney. I wonder if these will be scripted events or things players discover on their own.


ivysaur12 said:
I loved Luigi's Mansion and love Next Level Games, so this is perfect.

Nintendo should just buy them at this point.
Agreed and agreed. I hope there's an Iwata Asks interviewing the team at Next Level Games. I would love love LOVE to work on a Luigi's Mansion sequel. It takes the robust Mario universe and does what Mario games rarely do -- explores a stylistic theme, in this case the antics of a scaredy-cat in a spooky world. The setting alone gets the creative juices flowing, and you can tell from all the humor sprinkled throughout the trailers that they're having a lot of fun bringing Luigi to life on the handheld. They have a dream assignment, as far as I'm concerned.
Dash Kappei said:
It still pisses me off that this game will lack rumble support.
LM (and Wave Race) are all about visceral tactile feedback through rumbling effects :(
maybe nintendo will make a vibrator addon that will be added to the stick addon!


Dash Kappei said:
It still pisses me off that this game will lack rumble support.
LM (and Wave Race) are all about visceral tactile feedback through rumbling effects :(
Hang on a sec, let me dig up that quote about rumble being a last gen feature.


Living in the shadow of Amaz
ivysaur12 said:
I loved Luigi's Mansion and love Next Level Games, so this is perfect.

Nintendo should just buy them at this point.

Mario Strikers Charged was the best Mario sports game (not considering MK) since Mario Tennis 64.


Who is writing the music and directing the sound? The original was excellent in those regards, sequel not so much. I am not sold yet, even though I adored the original, despite its mediocrity.
I have never played Luigi's Mansion, and I've owned a device capable of running it since 2002. It's one of my secret shames. I'm really hyped for this game; actually, with some of the stuff I've seen in the past week or two, I'm just really hyped to own a 3DS in general.


maeda said:
Who is writing the music and directing the sound? The original was excellent in those regards, sequel not so much. I am not sold yet, even though I adored the original, despite is mediocrity.
I think the sound effects are some of the best on the 3DS yet. The bass of rolling thunder, the howling of the wind, the pitter-patter of rain, the rustling of cloth, the spinning of a fan -- all the effects are spot-on. I can see people being more split on the music. I think what's there is great, and it's just a matter of there being enough variety so it doesn't get repetitive. I've been humming a couple of the themes from this game (the E3 trailer theme, TGS trailer theme and the piano music during the boss fight) for awhile, and the remix of the classic Luigi's Mansion theme is spot-on, too. Seems like they're employing real instruments as well, which is nice to hear in a 3DS game.


Neiteio said:
I think the sound effects are some of the best on the 3DS yet. The bass of rolling thunder, the howling of the wind, the pitter-patter of rain, the rustling of cloth, the spinning of a fan -- all the effects are spot-on. I can see people being more split on the music. I think what's there is great, and it's just a matter of there being enough variety so it doesn't get repetitive. I've been humming a couple of the themes from this game (the E3 trailer theme, TGS trailer theme and the piano music during the boss fight) for awhile, and the remix of the classic Luigi's Mansion theme is spot-on, too. Seems like they're employing real instruments as well, which is nice to hear in a 3DS game.
The game sounds very sterile and generic. I know that is too general of a statement, but I can't really pinpoint to what concretely is off.


maeda said:
The game sounds very sterile and generic. I know that is too general of a statement, but I can't really pinpoint to what concretely is off.
To each his/her own, I guess. I'd argue this game sounds unlike anything Nintendo's made in years while all their other Mario titles sound alike (and thus generic). I can listen to a few seconds of LM2's soundtrack and instantly get the LM spirit and mood. And the howling wind and sound of rain all add to the atmosphere immeasurably.


Somehow this seemed like the last game to get multiplayer. It would be cool if there was some like of horde mode where you and a buddy had to vac up wave after wave of ghosts. I'd also like it if the 2p option put player two in control of the ghosts and its your job to attack player 1 whose playing as Luigi.
Somehow this seemed like the last game to get multiplayer. It would be cool if there was some like of horde mode where you and a buddy had to vac up wave after wave of ghosts. I'd also like it if the 2p option put player two in control of the ghosts and its your job to attack player 1 whose playing as Luigi.

sounds a lot like the locked out bottles revenge mode from BK


Very happy that Nintendo is still working with Next Level and continues to throw good IPs their way. Punch-out Wii was fantastic.
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