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"Marvel's Runaways" finds its cast and officially ordered to series on Hulu

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I've looked online and as far as I could find there has never been an official confirmation that this is going to be MCU, and it's unlikely that will be confirmed until after this gets beyond the pilot phase (there's still a chance this will go the way of Most Wanted).

So far nobody official has said it's going to be MCU. As far as I know at least, maybe someone has different sources.

I know these are different networks, but literally none of the shows they've produced have been out of the MCU. Plus as The Kree mentioned, they both prominently teased Nico's staff in Dr Strange, and featured Nico's mother in the prequel comic.
They don't have to say it because it goes without saying.

Nico's staff and possibly her mother were in Doctor Strange. There's your confirmation.
I only know runaways premise that their parents are villain, but isnt Nico's mom in Dr Strange good, not evil?

Wait, I haven't actually read the prequel comic for dr strange movie though
Good casting.

All together:


Shame it's on Hulu.
I had no idea that they're turning almost every single Marvel comic into a show now.

I kinda wish they were all Netflix to be honest, because Agents of Shield really wasn't...very good in my opinion, aside from the Ghost Rider shit.


I always thought Runaways would have been better outside of the Marvel universe. But since it is they should link it to MCU.


They have too, the first scene in the book is a Marvel RPG.

I know it's in the Marvel Universe, but when I read the first series I thought about how cool it would have been if they could have gone off in other directions that weren't restricted by the Marvel universe. Especially since their parents weren't established Marvel villains and they hadn't really interacted with the Marvel universe in any meaningful way yet.


I guess spoiler tags are passé. It's not like people are fans of the MCU and not big on reading comics. And everyone knows the plot of the highly mainstream comic Runaways.
The parents have been cast.


Kip Pardue (Remember the Titans, Ray Donovan) as Frank Dean – a former teen star who rode a short-lived movie career and is now teeming with insecurity. Floundering in his professional career as an actor, Frank is seeking to renew purpose in his life while being a father to Karolina.

Ryan Sands (Hat Hair, The Wire) as Geoffrey Wilder is – a man defined by the grueling path he’s taken to achieve his self-made success. A hulking presence, Geoffrey can effortlessly shift from approachable father to intimidating strategist with his son Alex.

Angel Parker (The People v. OJ Simpson: American Crime Story, The Strain) as Catherine Wilder – a successful lawyer, is deliberate and calculating in both her words and actions. But when it comes to her family, she’s fiercely loyal and a loving mother to her son Alex.

Brittany Ishibashi (This Is Us, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows) as Tina Minoru – a perfectionist “tiger mom.” In her professional life, she is a brilliant innovator and ruthless CEO. Emotionally, she is less confident, often shying away from difficult conversations with her daughter Nico and careful to avoid explicit displays of her feelings.

James Yaegashi (Breakfast at Tiffany’s on Broadway, Madame Secretary) as Robert Minoru – a gentle and brilliant beta, the Woz to his wife’s Jobs. Warm and feeling, Robert sometimes struggles with being married to a woman who so forcefully barricades her emotions while caring about Nico.

Kevin Weisman (Hello Ladies, Alias) as Dale Yorkes – a beardy, dad-core bioengineer. Incredibly science-minded, he has a deep love for his family but oftentimes falls short at knowing the right things to say to Gert. He’s repped by APA, and Hansen Jacobson Teller Hoberman.

Brigid Brannagh (Army Wives, True Colors) as Stacey Yorkes – an absent-minded and professorial bioengineer. Perpetually dawning Birkenstocks and a messy bun, Stacey utilizes a progressive approach to her parenting style to Gert.

Annie Wersching (Timeless. The Vampire Diaries) as Leslie Dean – a complicated beauty, is a poised and skilled leader. Clear-minded, focused, and charismatic, Leslie draws in devoted allies and followers who are taken by her success and charm, particularly with her daughter Karolina.

James Marsters (Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel) as Victor Stein – an engineering genius who may just save the word from itself. Electric cars, space travel; the military and NASA both look to him for answers. As a father to Chase, Victor has lofty expectations for his son, and when they aren’t met, his retribution can be fierce.

Ever Carradine (The Handmaids Tale, Goliath) as Janet Stein – a perfect PTA mom. Harboring a brilliant mind of her own, she has made deep sacrifices for her husband’s world-changing career. Though she hides it for the wellbeing of her son Chase, Janet longs for more from her life.


So...unless the parent cast descriptions are all misdirection, they're definitely straying away from the concept of the comic. Not sure what to think of that.


Yeah, maybe they're playing up the "twist" at the end of the first issue? I can't imagine otherwise.

Bummed that they recasted Tina Minoru.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Those are probably just the public personas of the adults.
Looking at who they're casting as the parents, this will probably be similar to what AMC did with Preacher. The first season will be more buildup to the first big moment of the comic.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
I wonder how they'll market the show initially if they intend to keep the parents thing under wraps. The twist in the first issue is like the core premise of the property.


I remember reading these comics when they first came out and being pleasantly surprised at how good it is. They made a great choice picking to live-action-ify this. If it's as good as the comics, it'll be a smash hit.
I didn't notice this thread until today so I was completely unaware that this was happening.
The only thing I have to say is that I approve of Allegra Acosta's eyebrows. Thank you.


I can't see shit but I'm on on mobile. Are these kids discovering a hidden passage behind the furniture, and then they get their superpowers by some weird monks in the basement?

What are their powers?


I can't see shit but I'm on on mobile. Are these kids discovering a hidden passage behind the furniture, and then they get their superpowers by some weird monks in the basement?

What are their powers?

They sneak up on their parents doing terrible shit, then run away. Hence the title.
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