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Mass Effect 2 Story Discussion (SPOILERS - No Tags Required, You Have Been Warned!)


LiK said:
really? i had 100% paragon and maybe 5% Renegade from not agreeing with Illusive Man in a few decisions and i got the option to kill either one. that was pretty cool.

Fuck I may have just missed it then, oh well I wouldn't have killed her anyway if it was gonna give me renegade points.

Matty McDee

Neo Member
LiK said:
i had none of these choices, not even with Jack even tho she hints that she goes both ways. playing as Female Shep, i never got past just being really friendly with them. guess i'll need to play as a dude
Its definitely easier to get those specific conversations as a male character. I didn't even try with Jack, I found her to be a very annoying character so I only talked to her when I actually needed too or I wanted to find some cool back story on her escape of the Cerberus Facility.

It felt weird having the conversations with Tali, because I for one think Tali is one of the best characters in the franchise not to mention one of the coolest. Probably won't be doing that in my next playthrough :lol


Matty McDee said:
Its definitely easier to get those specific conversations as a male character. I didn't even try with Jack, I found her to be a very annoying character so I only talked to her when I actually needed too or I wanted to find some cool back story on her escape of the Cerberus Facility.

It felt weird having the conversations with Tali, because I for one think Tali is one of the best characters in the franchise not to mention one of the coolest. Probably won't be doing that in my next playthrough :lol

yea, she has this innocence that none of the other female teammates have. and they better reveal Tali's face in the next one. sick of this teasing.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Tali's pre-sex scenes are also some of the cutest one's, she's all distressed like and Shepard has some of the smoothest dialogue going in with her :p

"Don't take too long Tali vas Normandy, Captain's orders"
chandoog said:
Tali's pre-sex scenes are also some of the cutest one's, she's all distressed like and Shepard has some of the smoothest dialogue going in with her :p

"Don't take too long Tali vas Normandy, Captain's orders"

Shepard's creepy facial expressions ruined the moment for me each time.


chandoog said:
Tali's pre-sex scenes are also some of the cutest one's, she's all distressed like and Shepard has some of the smoothest dialogue going in with her :p

"Don't take too long Tali vas Normandy, Captain's orders"

For some reason having sex with Tali just seemed so wrong, I couldn't get behind the fact that there's a germ sensitive woman behind the suit, and it really seemed like she was the child of the group. Felt kinda dirty.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
MegaKungFuRadio said:
Shepard's creepy facial expressions ruined the moment for me each time.



Just finished the game. It was awesome.

All characters were loyal bar Miranda and Zaeed, but I did the missions for both. Miranda got pissed because I took Jack's side. Still, I managed to save everyone, this is what I had in the final mission (from memory):

Put Legion in the pipe
Second Team Leader was Garrus
Biotic Barrier was Samara
Jacob took the hostages back to the ship
Next Team Leader was again Garrus

Had a mix of Tali, Samara and Thane on my team. And I had all the ship upgrades except for the healing thing and probe thing.

Also, totally didn't buy the whole 'Liara not on your crew thing'. You've got more important information brokering to do? Oh please...

Oh and, my female Shepherd banged Garrus. Très awkward.
Just finished the game!

I know tags aren't necessary but I figure I should tag this anyway

Does the diversion team have to die? Everyone survived except for Thane, who was pinned down while Samara was guiding me through the swarm. I'm just curious if it's possible to get through it with everyone alive or at least one person has to die.


ShockingAlberto said:
Just finished the game!

I know tags aren't necessary but I figure I should tag this anyway

Does the diversion team have to die? Everyone survived except for Thane, who was pinned down while Samara was guiding me through the swarm. I'm just curious if it's possible to get through it with everyone alive or at least one person has to die.

The urge to quote your tag is overwhelming, to answer the question you can have everyone live. No one from the diversion team ever died on any of my playthroughs.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
ShockingAlberto said:
Just finished the game!

I know tags aren't necessary but I figure I should tag this anyway

Does the diversion team have to die? Everyone survived except for Thane, who was pinned down while Samara was guiding me through the swarm. I'm just curious if it's possible to get through it with everyone alive or at least one person has to die.

No one *has* to die, you can save them all, it's just a matter of loyalty, upgrades and sending the right person for the right assignment at the end.

Matty McDee

Neo Member
ShockingAlberto said:
Just finished the game!

I know tags aren't necessary but I figure I should tag this anyway

Does the diversion team have to die? Everyone survived except for Thane, who was pinned down while Samara was guiding me through the swarm. I'm just curious if it's possible to get through it with everyone alive or at least one person has to die.
Yeah you can get them through, however I don't know what the determining factor was that made my distraction team make it through the door alive. Miranda always led the Fireteam for me.


ShockingAlberto said:
Just finished the game!

I know tags aren't necessary but I figure I should tag this anyway

Does the diversion team have to die? Everyone survived except for Thane, who was pinned down while Samara was guiding me through the swarm. I'm just curious if it's possible to get through it with everyone alive or at least one person has to die.

Nah mine didn't at all.

3 people died at other points though, Thane who I sent through the pipe. Samara was shot after running through the door, and Tali at some unspecified moment in the game.


Does anyone know what the game does with some of the side quest characters from ME1 that show up in ME2 if you start new? People like the Thorian Asari, reporter, Conrad Verner, Rachni Asari on Illium, Parasini.

I wanna start a game as male shepherd but not really worth it these people aren't going to show up in some form.


Everyone survived for me, beat it lastnight. Had all ship upgrades, all loyal to me.

Legion in the tubes, Garrus led my second assult team, Smara was my biotic shield, sent Grunt back with the crew and had Mordin and Miranda at the end against the terminator :D

Oh and i was kinda upset at the Tali "sex" scene.....i wanted to see her face and i think she has the best dialogue of all the chars in the game, she almost feels like a real person. Most of my team was Tali and Grunt through the game too once i had em both.



chandoog said:

This moment had me in stitches.:lol :lol

Bioware's got some great writers (Morbin's loyalty is a prime example), but can't help but wonder whether it was "bring you kid to work day" when that dialogue was written. The voice direction is really lame, too, so it must have been intentional.

Did anyone else find that the lip-synching (and facial expressions to a lesser degree) weren't as high quality over-all as the original? Whenever the Illusive Man spoke I felt like I was watching a puppet show. Miranda's face was jarring most of the time, too, other human characters less frequently so. I still thouroughly enjoyed the game, though.


All loyal except Zaeed

Pipe - Tali
Second team - Garrus
Biotic - Samara
Escort - Grunt
Defenders - Garrus

All lived :D
Save Kelly and the Doc too

Blew up station


fizzelopeguss said:

For some reason, I found this hilarious. Dude is like "Look how awesome I am, I beat it in 11 hours" and sounds blissfully unaware that there are even multiple endings. Can you imagine how pissed anyone who plays this game would be if everyone on the goddamn ship died except Joker, and it was the only possible ending?

I laughed my ass off when the camera panned over a total of nine coffins at the end, leaving Joker to save the galaxy all by himself. :lol


So what did people think about the action interrupts? I thought it was a nice sort of marker for something significant about to happen but it didn't really add anything to the gameplay, kind of like a QTE-light if you will. Could have just been one more line on the dialogue option wheel in most cases.

My personal favorite is definitely the time you get to headbutt the Michael Dorn Krogan. Poor guy, could probably accept getting knocked around by Wrex, but a headbutt from a soft pink fleshy human thing on the same day was definitely the last straw... :lol


The final mission being a (near) complete failure is actually kinda fun to watch.

I'd feel bad if it happened to me though. :lol

Jonsoncao said:
lol @ Citadel video game seller and some gamestop spoof :lol

That guy makes a GTA reference at one point. :lol

Forgot what he said exactly, but it was called G??? Terminus A???? (all I remember is the Terminus part), and he said it was controversial because you could beat slaves or something like that. He was my favorite random NPC, lol.

Edit: Made a quick run back, it was Grim Terminus Alliance.


Micius said:
So what did people think about the action interrupts?
I love having it come up Paragon to stop your teammate from hurting someone, and u just letting it go by in cold blood

Matty McDee

Neo Member
golem said:
I love having it come up Paragon to stop your teammate from hurting someone, and u just letting it go by in cold blood
Pushing over a stoned Volus who thinks he is a Biotic God is always fun.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
fizzelopeguss said:

OMG :lol

This is actually painful to watch. Every fight he spends his time killing Harbinger first so that he jumps to EVERY SINGLE ENEMY so he kills Harbinger like 15 times every battle. ARGH!

Also when he has to pick the final team and his whole damn roster is red but 3 people I just busted out laughing.

Matty McDee said:
Pushing over a stoned Volus who thinks he is a Biotic God is always fun.

Probably the funniest moment in the game. "Charge."


Matty McDee said:
Pushing over a stoned Volus who thinks he is a Biotic God is always fun.

That guy had me in tears :lol

I let him charge the room and he tried to light up that asari, it was fucking hilarious watching this little wisp of biotics fly clumsily around the room then she just looked at him and kicked his ass. :lol


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Sebulon3k said:
Does anyone know what the game does with some of the side quest characters from ME1 that show up in ME2 if you start new? People like the Thorian Asari, reporter, Conrad Verner, Rachni Asari on Illium, Parasini.

I wanna start a game as male shepherd but not really worth it these people aren't going to show up in some form.

Most of them don't appear at all, the only one's that appeared were the reporter .. and one survivor from Feros, that's all I encountered in my new-game compared to imported game.

Otherwise in my imported save I was meeting people left and right.

and I loved the interrupt moments, even though I was full paragon, couldn't resist punching that guy in the interrogation scene a few times. So satisfying.
Headbutting a Krogan FUCK YES. Wish we could have helped wrex reunite the clans and bring him but oh well :(

So glad I came out of the end with everyone alive, didn't even know you could I was under the impression some crew HAD to die.

I heard there is a kelly chambers romance option? Haha must try next playthrough.

Fuck the illusive man, you lie to me no reaper tech for your ass.

What's the deal with ashley? ME1 she's a whiney xenophobe now she's a religious nut? I wish the save where you died and I banged liara wasn't on a different 360.

What's with liara? She seems totally different compared to the first game, barely even sounds similar, maybe I'm crazy but I thought both characters were handled poorly in me2 but whatever.


Last boss was ridiculously easy.

Anyway, finished the last part with no deaths (including crew members). Everyone exept Jack was loyal (finished ehr story arc but told her to back away from miranda, so no loyalty for me), had most of the ship upgrades:
1. Sent Legion in the tube.
2. Garrus leader of 2nd squad. (I had miranda and Mordin stick with me).

3. Had Jacob bring the crew members back to the normandy
4. Had miranda lead the 2nd squad/ Samara was shield for me/ fought with Tali and Mordin.

5.Finished last boss with Mordin and Miranda.


Got to admit they did a fantastic job with the characters on the second one. From the new ones i thought Thane was great but the real suprise was Mordin. The guy was simply fanastic (hold the line blah blah must be a soldier thing oh no offence :lol :lol ) and deep. Excellent. Although Liara was strange to me too. Definitely diffrent from the first, more cold less innocent, too bad.

All and all a huge improvement on the first in most areas (except the story, i thought the first one was better, and the mission summaries, i would have prefered an email or something, it felt like playing a level. Finish the level get the report. Next level. Broke the immersion for me).


Based on the ending of Mass Effect 2, does anyone else think Mass Effect 3 will most likely be similar to Dragon Age Origins in the sense that it will be about securing military aid from numerous factions to confront the ultimate threat?

Based on what we've seen so far the reapers are a threat to everything that breathes and even some who don't, so the parallel with the darkspawn/archdemon is evident.

As for the people we need to get involved with the war, we have the Systems Alliance (Citadel council and the Alliance, may still need persuasion about the reaper threat), Cerberus (more or less ready, may be affected by whether or not you handed over the Collector station at the end of ME2), Terminus Systems factions (possibly united under Aria? Mercenary groups?) the Krogan unified under Wrex (if you/Ashley didn't put a bullet in him), the Quarian flotilla (Tali's sidequest and the choices you can make there strongly hints at this), the non-heretical Geth (Legion plotline, related to the Quarian stuff obviously, could be a one or the other situation, or both if you are persuasive) and we have the Rachni and well as the remaining non-council races on the Citadel.

Can't wait... :D


For my sanity, I will pretend that 'Human Reaper' never happened.

If you do this, then the ending is appropriately epic.

...My god was that a shitty idea.


Subete no aware
I'm kind of curious - what happens post game if you lose the Normandy crew (KELLY!!!!) or any of your party members? Is the ship just empty?

Also - whatever happened to being able to end the game with Shepard dead?

Cep said:
For my sanity, I will pretend that 'Human Reaper' never happened.

If you do this, then the ending is appropriately epic.

...My god was that a shitty idea.

I hate when video games do this shit. The game ended perfectly right before that, but I'm sure there are "hardcore gamers" who like stupid boss fights. That shit should have been left behind in the 90s where it belongs.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
firehawk12 said:
Also - whatever happened to being able to end the game with Shepard dead?

It's possible, someone posted youtube links of an ending where that happens on the last page apparently, I didn't watch it, gonna try it myself ..

but basically it involves no loyalties, no upgrades and sending in the wrong people for the wrong thing in the final mission.


Subete no aware
chandoog said:
It's possible, someone posted youtube links of an ending where that happens on the last page apparently, I didn't watch it, gonna try it myself ..

but basically it involves no loyalties, no upgrades and sending in the wrong people for the wrong thing in the final mission.

Just watched that. Man, that's hilarious. I wonder what happens with that ending post game? Can you even New Game Plus at that point?

They did say that Shepard dying isn't canonical and won't be included as an import option for ME3, right?


Screw the alien, then lose the alien on the suicide mission. Psh. Way to go Shepard. I'll have to do a second play through in the near future. Seeing Tali die was pretty heart breaking. :(

And did anyone else who played on Hardcore difficulty find it a little too easy? Granted I had some moments where getting into a ducked cover didn't work and I'd die, or get overwhelmed by zombies (Husks) but even still...


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
firehawk12 said:
They did say that Shepard dying isn't canonical and won't be included as an import option for ME3, right?

That's what Casey Hudson said .. even in ME2's loading screens it tells you "Import your character in Mass Effect 3 .... if you survive".

Makes me think that this just isn't canon at all and ME3 will use a stock Shep if you've only got the "dead" save from ME2.


Subete no aware
chandoog said:
That's what Casey Hudson said .. even in ME2's loading screens it tells you "Import your character in Mass Effect 3 .... if you survive".

Makes me think that this just isn't canon at all and ME3 will use a stock Shep if you've only got the "dead" save from ME2.

It would be hilarious if they came up with a whole new backstory for the universe if you did import a "dead Shepard" save.

Oh yeah, for PC people, I was wondering - does the game create a character file after you finish the game like in ME1? The import in ME2 seems to be based off of a regular save file, so I'm not sure if the decisions are saved after the credits roll.


Subete no aware
CcrooK said:
Screw the alien, then lose the alien on the suicide mission. Psh. Way to go Shepard. I'll have to do a second play through in the near future. Seeing Tali die was pretty heart breaking. :(

And did anyone else who played on Hardcore difficulty find it a little too easy? Granted I had some moments where getting into a ducked cover didn't work and I'd die, or get overwhelmed by zombies (Husks) but even still...

I found Horizon frustrating on Insanity and there were a few other choke points. I found it just slowed the game down rather than offer any real increased difficulty.
chandoog said:
That's what Casey Hudson said .. even in ME2's loading screens it tells you "Import your character in Mass Effect 3 .... if you survive".

Makes me think that this just isn't canon at all and ME3 will use a stock Shep if you've only got the "dead" save from ME2.
Or they could just rebuild him again. :p


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Danne-Danger said:
Or they could just rebuild him again. :p

But that won't seem apt with the way this game ends ... seems like the reapers are on their way, can't really take another 2 years to get to the galaxy, can they ?


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
I think it's clear that if you import your dead Shephard save into ME3 that you'll be playing Joker. The new mechanic is that if you run too fast or get hit by anything it's game over. Punishment for being such a tard at life that you let Shephard die in ME2.
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