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Really Really Exciting Member!
Can anyone explain me Why I didn't see Shep at the end, I had a 7000 EMS with 83% galactic readines, is it because I chose the green ending?

Considering that Shepard literally melt in the green ending, i dont see how did you expect Shepard to come back, unless it was as a ghost.


Well, at 83% it's not a HUGE stretch. Even if he's confusing it he should still have access to that scene.

That just doesn't sound fair. I did everything I could minus making better choices in ME1 and 2 and I only had 3500. Yet people can play MP for a few hours and have more success than me. Bioware really fucked up in this game.

Then again it's not like any of that matters anyway with their current ending :p



I don't agree either.
If you market your game with, all the choices matter, everyone will have different endings etc. You have to deliver that, period.
If you give something else then you promised, the people have the right to be mad.
If Rembrandt painted a fluffy kitten instead of the Nachtwacht, the guy that gave him the job would demand a change to.
I don't agree either.
If you market your game with, all the choices matter, everyone will have different endings etc. You have to deliver that, period.
If you give something else then you promised, the people have the right to be mad.
If Rembrandt painted a fluffy kitten instead of the Nachtwacht, the guy that gave him the job would demand a change to.

Don't dis art?
We are to entitled to do that....


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Levine isn't saying people don't have a right to be mad, just that the author has authority on what they create and if they don't want to make an alternate ending, they don't have to. And he opposes the idea of them doing so.


I just let them know they don't need to stress out over EMS level since it really doesn't matter. I don't think they listened, though.

I saw comments regarding the EMS and "don't put too much effort into ME3" before I finished it. I still did everything and stretched it out as much as I could. And in hindsight I would do it again.
People even messaged me "BAD GAME" when I started it up on Steam ... such behaviour is really bad.


Levine isn't saying people don't have a right to be mad, just that the author has authority on what they create and if they don't want to make an alternate ending, they don't have to. And he opposes the idea of them doing so.
Yeah, I agree here. And like said we're probably not going to see many people fully content, the (current) staff couldn't do the ending they wanted, while players are just given some crap to make them shut up. Either it won't be as satisfying as if it were the ending in the first place (how I'd probably feel), there won't be as much effort put in so it'll be half assed (taken as an actual alternate ending Broken Steel WAS pretty lame), or it'll only pander to people who want a perfect happy ending and still leave most of us in here embittered and frustrated. For me the best solution is to lament how they blew it, and move on. That, or just go "fuck it", make an ME4 set in the distant future, and take us all by surprise at how it leverages off of the current ME3 ending, but maybe that's just my hope alone.


Really Really Exciting Member!
Would you listen?

Personally, I wouldn't care whether or not it affect the ending, since i love doing everything a game has to offer before reaching the end. I did it in ME1 and ME2 and it had 0 effect on their ending whether i did everything or not.
Personally, I wouldn't care whether or not it affect the ending, since i love doing everything a game has to offer before reaching the end. I did it in ME1 and ME2 and it had 0 effect on their ending whether i did everything or not.
Me too, but in this case doing everything means playing the multiplayer which I have no interest in outside of affecting the EMS. I was glad I heeded the advice.
Personally, I wouldn't care whether or not it affect the ending, since i love doing everything a game has to offer before reaching the end. I did it in ME1 and ME2 and it had 0 effect on their ending whether i did everything or not.

Well if you didn't do everything (loyalty missions at least) in ME2, you and your squadmates might not live...


Really Really Exciting Member!
Me too, but in this case doing everything means playing the multiplayer which I have no interest in outside of affecting the EMS. I was glad I heeded the advice.

I also thought that when multiplayer was first announced, i mean "Mass Effect was always a solo game, not touching that multi shit", but i started it this week and its actually fun!

Anyway, when i beated the campaign last week, i never touched multiplayer and still got a full green bar and everything.

Well if you didn't do everything (loyalty missions at least) in ME2, you and your squadmates might not live...

I know that, but when i said everything, i also include the useless N7 missions. I don't know why i did, but i still did these missions. Maybe, somehow, i was hoping something would transfer into ME3 like that nuke mission where we save either a city or a factory. Boy was i wrong.

MC Safety

Do you really want DLC on Aria taking Omega back a few hours before Shepard stormed Cerberus base? Regardless of the result, we still end up with the shitty ending. It's like double the insult since to begin with, I don't give a hoot if Aria gets Omega back or not.

Yeah, Ceberus is dead and I couldn't give a s-. Aria can walk in to Omega and pick up the scraps herself.
I also thought that when multiplayer was first announced, i mean "Mass Effect was always a solo game, not touching that multi shit", but i started it this week and its actually fun!

Anyway, when i beated the campaign last week, i never touched multiplayer and still got a full green bar and everything.
My green bar was filled too, but that's not your EMS.

As for the multiplayer, pretty much the whole single player game is wave/horde mode anyway, so I had my fill there. I'm one of the minority in this thread that isn't impressed by ME3 combat in itself.

Now my copy of ME3 has unused online pass code so I can sell/trade it and get more for it.
This is like that documentary that tries to prove 9/11 was a hoax.

Not really. Indoctrination was originally going to be part of the ending where you lost control of your character, so all the evidence and pointers leading up to the ending are legit..

When you post on facebook: "We are considering changing the ending" All theories are dead, killed.

I don't remember anyone saying those words.

Stat Flow

He gonna cry in the car
So I was just talking with a friend about how I felt about the ending. She finished the game before me but was very good at not spoiling me (I explicitly asked for no spoilers) on the horribleness of the ending.

I was just telling her... I understand why they had to go on after the Reaper Beam even though most people thought that the game should've ended right there, I think BioWare wanted us to make it to the beam to give some closure to the whole TIM vs Shepard thing. It makes sense. Too bad they did that horribly too. I mean, how hard would it have been to have done this. This is like, common sense. I came up with it in 10 minutes and on the fly:

1. (REN) Shoot TIM, but to make it a bad choice, have to shoot Anderson before shooting TIM...for whatever reasons (someone assumed direct control)
OR (PAR) Use your peace points to struggle out of the control and straight up shoot TIM

2. Hackett hits up Shepard, tells him beam isn't firing, Shepard needs to set off one final command (just like the original ending up until this point) and Shepard struggles to get to the pad...he falls out. Q blackness

3. Cut back to earth, things are truly getting dire, show the rubble around the beam, show the two squadmates you brought with you coughing up blood, still alive, but immobile.

4. HERES WHERE DECISIONS COME IN...If you have at least TWO or more squadmates in addition to the two you lost to the beam, they make their way to the beam in hopes of following their commander. The reapers have not monitored the area after apparently killing shepard, so they make it by unscathed, find your two squadmates that got hit by the beam and they all enter the beam to find shepard. If you have no additional squadmates other than the two you initially picked, they can't get carried up, and no one else makes it up to the beam and find shepard on the ground.

5. Shepard wakes up, sees his team, remembers what hackett says, and find that they must carry out the last command. He ignores his crew and crawls to the little control panel, gets ready to do whatever he needs to, then WAIT! Insert any retconned thing here you want: Prothean, "The Catalyst," Liara, TIM waking up <--- any of these can theoretically work despite being kind of retconned.

6. Last choice of the game. Retconned plot device tells you that there are two options to detonating the crucible. One is a safeguard, the other is a full out strike. In the full out strike, all reapers in the universe will be destroyed, but those in close proximity to the blast, or who put in the final command, will also die to pay the price for destroying the reapers completely. This will also destroy the mass relay on the one planet where the crucible is detonated. The second option is the option where the crucible will destroy the immediate reaper threat but will not destroy ALL of them. They will be gone for an indefinite time but they will return in the next few centuries. This option does not kill the one or those who detonate it. Which method of detonation do you choose?

7. (PARAGON) -> The full strike. Shepard, being the savior he is, chooses to destroy the reaper threat once and for all to save all of the galaxy for good. The creww all decides to detonate the shit WITH shepard and thereby all dying with their commander. Cut to 10 years later, showing the ten year anniversary of the reapers deaths where everyone gathers (through vid com, and on the planets that each crew member was from) to honor those that finished the fight. Everyone who was a crew member at one point on the Normandy brings flowers to earth once a year, as the entire normandy crew is buried on Earth. Joker is the only survivor. Even after 10 years, planets are still rebuilding. And mass relay plans are in the works for earth.

(RENEGADE) -> The safeguard; Shepard decides to use the safeguard to destroy the immediate threat along with himself and his crew. Ironically, the Renegade option gets the "happy" yet "selfish" ending. The crew survives, and blahdeblah. Cut to "300 years later" They have honored Shepard by having him be the first human to have tested prolonging the lifespan of humans similar to that of the Asari. He looks older, but he's still kicking. If you romanced Liara, you are with her and your child(ren). If you romanced Ashley, you offered her the life prolonging shit so that you can live together, etc. If you romanced no one, no scene with love interest. Shepard looks out one night to reminisce about all the bullshit he's been through, and in the distant night sees a fucking red reaper laser flash across the sky and destroy the stars. Cue credits

Done. Cheesy, but done, satisfying, and better than that catalyst shit. Fuck this game. That's my ending.
Not really. Indoctrination was originally going to be part of the ending where you lost control of your character, so all the evidence and pointers leading up to the ending are legit.

Yeah, so I "stand by" my support of Indoctrination because of the evidence. That is, that was the original intent for the ending so lots of hints are in the game despite the deus ex machina they tacked on later. At this point I believe the palette swap/Space Casper ending was the final intended ending, but the remnants of the indoctrination ending are still there further adding to the big hot mess.


If history can tell us anything, Mass Effect 3 will be NeoGAF's GOTY


Ironically, I'd be more ok with that than I was with ME2 getting GOTY, because I think overall ME2 had far more problems.

Because, seriously, barring those final 10 minutes, ME3 is an easy 9/10.

I still prefer ME1, but that's simply because it's a different type of game, and one that's far closer to the type of game I prefer.

As for the new thread:

Mass Effect 3 Spoilers [OT2] Home of the Entitled Gamer
Yeah, so I "stand by" my support of Indoctrination because of the evidence. That is, that was the original intent for the ending so lots of hints are in the game despite the deus ex machina they tacked on later. At this point I believe the palette swap/Space Casper ending was the final intended ending, but the remnants of the indoctrination ending are still there further adding to the big hot mess.

I don't think you can call this a Deus Ex Machina ending since the entire game was built around the idea that the Crucible was a reaper killing superweapon, although we didn't exactly know what it did. It doesn't come out of nowhere and solve all the problems, it's built up and the last minute reveal makes the situation far worse, not better, as we find out that it destroys the foundation of their society in it's deployment.

Rebel Leader

@ universalmind

Mass Effect · 670,457 like this
6 hours ago

We are aware that there are concerns about a recent post from this account regarding the ending of the game. In this post it was stated that at this time we do not have plans to change the ending.

We would like to clarify that we are actively and seriously taking all player feedback into consideration and have ruled nothing out.
At this time we are still collecting and considering your feedback and have not made a decision regarding requests to change the ending.

Your feedback and opinions are of the utmost importance to us. We apologize for any confusion this has caused. Our top priority regarding this discussion is to keep communication with you, our loyal fans, open and productive.


[IMG ]https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/423560_10150492397803078_502468077_7565403_888669290_n.jpg[/IMG]

[IM G]https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/378280_3491540609236_1293139504_33526657_95786660_n.jpg[/IMG]


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
The difference between ME2 and ME3 is, despite how the bitter minority feels, ME2 ended on a good note for the majority. People soured by it winning like to forget that, despite how they felt, the general buzz surrounding ME2 was very positive. It won because, for a lot of people, there was little negative upon reflection.

I don't really have the same faith in ME3 as I feel a lot of people were soured by the ending and, come end of the year, other bigger titles with more consistent quality will probably overshadow it.

But then again, MGS4 won GAF's GOTY if I recall correctly, so ME3 probably will too.


tagged by Blackace
Btw. anyone else thought that Shepard himself may have been the catalyst? Came to my mind a few times during my playthrough.

As soon as they first mentioned The Catalyst, I said to my brother instantly: SHEPARD IS THE CATALYST.

We both laughed hysterically at how cliche it'd be.

Stat Flow

He gonna cry in the car
The ME2 ending satisfied me because it actually gave you a chance to have all the shit you did during the game recruiting a bunch of people be satisfying. To go face impossible odds with your crew, and have your decisions decide whether or not they survived...that is called having all your work up to that point being validated.

In ME3, the crew and all other races you helped are nonexistent in the last 5 minutes.


Really Really Exciting Member!
The difference between ME2 and ME3 is, despite how the bitter minority feels, ME2 ended on a good note for the majority. People soured by it winning like to forget that, despite how they felt, the general buzz surrounding ME2 was very positive. It won because, for a lot of people, there was little negative upon reflection.

I don't really have the same faith in ME3 as I feel a lot of people were soured by the ending and, come end of the year, other bigger titles with more consistent quality will probably overshadow it.

But then again, MGS4 won GAF's GOTY if I recall correctly, so ME3 probably will too.

Nah, i expect games like Diablo 3 or Guild Wars 2 to win GOTY before ME3. As good as the rest of the game was, the ending was like a punch in the face after a friendly chat with your best friend.
Nah, i expect games like Diablo 3 or Guild Wars 2 to win GOTY before ME3. As good as the rest of the game was, the ending was like a punch in the face after a friendly chat with your best friend.

This is GAF dude. The ending is just the specific manifestation of the inevitable hate. Did you see the GAF prerelease threads? It was negativity 24/7. People actually went as far as to suggest that ME1 was an enjoyable game! Lunacy!


Really Really Exciting Member!
This is GAF dude. The ending is just the specific manifestation of the inevitable hate. Did you see the GAF prerelease threads? It was negativity 24/7. People actually went as far as to suggest that ME1 was an enjoyable game! Lunacy!

I'm not sure what you're trying to say. Mass Effect was and is still an enjoyable game despite its shitty inventory and Mako controls.
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