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Matt Cassamassina: "Wii is $50 too expensive and three weeks too late."

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gamergirly said:
Matt reminds me of Albedo(in a saner way) from the Xenosaga series. Kinda that love/hate thing going on with him & Nintendo

Matt is a journalist and I enjoy his strong opinions over the rather immature attitude taken by some of his colleagues at the PS3/360 channels. But if you read my post, I'm not really taking issue with his complaints, rather, the quality of his complaints and the way he sets himself up for the disappointments he would then complain about.

This is the guy who runs one of the largest Nintendo channels on the web for a major internet portal and he seems to take the uneducated consesus opinion over what some of us have been saying for a while with fewer contacts and direct communication than he does.

Does the Nintendo reps, and his 'insider' sources ever tell him anything OFF the record? if they have, he's obviously too deluded to take the hints. And if they didn't tell him anything, then what exactly is he doing over there? And what makes his opinion any more worthy?

Journalists earn their status for being peddlers of information and being in the know or being smart enough to piece information together and tell people what they think is likely going to happen. I am questioning what exactly he knows and how much, because this certainly shows he's either stupid or clueless like the rest of us.

Anyways, I have a lot of issues with internet journalism so I'll leave it at that.
SuperPac said:
Nintendo is not going to have any troubles selling Wiis this holiday.

To be fair, every Nintendo system has sold well in their first months of sale, even the Gamecube. Which is why i don't believe this holiday will be any indication of where it'll be, Fall/Winter '07 will be the real test.


Almost every mainstream news source has commented on how inexpensive Wii's $250 price point is, focusing on the fact that it is half the price of the cheap PS3 and comes with a game included. It makes perfect sense from a business perspective.

At current demand levels, Wii would still be a hot holiday item even at $300. Consumers have been conditioned to think they are getting a bargain at anything below $300, thanks to 1) XBOX/PS2 pricing last gen and 2) 360/PS3 pricing this gen. In fact, launching at a higher price point may drive consumers to believe there's a lot more tech in the box than there really is.

And 3 weeks late? Wii is about 3-4 months too early, judging by the rather lackluster 3rd party software and even Nintendo's efforts. It should have launched with Mario Galaxy and/or Smash Brothers.


I can almost see the $50 argument but it's mostly irrelevant when faced with the price tags of the other two consoles.
But the three weeks thing I'm not getting.
sillymonkey321 said:
I was going to get a Wii this fall as a cheap companion system next to my 360. $250 isn't cheap. If i'm going to spend that much, i might as well get a PS3 for $500 now that it's an option given the addition of the HDMI port on all systems.
Although I ultimately don't care what you do with your money, logic like this makes me scratch my head.
I'll be getting a Wii because there is software I want on it. Not because of it's price, not because of it's graphical powers. Same reason I got a 360, same reason I'll be getting a PS3. Anything else these days seems to be either fanboyism or hardware porn.


$50 too much? Sure.

Three weeks too late? Irrelevant. It's shipping in the same timeframe as PS3 and before Thanksgiving. Those are the important pieces if the Wii is to have a successful launch and holiday season. The $50 (more like $150) too much will catch up with it next year, though.


LiveFromKyoto said:
Nah. Wii's going to be getting all the writeups in Time magazine and whatnot as the hot holiday item. PS3 is going to be absurdly expensive, completely unavailable by noon of launch day and not quite as original/newsworthy.

It's already getting that Buzz. I pre-ordered the Wii from Zellers, and I heard 2 lady clerks talking about it. One saw the pre-order sheets and said "what is this thing? I've been getting a lot of calls about it"

The other one said "it's the new Nintendo video game system, but it's different from the other ones. That remote control actually does what you're doing on the screen. When you swing it like a tennis racket, the racket on the screen swings the same way. It's going to be the next big thing!"

That stunt that Ellen pulled, the Time Magazine "top 10 gadgets" writeup, the Business Week stories... the fact that it's half the PS3's sticker-shocking price. There are a lot of good things going for the Wii to become "the next big thing" or "the next DS" if you will.


formerly sane
Deku said:
My problem with Matt is that not only is he the biggest whiner this side of the Internet, and he does literally have a negative opinion about a lot of things, for someone of his stature, he should really know better. But he seems to want to believe what GAF and his idiot friends at the IGN board thinks will happen rather than the some rather large hints Nintendo was giving the public (and presumably to him) for ages.

$250 was not unexpected. A minority on GAF predicted it and even predicted which game would be bundled. Matt may have a fanbase and tenure at IGN to warrant his unassialable positon as lord of Nintendo websites there, but he seems awfully flaky and clueless for someone who has been convering one company for the last 10 years. Perhaps if he would spend less time smoozing for half baked exlcusives and sensationalizing Japanese megaton announcements...

Haven't ya heard Matt's the flippin bible over at the ign boards his manberries get quite dejuiced every day with the legion of fanboys he has. Here's a couple of questions for matt.

What does anyone really know about hollywood that can say anything relevant? Epic NDA, Factor 5 no one ever listens julian eggebrecht on GC Architecture and how versatile it was, and can Ubisoft make a ground up engine instead of this ported shovelware they don't have a signle engine built on any of gc strengths. The saddest part is the company that claims graphics doesn't matter is the only company have games that look better than the predcessors. Honestly why is it most devs on Wii can't take on rare efforts on cube like SFA and Kameo before it was canceled? BTW the Wii has about 3 times more memory by your own specs. Did you say Wii couldn't do bumpmapping funny a crappy midway game has it, chalk up THDJ devs claiming it in, crappy farcry scans (thought you were gonna get hi res ones from ubisoft?) , and even batallion wars 2 have it. Jeez I know when it comes to inside info only you can claim to be a graphics whore and yet make inaccurate representations about the system hardware time after time. Now please go to the 360 channel with the rest of misinformed tools for the industry.


StevieP said:
It's already getting that Buzz. I pre-ordered the Wii from Zellers, and I heard 2 lady clerks talking about it. One saw the pre-order sheets and said "what is this thing? I've been getting a lot of calls about it"

The other one said "it's the new Nintendo video game system, but it's different from the other ones. That remote control actually does what you're doing on the screen. When you swing it like a tennis racket, the racket on the screen swings the same way. It's going to be the next big thing!"

That stunt that Ellen pulled, the Time Magazine "top 10 gadgets" writeup, the Business Week stories... the fact that it's half the PS3's sticker-shocking price. There are a lot of good things going for the Wii to become "the next big thing" or "the next DS" if you will.

We'll see. The "next big thing" is usually the last thing people would expect it to be. It's too easy for sudden fads to shift wind.

RevenantKioku said:
Although I ultimately don't care what you do with your money, logic like this makes me scratch my head.
I'll be getting a Wii because there is software I want on it. Not because of it's price, not because of it's graphical powers. Same reason I got a 360, same reason I'll be getting a PS3. Anything else these days seems to be either fanboyism or hardware porn.

Spot on for me, too. I like the fact that a system I intend to get because of desirable software is going to be cheaper (even though I'd like it to be, and think it should be, a bit cheaper still); how much "value" in the system is an irrelevance.


_leech_ said:
To be fair, every Nintendo system has sold well in their first months of sale, even the Gamecube. Which is why i don't believe this holiday will be any indication of where it'll be, Fall/Winter '07 will be the real test.

Agreed. Though this holiday will be extremely interesting to watch. Never has the market been so evenly divided on price where you have a new console (Wii-360-PS3) at every major price marker from $250 to $600. We're going to see if the market is more swayed by tech under the hood or price, and I'm sure it's not going to go exactly the way anyone's predicting.


The Legend of BorkBork: BorkBorkity Borking
I agree with the price being too high as a consumer, but even he admits that it's a smart business move. As for the launch date, there's definite reasoning behind Nintendo's move. After the PS3's run dry, Wii will rain plentifully all through the shopping season.


I'll make a prediction. It's all going to sell well, I'll have fun playing some video games, lots of people will cry on GAF and more will be banned. Rinse, repeat.


most consumers don't see the price as too high, because it's being compared to $400 and $600 machines.

should it have been $200? ya. will it matter in the end in terms of its success? probably not.

but to say it launches 3 weeks too late? that's just flat out stupid and he's just whining to whine.


As a consumer Matt is right. As Nintendo he's wrong. For Nintendo it's the right price at the right time. It makes sense from a business perspective.
vitaflo said:
As a consumer Matt is right. As Nintendo he's wrong. For Nintendo it's the right price at the right time. It makes sense from a business perspective.
Matt Cassawhatsit said:
selling Wii for $249 through the holiday is a smart business move.

Reading ftl.

Anyways, I've yet to see anything compelling for the wii that isn't going to be available for the GC and buying a console for potential is Sony's line. I'm not buying that one either btw.


Amusingly the first thing I thought when I saw the thread title was 'but now you have three weeks to save up $50'

RevenantKioku said:
Although I ultimately don't care what you do with your money, logic like this makes me scratch my head.
I'll be getting a Wii because there is software I want on it. Not because of it's price, not because of it's graphical powers. Same reason I got a 360, same reason I'll be getting a PS3. Anything else these days seems to be either fanboyism or hardware porn.

I agree with this I know that I'll end up with all three systems just like with the ps2/gc/xbox. I never really understood liking one system over the other.

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
I'm still dissapointed that the Wii isn't $300. I totally wanted to pay $50 more than I will.

Picky picky picky. Jesus, you'll buy it anyway and they know it. Business 101.


Worships the porcelain goddess
Lost Fragment said:
I'm still dissapointed that the Wii isn't $300. I totally wanted to pay $50 more than I will.

Picky picky picky. Jesus, you'll buy it anyway and they know it. Business 101.

Eh, I'm not getting enough for my money with the system at $250, so I'll wait for a price drop. =P

That being said:

_leech_ said:
To be fair, every Nintendo system has sold well in their first months of sale, even the Gamecube. Which is why i don't believe this holiday will be any indication of where it'll be, Fall/Winter '07 will be the real test.

This is an excellent response. Both PS3 and Wii (and probably x360) will sell out this Holiday Season, so all of this stuff is moot. Next year, we'll see what the market has decided for itself. Welcome the HD generation? Or embrace Turbo Gamecube with the unique control method? (speaking US here, I dunno what Japan will do). I think being stuck a generation behind in terms of technology might come back to bite Nintendo in the ass with the Wii, despite the cool way to control games.

Nintendo will do what Nintendo does though: Profit.

Mr Toast

_leech_ said:
To be fair, every Nintendo system has sold well in their first months of sale, even the Gamecube. Which is why i don't believe this holiday will be any indication of where it'll be, Fall/Winter '07 will be the real test.

Spot-on. At $249 the main adopters will be the Nintendo fans and the standard early adopters. Once Wii gets a Nintendogs-ish mainstream title AND has the $199 price point - which in all honestly wont take too long to hit, and then it should hit its stride. I think a $199 Wii, perhaps a pack in (Wii sports still) in late 07 will be a minimum requirement to compete with a 360 Halo holiday season plus a PS3 with whatever big names hit then.


I think the date and price is fine.
Years ago when nintendo was planning the successor to gamecube, Iwata said that the low price might make consumers think its cheap @199. Said that the next console would be a little more expensive.
The 250 price point was kind of expected and regardless, the Wii will sell out in 2006. I agree with alot of people here that when the time comes, Nintendo will easily drop it to the 200 mark when neccessary (perhaps with the release of a must-have title or for the following holiday season)
Matt is 50lbs to heavy and always 3weeks late with any new news.
Don’t here me complain about that do you Matt?

And anyway Had Sony not set such a high price point on the PS3 Nintendo woulda come in lower, but being as there are gonna be LOADS of them available over Xmas they can sell them at that price.


I was personally anticapating a possibility of a $150 pricetag (Though I thought it would probably end up being $200) because this is the first time Nintendo didn't have hardware that was even remotely competitive with the 360 and PS3.

No offence should be taken but many developers have essentially described the Wii as a Gamecube on steriods. I thought this was actually a good opportunity for the Wii to go full distance in it's "market distruptor" strategy and price itself at $150, go for the REAL non gamers crowd. At $250 and $60 controllers (Please note that it's a multiplayer, non gamers oriented system)... Well I'll say I lost my intrest in it completley because they have abandoned everything they were preaching since E3 (At least in my eyes) and I think the price IS affordable, but what you get for that price almost makes it feel like a scam.

EDIT: No need to criticize Matt because at E3, he said if the Wii would cost MORE than $200 he'd be really dissapointed... And guess what it costs $250. Not a horrible price but noting what you get a lot of people are dissapointed.


Beezy said:

Why not? A non gamers/extremely casual system with last-gen hardware, $150 is very reasonable. I mean now after we know the price $150 does sound ridiculous, but hey $250 for what you get is also ridiculous. I mean will all that non gamer preaching Nintendo did at E3, the Wii is essentially in the same price range as the 360.


Professional Schmuck
I honestly like Matt but sometimes he misses the point. His love of Nintendo overshadows any business sense that he might have. He doesn't get that starting at $250 gives Nintendo tons more leverage for price drops in the market while attempting to establish a "Nintendo-premium," if you will.

One of the many problems with the GC was perceived value, and Nintendo's lesson learned (whether actually correct is up for debate) was not what kind of graphics were produced, but the perceived value of the machine itself. So, they take a very toy-looking console that was a bit underpriced while being a bit ahead graphically of the PS2, and they make a very sleek Apple-inspired console that is a bit overpriced while being "a bit" ;) behind graphically of the PS3.

Basically, raise the price and people will think your stuff is worth more. Matt is just assuming that the magic number (the highest people will pay without thinking they're being cheated) is much lower than it is.
Volant said:
Why not? A non gamers/extremely casual system with last-gen hardware, $150 is very reasonable. I mean now after we know the price $150 does sound ridiculous, but hey $250 for what you get is also ridiculous. I mean will all that non gamer preaching Nintendo did at E3, the Wii is essentially in the same price range as the 360.
Yep, its last gen hardware. With Last gen games, and last gen looks, and last gen’s last genniness.
It fact its soooo last gen, that I declare it a Nintendo64


PantherLotus said:
I honestly like Matt but sometimes he misses the point. His love of Nintendo overshadows any business sense that he might have. He doesn't get that starting at $250 gives Nintendo tons more leverage for price drops in the market while attempting to establish a "Nintendo-premium," if you will.

One of the many problems with the GC was perceived value, and Nintendo's lesson learned (whether actually correct is up for debate) was not what kind of graphics were produced, but the perceived value of the machine itself. So, they take a very toy-looking console that was a bit underpriced while being a bit ahead graphically of the PS2, and they make a very sleek Apple-inspired console that is a bit overpriced while being "a bit" ;) behind graphically of the PS3.

Basically, raise the price and people will think your stuff is worth more. Matt is just assuming that the magic number (the highest people will pay without thinking they're being cheated) is much lower than it is.

I think the general census is that $250 is too much noting the hardware, and the hardware value the Wii offers is almost pathetic compared to the competitors that lose $100+ per machine opposed to the money Wii will be bringing in on day one.

I mean it's a bit ridiculous for us to support paying a "Premium" price for a Nintendo product because it has a Nintendo logo on it... No? Sure people can draw distinctions between the Wii and the Mac Ipod. Ipod is a social status, and a trendy gadget. The Wii is a succesor to the the floppiest console of last-gen. Mind you the competitors offer amazing value for what you pay, and Nintendo isn't even being competitive in this area even though the price is almost in the same range as the 360.


Are half of you people even reading what Matt said-- it's not all negative. Here's more of what Matt said:

Matt C. said:
But here's the thing: Nintendo is a business, and selling Wii for $249 through the holiday is a smart business move. As much as I'd prefer it were cheaper, even I recognize that.

Matt C. said:
Even with all of this being true, it's not as though I believe Nintendo has made some crippling mistake. In truth, I think Wii is going to perform phenomenally this holiday. I also believe that it has a solid chance of surprising everybody and gaining much more market share than anticipated, particularly in Japan. Unlike GameCube, I think Wii has a chance for the number one spot.

Basically what he's saying is that as a cosumer, it's a bit of a ripoff; but as a business it's a smart move. Well, duh.:)


DefectiveReject said:
Yep, its last gen hardware. With Last gen games, and last gen looks, and last gen’s last genniness.
It fact its soooo last gen, that I declare it a Nintendo64

Well you're being a bit too defensive about it? No? Let's take out the "Last-gen" part, of my previous post and just talk about hardware value. When refering to "last-gen" it's obviously the hardware power of the system that is pretty much on the same/slightly more powerful XBox range.


Or it's a dumb move both ways.

Man, I don't know if I can hold back on the Wii till zelda comes out for GC (i'm getting a wii no matter what, but I gotta finish this semester first). Damn you university education!


Volant said:
I mean it's a bit ridiculous for us to support paying a "Premium" price for a Nintendo product because it has a Nintendo logo on it... No? Sure people can draw distinctions between the Wii and the Mac Ipod. Ipod is a social status, and a trendy gadget. The Wii is a succesor to the the floppiest console of last-gen. Mind you the competitors offer amazing value for what you pay, and Nintendo isn't even being competitive in this area even though the price is almost in the same range as the 360.

Who cares? Do you honestly, as a gamer, walk into a games store, look at a console and the shelf of games, and say, "Hmm... well, I might buy this, but Company X will get some money off of it. On the other hand, this thing over here may cost me twice as much, but at least it's costing Company Z money, too."

I'll look at the lineup of games, determine whether it has games I want to pay, and then decide how much I'm willing to spend based on my desire to play those games, or if they're of less importance to me that I'm willing to wait for a price drop.

If the games don't interest you, don't buy the system. If they do, do. That's all. This "But they're making a profit!" is the most ridiculous line of BS that's sprung up here of late.
Volant said:
Well you're being a bit too defensive about it? No? Let's take out the "Last-gen" part, of my previous post and just talk about hardware value. When refering to "last-gen" it's obviously the hardware power of the system that is pretty much on the same/slightly more powerful XBox range.

Firstly I’d refer you to Dragona’s post in the Downgraded topic, which is stickied at the top.
We know Wii isn’t a big jump up, but its big enough for what Nintendo want to do.
If Nintendo where marketing it as big powerful next gen hardware, then yeah I’d maybe agree with you slightly, but its not, its new. It delivers new games in a new generation. It has a next generation of controller, which if its succesful will become the norm most likely next next gen.
You’re paying for a new console which delivers other features from the power.
Its Small, its powerful (For its size), its quick loading, energy efficient, has photo, video editing, News/Weather channels, VC, option to browse the net, email, messaging, online gaming, Wi-Fi, B/C, and a game bundled in as well as a controller and nunchuk which will retail at $60 seperately
If you’re not happy with the price, good for you. Wait for the price drop, but don’t go calling out the hardware as last gen, when its clearly not, as for functionality it’s a step up for last gen, and for the control scheme too.


Professional Schmuck
Volant said:
I think the general census is that $250 is too much noting the hardware, and the hardware value the Wii offers is almost pathetic compared to the competitors that lose $100+ per machine opposed to the money Wii will be bringing in on day one.

I mean it's a bit ridiculous for us to support paying a "Premium" price for a Nintendo product because it has a Nintendo logo on it... No? Sure people can draw distinctions between the Wii and the Mac Ipod. Ipod is a social status, and a trendy gadget. The Wii is a succesor to the the floppiest console of last-gen. Mind you the competitors offer amazing value for what you pay, and Nintendo isn't even being competitive in this area even though the price is almost in the same range as the 360.

You have a tiny point, but still miss it just like most of the rest of us hardcore gamers. Premiums have nothing to do with capabilities, and everything to do with value. The only people looking at hardware are people like you and I. Obviously 250 seems like a high number for the hardware, but that has nothing to do with the price. Not even remotely.

Mom, grandpa, sister, pop, younger brother, aunts, uncles, my cat...they could give a shit less about the graphics. They're paying for that trendy gadget. They don't know that an ipod is just a really shiny MP3 player...but they do know it has those sweet ass comercials and that everyone including God himself has one. That is a premium.

And about your "floppiest console" drop...you gotta try harder than that to troll around here buddy. You think the people Nintendo are trying to sell to have a ****ing clue about its relation to the GameCube? C'mon d00d.


hyperbolically metafictive
that nintendo is making a big profit off every wii sold is academic -- that you're getting really weak hardware for $250 is very directly relevant. the former is just a measure of the latter. and surely dragona's rule doesn't forbid discussion of wii's value in threads about wii's value.


RevenantKioku said:
Although I ultimately don't care what you do with your money, logic like this makes me scratch my head.
I'll be getting a Wii because there is software I want on it. Not because of it's price, not because of it's graphical powers. Same reason I got a 360, same reason I'll be getting a PS3. Anything else these days seems to be either fanboyism or hardware porn.

Never a truer word spuck.


ethelred said:
Who cares? Do you honestly, as a gamer, walk into a games store, look at a console and the shelf of games, and say, "Hmm... well, I might buy this, but Company X will get some money off of it. On the other hand, this thing over here may cost me twice as much, but at least it's costing Company Z money, too."

I'll look at the lineup of games, determine whether it has games I want to pay, and then decide how much I'm willing to spend based on my desire to play those games, or if they're of less importance to me that I'm willing to wait for a price drop.

If the games don't interest you, don't buy the system. If they do, do. That's all. This "But they're making a profit!" is the most ridiculous line of BS that's sprung up here of late.

Well games are only one part of the package... No? You look at the hardware, controller, online service, aestahtetics. I mean people say that the Wiimote is supposed to sell you the Wii (Games too of course), and that hardware doesn't matter. Well the Wiimote IS a piece of hardware and it's an obvious selling point. Just like 720p, Blue Ray, a standardized hard-drive and other hardware features are selling points too.

Plus anybody who's a PC gamer, looks directly at the hardware performance of the console when paying for it. One reason I bought an XBox for 480 euros at launch, but didn't feel like paying 300 euros for a PS2 1.5 years after it's launch... Hardware is a HUGE factor, if hardware like the Wiimote is a factor, performance and what not should also be a factor.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
RevenantKioku said:
I'll make a prediction. It's all going to sell well, I'll have fun playing some video games, lots of people will cry on GAF and more will be banned. Rinse, repeat.

That`s a remarkably safe bet.

Bitter tears are assured on GAF.
Volant said:
I think the general census is that $250 is too much noting the hardware, and the hardware value the Wii offers is almost pathetic compared to the competitors that lose $100+ per machine opposed to the money Wii will be bringing in on day one.

I mean it's a bit ridiculous for us to support paying a "Premium" price for a Nintendo product because it has a Nintendo logo on it... No? Sure people can draw distinctions between the Wii and the Mac Ipod. Ipod is a social status, and a trendy gadget. The Wii is a succesor to the the floppiest console of last-gen. Mind you the competitors offer amazing value for what you pay, and Nintendo isn't even being competitive in this area even though the price is almost in the same range as the 360.

The general consensus? What here on GAF? Go to my local GAME stores and tell that to the people who have put money down to buy one already. The same GAME stores that never really sold Nintendo products, but now can’t sell them quick enough, and people want more.

Why should Nintendo sell their Hardware at a loss? They are a business, and if Sony and MS wanna sell their hardware at a loss so you buy it, then more power to them, Nintendo sell at a profit and still sell for much less than those two. That’s good business from day one, and guarantees Nintendo a future as this is their business, and their only real income.
drohne said:
that nintendo is making a big profit off every wii sold is academic -- that you're getting really weak hardware for $250 is very directly relevant. the former is just a measure of the latter. and surely dragona's rule doesn't forbid discussion of wii's value in threads about wii's value.

It does when you downgrade the hardware as last gen When its quite clearly not. People who put effort in get games like Galaxy and MP3, which are big steps up from last gen, but no where near as nice as the mark set by the 360 and PS3.
You also can’t bitch about the state of the hardware, when the company selling it are telling you themselves its not powerful, if you want power go get that elsewhere.
They are selling it at $250, and making probably a very small profit, just like every other company in the world outside of MS and Sony.


PantherLotus said:
You have a tiny point, but still miss it just like most of the rest of us hardcore gamers. Premiums have nothing to do with capabilities, and everything to do with value. The only people looking at hardware are people like you and I. Obviously 250 seems like a high number for the hardware, but that has nothing to do with the price. Not even remotely.

Mom, grandpa, sister, pop, younger brother, aunts, uncles, my cat...they could give a shit less about the graphics. They're paying for that trendy gadget. They don't know that an ipod is just a really shiny MP3 player...but they do know it has those sweet ass comercials and that everyone including God himself has one. That is a premium.

And about your "floppiest console" drop...you gotta try harder than that to troll around here buddy. You think the people Nintendo are trying to sell to have a ****ing clue about its relation to the GameCube? C'mon d00d.

While I'm pretty sure your mom, sister, aunt, and grandfather can't tell the difference in texture quality, character models, lighting, or resolultion between MGS3 and MGS4, I don't see how that is a valid excuse for the low value the Wii represents in terms of hardware, and why posters on a gaming forum that try to count the number of polies on Snake's mustache in the latest MGS4 screens should care about all these irrelavant demographs (They are irrelavant to us outside of sales threads).

I mean if you like Nintendo games, fine whatever. Buy a Wii, nobody is gonna criticize you. But there is no way you can defend the hardware/price ratio of the console without to some extent sounding like a tool. You can say it doesn't matter to YOU, but you have to accept the fact that it's one of the main, if not the main things people look at when buying a console. Look at the situation with the PS3 tons of people on gaming forums are gladly willing to shellout $600 for a console because of Blu-Ray, HDMI and what not.


I just find it mind-boggling that after 20 years of basically defining "next gen" hardware (while mocking the forces of inflation), and with Nintendo pointing out how the competition is wasting resources on frivolous extras like HDTV and Dolby Digital and hard drives and CD/DVD/HD DVD support, that Nintendo would put together a console that only looks good when you compare it to the earning-money-at-$99-since-2003 GameCube, and that they need to charge a new record-high (for Nintendo) price for it.

If the games show up like everyone's expecting, then I'll obviously get one, but as a lifelong Nintendo fanboy I'm pained to say that I've got no respect for, or pride in, the Wii hardware (or name either, for that matter), and I won't be surprised to see an eventual developer exodus after the Wii becomes clearly obsolete, probably before it gets a chance to hit $99. Either that or everyone will be forced to switch to another new $250 "Wii SP" in two or three years.

I expected the Wii to be in the $99-199 range, or for the Revolution to be around $250, but thanks to coming a year late it'd generally keep up with the Xbox360/PS3 when looking at games that don't take advantage of the hardware, and have the added bonus of a brilliant new control method.

And I think that the last ten years of Sony dominance and Nintendo failure have proven that Nintendo would be a shortsighted fool not to be losing $50 on the hardware at the time of launch/pricedrops, and then earning their way back into profit as costs go down, building a userbase and making money on healthy royalties, rather than the "obvious good business" of being greedy, earning money on the hardware at the pricedrops, and earning mad money on the hardware as the costs go down.


The whole "Hardware doesn't matter" is just a crappy PR line, that could change any moment when it suits Nintnedo to whatever suits Nintendo, just like online didn't matter last-gen. You can be sure as hell if Nintendo had the most powerful platform they'd be rubbing it into the competition's face day and night.

What gets me is the people that repeat the PR line, and talk about 12 year old girls and grandmas that's can't tell the difference between graphics even though they are well informed gamers browsing internet forums debating the the most ridiculous graphical/artistic aspects of games that most people don't even care about :lol

For all the Matt hate he HAS A VALID POINT, you're arguments all come down to ridiculous things (Graphics don't matter, my one eyed grandpa can't tell the difference and yadda yadda yadda). The other problem with the price, aside from hardware that Matt obviously sees is that they've essentially forsaken all that non gamer and bringing people together crap they've been saying since E3. $250 console, and $60 controllers doesn't exactly sound all that great to the average non gamer that is supposed to be afraid of a joypad's complexity but is supposed to buy a Wii because of it's simple gameplay. The contradition of bundling a multiplayer oriented game with the Wii and making controllers cost a ridiculous amount of money.


God damn it doesn't even play CD's, that's ghetto. Anyways it's way better PR to launch head to head with Sony and still take the lead. And blah blah blah.....old news.


Don´t hit me for my bad english plase
I think that we must start to see the things from the perspective of the final consumer instead the perspective of the people that knows everything. It is said that the ignorance gives you the happiness, Matt isn´t happy because he knows what Wii is.

But at the same time I doubt that he is going to attack the MP3, Camera and Mobile Phone industries for selling hardware with profits like Nintendo is doing.
Beezy said:

Loads of people were expecting a low price, some of the predictions were funny.

I think the price is good, £180 in Britain means it's less than half the price of PS3, and will obviously be seen as cheap(ish) impulse buy.

The world wide launch means there wasn't going to be a massive disparity between the glabal prices of the Wii, and America took it in the chin (same with PS3) but you'll get over it.
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