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Media Create Sales: 9/10-9/16 2007


Phife Dawg said:
I never understood this argument. "It's selling good at it's price-point". What does that even mean? That it has room to grow once the price drops? That's a given for every console out there, even the comparatively low-priced Wii.
Have a look at the iPod. We all know it sells AMAZING. But when you look closely you will see most sales are the cheap shuffle version. It is not like those video ipods sell like hundrets of millions.

Same goes for PS3 vs. Wii and PSP vs. DS. Of course the more affordable machines sell better, still a PSP with now 26M is a success (PS3 is to be seen, but if they reach their 11M at the current price it is too)


DefectiveReject said:
Okay Wii sales are mediocre compared to.............Wii Sales...........

Compared to previous Wii sales, yes.What's so hard to understand about that?

So PS3 and 360 sales are what>>????

Is this a fanboy pissing contest or something?PSP and Wii were (for me) the most notible to mention because of their sales pattern.PSP having a 80.000 unit increase, and Wii having mediocre sales compared to not so long ago.

PS3 and 360 are pretty much the same as always, they dont really stand out because of a huge increase/decrease in sales.

Its utterly ridiculous that when i comment about the mediocre Wii sales, i should automatically name the PS3/360 and how they suck compared to the Wii in sales.

Also the reason Wii sales have halved is down to NO games releasing for it during this time frame.
When Mario, Smash and Fit release and Wii sales go back up and probably beyond what they were a few weeks ago, what will Wii sales be then, and how will PS3 sales compare then.

Well the reason the ps3 isnt selling is because of price and also lack of software.When the price drops and MGS4, FFXIII, WKS, SO4 etc release sales will go up im sure.How will sales compare to Wii then?

I can play this game as well my friend.And you know ...you're probably right about Wii sales picking up again, but that doesnt mean Wii sales arent mediocre at this moment.
You're basically agreeing with me by giving reasons why it sold mediocre.

I have a strange TAG, but i put it down to a USA>UK not getting it, and tagging me.
Whereas your comment above was just TOTALLY RETARDED

I think your tag suits you just fine.I'll leave it that, and be the mature one and move on.


quetz67 said:
Have a look at the iPod. We all know it sells AMAZING. But when you look closely you will see most sales are the cheap shuffle version. It is not like those video ipods sell like hundrets of millions.

Same goes for PS3 vs. Wii and PSP vs. DS. Of course the more affordable machines sell better, still a PSP with now 26M is a success (PS3 is to be seen, but if they reach their 11M at the current price it is too)

26m as of June. :)
Grampasso said:
Holy crap at what, exactly? In a week where the Slim version was launched together with one of the most anticipated game for the machine? Honestly I don't think such a bump is that good. I thought it could move much more hardware numbers that this.

No Slim version was not launched. That was only the limited edition version. If I am not mistaken it is this week when slim is released?


Phife Dawg said:
The slim wasn't launched during last week. CC launched accompanied by a LE Slim bundle .77.777 CEs were made available. Honestly I'm suprised 17.710 PSP fat were sold.

Wether or not slim will have a positive effect on PSP hardware sales will only be seen in the long run though.
Yeah, my bad, I misread a previous post. :)


k79 said:
Well the reason the ps3 isnt selling is because of price and also lack of software.When the price drops and MGS4, FFXIII, WKS, SO4 etc release sales will go up im sure.How will sales compare to Wii then?

Everyone seems to say wait till MGS4, FF etc along with pricedrop for the PS3 to boost in sales but ive never seen anybody say what will happen when the Wii's price will drop. Everyones dropped the price of their console so far except Nintendo and we all know that they can if they want (if it starts slowing down). So whats stopping them from dropping the price when the PS3 just starts to roll to kill it off? (BTW not singling you out just wanted to point out noone takes in consideration if the Wii drops price).
k79 said:
Compared to previous Wii sales, yes.What's so hard to understand about that?

Is this a fanboy pissing contest or something?PSP and Wii were (for me) the most notible to mention because of their sales pattern.PSP having a 80.000 unit increase, and Wii having mediocre sales compared to not so long ago.

PS3 and 360 are pretty much the same as always, they dont really stand out because of a huge increase/decrease in sales.

Its utterly ridiculous that when i comment about the mediocre Wii sales, i should automatically name the PS3/360 and how they suck compared to the Wii in sales.

Well the reason the ps3 isnt selling is because of price and also lack of software.When the price drops and MGS4, FFXIII, WKS, SO4 etc release sales will go up im sure.How will sales compare to Wii then?

I can play this game as well my friend.And you know ...you're probably right about Wii sales picking up again, but that doesnt mean Wii sales arent mediocre at this moment.
You're basically agreeing with me by giving reasons why it sold mediocre.

I think your tag suits you just fine.I'll leave it that, and be the mature one and move on.

PSP sales increase was due to ONE game releasing, sales will normalise over the next few weeks. Any NON-Retard would know this.

Wii sales AREN'T in any way mediocre. it's about what the average sales of a top selling home console in Japan would usually be (Before Wii came along).
And the PS3 not selling because of price, and software....... NO. It has software, the price in Japan is reasonable. The damn Wii was even out-tracking the damned DS.

Jesus, some of you guys really aren't retarded just plain DUMB.
DefectiveReject said:
PSP sales increase was due to ONE game releasing, sales will normalise over the next few weeks. Any NON-Retard would know this.

Wii sales AREN'T in any way mediocre. it's about what the average sales of a top selling home console in Japan would usually be (Before Wii came along).
And the PS3 not selling because of price, and software....... NO. It has software, the price in Japan is reasonable. The damn Wii was even out-tracking the damned DS.

Jesus, some of you guys really aren't retarded just plain DUMB.



DefectiveReject said:
PSP sales increase was due to ONE game releasing, sales will normalise over the next few weeks. Any NON-Retard would know this.

Wii sales AREN'T in any way mediocre. it's about what the average sales of a top selling home console in Japan would usually be (Before Wii came along).
And the PS3 not selling because of price, and software....... NO. It has software, the price in Japan is reasonable. The damn Wii was even out-tracking the damned DS.

Jesus, some of you guys really aren't retarded just plain DUMB.

Someone forgot to take their happy pills....
Jcgamer60 said:
Someone forgot to take their happy pills....

I knew like many that as soon as "The Playstaion Family" outpaced "The Nintendo Family" even for one week, the MC thread would get dumb again.

I think sp0rsk even predicted it in the earlier topic, when early numbers leaked.

All we need now is Tabris and spwolf in here claiming the tide has turned, and Jimbo telling us the 360 will hit 1million units in Japan, again after it had a bump, the like sof what the PSP had with this game
Sharp said:
Seems over for Nintendo.

Good one. :lol
Anyway, I think that guys like Tabris or Pheanixdown or the old-never-forgotten Monorojo that spin for Sony is an insane way are a good thing to Media Create's threads, that, otherwise, would be annoying since Nintendo dominated for last 2 years on every level and every discussion was old and boring.
Just I hope that this spinning doesn't degenerate too much.


Since were all talking about combacks and big games that are going to save systems. I believe the Wii has 4 MAJOR games for Japan to boost its sales. For 2007 we obviously have SMG and SSBB which will both be huge. In 2008 though Nintendo has Mario Kart which should be a million seller and even bigger they are gonna have animal crossing. Animal crossing on the DS has sold more than any final fantasy game has ever sold.


DefectiveReject said:
I knew like many that as soon as "The Playstaion Family" outpaced "The Nintendo Family" even for one week, the MC thread would get dumb again.

I think sp0rsk even predicted it in the earlier topic, when early numbers leaked.

All we need now is Tabris and spwolf in here claiming the tide has turned, and Jimbo telling us the 360 will hit 1million units in Japan, again after it had a bump, the like sof what the PSP had with this game

Its expected.


Izzy said:
Wii numbers are disappointingly low considering PSP used to sell in the 30-40k bracket - and usually without games.

But next week figures should be much improved with the launch of Strikers and Katana.
Tabris said:
Wii and DS sales are horrible, a trend I hope continues continuely to even the market and lessen the non-game trend.

So while I thought this week was going to be ps3 ffvii remake week to place ps3 into a position where it can start getting great buzz to start selling some more consoles, I will settle with PSP selling very well and changing the direction (or as you would say, the tide) and ratios of the handheld market. This is a trend that will continue, especially with the PSP Lite.

PS3 Spring 2008 is where the buzz will be and where you will get announcements like FFVII remake. It's probabaly too early for that right now, but expect 2008 to be the year where PS3 starts breaking the 50k/weekly mark and gets on the path to pass the Wii.

Crisis Core is doing great of course and will sell 1 million copies in under 3 months.

All in all, the future is looking good for the good guys!



I think JoshuaJSlone's stats post should be mandatory reading for anyone considering posting in MC threads. It would maybe stop rabid fanboys looking so out of touch with reality.


Eteric Rice said:
My God, who let Tabris back in here?

Tabris crawls back into MC threads each and every time there are some good Sony news around. Of course, once things settle back to the usual Nintendomination, he will claim that his time is too precious to take part into those Nintendo fanboys circle jerks that are the weekly MC threads. Never fails.
quetz67 said:
Have a look at the iPod. We all know it sells AMAZING. But when you look closely you will see most sales are the cheap shuffle version. It is not like those video ipods sell like hundrets of millions.

Same goes for PS3 vs. Wii and PSP vs. DS. Of course the more affordable machines sell better, still a PSP with now 26M is a success (PS3 is to be seen, but if they reach their 11M at the current price it is too)
That's not really viable. iPod is the current leader in it's segment. How can you compare different versions of the same product with different products. A viable comparisson would be iPod and it's competitors but that wouldn't be in favour of the current video-game market. If anything iPod's are pretty pricey when compared to other products and yet still reign supreme at their comparitive price. Shuffle may sell more than video iPods but video iPods sell more than portable video players by other manufacturers.

And that just goes to show that the affordable machine is not bound to sell more, as was demonstrated by the PS2 and the GC.

PSP I'd consider a relative success as well, although we don't know for sure I'm pretty certain Sony makes a few bucks on the hardware.

PS3 is a failure, even at it's current price-point. Not only did it fail to sell how Sony expected (5 mill without software etc.) but they also loose a lot of money in the process (and will be loosing more if they decide to lower the price to spark sales).
Chumly said:
Since were all talking about combacks and big games that are going to save systems. I believe the Wii has 4 MAJOR games for Japan to boost its sales. For 2007 we obviously have SMG and SSBB which will both be huge. In 2008 though Nintendo has Mario Kart which should be a million seller and even bigger they are gonna have animal crossing. Animal crossing on the DS has sold more than any final fantasy game has ever sold.

I don't think that Animal crossing Wii will come near the huge sales of his DS comrade.For instance Big Brain Academy on Wii haven't sold nearly as much as the DS version ,or take Cooking Mama for comparison.
DefectiveReject said:
PSP sales increase was due to ONE game releasing, sales will normalise over the next few weeks. Any NON-Retard would know this.

Wii sales AREN'T in any way mediocre. it's about what the average sales of a top selling home console in Japan would usually be (Before Wii came along).
And the PS3 not selling because of price, and software....... NO. It has software, the price in Japan is reasonable. The damn Wii was even out-tracking the damned DS.

Jesus, some of you guys really aren't retarded just plain DUMB.

We know this point of view and personally I partly agree, outside the fact that the PSP will return to the original weekly 30k. In fact I believe that PSP Slim could hang the handheld around 35-40k until Christmas and then... software is what will matter.
Wii is the fastest selling console in Japan ever, even better then the DS who had problems at its first year because no non-games were already out (Nintendogs, Brain Training). There are lots of games that will come out shortly, so I don't see problems for this machine.
The same for DS: who said that 80k is low is insane. It is low only compared to the absurd high levels of itself who, for 21 weeks, sold more then 100k. And thanks to Square-Enix, DS will pass another great Chirstmas.

PSP is doing great. Period. But it will never reach DS levels of domination and this is not difficult to see since the vast majority of games in the top 50 are still on DS and since. obviously, the PSP is now over 6 millions and the DS is approaching 20 millions in Japan. It's an abyss and worldwide it's even worse.
BUT this doesn't mean that it isn't doing great: in fact I'm sure that the handheld will pass a great Christmas either, both software and hardware (maybe hardware a little bit better then software, as always). I'm slighty more worried for next year, but we'll see.

But what I'm saying is ***ing obvious and boring. What's the point then ? Don't answer to these guys that are only spinning for Sony. And I'm sure they probably are not SO big fans of Sony, but fans of videogames in general like you and me. Simply hey're trying to find the idiot to ban. So, don't fall in their trap. That's my hint.

I'm still convinced that the good thing of this market is that nobody really dominate worldwide and that there is space for many consoles, with many different games of different genres. The scenario I wanna NOT see is a monopole, that it's always BAD for the industry and for the consumer.


DefectiveReject said:
PSP sales increase was due to ONE game releasing, sales will normalise over the next few weeks. Any NON-Retard would know this.

If you read my first post, you know the one that somehow infuriated you, i said, and i quote "Crisis Core revived the psp sales (for now)".

Wii sales AREN'T in any way mediocre. it's about what the average sales of a top selling home console in Japan would usually be (Before Wii came along).
And the PS3 not selling because of price, and software....... NO. It has software, the price in Japan is reasonable. The damn Wii was even out-tracking the damned DS.

Not mediocre in any way?How about the fact they're mediocre compared to previous Wii sales.Ask a random Japanese why he wont buy a PS3.I'll bet the 2 culprits will be:

1) Price
2) (lack of) quality software.

Jesus, some of you guys really aren't retarded just plain DUMB.

I might be a junior and all, but im not the one with a Captain Retard tag.
You act as if everything i say is so farfetched and unreasonable.


The Wii is selling pretty damn poorly considering where it was before. When the PS3 started doing this everyone jeered and sneered; why is the Wii exempt? Because it's 20k a week higher? It needs games, and fast--or, failing that, at least nongames.


DefectiveReject said:

All we need now is Tabris and spwolf in here claiming the tide has turned, and Jimbo telling us the 360 will hit 1million units in Japan, again after it had a bump, the like sof what the PSP had with this game
I'm afraid but it already happened somewhere before in this thread >_>

Rolf NB

Good to see the PSP in good health. Otherwise pretty boring.
Any reason why the GBA tries to escape from its grave? Did a game come out or what?
Sharp said:
The Wii is selling pretty damn poorly considering where it was before. When the PS3 started doing this everyone jeered and sneered; why is the Wii exempt? Because it's 20k a week higher? It needs games, and fast--or, failing that, at least nongames.

Even the DS has had almost 6 months were it sold very bad, but this doesn't stop it to sell like crazy after Nintendogs and Brain Training came out. The second round with Mario and Animal Crossing have then completed its success. I agree that these Wii sales are low compared to before, but I think you agree with me when I say that if the DS survived with 6 months of bad sales, the Wii will not have big problems with a stupid insignifiant 2-3 weeks of underperforming. It's the complex that matters and not a little interval of time, otherwise the PS2 would not have dominated like it did, because I remember that Nintendo performed in Japan very well in the Christmas period. But, again, it's not a single period that change things: it can only "smooth some angle".
k79 said:
If you read my first post, you know the one that somehow infuriated you, i said, and i quote "Crisis Core revived the psp sales (for now)".
They didn't revive anything. a revival is something that happens gradually and continues as such, maintaining popularity. Not a 1 or 2 week bump due to a new game, followed by a new version of the handheld to boost sales.

Not mediocre in any way?How about the fact they're mediocre compared to previous Wii sales.Ask a random Japanese why he wont buy a PS3.I'll bet the 2 culprits will be:

1) Price
2) (lack of) quality software.


I might be a junior and all, but im not the one with a Captain Retard tag.
You act as if everything i say is so farfetched and unreasonable.
I don't care about the tag, i got it from someone for reasons unknown, and i presume due to US>UK. . . . . UK>US not getting the humour, and people just throw it back at me when they can't take an argument any further.
I love Nintendo games quite a lot, but only those that appeal to me. i also love other games too, hence why i had a PSP and a PS3, and i currently own a 360. I also have a range of games for my laptop too, cos i like gaming...........


Mithos Yggdrasill said:
We know this point of view and personally I partly agree, outside the fact that the PSP will return to the original weekly 30k. In fact I believe that PSP Slim could hang the handheld around 35-40k until Christmas and then... software is what will matter.
Wii is the fastest selling console in Japan ever, even better then the DS who had problems at its first year because no non-games were already out (Nintendogs, Brain Training). There are lots of games that will come out shortly, so I don't see problems for this machine.
The same for DS: who said that 80k is low is insane. It is low only compared to the absurd high levels of itself who, for 21 weeks, sold more then 100k. And thanks to Square-Enix, DS will pass another great Chirstmas.

PSP is doing great. Period. But it will never reach DS levels of domination and this is not difficult to see since the vast majority of games in the top 50 are still on DS and since. obviously, the PSP is now over 6 millions and the DS is approaching 20 millions in Japan. It's an abyss and worldwide it's even worse.
BUT this doesn't mean that it isn't doing great: in fact I'm sure that the handheld will pass a great Christmas either, both software and hardware (maybe hardware a little bit better then software, as always). I'm slighty more worried for next year, but we'll see.

But what I'm saying is ***ing obvious and boring. What's the point then ? Don't answer to these guys that are only spinning for Sony. And I'm sure they probably they are not SO big fans of Sony, but fans of videogames in general like you and me. Simply hey're trying to find the idiot to ban. So, don't fall in their trap. That's my hint.

I'm still convinced that the good thing of this market is that nobody really dominate worldwide and that there is space for many consoles, with many different games of different genres. The scenario I wanna NOT see is a monopole, that it's always BAD for the industry and for the consumer.
Good post, I agree.

Sharp said:
The Wii is selling pretty damn poorly considering where it was before. When the PS3 started doing this everyone jeered and sneered; why is the Wii exempt? Because it's 20k a week higher? It needs games, and fast--or, failing that, at least nongames.
Wii isn't exempt from observations about its decline, however, games in tune with what the Japanese market wants are coming soon, so it's likely going to rebound to very high levels. No amount of spinning is going change the fact PS3 is dead in the region (i.e. secondary level system, GC type sales) because it's selling a gaming experience which most Japanese consumers are bored with.


DefectiveReject said:
PSP sales increase was due to ONE game releasing, sales will normalise over the next few weeks. Any NON-Retard would know this.

Wii sales AREN'T in any way mediocre. it's about what the average sales of a top selling home console in Japan would usually be (Before Wii came along).
And the PS3 not selling because of price, and software....... NO. It has software, the price in Japan is reasonable. The damn Wii was even out-tracking the damned DS.

Jesus, some of you guys really aren't retarded just plain DUMB.

What if it is a guy that got an IQ of 150, got MIT degrees and so on, but he have never followed the console sale in Japan. Would he know that the PSP sale will normalize (and how much is this, 30k?) over the next weeks? Hehe :p

About PS3, if its not the price and not the software, then whats the reason for low sales? PS3 is about twice as expencive as Wii in Japan (going by the Amazon.jp prices). It has software indeed, but hardly as popular as the Wii software.
test_account said:
What if it is a guy that got an IQ of 150, got MIT degrees and so on, but he have never followed the console sale in Japan. Would he know that the PSP sale will normalize (and how much is this, 30k?) over the next weeks? Hehe :p

About PS3, if its not the price and not the software, then whats the reason for low sales? PS3 is about twice as expencive as Wii in Japan (going by the Amazon.jp prices). It has software indeed, but hardly as popular as the Wii software.

I doubt it.....

....... Maybe people just don't want it..... or they see the Wii as there most viable option right now. Like people did with the PS2/GC


DefectiveReject said:
They didn't revive anything. a revival is something that happens gradually and continues as such, maintaining popularity. Not a 1 or 2 week bump due to a new game, followed by a new version of the handheld to boost sales.

Well i did say for now, meaning i dont expect it to last that long.Maybe revived was a bit strong.I'll give you that.

I don't care about the tag, i got it from someone for reasons unknown, and i presume due to US>UK. . . . . UK>US not getting the humour, and people just throw it back at me when they can't take an argument any further.
I love Nintendo games quite a lot, but only those that appeal to me. i also love other games too, hence why i had a PSP and a PS3, and i currently own a 360. I also have a range of games for my laptop too, cos i like gaming...........

I only referenced to your tag because you were calling me a retard and later on plain dumb.

Just to be clear :

- I think this week's sales are mediocre for Wii when compared to the Nintendomination of not so long ago.I know its got its reasons, but everything got its reasons.Im just looking at the numbers, and in that regard they're mediocre.

- PSP had a great week, and yes, we all know its because of Crisis Core.But again, when i look at the numbers PSP did awesome.

- PS3/360 are pretty much same as always so i didnt comment on it.Just because Wii outsells them both doesnt mean it can have mediocre sales.

IMO its really not that insane/fanboyish what im saying.


DefectiveReject said:
I doubt it.....

....... Maybe people just don't want it..... or they see the Wii as there most viable option right now. Like people did with the PS2/GC
people dont want the ps3. really? it has nothing to do with the high price and the lack of compelling software. they just dont want it. i know you say your tag doesnt mean much, but i'm beginning to think differently.
its funny how the low wii sales is due to lack of games, and once smg and ssbb comes out they will go up and the wii will do well. but with the ps3 its already doomed and the likes of ffxiii will not even do squat. you guys are something else, you really are.
Would it be possible for someone awesome to post a list of important upcoming Wii and DS games in Japan for the next couple of months?


justjohn said:
people dont want the ps3. really? it has nothing to do with the high price and the lack of compelling software. they just dont want it.

They don't want it because of the high price and lack of compelling software. That is true. When FFXIII comes out, PS3 should enjoy a nice flash in the pan sales week or two (or hell, let's be generous and extend it to a month), but it won't be long term, because Japanese tastes have shifted to something Sony isn't offering.
AniHawk said:
They don't want it because of the high price and lack of compelling software. That is true. When FFXIII comes out, PS3 should enjoy a nice flash in the pan sales week or two (or hell, let's be generous and extend it to a month), but it won't be long term, because Japanese tastes have shifted to something Sony isn't offering.

Finally...someone who gets it........ Sony just aint offering what people want (For now)
Sharp said:
The Wii is selling pretty damn poorly considering where it was before. When the PS3 started doing this everyone jeered and sneered; why is the Wii exempt? Because it's 20k a week higher? It needs games, and fast--or, failing that, at least nongames.
Because the Wii is comfortably ahead by 2M+++ consoles and everyone knows that the Wii will most likely shoot up again.

But anyway, this has nothing to do with anything but...



AniHawk said:
They don't want it because of the high price and lack of compelling software. That is true. When FFXIII comes out, PS3 should enjoy a nice flash in the pan sales week or two (or hell, let's be generous and extend it to a month), but it won't be long term, because Japanese tastes have shifted to something Sony isn't offering.

So what about MGS4, Star Ocean 4, FFXIII versus, Yakuza3, WKS, Last Remnant, RE4, DMC4 etc?Those games are not liked by the Japanese or something?

I agree that currently there's no compelling library geared towards a Japanese audience, but you act as if FFXIII is the only game coming out.
k79 said:
So what about MGS4, Star Ocean 4, FFXIII versus, Yakuza3, WKS, Last Remnant, RE4, DMC4 etc?Those games are not liked by the Japanese or something?

I agree that currently there's no compelling library geared towards a Japanese audience, but you act as if FFXIII is the only game coming out.

MGS4: Not a big seller in Japan

Star Ocean 4: Niche title

FFvsXIII: Okay

Yakuza 3: Unsure

WKS: Niche

Last Remnant: Unsure

RE(5): Not a big seller in Japan

DMC4: Not a big seller in Japan.

Totalling up, that's three games with mega big blockbuster sellingt status, at best.


I fully expect the Wii to stay that low until the next bigger release comes around.

oh wait, Strikers comes out next week? Not a big game, but certainly enough to put the Wii-outselling-PS3 ratio back to 3:1, maybe 4:1.

AniHawk said:
Actually that means he still ranks above you.
Someone called?

GAF poster hierarchy:
1. Admins
2. Mods
3. Positive tag
4. Negative tag
5. 'Member' tag
6. 'Banned' tag
7. Joke characters
8. Alternative accounts of joke characters
9. Junior members
wow, insecure Nintendo fans getting upset and downplaying whats happening, I thought I'd had to wait like 10 years to see the day again. Guess I was wrong. Fairly pathetic thread overall as expected having seen last weeks. Have fun anyway.


DefectiveReject said:
or they see the Wii as there most viable option right now. Like people did with the PS2/GC

Altho i dont disagree with this, i still cant help thinking of how the situation would be if PS3 was like 25000 yen (like the Wii is), and that it had good japanese directed games avalible at launch.
k79 said:
So what about MGS4, Star Ocean 4, FFXIII versus, Yakuza3, WKS, Last Remnant, RE4, DMC4 etc?Those games are not liked by the Japanese or something?

I agree that currently there's no compelling library geared towards a Japanese audience, but you act as if FFXIII is the only game coming out.

None of those are BIG system sellers though, MGS has a fanbase as do the rest, and it will sell to only those who have played 1,2 and 3 and wnt to finish the series off.


DMC4, again and like the rest have a fanbase, and will sell to those only.

I think Smash Bros alone has a bigger fanbase than those (Worldwide)
You go on as though Wii will stay where it is in sales. Aside from Zelda and WiiSports at release, Wii hasn't had a single big system seller released outside of the US (MP3 and even that's not a massive game).

Its outsold every console ever so far, with its 3 biggest titles about to drop. and its got price-drops to come.
Kurosaki Ichigo said:
wow, insecure Nintendo fans getting upset and downplaying whats happening, I thought I'd had to wait like 10 years to see the day again. Guess I was wrong. Fairly pathetic thread overall as expected having seen last weeks. Have fun anyway.
It's more like Sony fans overplaying something when the PS3 is doing even worse+PSP software bot selling AT ALL aside from rare exceptions more than downplaying by Nintendo fans when the Wii still selling twice as well and still have a 2M userbase lead.


test_account said:
Altho i dont disagree with this, i still cant help thinking of how the situation would be if PS3 was like 25000 yen (like the Wii is), and that it had good japanese directed games avalible at launch.
PS3 wouldn't be dead, but a good follow-up to the PS2 instead, I guess.
test_account said:
Altho i dont disagree with this, i still cant help thinking of how the situation would be if PS3 was like 25000 yen (like the Wii is), and that it had good japanese directed games avalible at launch.
XBox360 called and said "That means NOTHING........ Believe me"
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