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MGSV Oct. 6 Patch Detailed


No. Just ashamed that I bought this game.

Is there a way to absolve myself?

I wish I could trade games on steam :(

Agree with someone on Steam to Share something in exchange for you sharing TPP with them?

If you never plan on playing TPP again just tell them that and I'm sure they won't mind.

Basically just as good as a trade/swap.

Edit: if you aren't aware of the mechanic, basically someone can request 'Shared access' to one of the games in your library (I forget the exact term for this) and then they can play it whenever you're not playing it. If it's uninstalled on your machine, no biggie, they can still play it. If you boot it up and play it, though, it'll kick them out.


FOB Insurance is really fucking stupid, but the rest sounds alright. (Again, really interested to see what FOB Events are, if they actually just add free singleplayer missions to this "third map" that is FOB, that could be so awesome, especailly if you don't have to be online to play them after they're added)


Still missing a "fast travel to any LZ from the iDroid" option.

You do know that you can simply reach one of the many save checkpoints anywhere in the world and simply go to the options and choose "return to ACC" and boom you are transported immediately there. And you dont have to spent a simgle gmp as well. :)
You do know that you can simply reach one of the many save checkpoints anywhere in the world and simply go to the options and choose "return to ACC" and boom you are transported immediately there. And you dont have to spent a simgle gmp as well. :)

And then you get to enjoy your seven hundredth viewing of the 'Snake sits in a helicopter for a while' scene as you deploy to your next location.


And then you get to enjoy your seven hundredth viewing of the 'Snake sits in a helicopter for a while' scene as you deploy to your next location.

Well better than having to do it both times, plus the really nasty one is when you just want to get off the open world and you dont want to navigate to an LZ then wait for the chopper and watch the whole scene.

SO I certainly think its a vast improvement. And considering just the chopper deployment cost is around 30k for me now, its a great way to save money as well.


Wish they fixed the bug I have in my game with this patch.

In Mission 14, Lingua Franca, there's a task to extract a materials container. I've done so multiple times with my fulton wormhole, but the task remains open preventing me from 100% the game.

Any way for me to report this to them in hopes it gets fixed?


I just spent an hour yesterday infiltrating low-level FOBs and got over 100.000 fuel (and a lot of other stuff) out of it...plus my Security is level 48 so about 70% of all enemy infiltrations fail and, in return, give ME extra ressources.

In over 100 hours of playtime (pretty much always online) I lost about 20-30K Fuel but I got 10 to 20 times the amount just via daily rewards, infiltrations and defenses. And I don't even own a Nuke.

Yes, when you go online you tend to lose some stuff sometimes. But it's absolutely worth it in the long run. So the insurance is nice to have I guess, but absolutely not necessary.
About the idea of removing the "helicopter trip" when loading into a mission / region:

They can't simply skip that part since it takes place during actual gameplay. The world is already active once the scene starts, and you can even mark enemies, attack and be attacked while sitting on the helicopter waiting for it to land.

So it seems like having them remove it would mean completely changing how loading into gameplay is handled. Tricky situation.


About the idea of removing the "helicopter trip" when loading into a mission / region:

They can't simply skip that part since it takes place during actual gameplay. The world is already active once the scene starts, and you can even mark enemies, attack and be attacked while sitting on the helicopter waiting for it to land.

So it seems like having them remove it would mean completely changing how loading into gameplay is handled. Tricky situation.

But unless you are landing in an area which had an anti-air radar destroyed, you are always landing far away from everything. Its kind of a moot point when you can't really interact with anything on your trip down. They could eliminate the whole song and dance unless you are landing in the zones which are marked "unsafe" without changing the game play significantly.
About the idea of removing the "helicopter trip" when loading into a mission / region:

They can't simply skip that part since it takes place during actual gameplay. The world is already active once the scene starts, and you can even mark enemies, attack and be attacked while sitting on the helicopter waiting for it to land.

So it seems like having them remove it would mean completely changing how loading into gameplay is handled. Tricky situation.

Yeah I don't see how that is a necessary gameplay element. You can say the same about extracting being part of the gameplay, but you can skip that through the menu.

Not to mention you can start missions by approaching beacons when already in the open world, so even for those the designers didn't consider the helicopter sequences to be essential.
Some good changes, but seems like it's mostly about cramming in more microtransactions. "B-but you don't have to buy them! B-but they won't affect game design!!!!"


Wish they fixed the bug I have in my game with this patch.

In Mission 14, Lingua Franca, there's a task to extract a materials container. I've done so multiple times with my fulton wormhole, but the task remains open preventing me from 100% the game.

Any way for me to report this to them in hopes it gets fixed?

That's the one with the 4 hostages around Kiziba camp right? You gotta extract four containers, not one, the objective is mistranslated or something.


Pity we'll never get

As of MGS4, big boss was never evil, he was just AGAINST zero. Additionally, there being two big bosses is no worse than there being two snakes. Solid and Big Boss and Venom. People's expectations for a "big boss game" were met in peace walker, but no one bothered to play that game and they don't count it even though it's GOOD. This is a sequel to Peace Walker, and just like the sequel to MGS, kojima decided to have some fun with expectations.

N° 2048

So it the general consensus to play this game in offline mode? or cut the internet?

If I want to avoid any FOB stuff. I heard it forces it on you early.
So it the general consensus to play this game in offline mode? or cut the internet?

If I want to avoid any FOB stuff. I heard it forces it on you early.
I was really worried about it, but it's not that bad.

Build all FOB platforms to at least level 2 and set everything to the highest security and most invaders won't even bother and of the ones that do many will fail to do actual damage.

I've played online with FOB for weeks and maybe lost 20 people that can easily be gotten back by completely fultoning 1-2 bases in the game in 20 minutes.


So it the general consensus to play this game in offline mode? or cut the internet?

If I want to avoid any FOB stuff. I heard it forces it on you early.

As long as your base is decent its free money and resources. Theres also th fact that if you are good at defense and support a few people its basically a free 800k anytime someone gets invaded

This update is dumb I have like 80 Machine guns i fultoned that I cant sell


MT business model in a nutshell.

I did end up chipping in 10 dollars after i beat the game because I was so satisfied with my experience. Between that and my saved up coins it was enough to buy an FOB in indian waters and transfer my other fob into north atlantic waters so I could get two S fuel resources bases. I think the other MB Coins packages seem like they're completely nonsense. I feel alright about what I did get because it's something that will stick to my future replays (move save to a usb, start over) and I don't feel like I over spent. (It's borderline but I feel like that's about as far as you can go within reason, although i wouldn't recomend anyone else do that) the $10 felt like giving the game a tip for how much i enjoyed it, but asking for 60 dollars for abunch of dumb shit coins is stupid. fuck that. I bet they sell outfits in mgo behind those things.

Edit: You get rewards whenever your base defends against attacks.


I would pay good money for the option to be able to skip the ridiculously long helicopter scenes.
Edit: Would be also nice to be able to remove the opening and closing credits from the main missions. You are a video toy maker, Kojima-san not a movie/tv show director. Get over yourself.
Does anyone understand the online storage exactly?
For some reason I have 8 tanks "online" and 0 "offline" (I don't know where those are even coming from)

I can dispatch with them but I can't sell them.
Same for many other resources and vehicles. A lot of them seem to be stored in the "online" part now when they weren't before.

I'm confused.

EDIT: lol the FOB NVG development requirements are absurd


My savegame is still corrupt. It keeps asking for DLC.

I am not going to start over after playing 30+ hours.

Any word if this is going to get fixed soon?


That's the one with the 4 hostages around Kiziba camp right? You gotta extract four containers, not one, the objective is mistranslated or something.

Tried that as well, no luck.
Also, seen Youtube clips where it pops up for people after just one container, so I guess I'm screwed for the foreseeable future.


Can't you just play offline and log in only when you want to invade someone? I don't quite understand the FOB thing. Can your stuff be stolen even if you are not playing?
Can't you just play offline and log in only when you want to invade someone? I don't quite understand the FOB thing. Can your stuff be stolen even if you are not playing?

Yeah, everything that happened while you were offline will update the next time you login. Your FOB is always vulnerable


No fix for the blueprint glitch yet?

I've been stuck on 99% completion for ages :(
What glitch? :0

You also got me thinking... Don't look if you haven't finished the game.
I can't get 100% file if I didn't buy all of quiet's equipment? Damn how was I supposed to know. I didn't buy the Silver/Gold outfits. :(
Obligatory Chapter 3 post.

Chapter 2 = Race, aka the Nuclear Race
Chapter 3 = Peace, aka total disarmament

Notice that the FOB insurance doesn't replace Nukes? They want the playing population to eventually disarm everyone's Nukes... I'm guessing Chapter 3 won't happen until the playing population dies down significantly though. And all it is really is that cutscene.

N° 2048

Holy shit this is turning me off from playing MGS V more and I'm only at like mission 11. I didn't know I was forced to do online crap. Will make sure I NEVER go online while playing this. Hope that works.
I guess this could be a good place to ask, how do I invade people with nukes to steal/disarm them? That list in the FOB missions menu is always empty for me. I have 500k Heroism


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
Holy shit this is turning me off from playing MGS V more and I'm only at like mission 11. I'm forced to do all this online shit?


1 measely trophy is connected to online. You can save it for last. But getting 100% in-game is all singleplayer.
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