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Microsoft Resets Cheaters' Gamerscores


According to Major Nelson, anyway...

Today’s steps takes the form of the following:

• Resetting the entire Gamerscore for an account to zero
• The account will be unable to regain all previously obtained achievements and Gamerscore, however, the players will have the ability to gain future Achievements by earning them fairly, like the majority of the Xbox LIVE community does.
• The account will be clearly labeled as a cheater for the community to view on xbox.com. You can see an example here. In dash, the personal view of the gamercard will be labeled as well.

I understand that Microsoft wants to keep an, uh, even playing field for dick waving contests, but permanently blocking cheaters from regaining their previously obtained achievements seems a bit draconian to me.


formerly sane
dream said:
According to Major Nelson, anyway...

I understand that Microsoft wants to keep an, uh, even playing field for dick waving contests, but permanently blocking cheaters from regaining their previously obtained achievements seems a bit draconian to me.

I have no sympathy for online cheaters in any form. Sure it's an extreme measure ms did but these people knew what they were doing when they did it. I left dota, quake3, cs, and diablo outside of casual pubbing ocassionally because cheating is so rampant.


dream said:
According to Major Nelson, anyway...

I understand that Microsoft wants to keep an, uh, even playing field for dick waving contests, but permanently blocking cheaters from regaining their previously obtained achievements seems a bit draconian to me.

It's just a stupid number..... If anything cheaters should be banned.....
dream said:
I understand that Microsoft wants to keep an, uh, even playing field for dick waving contests, but permanently blocking cheaters from regaining their previously obtained achievements seems a bit draconian to me.
And in contrast I was thinking, "they've reliably confirmed cheaters, and that's -all- they're doing?".


• Resetting the entire Gamerscore for an account to zero
• The account will be unable to regain all previously obtained achievements and Gamerscore, however, the players will have the ability to gain future Achievements by earning them fairly, like the majority of the Xbox LIVE community does.
• The account will be clearly labeled as a cheater for the community to view on xbox.com. You can see an example here. In dash, the personal view of the gamercard will be labeled as well.

That's some funny shit right there. Props to MS.

Why stop with just the gamerscore whore crowd? People whose consoles get banned from Live should get some sort of custom tag as well; "Thieving Git" for example.
I'm a bit confused about the "The account will be clearly labeled as a cheater for the community". Major Nelson has a link to a cheater's gamercard, and it has its motto set to "I'm a dirty Cheater". Is that how their gamercards all will be labeled?


The account will be clearly labeled as a cheater for the community to view on xbox.com. You can see an example here. In dash, the personal view of the gamercard will be labeled as well.

That's some Link's Awakening shit right there.


dream said:
According to Major Nelson, anyway...

I understand that Microsoft wants to keep an, uh, even playing field for dick waving contests, but permanently blocking cheaters from regaining their previously obtained achievements seems a bit draconian to me.

But it's not like Gamerscores mean anything anyway...


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
This is good, but they better be DAMN sure anyone they do this to really is cheating, or else they'll be opening pandora's box.


Why not just ban them like any other respectable service? That's really great, paying to play P2P with cheaters, just brilliant.


formerly sane
Alex said:
Why not just ban them like any other respectable service? That's really great, paying to play P2P with cheaters, just brilliant.

MS enjoys money like other devs out there say valve they don't ban em outright because it would probably send them to another company.


I agree that the gamerscores are useless and cheaters probably deserve this. It's the idea of Microsoft being able to prevent people from obtaining achievements that creeps me out. Seems like it could set a scary precedent.


BrokenSymmetry said:
I'm a bit confused about the "The account will be clearly labeled as a cheater for the community". Major Nelson has a link to a cheater's gamercard, and it has its motto set to "I'm a dirty Cheater". Is that how their gamercards all will be labeled?
No, believe it or not, that was actually that guy's motto before.


BrokenSymmetry said:
I'm a bit confused about the "The account will be clearly labeled as a cheater for the community". Major Nelson has a link to a cheater's gamercard, and it has its motto set to "I'm a dirty Cheater". Is that how their gamercards all will be labeled?

I'm pretty sure he means the big banner that says "What happened to their Gamerscore?"


Alex said:
Why not just ban them like any other respectable service? That's really great, paying to play P2P with cheaters, just brilliant.
Because cheating on your gamerscore doesn't harm any other player. I think this type of punishment is perfect. :D

PantherAttacks said:
How do they cheat anyway? You can't run your own code on the 360... (unless you mod it - which would presumably get you banned instead).
Downloaded save games I think.


So they can find out who's using gamesaves, but not who's got a modded console? Well done Microsoft.
Psychotext said:
No doubt that a bunch of people will come out and say they got their gamerscore reset and weren't cheating...

Because companies are always correct and never make mistakes, right? Right?

What does qualify cheating? Using extraneous programs over your connection to Live makes sense, but does using someone else's save file get you the mark of mockery? Which companies can report people as cheaters, and is there actually an appeal system, or will the person effectively be laughed at?


dream said:
I understand that Microsoft wants to keep an, uh, even playing field for dick waving contests, but permanently blocking cheaters from regaining their previously obtained achievements seems a bit draconian to me.

Draconian? I believe you've misspelled AWESOME. It always warms my heart when the pirates and cheaters get a boot in the ass.
Kulock said:
Because companies are always correct and never make mistakes, right? Right?
More often than people tell the truth about this sort of thing... yeah.

"I was banned from live for having a chipped console, but I never used copied games, honest."


Wasn't Juice's 360 get banned from XBL because of a false positive? I seem to remember him having to jump through hoops to get the system back online.


I have a couple of people on my list who I know for a fact used to game save.

They're good guys just got hooked in a battle with each other, I'll be watching tho they will be gutted if it drops but at the mo it remains unchanged.


Hunahan said:
Kinda two years too late, but oh well. Whatever.

IMO its better that they've done now. If they started doing this two years ago, it would be great. But now, after two years of chaters "hard work", when they do it, imo its much bigger ownage
While I gain some tiny tiny scrap of enjoyment from seeing 'achievement' pop up on screen. I don't think I've ever bothered to look at anyone else's score. Is this SO important to people that they have to cheat? Instead of resetting their scores, MS should just auto-red ring these systems, leaving the cheater to go outside, get some fresh air, and possibly interact with other people.

They'll thank MS in the long run.


dream said:
According to Major Nelson, anyway...

I understand that Microsoft wants to keep an, uh, even playing field for dick waving contests, but permanently blocking cheaters from regaining their previously obtained achievements seems a bit draconian to me.

not to mention, a massive waste of time and resources. Seriously, who cares? Also, I await the future shitstorm to come when MS accidentally resets a bunch of gamers' Achievements/Gamerscores that were obtained w/o any shenanigans. :lol


The Inside Track
dream said:
Wasn't Juice's 360 get banned from XBL because of a false positive? I seem to remember him having to jump through hoops to get the system back online.
Yeah, there have been a bunch of false positive from refurbed 360s who had (or still were) been modded, sent to repair because of RROD, then sent back to some over guy. I know it's happening with DjMizuhara right now, and he's having a hard time getting MS to fix that.
dream said:
I understand that Microsoft wants to keep an, uh, even playing field for dick waving contests, but permanently blocking cheaters from regaining their previously obtained achievements seems a bit draconian to me.

Honestly I don't care so much about the achievements and I don't care at all about cheaters, they're just frustrated people, You already know the story.


So.. who on GAF got caught? :lol

Anyway, good job MS. And I totally agree with this:
CassSept said:
IMO its better that they've done now. If they started doing this two years ago, it would be great. But now, after two years of chaters "hard work", when they do it, imo its much bigger ownage

Though, I'd agree with an outright banning as well.


LCGeek said:
MS enjoys money like other devs out there say valve they don't ban em outright because it would probably send them to another company.

Other devs and companies still flat out ban accounts, I don't see that as a very good excuse

But, I wasn't aware that this was solely concerning Gamerscore, if that's the case they handled it perfectly and I mouthed off too soon.
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