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Microsoft's E3 conference date is Monday, June 10th

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To point one - why should I care how good the games look if I'm never going to buy them because of the business decisions surrounding them?

For the second, if Sony doesn't have good news to share on the DRM front, don't expect them to say anything at all until there's enough heat coming their way that they feel they have to. You're either going to hear good news from Sony tomorrow on that front or nothing at all.

I think Sony will definitely have good news for everyone tomorrow. Several Sony employees have been hinting at it lately.


Then why you need to care MS E3?

To be honest, I kind of don't.

I think Sony will definitely have good news for everyone tomorrow. Several Sony employees have been hinting at it lately.

I hope you're right, but I wonder if what they consider good news is the same thing as what we consider good news. I have a strong suspicion that MS thought they were throwing us some major bones in their policy clarification PR. They were just oblivious to the fact that we didn't want any of those bones, and the real problem was elsewhere.

Sony may be the same.

With all the witch hunt, mass hysteria and paranoia we've been witnessing over the past few weeks, I can't say I'm surprised at all. It's great to see that at least Reddit staff have managed to keep their heads cool about the whole affair, it's just a shame that the same thing can't be said for a sizable part of the gaming media. The less said about the wider gaming community, the better.


Is a bit disgusting that people there and everywhere were firing off accusations with no proof. Thank god this isn't allowed in the normal world.

I think we were more prone to believe it with a mod here stating that a lot of recent joiners had ms or pr e-mails and then the amount of people getting banned for what seemed like promoting the xbox 1 and acting like the problems weren't problems at all.
I think we were more prone to believe it with a mod here stating that a lot of recent joiners had ms or pr e-mails and then the amount of people getting banned for what seemed like promoting the xbox 1 and acting like the problems weren't problems at all.

Is it so hard to accept that for many people "the problems" really aren't all that problematic?


I don't think it matters what games they show. The drm and used game policies are as close to moral and political views you can get in gaming. As long as those exist the majority of the hardcore gaming fans and press will be opposed to the Xbox One. I assume MS knew there would be some backlash but I doubt they knew how large and unified the backlash would be. As shown by their confusing post announcement press releases and interviews.


This is off-topic but actually, for many people that was the problem. It wasn't so much that they hated the new start screen, it was the fact that once they had gotten to the desktop, they had no idea how to access the start menu again. [...]
So by adding the button back in, I think the average user will actually have no problem with 8.1.

Yeah, the problem with Windows 8 isn't similar to Vista's. I believe the whole thing has to do with the ease of navigation and getting used to the tile interface. Performance wise, I find Windows 8 works flawlessly and even better than Windows 7. It is faster, the whole task manager is revamped and it is easier to change ressources and settings and I never had a problem installing desktop programs.

Lately, I find that MS tends to have a lot of faith in their practices by always trying to be somehow different from its competitors. Whether its Office, Server, Xbox or Windows. They want to bring up new ideas and with new ideas, not everyone is in agreement. Which is why I think they need to take in consideration take their consumers. I wonder how Bill Gates thinks of this whole always online connectivity every 24H for people in living in countries who don't have the same infrastructures found in developed countries.

Having said, this is a start of a new generation for the gaming industry. Who knows what direction we will be heading in the next 8 years. It's going to be a hell of a ride. There will be tears of joy and happiness.


From my time zone it is just 24 hours away.....yeeehhaaaaawwww!


I have a feeling when its all said and done Microsoft will change their policies abit and at least do away with the 24 hour check and make the DRM more disc based instead. I also think they will do away with the Kinect having to be plugged into the console at all times. That is my wish of course and if they do those couple of things then I can be back to fully enjoying my favorite franchises on Xbox. I'm still hyped to see the games this week that they have on offer, I just wished all this negativity wouldn't have popped up around the same time. But in the end it is Microsoft's own fault for the policies themselves and the timing of it all.

I can see them changing the 24hr to a longer period at some stage, but they won't get rid of it completely unless they also remove the option to trade in games. They may add a disc based one as an alternative - I actually don't understand why they didn't do this anyway.

As for Kinect, this won't change; It's going to have to be plugged in as it's part of the console now. To be honest, I don't really see the issue with this and I think they have addressed the privacy concerns.


I wonder what is going to be announced for Summer of Arcade. Lococycle is no longer a candidate. I think Super Time Force will be the headliner.

Is a bit disgusting that people there and everywhere were firing off accusations with no proof. Thank god this isn't allowed in the normal world.

Well actually.... The speed of news on the internet has left fact-checking on the wayside. That's just the way it is. And, this being the web, it is always the sensationalist first article
's headline
that gets all the attention. Later, when a debunking piece gets put out it is often ignored and all that is remembered is the first (at least partly) false claim.
Does anyone know somewhere i will be able to watch all of the gametrailers E3 shows and conferences without any spoilers? I'll be asleep for most of them but want to watch them all myself to see what was revealed when i wake up.
Does anyone know somewhere i will be able to watch all of the gametrailers E3 shows and conferences without any spoilers? I'll be asleep for most of them but want to watch them all myself to see what was revealed when i wake up.

There will be non spoiler conference threads that you can bookmark. Depending on your homepage you might get spoiled automatically though without intending to if it has a news feed.
There will be non spoiler conference threads that you can bookmark. Depending on your homepage you might get spoiled automatically though without intending to if it has a news feed.

What about the pre-conference stuff or the previews gametrailers are doing, or are they not usually watchable other than as live things?
What about the pre-conference stuff or the previews gametrailers are doing, or are they not usually watchable other than as live things?

Usually people don't care about that stuff as it's usually fluff that is entertaining to watch to pass time before the main feature(conference). There might be links in the no spoiler thread by whoever makes it though I guess.


Wouldn't surprise me if they are Kinect-only titles or downloadable titles. I am assuming they are saving their big hitters for the main event.

I think this would be a wise move for MS. It would also allow them to demonstrate the game in a controlled setting vs on a big stage. It could even be prerecorded to avoid Kudo "Bam" moments.


Wouldn't surprise me if they are Kinect-only titles or downloadable titles. I am assuming they are saving their big hitters for the main event.

that would make total sense anything else other then presenting it that way at E3 would be really dumb unless they know a better way to make XBone a more desirable console, cause taking up a lot of time with Kinect games when controls and gameplay are suppose to be simple isn't smart or at least I don't think it smart.
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