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Monolith Soft's Wii U game "X" coming 2014 [E3 Trailer]

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I can't believe a few years back we were wondering if Xenoblade is going to leave Japan or not. Kinda hoped Nintendo surprises us now and do a Pokemon--release this worldwide. But hey.


Textbook example of a "glutton for punishment."

Nah. I have a white 3DS XL, Picross e1+2 and I got Xenoblade earlier than the US. NOE also gave me a free copy of DKCR 3D last week simply because I brought luigis mansion and two other games. NOE are in beast mode right now.

However, we are getting shafted on VC releases with 50hz bullshit. So its not all good.


I just watched it now. Thought it was some FPS. OMG. Looks awesome. I definitely didn't expect that based on the title name.

Ninty, bring the white Premium Wii Us over and we have a deal.


This is by far my most hyped game. The only thing that looks weird is they didn't name the damn game. How they wanna us to hype a game without name? And the other strange thing is they avoid to show the main character's faces. They are hiding something here. And no, this isn't a MMO.

It's obvious for me that is a single player with co-op. Monolith even haven't the amount of network developers to do something like that!(They were hiring a few network guys late 2012 but not the amount necessary to do a MMO).


Anyone got the full lyrics from the song? I think there's some hints there too as "try to live your life" line sung after the giant countdown.


Any news on gameplay videos of X, is it even at E3 except for the trailer?

Just the trailer is the only thing there as far as we know. I believe the only 2014 games playable are Mario Kart 8 & Bayonetta 2 (Sakurai seems to have played a demo of Smash Bros for the press but that's not on the show floor).


so, this is confirmed 2014...

any guesses regarding which part of the year? Q3, 4??
I'm going to guess Japan Q4 2014 and the ROTW Q4 2015 at the earliest- maybe 2016 if it helps shore up their release schedule. I don't know if there's any reason to be optimistic given that Pikmin was supposed to be a launch title.


Is the big secret that it's actually just Xenogears?

How funny would it be if, after about a decade of people clamoring for FFVII to be remade (and seven years after the PS3 tech demo), it's Xenogears that ultimately gets the HD treatment? (I can't see this being a Xenogears reboot, though. Much more likely to be some millennia-after-Xenoblade sequel.)

This game is the main reason I bought a Wii U. Looking forward to it a lot!

Yeah, it's really the only reason I'll be getting one. Worth it, considering how many hundreds of hours I've put into Takahashi's previous games.


Neo Member
fly fly fly!


How funny would it be if, after about a decade of people clamoring for FFVII to be remade (and seven years after the PS3 tech demo), it's Xenogears that ultimately gets the HD treatment? (I can't see this being a Xenogears reboot, though. Much more likely to be some millennia-after-Xenoblade sequel.)

What if it's both?


at last, for christ's sake
hopefully mechs won't trivialize one of the best things about Xenoblade, which is pure exploration for the joy of doing it


richisawesome, could you possibly edit your posts on the last page to spoiler tag the spoilers to the ending of Xenoblade? Especially in a thread like this, where people may just now be picking up the game or hearing about it.

And I have probably watched this trailer 30 times by now.

The hanger does give me those Yggdrasil vibes. The gears/dolls/mechs are certainly more Xenogears-esque than Xenoblade. Other than that, there isn't a lot to conclude yet. Really hoping for an engrossing story like Takahashi always delivers.
I am really hyped for this, I didn't really like Xenoblade but this looks amazing ^_^

Can't wait to see more as time goes by, Nintendo wouldn't have shown all of this stuff if the Wii U was doing amazing in sales.
I'm excited almost as much at the prospect that we still might get Xenoblade HD. Please, Nintendo, give us the goods. Make it download only, even, if you must.


Every time I see this thread on the first page, I click on it hoping Nintendo might has decided to release new details. Nope, still absolutely nothing. The silence on this game drives me crazy, it's not even mentioned in the press kit. Meanwhile it's the only game shown in the Direct whos page on Nintendo's E3 page is just ... blank. :|

I guess Nintendo just doesn't want to talk about it yet (annoyingly enough, conisdering that they are happy to talk about every other 2014 title), but with Xenoblade's odyssey in mind, it's hard not to get the feeling that NoA is again not really interested in the title.

I'm not that certain about that at all. The only similarities we've seen between this and Xenoblade in terms of world concept are the same similarities we see with Xenogears and Xenosaga - high tech cities, normal cities, giant robots, weird biomonsters.

It's definitely not Xenoblade 2, if it was they would have probably just said so. Otherwise I fail to understand why they would want to make the game seem mysterious. But I can very well imagine that it'll share more obvious ties to Xenoblade than Takahashi's past works had to each other -- quite simply because he has the rights to openly refer to his past game this time around. It wouldn't surprise me one bit if the stranded nation started their journey to space on Bionis/Mechonis and background stuff like that.

I think it's safe to assume that it's not Xenoblade 2. Why keep that a secret.

Could it be Xenogears related... maybe.

Can't imagine Square having a big desire to hold onto the brand.

Yeah, I wouldn't be too surprised either if it turns out to be something Xenogears related. It would be kind of random to go back to that franchise at this point, but it sure would make for an interesting story. :p

I don't think it's likely and while the red X probably is just there to make clear that this is the next "Xeno-something" game, a very similar red X was also the most striking part of Xenogears' logo, so... never say never. As long as SE can stil sell the original game digitally, I can see the company selling the name rights to Nintendo, for a pittance even.
The game is featured on the Nintendo E3 page, so hopefully the lack of conversation about it from NoA and NoE is just from the fact that it doesn't have an official title yet, making it more difficult to market appropriately.


The music has been stuck in my head all day lol. Game looks crazy amazing! In Monolith we trust. Also its kinda funny that Monolith are the only dev's that Nintendo acknowledge when it comes to trailers. Dat Monolith Soft logo is slick.
Any guess as to when we'll see more of this game? I know, I know - I'm greedy... we just saw some. But still! :p

I want the next trailer to show:

1) more battles
2) story cutscenes (this will relieve my mind a bit)
3) the cast of characters
4) the name of the game
5) release date or at least the season it's gonna release next year


Damn, this thread needs more attention. What a wonderful atmosphere displayed by this game and one of the most exciting games at this E3, if not the most exciting. I want to explore this huge world. Is a hires trailer downloadable from anywhere?

Oh, and have to check out that Guilty Crown game because contrary to some posters I really liked the song.


I can't seem to find a good-quality version of the trailer. The one from Nintendo is super-grainy and artifact-y. Anyone know if a good one is out there?


I do hope we get a British voice cast like in XenoBlade and Ni no Kuni, I'm getting tired of the same US voice actors in most jrpgs. Although I will allow Troy Baker.


Neo Member
I can't seem to find a good-quality version of the trailer. The one from Nintendo is super-grainy and artifact-y. Anyone know if a good one is out there?

If you own a Wii U, go on the eShop. They have all the E3 trailers in the best quality I could find. X particularly looked amazing on there.
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