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More pumped for RE5 than Chris Redfield's pythons

Rez>You said:
Pretty much. Pre-RE4 everything was actually even harder thanks to a "worst" aiming system and a fixed camera perspective.

The game isn't for everyone, but hey, you might want to give it a rent or something, a lot of what made RE4 (the game RE5 is most similar to) great was the way it was paced, and the way it mixed up the gameplay, while sticking to the base mechanics, which isn't really something a demo can relate to a player. ;)

I wouldn't put it like that. RE4 pretty much deconstructed and reimaged the entire series into an entirely different beast. The changes are big enough for practically unrelated games.

While I did voice my concern over the controls, ironically I do feel it was something else right. The entire switch the behind the back made another optimum choice despite arguing it's a variable of the same controls, it actually worked with RE4 well since pressing left and right moved with you and not independent of what you saw on screen dictated by the character's face. What you saw was what you pressed instead of the character's preconceived vision pre-RE4. You couldn't aim, thusly lacking the body specific attack points and reactions from enemies, and you didn't have contextual melees. Those were massive changes.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
HomerSimpson-Man said:
I wouldn't put it like that. RE4 pretty much deconstructed and reimaged the entire series into an entirely different beast. The changes are big enough for practically unrelated games.

While I did voice my concern over the controls, ironically I do feel it was something else right. The entire switch the behind the back made another optimum choice despite arguing it's a variable of the same controls, it actually worked with RE4 well since pressing left and right moved with you and not independent of what you saw on screen dictated by the character's face. What you saw was what you pressed instead of the character's preconceived vision pre-RE4. You couldn't aim, thusly lacking the body specific attack points and reactions from enemies, and you didn't have contextual melees. Those were massive changes.
Oh, I agree. I didn't mean to say they weren't massive changes. RE4, in essence, plays completely differently than any RE before it.

I guess I might've came off as a bit reductive in that post, but I actually completely agree with you. :)
Left trigger to equip is huge for me. Everything I pull off is pretty much instant now. Can't wait to get the full game in my hands.
Dark FaZe said:
Left trigger to equip is huge for me. Everything I pull off is pretty much instant now. Can't wait to get the full game in my hands.

It's very useful, it's just a shame that Capcom didn't list these things in the demo.


Super excited.

It's funny, too, because I didn't care that much about RE4 -- I never jumped on it, I guess. But the demo for RE5 had me playing it like crazy, alone, and with my buddies :D I'll need to look up some storyline synopsis since I haven't played RE for a long time, but I'll be in line to pick this up day 1.
Rez>You said:
You can do the following:


Hope this helps. The inventory system works is much smoother when you understand the intricacies. :D

Great tips Rez>You. I'm going to have to show that post to the all the friends I hope to be playing with online.


Do we know yet how they manage the shop system and weapon upgrades in this game? With co-op play I suspect both players are on the same budget, so especially if you're playing with strangers there is the danger of the other person spending the money "wrong" and you're stuck with upgrades and items they bought which you can only sell at half price making the game harder for yourself.

I actually liked the demo but with constrained supplies I'm still pretty sceptical about how they intend to make sure you can plan your resource management throughout the game.


Rez>You said:
You can do the following:

-When you press "X/Square" in the inventory, you can highlight a weapon and move it into whichever spot in the 3x3 grid you wish, by pressing the X/Sqaue button again on the spot you wish to move it to, this is important because...

- The items in the top, left, right and bottom spots of the inventory can be auto-selected with the d-pad.

-If you are out of quick change d-pad spots, pressing the ready weapon button in the inventory (L in Type B/D and R in type A/C) and you will equip the weapon, and skip the "Use/Equip/Give/Discard" sub-menu. When you press "Triangle/Y" your cursor in the inventory always defaults to the middle, so put something useful in the middle spot.

-Knowing all of this, you can easily choose any weapon in your inventory by using the d-pad, or pressing "Y/Triangle" then the direction the item is in with the stick (centre, up, down, right, left, top-right, top-left, bottom-left, bottom-right) and then the ready weapon button for quick changing of items.

-If you equip ammo/health item, and walk to your partner, you can press B/Circle to give it to them, which makes giving ammo in the heat of battle much easier.

-If you use a healing item, and your partner is in range, you both get healed. Herbs can be equipped, and then used with the X/Square button. If the prompt says "Heal Partner", remember that it will also heal you.

Hope this helps. The inventory system works is much smoother when you understand the intricacies. :D

I admit that I'm starting to love the inventory more and more everytime I play the demo. Though, I hope there is a way to split the ammo packs in the final game. It's annoying having to give the whole pack to your partner when he's out of ammo.


Yeah im loving the inventory as well. Normally if i get swamped in RE4 i just pull up the inventory and take a breather, which creates pauses in gameplay and breaks my concentration, but in this demo I try to plan things beforehand and if I screw up i look for a cover spot for at least a second to rethink my strategy. I really appreciate the game making you have to think quickly on your feet :)

Leondexter said:
Yes, I'm pumped more for RE5 than I am for Chris' pythons... ;-p

I updated my website with my impressions, and a couple of videos. This game is going to kick ass! I do hope there are a few last-minute changes, though, like they did with RE4 (the demo had the knife as an equippable inventory item, yuck).

8 way selectable items is a TERRIBLE idea, given the state of the dpad on both the PS3 and 360 :lol

and also i think there is a trade prompt, i saw it one time playing with my cousin.

what is annoying is when you want to give some ammo to your partner and you wind up giving them nearly all of it. :lol
Yes, I'm pumped more for RE5 than I am for Chris' pythons... ;-p

I updated my website with my impressions, and a couple of videos. This game is going to kick ass! I do hope there are a few last-minute changes, though, like they did with RE4 (the demo had the knife as an equippable inventory item, yuck).



Leondexter said:

Take a look at this shot we took of Sheva checking out Chris' bulging triceps. Chris knows she's looking, too: why else would he be flexing like his gun weighs 50 pounds?


:lol :lol


El-Suave said:
Do we know yet how they manage the shop system and weapon upgrades in this game? With co-op play I suspect both players are on the same budget, so especially if you're playing with strangers there is the danger of the other person spending the money "wrong" and you're stuck with upgrades and items they bought which you can only sell at half price making the game harder for yourself.

I actually liked the demo but with constrained supplies I'm still pretty sceptical about how they intend to make sure you can plan your resource management throughout the game.
It'll apparently work like Army of Two. Both players has their own individual stack of money. So if you find gold, both players get it, and if you buy anything from the merchant you spend your own gold and you personally get that item.

And that inventory is also persistant (probably tied to a specific savegame), so that when you play online coop and then return to your singleplayer game, you'll have all the gold and weapons added. Which means if you have trouble, you can ask an online friend to join with a super weapon and blow everything up. Or you can join a random person's game and blow stuff up.

Which I personally don't like the sound of. That kind of imbalance could destroy the entire experience. And it seems that starting a game from scratch and playing the entire game with a single friend (who also started from scratch) is the way to go.

Not many previews has talked about the merchant system though. One podcast mentioned they simply weren't allowed to talk about the system. On the other hand, IGN had a preview about RE5 and did mention how the merchant system works (and where I got my info from).

I'm assuming splitscreen will work the same way as singleplayer based on the demo (since that's the only coop mode where you can switch weapons around with your partner). I'm personally hoping there's a toggle (or forced for higher difficulties) that a coop partner simply uses the same stuff as the AI partner, no magical persistant stuff from their savegame.


I also loved the demo, and can't stop playing it. I wish the controls were good enough for today's standards, but the game is still excellent, and tons of fun (especially in co-op).

Day one.


Damn the enviroments aren't the prettiest out there but Chris looks like he's ripped from a CGI movie. And he's pretty low-poly right?

I'm just missing the high contrast lighting from the old videos :( Just watched the original trailer from my PS3 and it's so sweet. Check it out yo.


-viper- said:
The only reason I'm going to get the game because online co-op is awesome. The partner A.I. is fucking awful though.
The partner A.I. was better than when I played with my friend :lol
He's so awful at it :lol
Won't be at this party day 1 because I'm short on money and time, but I will get it soon!


zoukka said:
Damn the enviroments aren't the prettiest out there but Chris looks like he's ripped from a CGI movie. And he's pretty low-poly right?

Sheva's model is also very well done. And she's fucking hot.


The controls seem so lame after the far superior Wii version, but I think I'll stick with it for the purty graphics. Also, co-op
I have such a hard on for this game, I'm actually spinning myself on the floor like a top.
Yeah... gotta keep myself occupied till RE5 hits.:lol
Easily my most anticipated release of the year. Last night I played the demo via Live for a good two hours. :D

And thanks, Rez>You. Didn't know about the non-d-pad quick select tricks. Can't wait to try them out when I get home.


Boom! Bitch-slapped!
The d-pad quick swap was huge for me because I was often disoriented after swapping a weapon in RE4, so I really appreciate this feature.

The only thing that I think is missing from the controls is a free reload button. This isn't a gripe, mind you, just something I feel would make the combat a little more seamless. Other than that, everything feels great using the Type C control preset.


I'm going back to the demo a little bit every night, getting better and better with the controls. Once the controls become second nature - and they do - the game is really fantastic. Sheva is a great partner and always gives you the ammo she can't use, which saves time. She can also tear shit up, usually when you are. When you're focused and in the right place the two of you create much carnage.

I'll bet you the zombies we see are only the first chapter ones. They'll probably get meaner, faster, and nastier in other chapters. You know that HORRIBLE things are going to sprout from their headless necks. I'm sure the other monsters in the game are going to be great. Those flying things are obscene, abortion-like things, writhing in the air only to colapse into their own putrescence when shot. It's delightfully revolting.

The trimmed down inventory works in combat but I am concerned about overall inventory management. If there is a place to stage weapons between stages along with a weapon upgrade system a la RE4 then I'll be satisfied. Anything less and I'll be very disappointed. RE4's economy (treasure hunting) and rewards (weapon upgrades) was a huge part of that game. The franchise won't be the same without it.
I just watched the OXM Report on Inside Xbox and the guy being interviewed very specifically says that they added the ability to move while shooting. He referred to them as action controls.


He starts talking about the controls at about the 1:11 mark.

Did I miss something? Are they adding this to the final version or is this guy mistaken?


Nevermind. I just did a bit more research and apparently this guy is full of shit. Damn marketers. The guy is so specific and clear about the action control option, you would have thought he may actually know what he was talking about.


Colocho said:
Holy shit! that sounds MUCH more intuitive than what I was doing (good ol' picking out everything from the triangle menu) I'll give this a try tomorrow, I'm pretty sure I'm gonna like the game much much more.

Thanks a bunch!

Yeah, I really hated the inventory system at first.

Then I started using (or heard about) all these little tricks to make it smoother, so now I actually like it. :)


A writer at The Guardian blogged some interesting tidbits about his time with RE5's producer. It's very topical for RE fans, so I've posted the best bits below:

Driving through the slushy streets of the capital seems to have had a profound effect on Kawata - when I asked him if he had any locations in mind for the next Resi title, he replied 'Why not London?'. Apparently he enjoyed the contrast of the ornate neo-classical buildings with the many dark alleys and shadowy side streets. It is perfect Resi stuff really. Perhaps he wasn't joking.
London? That's a pretty cool idea, actually. The plaga pandemic in a first-world city... I kinda hope they'll tackle an Asian country, though. Oriental shrines and statuary are so cool!

While discussing the use of sunshine as a source of horror, he talks about how some enemies will reveal themselves initially as looming shadows, coming out at you from behind walls. Often, enemies will be obscured by the brightness at first.
I like the idea of seeing the silhouette of the enemy before the details. Reminds me of the movie "Signs," when the alien pops up in broad daylight at the end.

There's more:

He also talks about how Resi 5 is very much an evolution, rather than a revolution. The key aims were to update the graphics for the current generation consoles, and to introduce the concept of co-op play (all Jun Takeuchi's idea apparently). However, Kawata-san doesn't expect these to reproduce the epoch-shattering impact we saw with Resi 4. He hints that there will be a Resi title in the future that will catapult things to a new level once again, just as RE4 did. That isn't what Resi 5 is about. The changes, when they come, will be more drastic than, say, a slightly tweaked interface. First, a big decision needs to be made on the future direction of the brand - back toward horror, or onward into action adventure...
Interesting to know they're at a crossroads between the survival horror of old and the survival action of today. Which way will they go, and how will this future RE -- presumably RE6 -- push the series forward?

And the best bit:

With RE5, there was also a concern to get back to the core story of Resident Evil, after Resi 4's Las Plagas diversions. Hence the return of Chris Redfield and of Wesker. It sounds like the climatic fight between these two will be the mother of all boss battles.

Also, on the topic of thinking dirty thoughts about Chris and Sheva... Guilty.


Neiteio said:
Interesting to know they're at a crossroads between the survival horror of old and the survival action of today. Which way will they go, and how will this future RE -- presumably RE6 -- push the series forward?
I hope they don't just go one single road and stick with it. I'm hoping they'll make a spinoff which goes one direction while the main series continues on one direction, or just combine the 2 directions.

Lots of old school fans really want another classic RE game, but on the other hand I'm pretty sure there's lots of RE4 and RE5 fans who would like more of the current type of gameplay. It'll be interesting to see what they will do with RE6. Perhaps they'll surprise us all and decide Umbrella Chronicles is how the series will continue.
I think it would be best to continue the action direction as far as gameplay and controls, but to incorperate more horror in the environments and creatures.
DarkUSS said:
IGN has some new screens:

Atmosphere is complete shit here. Probably my only problem with RE5 right now. I still don't see any legitimate reasoning for such dull environments. I know things will amp up later but FUCK. Shits about as far away from scary as you can get.
KeeSomething said:
I think it would be best to continue the action direction as far as gameplay and controls, but to incorperate more horror in the environments and creatures.

This, I mean I don't understand what the huge issue is. Why can't they take a game like Resident Evil 2; the setting, atmosphere, and implement the new gameplay?
First, a big decision needs to be made on the future direction of the brand - back toward horror, or onward into action adventure...

It doesn't have to be one or the other. The obvious choice is to merge the two. It's simple. Don't think too hard on it, producers! :lol


Happily voicing my total support for RE5. Greatly enjoyed the demo. My only gripe is that the versions (at least in the demo) aren't identical performance wise, as I'd rather buy it for the PS3 (which I own, while my roommate has the 360). A small gripe and I'm completely pumped for next month.


Dark FaZe said:
Atmosphere is complete shit here. Probably my only problem with RE5 right now. I still don't see any legitimate reasoning for such dull environments. I know things will amp up later but FUCK. Shits about as far away from scary as you can get.

As pumped as I am for this game, I sort of agree. A lot of the pics we've been getting recently are incredibly bland, and a far cry from the 'scorching sunlight/pitch darkness' contrast they've been talking about. There is no contrast there, it's just grey - and I'm not one to harp on art direction needlessly. It just seems contrary to the theme they're going for. But most of those screens are from the boatride/refinery segments so I'm sure it won't be too prevalent. The other stuff we've been seeing looks great.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
I'd like to see the series have a spin off Wii title that plays like REmake, and has pre-rendered graphics, while the mainline series sticks to the HD consoles and keeps up the whole blockbuster action horror feel. That would make me a happy man.

BeautifulMemory said:
It would be great if the "Mercenaries" mode would be co-op...with an all-star cast!

One can only dream
Dare to dream.


Rez>You said:
I'd like to see the series have a spin off Wii title that plays like REmake, and has pre-rendered graphics, while the mainline series sticks to the HD consoles and keeps up the whole blockbuster action horror feel. That would make me a happy man.

Dare to dream.

Why only the Wii? I wouldn't mind getting some yummy pre-rendered spinoffs on PC (or at least ps3). I mean, they could always release them on "HD" platforms as budget releases or something.

But I've always hated the idea of exclusives.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
Nikorasu said:
Why only the Wii? I wouldn't mind getting some yummy pre-rendered spinoffs on PC (or at least ps3). I mean, they could always release them on "HD" platforms as budget releases or something.

But I've always hated the idea of exclusives.
Yeah, I'm generally against the idea of third party exclusives (seems like such a dated concept). The Wii would be a good home for a pre-rendered game (what with the technical limitations), so I thought it would make the most sense on it. A HD port of this hypothetical Wii game wouldn't be a bad thing, put it that way. ;)


Don't know if it's been mentioned or not but walking and shooting confirmed for RES EVIL 5! it'll be a new control setting dubbed "action" or something like that. The announcement is on xbox live's oxm:D

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
gfdoom said:
Don't know if it's been mentioned or not but walking and shooting confirmed for RES EVIL 5! it'll be a new control setting dubbed "action" or something like that. The announcement is on xbox live's oxm:D
confirmed to be false.

mike webster isn't getting a bonus this year. =p
gfdoom said:
Don't know if it's been mentioned or not but walking and shooting confirmed for RES EVIL 5! it'll be a new control setting dubbed "action" or something like that. The announcement is on xbox live's oxm:D
That guy was mistaken and it was debunked. I posted the same thing and was surprised someone from Capcom was so mistaken about his own game.


I didn´t like the Xbox 360 controls, so I went on and downloaded the PS3 demo. But everytime I walk into the hut in shanty twon the cutscene plays, the screen flashes loading for 15+ minutes and upon pressing the PS button, the screen goes black and the console doesn´t react anymore. Public assembly works fine. I tried it 3 times, even deleted the demo and downloaded it again.

Anybody else had this problem? I won´t buy the game for my xbox, I just don´t like the controller (and I have sourround sound on the PS3), but won´t buy the game if I can´t even finish the demo without problems, but I haven´t heard about somebody else having this problem.

It plays everything esle fine, the KZ2 demo, disc based games, Blu-rays, Public Assembly...just not Shanty Twon, wtf?! Help.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
Sheva in attack mode works much better when I go in with mind set that I'm the one covering her, as opposed to her covering me (when she is in cover mode, obviously). During the demo, when ammo isn't an issue, it's fun to leave her in attack mode and watch as she runs riot and collects all the semi-hidden goodies around the level, but I'd imagine in the full-game I'll have to use attack mode more sparingly, because she chews up a lot of ammo on whatever her best weapon is. :lol

I have a feeling that attack mode is going to be crucial in boss battles.

Binabik15 said:
I didn´t like the Xbox 360 controls, so I went on and downloaded the PS3 demo. But everytime I walk into the hut in shanty twon the cutscene plays, the screen flashes loading for 15+ minutes and upon pressing the PS button, the screen goes black and the console doesn´t react anymore. Public assembly works fine. I tried it 3 times, even deleted the demo and downloaded it again.

Anybody else had this problem? I won´t buy the game for my xbox, I just don´t like the controller (and I have sourround sound on the PS3), but won´t buy the game if I can´t even finish the demo without problems, but I haven´t heard about somebody else having this problem.

It plays everything esle fine, the KZ2 demo, disc based games, Blu-rays, Public Assembly...just not Shanty Twon, wtf?! Help.
Strange, I haven't heard of this happening to anyone else. Maybe you could try downloading it with a different user profile.

VaLiancY said:
So I'm about to buckle and pop $50 for a GameCube to go through RE4 again. I want RE5 so bad.
*looks lovingly at his copies of RE4 for GC, PC and Wii*


I was far more impressed with RE5 demo than Killzone demo. The gunplay is so damn satisfying.

This is my most wanted game right now, i have no doubt RE5 will live up to RE4s legacy
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