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Motomu Toriyama hints at a new Final Fantasy XIII in Ultimania Omega

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
Back when I was looking at the first series of trailers for the supposed awesome tri-fecta of FF 13, Versus, and Agito (later Type-0) I never in a million years expected this to be the generation SE killed the brand name.

And I havent even got the other two yet.


( ≖‿≖)
XIII-2 Has a good battle system at least. And music! These iterations are kind of stupid but I'd be lying if I said I enjoyed many JRPGs more than XIII-2 this gen. Populated Academia is so great, that alone probably made the game acceptable for me.

Edit: ^ lol.


Ugh, I can't wait till we've seen the last of this particular Final Fantasy world. It had so much potential and has just ended up being disappointing for me at least. I thought XIII-2 was a big improvement over the first, yet ultimately still very, very average. Hopefully third time is the charm and they actually create a living breathing world with gameplay that doesn't ape Pokemon.


With virtually nothing in the original release worth salvaging (very little content, most content that is in the game is dull, extremely bland and repetitive world, dull gameplay systems) and a terrible reputation now stuck to XIV yes, yes they should have.
The low standards of FFXIV players... it's in a worse state than virtually any FTP MMORPG and it's pay to play. If it wasn't for the brand name on it and the publisher behind it...

I'm just going to take a guess here, but I take it you either have never played the game, or haven't played it in the last 6-8 months.
I guess if Square Enix keeps doing these games they'll finally make a FFXIII-# that is good enough to have been what FFXIII should have been in the first place.


( ≖‿≖)
Damn, while looking for Academia photos, I was reminded of Snow and Sazh and Hope and every other character. Really don't want to see these people ever again.


They really did a great job of killing any interest for a whole generation who might have been interested in the series.

I had two friends who bought FFX-2 as their first game and got burned out of the series forever. These aren't hardcore gamers in any way, they just heard about this "Final Fantasy" thing and bought the newest game.

While I thought X-2 is a decent game, it's a terrible introduction and if you haven't played the FFX, the story becomes even more terrible than it already is.


Another full XIII game? Jesus. I enjoyed the first two well enough, but let's move on already.

I imagine for people who truly dislike the world of XIII and it's characters, this news is completely alienating. What does FF have to offer them? I'd be disappointed if my favorite series spent 6-7 years with my least favorite cast. Thankfully for me VIII never got this far.


I really hope they do XIII-3,so when it gloriously flops the shareholders will finally kick Wada's ass out of SE.


Subete no aware
I just want them to wrap up the nonsensical story, so I'm fine with whatever they do at this point.

Still, 13-3-13 was a date they really should have tried for. :p
They'll really did a great job of killing any interest for a whole generation who might have been interested in the series.

That's an interesting point, now that you mention it. I think it was Kitase that said how the franchise mainly targets a teenager audience and how it is important for the brand to steadily pull in new fans from that particular demographic to keep its momentum up, because the older people get the less likely they are to find the series appealing. And now they failed to do just that during a whole generation that kind of buried the JRPG genre on top of that.


XIII remains one of my favorite RPG this gen. XIII-2 was really good too expect that stupid moogle. XIII-3 is for me more than welcome!


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to


Yeah I know, not my most contributing of posts I admit. I'm just frankly disappointed with what Final Fantasy has become at the hands of Toriyama and I'm convinced that no amount of sequels can fix the complete and utter mess that is XIII. At this point, I'd rather they just let it die and move on.


That's an interesting point, now that you mention it. I think it was Kitase that said how the franchise mainly targets a teenager audience and how it is important for the brand to steadily pull in new fans from that particular demographic to keep its momentum up, because the older people get the less likely they are to find the series appealing. And now they failed to do just that during a whole generation that kind of buried the JRPG genre on top of that.
Yeah, I really think they really failed on that front.

Though anecdotally, my 14 y/o niece loves the series, despite my efforts to make her play good games. I made her play; SMG1/2(I know, different genre), Xenoblade and Tales of Symphonia(which made her by the sequel, ugh). While she liked those she really loves the FFXIII series and even bought a PS3 for it. She also loves Justin Bieber. Young (female)teens might just have a different taste.

Though seeing things from a sales front, I think my anecdote is the exception.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
Book for fans of a game (sub-series) hints at follow-up in the works.

News at eleven.

What do you expect? :D


Thirteen flew over the cuckoo's nest
Whatever. If they want to dilute and damage their brand then more power to them.

XIII-2 and XIII-3 are equal to Final Fantasy Tactics Advance and Cyrstal Chronicles series, instead of milking the shit out of the series with low-budget games, they're making mid-budget games connected to the main series somehow to retain a wider chances of success. Why complaining, I think we can all agree that games like XIII-2 are more welcom than Crystal Bearers or Chocobo Racing. It's not that any of these is delaying Versus or XV for what we know. We're just getting better spin-offs.


Maybe I shouldn't be at this point, but I'm somewhat shocked they're looking to do this. Three games with these characters in this world...I was ready to move on halfway through XIII.


Argh roman numerals.I initally read the title as FFXII. Bummer.
I just played the Demo of FFXIII-2 and thought that it is a nice game.

XIII-2 and XIII-3 are equal to Final Fantasy Tactics Advance and Cyrstal Chronicles series, instead of milking the shit out of the series with low-budget games, they're making mid-budget games connected to the main series somehow to retain a wider chances of success. Why complaining, I think we can all agree that games like XIII-2 are more welcom than Crystal Bearers or Chocobo Racing. It's not that any of these is delaying Versus or XV for what we know. We're just getting better spin-offs.
Nice point, and it reminds me that I still want to buy Crystal Bearers.
Can't say I'm surprised after seeming every ending.
My wish is they bring back gambits to customize the AI of the party members you are not controlling. Having some control over the party members placement in battle so a don't have people walking into attacks and taking unnecessary damage would be good to. If they add that to the battle system, I would buy FF XII-3 day one.

Otherwise, I will probably get the game the same way I got the first two, after a price collapse.


I'm surprised that anybody who actually finished FF13-2 doesn't want this, honestly. The ending isn't an ending, so this had to be coming. I personally had a great time with 13-2, and I was under the impression that most people who actually tried it did, too. At the very least, it certainly seems way more popular than FF13 in discussions. Shrug.

It's not so much about following up on the ending (or lack thereof), but about the fact that I know Toriyama will disappoint in attempting to deliver anything anywhere close to conclusive or fulfilling. Hell, given how well he followed up on his "Lightning will finally be happy!!" bullshit, I still have doubts on whether anything he is saying here will actually pan out in the inevitable XIII-3. At this point, I would like to just quit while I'm behind even though I actually enjoyed XIII-2 despite its flaws.


It will be an action game starring Lightning....

developed by Platinum Games, of course
I'm sorry this was two pages ago, but when I skimmed through the thread I laughed at this, because Platinum Games is already developing an action game starring "Lightning"—Revengeance (cuz Raiden = thunder + lightning).

...Man I feel bad now.

Rather than decrying the high chance of a 13-3, which had been inevitable since the ending of 13-2, you guys would have better luck thinking about what could still be improved from 13-2. Aside from story, that is, because story will never improve in the 13 world.

It boggled me a bit back then when 13-2 came out and they didn't add any new jobs to the roster at all. They should try exploring new jobs in 13-3 to say the least. I wouldn't put it past them to just use the same six though, lazy bastards.


Heh. I saw FFXIII-2 marked down to $20 bucks at GameStop over the weekend. I was about to pick it up, but then I remembered how it apparently had another cliffhanger ending and decided to wait until some DLC conclusion was announced or something.

Now I see this and....well, all I can do is laugh to myself.


13-3 will be a 3DS game.

Why 3DS when you can just use the same assets again and include a demo of Versus on-disc to double XIII-2's sale numbers :p

Heh. I saw FFXIII-2 marked down to $20 bucks at GameStop over the weekend. I was about to pick it up, but then I remembered how it apparently had another cliffhanger ending and decided to wait until some DLC conclusion was announced or something.

Now I see this and....well, all I can do is laugh to myself.

I was in the same exact boat as you. I was browsing through amazon and saw how cheap it became
Can't they just lay to rest one of the weakest installments in the Final Fantasy pantheon and move on to XV? Isn't that the wise, logical thing to do? Give us a new world to explore with a fresh cast; very few actually care about the plight of Lightning and her paedo-bait sister.

And this is coming from someone who actually liked Final Fantasy XIII... to an extent.


( ≖‿≖)
Heh. I saw FFXIII-2 marked down to $20 bucks at GameStop over the weekend. I was about to pick it up, but then I remembered how it apparently had another cliffhanger ending and decided to wait until some DLC conclusion was announced or something.

Now I see this and....well, all I can do is laugh to myself.

Get it! The story is poo but you can skip it all. It still has pretty solid mechanics IMO which is way more than can be said about most jrpgs this gen.


So uh... This is going to be the last game of Lightning's XIII, right? RIGHT?!? This is going to be the end of Lightning's story.... right? RIGHT?!? Somebody! Anybody!!! Goddess of Time, help us please! We need more time (away from this crap)!!

Why 3DS when you can just use the same assets again and include a demo of Versus on-disc to double XIII-2's sale numbers :p
The demo of VersusXIII will come, as a paid DLC of course, a few months after XIII-3's release!!! This is marketing genius!!!
Can't they just lay to rest one of the weakest installments in the Final Fantasy pantheon and move on to XV? Isn't that the wise, logical thing to do? Give us a new world to explore with a fresh cast; very few actually care about the plight of Lightning and her paedo-bait sister.

And this is coming from someone who actually liked Final Fantasy XIII... to an extent.

Well, there's a good possibility FFXV will be released for next generation platforms (If Agni's Philosophy is any indication) so I don't see why they couldn't release another FFXIII game to bridge the gap between now and the start of the next generation?
They will also have XIV 2.0 and Versus XIII to see us through before next generation arrives
Just because you don't like the characters/world that FFXIII has created doesn't stop SE from possibly making a genuinely great game in a third installment - I encourage great games.

Sure, if we find for whatever reason a third installment is delaying Versus XIII further, then fair enough, this isn't a good thing, but I'm pretty sure it won't be too detrimental to it.


FFXIII is one of my favourite games this generation.
FFXIII-2 has two of my favourite characters in any media.
The FFXIII series has been great for me.

I want FFXIII-3.


........ if I see another fucking clock puzzle...

OK, Whikle I don't agree with the first part, the 2nd part I'll repost. I'm about 3/4 the way through the game abnd have spend tmy last 15 hours of gameplay just grabbing Fragments, I wish they gave you more skill/powers/items from all teh fragment hunting...

Now the puzzles, its annoying as hell spending 30-45 on one puzzle that doesn't make any sense, they could have tried to make them fun...... Almost as bad of a dev decision as giving the Traps/MAtter a minimal drop rate in X-III. Total BS.


Of course it is. After all that junk DLC in XIII-2 that did nothing to conclude the story, hence a new game that will.

I personally loved XIII-2, I thought it was a big improvement. That said I don't want a XIII-3, just let it die already. Why not finish Versus instead? Do a Kingdom Hearts 3? Oh hey, how about a new Final Fantasy all together?
XIII-2 and XIII-3 are equal to Final Fantasy Tactics Advance and Cyrstal Chronicles series, instead of milking the shit out of the series with low-budget games, they're making mid-budget games connected to the main series somehow to retain a wider chances of success. Why complaining, I think we can all agree that games like XIII-2 are more welcom than Crystal Bearers or Chocobo Racing. It's not that any of these is delaying Versus or XV for what we know. We're just getting better spin-offs.

...why? These games are all garbage and I would rather see SE waste less resources on low-profile garbage than a lot of resources on shiny, high-profile garbage.


Gold Member
Of course it is. After all that junk DLC in XIII-2 that did nothing to conclude the story, hence a new game that will.

I personally loved XIII-2, I thought it was a big improvement. That said I don't want a XIII-3, just let it die already. Why not finish Versus instead? Do a Kingdom Hearts 3? Oh hey, how about a new Final Fantasy all together?

or how about a friggin' western type-0 release?! how has this not happened? how is it not even mentioned anymore?...
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