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Mushi-shi: The Sequel (new season) |OT|

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It's here already? A lovely surprise :D

It's awesome how both this and Game of Thrones are starting almost at the same time.
what? This late ? Either way, pumped to watch this, i urge anyone that hasn't checked this out to do so, it really is a one of kind show!!

So is it the same folks doing this one that did the first season years ago then or different people?


I'm currently catching up on the first season. I only watch it when I return home after a long day at school or work, this show makes me feel relaxed. Can't wait to jump in the second season :)


oh damn original mushishi was awesome. it was a surreal experience, sometimes i think i dreamt having watched it.


Ep 1

Great episode. The highlight was definitely seeing the Mushi-shi ply their trade and conduct the ceremony, but I enjoyed the simple tale of a man trying to make his father proud as well. The OP was great, and it's nice to see shows like this break out of the normal j-pop OP/ED structure that most shows follow (I realize the original did as well).

I guess it is probably too slow of a show for a lot of people, but this is what I've been looking forward to since even before it was announced. Hopefully there are even more excellent episodes to come.

Guess Who

Just watched the first episode of season two.

First, I'm glad they managed to find another wonderful chill-as-fuck acoustic song for the OP. I'm still trying to get The Sore Feet Song out of my head.

Second, this was just a good episode over all. Not the best (that's still reserved for One Eyed Fish and Sea of Writings), but a good opener that reintroduces the basic concepts of the show. Can't wait for more.
Watched episode 2. I love this show so much. First one was in my top three animes of all time so to see this show back feels amazing.


Finally managed to start the new season.

Episode 1


I like incidental ghost stories about people doing something they do any other day but running into something unusual in the process, so this grabbed me right from the start. I think the nature of the strangeness in the story here was fairly predictable, but what wasn't is how the story ends. Usually something like this tends to be more dramatized or has a more heavy handed lesson in it, but here it's very much about people living their lives and just running into something unusual. In the end the only "lesson" seems to be that the best wine brewers are inspired by taking drugs! Lol. :)

The show has fantastic audio direction and a really nice tone, but I guess that goes without saying.


Episode 2

It's really refreshing to see stories which are about the struggles of common people but without the dramatization and artificiality that comes with the territory of such tales in general. In this story in particular,
I found myself expecting something drastic to need to happen to change the fisherman's heart, but in retrospect I realized that any decent person would have done what he did. While his bitterness earlier seemed to characterize him as an unreasonable person, the reality was that in times of peace and calm it can simply be easy for a decent person who has been hurt badly to behave that way. He didn't need any tragedy or dramatic event to change his heart, he only needed to see the need others had, to drop his grudge and be the better man.
It's deceptively simple and realistic, but not something you see in stories often. Oh, and that final shot at the end on the beach was totally breathtaking. Fantastic work. I loved the hand drawn water effects throughout the episode too. It's one of those minor visual things I really dig.
Mushishi S2 2

Amazing episode. Having the mushy being more a portent of disaster than the bringer of the disaster was a great touch and let the simple tale about community and trust really shine. And yes that last shot with the mushy taking flight was absolutely breathtaking.



A really enjoyable episode. It's always interesting to see how many of these mushi take on aspects already in nature but are in forms completely different from their norm. As a relatively harmless variety, they served mainly as a catalyst to alter the status quo of the village's situation between the father and the chief.

Some nicely detailed face shots as well as a number of one-off background shots which aren't particularly detailed but make a nice change from reusing the same shot. Obviously there's that great shot at the end as well.


The lack of posts in this thread is a little disheartening.

Anyways, caught up with the last two episodes and the special that aired earlier in the year and it's pretty crazy how well the new stuff fits in with the older season. Stylistically and tonally. You'd never guess there was an 8 year gap between these seasons if you didn't know beforehand.


I still haven't watched the OVA, but loved the first season of the show. I'm assuming the OVA is standalone from the second season right?

I actually had no idea they were making a new season though, this is an awesome surprise. I basically fell asleep/watched the first season before bed so it was like i dreamed the entire show. Took a solid month to get through the entire thing lol.


I still haven't watched the OVA, but loved the first season of the show. I'm assuming the OVA is standalone from the second season right?

I actually had no idea they were making a new season though, this is an awesome surprise.

Well, the entire series has always been stand alone, so it's not like it really matters.


Episode 3
Another great episode. I particularly loved the sound direction in this: the houses sound echo-y, the outside feels utterly desolate. Just fantastic stuff.
I also really liked the scene above. The were sure to pay attention to detail and show
the snow swirling round Toki in a different manner to how it falls elsewhere or how it falls surrounding Tae in the following shot.
I also really liked the shot where
Toki sees the snow falling down on him from under the water's surface


Episode 3

Another story about dealing with loss, but in a very different way from the previous one. It's pretty remarkable how reserved the storytelling in Mushishi is, and how it allows the characters and general setting to speak for themselves without having things happen "for a reason". Actions and consequences are the result of personal decisions for better or worse, and the supernatural's influence on the world is simply part of nature, and at most they influence the physical conditions around a person, but there's never a deeper meaning in what it does. That sort of realist perspective gives the stories an elevated sense of believability which makes them feel more personal and emotionally resonant.

One thing which makes Ginko's journey interesting is that the places he visits all have unique properties either in the geographical nature of it, the culture surrounding it, or certain natural phenomenon. The extreme differences in weather conditions also drive home the feeling that his travels really take him far and wide. It makes every individual story feel special in its own way.


I read the manga so many yeaes ago, had my friends tell me it was boring and weird and I was crazy for enjoying. Not in so many words tho.

I didn't realize it was made into an anime, let alone a sequel.
I read the manga so many yeaes ago, had my friends tell me it was boring and weird and I was crazy for enjoying. Not in so many words tho.

I didn't realize it was made into an anime, let alone a sequel.

My heart sinks every time I recommend this to a friend and they too come back with the "boring/weird" response.


There is no accounting for poor taste! I own the translated books. Mmmmnhhh.. so niiice..

Mushi-shi is brilliant and I love it. I gotta wait to watch these with my siblings though.
Genuinely beautiful anime, both visually and in it's storytelling.

Really happy I stumbled across Mushi-shi 6 or so months ago, and, I guess due to familiarity with the show, the second season seems to resonate even more.
Episode 3
Another great episode. I particularly loved the sound direction in this: the houses sound echo-y, the outside feels utterly desolate. Just fantastic stuff.
I also really liked the scene above. The were sure to pay attention to detail and show
the snow swirling round Toki in a different manner to how it falls elsewhere or how it falls surrounding Tae in the following shot.
I also really liked the shot where
Toki sees the snow falling down on him from under the water's surface

Very cool stuff. It's like the show's filled with subtle brilliance on every front.

Episode 3

Another story about dealing with loss, but in a very different way from the previous one. It's pretty remarkable how reserved the storytelling in Mushishi is, and how it allows the characters and general setting to speak for themselves without having things happen "for a reason". Actions and consequences are the result of personal decisions for better or worse, and the supernatural's influence on the world is simply part of nature, and at most they influence the physical conditions around a person, but there's never a deeper meaning in what it does. That sort of realist perspective gives the stories an elevated sense of believability which makes them feel more personal and emotionally resonant.

One thing which makes Ginko's journey interesting is that the places he visits all have unique properties either in the geographical nature of it, the culture surrounding it, or certain natural phenomenon. The extreme differences in weather conditions also drive home the feeling that his travels really take him far and wide. It makes every individual story feel special in its own way.

That's half the fun of this series for me. Just seeing what the setting will be like on each new episode.
Argh, I watched the first season with English dub, so now I'll have to wait. Oh well, this is my favourite anime (if you can classify it as such) so I'll gladly wait :D.

I was in Japan when I first heard about the new season. I flicked on the TV in my hotel room and saw the last moments of the movie that premiered that same night. I was so confused and delighted XD.


Mushishi 03
This is probably one of the hardest slap to the face moment in Mushishi.
While it similar to the previous episode because like what duckroll said that it was about deal with loss, its feel different. Mostly because the loss itself is more recent, and the mushi is more directly involved with the characters and the story. While it still good due to the subtlety and feels heartwarming (pun intended), I think it could deliver the emotional impact better than this. Maybe Toki could visit the lake,
trying to "wake" her sister more than once
, or shows the connection between his inability to come up with his loss and his conformity with his preset condition. The "how the snow isn't melting" and underwater scene is brilliant though.
My heart sinks every time I recommend this to a friend and they too come back with the "boring/weird" response.
Well, people just have different set of expectation and approach for entertainment medium they watch/consume.


Holy shit, just saw this for the first time just now. And I'm 3 episodes behind?!


I have 3 episodes of NEW mushishi!



Mushishi Zoku Shou Episode 1:

I can see why this show is getting a lot of high praise though I can't say this episode turned me into a raving lunatic of quality that some of the other watchers here. Mind you this is certainly a very atmospheric series that also brings a mature and subtle tone that is far too lacking in a lot of anime. I do not have experience with season one and thus I lack that basis to compare it to, but I have been told this is all very stand alone. Anyway, basically what kill it for me was I didn't find the brew master tale all that interesting and indeed just a bit on the confusing side logically. Anyway, yea, this is a damn fine show but it is going to talk more then being an absurdly pretty version of Folktales From Japan to wrest control of the seasonal crown from Stardust Crusaders over even Ping Pong for that matter.


Loving it. Episode 4 was kinda creepy, in a good way.

Maybe my memory of S1 is kinda fuzzy, but I think S2 has been more human-focused so far and I like it. The mushi are often merely background and the many times Ginki went "oh, just wait it out or do this and that and the effects will fade" make them feel even more like part of nature.


Mushishi 04
This one have more tense and creepy atmosphere than any past episode so far, and it isn't like I've felt in any epsiode from S1. I think at this point it pretty much established that focus of the most episode so far is on the human rather the mushi itself like S1 (though it might changed it subsequent episode). Being the "king of the mountain", I guess this episode could somewhat stronger if Tatsu started to hunt the biggest game, but it seems the mushi itself not completely taken away its host sanity. An okay episode overall for me.


What a great episode. There wasn't a lot to the episode per se but it was dripping in a gloriously cloying atmosphere that matched perfectly the mushi's ability. Colour pallet as well of being muted and sickly colours also worked a treat.
Sound direction is once again particularly wonderful, especially near the final scenes where there's that oppressive "sound" as Tastu becomes more unstable.

The above shot is just glorious [also now in webm]:
i) it's a nice reflection of the growing instability of Tatsu and the anxiousness that Usuke feels towards his brother as he gradually becomes more like the father they feared.

ii) the hand covering the face showing the eye is a great visual representation of how the mushi's personality is coming more to the forefront.
It gradually becomes larger and closer to the screen while Tastu's face remains hidden behind it while also becoming blurred and indistinct on details. Meanwhile the hand itself is highly detailed it's creases, the dirt and mostly importantly the eye stigma.
This is coupled beforehand with the prophetic line "It's not like I've changed is it?"



Episode 4

A good story about the balance of nature, and man's role in it as the artificial hunter. I like how they have Ginko just come out and say that, since his primary concern is to help people solve their problems without criticizing what they do or commenting on the morality of their choices. It was clear that the unnatural aspect of the Fuki's power resulted in an imbalance in the forest, making it hard for others to hunt normally. By not accusing Tatsu of that directly, it allowed the story to take on a form of self-redemption, where he comes to the realization himself, and learns to let go of it after paying the price. Ginko's policy of non-intervention strengthens the documentary feel of the series, and makes his role as a scientific observer in the world more believable.


Episode 5

The backgrounds this week were extra good. The characterization had a pretty interesting conclusion too, considering the short scope of the story. It seems to suggest that
it wasn't really love she was feeling, but an infatuation instead. But I do agree, Ginko is pretty hot!


Mushishi Zoku Shou Episode 5:

Eh, this is one of those episodes where I can be appreciative of the direction and metaphor they were going for, the dangers of depression and the iron will of resolve, this was pretty boring in all honesty.
Mushi-shi S2 5

I loved this episode! So many amazing shots and scenes. The one where
Masumi was polishing the mirror and began to cry was incredibly powerful and creepy at the same time


Episode 6

Not quite as good as the rest from this season so far.
This is probably one of the few episodes that I can recall at the moment where the mushi has almost no active role in the plot of the episode, which combined with the fact that the man didn't really learn any lessons, probably weakens the episode a bit
. It was still beautiful visuals and music as always, though.


Watched episodes 1 through 5... Yep this is Mushishi in all its subdued beauty alright.

I strongly agree with duckroll in that giving each location Ginko stumbles upon unique properties, whether geographic or climatic, only makes his journey a more naturally cohesive and enjoyable one.

Also, Ginko shares a trait with another one of my favorite anime/manga characters; Kino from Kino No Tabi. They both are level-headed travelers who act as observers of the world, its different inhabitants and cultures, keeping their interventions minimal. Only big difference is that Ginko actually seeks knowledge in a specific subject and therefore benefits people from his acquired knowledge and expertise in that particular field.

Mushi-shi S2 5

I loved this episode! So many amazing shots and scenes. The one where
Masumi was polishing the mirror and began to cry was incredibly powerful and creepy at the same time
By polishing the mirror herself she was acknowledging that her crush may never return. But the episode made it clear that she's just another confused teenager ready to prematurely jump on and off the love train.
Which is something I like about this show: witnessing different facets of human nature with a bit of mushi added to the mix.

btw, new OP is nice.
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