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Erased (Boku dake ga Inai Machi) animeTV|OT| If I could turn back time, If I could..

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I enjoyed the last episode. The series was great. I think it's good that I can't compare it to the manga and see it as its own thing. I expected Airi to somehow remember him though. Airi is pretty important as she was the one to break Satoru somewhat out of his shell. Made him see that he shouldn't be that shallow. He viewed others as shallow too. All in all I'm satisfied. I guess some things could have been different with Yashiro, but they probably did what they could do with the time they had. Seeing Yashiro develop during those 15 years might have been better.


Loved this final episode. So heartwarming... <3

Still satisfied with the ending, though a bit let down of what could have been. But it's by no means terrible. I think we just judge it harsher because of how good the first few episodes were.

IMO, this ending was way better than the manga's
because of the simple fact that elements of Satoru's childhood, such as his other friends (besides Kenya), weren't forgotten. Watching them all as adults and the realization of Yashiro about Satoru were done very well.
Not ashamed to admit I got emotional at the end. Just because Airi didn't get development in the anime doesn't mean that she wasn't dear to Satoru's heart.
That whole ending was sweet. I'm no anime connoisseur but I thought it was done well considering how the show as a whole played out.

Hooray for Satoru and Airi, even though she wasn't a very developed character she was super important to Satoru's development so it makes sense she gets to be important. And that last minute was good enough for me and my heart after last week's lolfest.

The way they caught Yashiro was pretty silly, but frankly it's not too silly to be unbelievable in this show when you examine it as a regular tv show. I got kinda creeper out though because it really felt like Yashiro wanted some sort of "together in the afterlife" thing. Not sure what sentiment they were trying to invoke. Maybe he wanted a dude friend of his own? I bet the manga backstory helps explain this.

Overall, I give it a good/10. Good show with some great highs and meh lows, and it definitely got me invested enough to watch it all the way. :)


Omg this is by far the best anime I've ever watched.
All the emotions, God. It saddens me there's nothing like this out there.
Does the manga continue or is this really done done?
Good ending. Glad everything worked out for everyone. I was gonna riot if Airi was never mentioned again but it was fixed in the end. 8/10.
Watched the last episode. Definitely meh, they didn't do much with the time allotted - everything resolve in a minute or so and the rest was just a montage that held less weight than it should because we don't really care about anyone except Kayo.

Like others are saying, it really felt like the Kayo parts were much better -- the rest was done in a rush or less thoughtfully. We never gained any insight into the other characters.

Does the manga do a better part of it? I wanna read it - should I start from the beginning or is there a point I can jump in from?

Anything to do with the 20xx timeline was way better in the Manga than in the Anime which dropped the ball on that period of time.

Not ashamed to admit I got emotional at the end. Just because Airi didn't get development in the anime doesn't mean that she wasn't dear to Satoru's heart.
Pretty much. In the Manga it is pretty strongly hinted throughout the series it was going to be an Airi end. For the first five chapters they really flesh out their relationship as coworkers, and when he is a kid he has nightmares about her forgetting him. At odd moments will recall something about Airi and during the recall back to the present day they start to lay down the seeds of the future relationship. Then at the end after the coma, she is the catalyst that awakens his memories after everything that they have tried to get them back.

If you were an Anime only watcher though, she is a needless character; but if looked at from the original source she is pretty important.

Seems kinda odd to base your whole climax on this five minute speech about killing hamsters. As the main themes of the villian were set up in that short amount, I couldn't really care about the conclusion, it seemed like it wanted to be cool (wow look Saturo is Jesus now), instead of making sense. meh.

For the rest it was a fun show, ending was decent although it kinda overstayed it's welcome at the last minute. The ride was enjoyable, first I genuinely enjoyed it because it was just a strong show, and in the later episodes I started laughing at how cheesy it was. I had a good time nonetheless.
Despite its differences which were forced on due to a lack of episodes, I liked the ending of the show for what it was. Even though the ending was different, I liked the different interpretation of how they came to catch Yashiro. I'm really happy they managed to improve the last 5 minutes of the show over the manga by adding in the scene at the bar back in hokkaido with his friends. In addition, I am super happy that they ended the show with the Airi scene.

I know her character didn't really get fleshed out in the Anime, but having read the Manga it was good to see that they didn't outright forget the parts that they didn't show.

This entire show has been a ride and I can definitely say this is going on my list of Greatest of All Time. Yes it was a little rushed near the end, but they still managed to handle the entire journey amazingly well. Just the fact alone that several moments in this series had me in absolute tears says something.

10/10 In my books
Erased 12

Well, definitively the series fell off a cliff at the end.

-So somehow, the serial killer got obsessed with the mc (because he has a boner for survivors? /cue flashback of the hamster) just because he stopped his plans a pair of times. So much that he didn't kill him while he was on coma, and hell, even cared for him? Oh yeah and he didn't feel 'good' anymore so these past 15 years he stopped killing and no one more died, even if he was a compulsive serial killer. Yep. That's the author being a hack writer trying to avoid the fact that the main hero didn't do shit, if he saved a pair of girls but a dozen more would be killed in the following years when he was off the game.
-The power of the friendship in the final montage was corny as fuck.
-Airi appearing at the end is anime-stupid, just put there to imply that, of course, the mc gets the girl in the end. Even if it isn't related in any way to the central story.


OK, for some reason, that ending got me a little bit as soon as the credit started rolling; it felt really good man, really good. Best buds, best mom... Very nice. I was happy with that conclusion, as well as the monologue of :"The Town where only I am Missing"


Beautiful... I mean, that was an excellent way to tie everything together and make the title make sense. I was thrown off a little thinking that it meant the opposite and took it to literally, but what a great way to bring it full circle.....

&#8220;But I don&#8217;t have Wonder Guy&#8217;s courage or good friends like that. So I felt envious. It made me wish to have true friends, friends who trust each other, when I get bigger.&#8221;



Damn things came full circle for him and worked out in the end, I loved this moment as well, the whole epilogue was amazing, including the below:




Loved the framing of that moment with the blue butterfly; it was beautiful. I'm not sure if it is the same as the manga or not timing wise, but it was heartfelt and it fit well. Honestly, it didn't even have to be Airi right there and could have been Aya or anyone else, but I appreciated the fact they brought Airi back for him since there was definitely a connection of fate that was brought back for Satoru.

I loved this series from start to finish despite some pacing issues in the later episodes. Content/Story wise it was always up there and trounces most of the other stuff that has been on recently and really kept me captivated from week to week. It's great still being able to appreciate and enjoy a story that is presented with a good mix of drama, emotion and mystery/thrill (it doesn't neatly fall into any genre really). I loved this show.


Everything about this episode was pretty dumb, but Airi was the worst. She just appears because of fate.

Awkward show overall.
This was easily one of the best anime that I have ever watched. I loved every minute of it and I'm not ashamed to admit I bawled at the entire second half especially with Airi showed up. I don't usually get emotional with shows but damn did this one hit me hard.

Guess Who

The rooftop conversation was so absurd.

God, yeah, that whole conversation just made no sense. What the hell.

Now that it's all said and done this is a 7.5 show overall, I'd say. The first couple episodes are 10/10 material but the longer it goes the more damage it does to itself.
Erased - 12

Hmm. This had some parts that I really liked in some regards but of course also a bunch of bullshit. I think I expected worse.

So, I found this idea that Yashiro, after his past encounter with Satoru, stopped killing and is not a serial killer in this timeline, even if he of course attempted to kill Satoru. It simply makes for an interesting idea as to where these two characters can go form now and what kind of relation they have. Like, Satoru could actually become someone Yashiro can confide in and fight the remaining issues he has, if Satoru were to forgive him (which he leaned towards, especially since his mission was a success and his friends were alive).

All that doesn't actually work in the context of the show because Yashiro was portrayed too one-dimensionally evil and we aren't really shown Yashiro fighting his conflict before Satoru went comatose. Of course we're now shown a short flashback to tell us this sort did happen in the meantime but it's just kinda weak. Especially when the episode beforehand doesn't make Yashiro out as some guy fighting his urges but a complete psychopath in that guinea pig monologue. Properly establish/foreshadow this change of behavior or it ends up like this feeling undeserved and out of place.

Well...that's actually all I considered partially good, really. The rest...

Satoru's speaking manner on the rooftop was ridiculous. I get that he has a master plan but can you tone it down some? Too high school level philosophy dialogue and tryhard psychology analysis.

The entire jumping sheet plan was far fetched to begin with (they anticipated that he'd be taken to the rooftop and forced to jump/pushed? Really now? And Yashiro doesn't once look down before letting Yashiro fall, either? Good thing Yashiro didn't just decide to cut Satoru's throat or something, especially when he apparently really struggled living without Satoru and may have been indifferent about what happens afterwards...

And my biggest complaint would be the very childish, fairytale direction the story took in regards to Satoru's friends. "Everyone remained nearby, close-friends with each other and Satoru, even going as far as shaping their life goals after his deeds! Misato, of course, started a fundraiser for him at the age of 10, despite not being that close to him at the time (even if she had a crush still)."

These kids were ~10 years old. 15 years passed. And yet everyone is still superbest friends? Next they'll force some random encounter with Airi as a way to end the show...oh no. These bastards actually did that.

edit: Hold on, I don't need spoilers here.

Also forgot to mention that all this 'Revival' stuff sure just got kinda thrown out of the window towards the end, huh? I mean I'm not asking for explanations but it's just kinda strange how Satoru not only does get another chance after failing once (and he even kind of expects that) but he then does not return in the second revival. Damn, this episode he even just nonchalantly states that he doesn't any of them anymore.

Episodes 2-4 of Erased are amazing and the rest of the series doesn't really come close to that at all. Which sucks, but at least we got those three episodes.

Awkward show overall.

Yeh I'm really not sure what to think. Awkward is the right description. Episodes 2-4 really were fantastic. Then episode 5 and 6 are a major nosedive. Afterwards some of the children scenes are still nice (usually when it involves Hinazuki) but the show kinda just keeps declining.


That was a nice ending. The show as a whole was alright, though I wouldn't say it was particularly great or anything. In terms of "sentimental" anime I've seen, I'd probably put it in line with Kokoro Connect. Angel Beats is still far above Erased, for me.

I didn't have any real issue with this ending episode, but that particular importance placed on Airi's appearance was kinda weird. I don't think it would have felt lacking if she hadn't appeared in the ending at all, though I guess there's supposed to be a romantic connection there.

Not too sure where the "you complete me" part of Yashiro's personality came from in regards to Satoru, but whatever.


Also forgot to mention that all this 'Revival' stuff sure just got kinda thrown out of the window towards the end, huh? I mean I'm not asking for explanations but it's just kinda strange how Satoru not only does get another chance after failing once (and he even kind of expects that) but he then does not return in the second revival. Damn, this episode he even just nonchalantly states that he doesn't any of them anymore.

The Revival stuff gets explained in the manga.
Basically Satoru cannot jump back into the original timeline because the changes he makes in the past fundamentally alter the future, so this original timeline never exists (it gets erased if you will : P)
Not sure if it was mentioned why other Revivals happening stops, though.
Maybe it is because technically he's still in his Revival (without a way to return, because the point of return doesn't exist anymore) and it's not possible to have a Revival during another Revival.
The Revival stuff gets explained in the manga.
Basically Satoru cannot jump back into the original timeline because the changes he makes in the past fundamentally alter the future, so this original timeline never exists (it gets erased if you will : P)
Not sure if it was mentioned why other Revivals happening stops, though.
Maybe it is because technically he's still in his Revival (without a way to return, because the point of return doesn't exist anymore) and it's not possible to have a Revival during another Revival.

But then should he actually remember what...ah, never mind. It's never a good idea to dive into timetravel paradoxes, especially when the material never tried being smart about it to begin with.


But then should he actually remember what...ah, never mind. It's never a good idea to dive into timetravel paradoxes, especially when the material never tried being smart about it to begin with.

I don't know, it makes sense to me.
While the original timeline got erased, why should his memories of it be gone? Those memories are after all from before the timeline ceased to exist.
His meddling erases the future of the original timeline, but that timeline is after all the past to him. And why would you forget the past that already happened?
I think it ended in a conclusive and satisfying way. Enjoyed the show overall considering it could've fallen hard on its face and broke its nose, but it remained rather consistent.


Yeah, the finale was better than I expected, but still kinda eh. Except the Airi scene at the end, that was completely worthless. I mentioned that in the AnimeOT already, but either cut the scene completely or give it way more buildup, but don't just slap it in just because.

Ultimately this started off as amazing but started getting weaker and weaker after the early episodes, with some great parts always inbetween.


Erased - END
Solid ending. Seeing all the characters together at the end was really sweet. I figured Airi would show up in the final scene. Tbh I didn't really like her character, and she wasn't super important to the plot, but I am glad they brought her back just to wrap things up.

The confrontation with the teacher was good and played out reasonably well. Maybe a bit hamfisted but whatever. Though its kind of fucked that they only were able to get him on attempted murder. And him thinking about killing himself was a little eh, but sure, I can buy it.

In the end, I think Erased was a great show. It *does* stumble. Quite a bit, and in big ways. The episodes where he goes back to the future the first time were weak. There were stupid details thrown in like the chocolate bar, or the killer using a spray to kill someone. The teacher did not have to be nearly as obvious as they made him. Kenya was far too smart.

But I think the highs outweigh the lows. Seeing the kids interact with each other was wonderful, and they way the story went in the last part (With Satoru being asleep for 14 years) was surprising, and led to even more great scenes.

Definitely one of the better anime I've watched, and one that I'll remember. Flaws and all.


This is gotta be most disappointing anime I've seen in some time. Well, mostly because the shows are so bad that there is no room for disappointment. This was a good show at some point. Pretty ehh, I don't think I can recommend this.
So I actually watched that Digibro Erased was never good Video but ít is pretty bad.

There's this obnoxious "I told you so" attitude throughout and it's mostly a rant instead of well structured, succinct criticism, though that's rarely ever his thing I guess.

While he does make a bunch a lot of valid points like the overt symbolism, red eyes etc., I simply have to call bullshit on the idea that this show doesn't have really well directed scenes. Episodes 2-4 had fricking strong direction for the most part and he simply does not give credit for this enough. Not surprising as he was apparently already whining about the show at the time those episodes aired. He also handwaves all characters as uninteresting and unrealistic but I just can't agree that Hinazuki is that and supposedly a very unrealistic representation of someone that's abused. And while there's a bit of a context to it, I still can't believe he actually called her a 'loli' near the end.

I also have a hard time taking his opinion seriously when I know that he hated Erased 2-3 episodes in and then proclaims how Steins;Gate has supposedly so much better characters and is so much better that by episode 4 it was already among his favorites. Like fucking really? I'm supposed to compare the first 4 episodes of both show and come to the conclusion that Erased is shit whereas S;G is godlike? And he loves all those characters when the likes of Daru is some fat nerd stereotype, Mayuri isn't much of anything besides her quirky greeting, Ruka is the most blatant girlish boy that loves MC trope and so on.

I mean not that his opinion has ever been deemed important on NeoGAF to begin with but I wondered if he actually made a good video on erased. He didn't. I don't even like Erased much but you still gotta give credit where it's due.


Mannn. I'm so disappointed with the last 2 episodes. If the series had kept the same quality as episodes 1-9 ish, it'd be a really solid 8 or 9/10 anime. But it's only like a 5 with the last few episodes.

Anyone know of any other good modern time travel anime? I loved Steins Gate, but other than that I haven't really seen any other time travel anime.
So I actually watched that Digibro Erased was never good Video but ít is pretty bad.

There's this obnoxious "I told you so" attitude throughout and it's mostly a rant instead of well structured, succinct criticism, though that's rarely ever his thing I guess.

While he does make a bunch a lot of valid points like the overt symbolism, red eyes etc., I simply have to call bullshit on the idea that this show doesn't have really well directed scenes. Episodes 2-4 had fricking strong direction for the most part and he simply does not give credit for this enough. Not surprising as he was apparently already whining about the show at the time those episodes aired. He also handwaves all characters as uninteresting and unrealistic but I just can't agree that Hinazuki is that and supposedly a very unrealistic representation of someone that's abused. And while there's a bit of a context to it, I still can't believe he actually called her a 'loli' near the end.

I also have a hard time taking his opinion seriously when I know that he hated Erased 2-3 episodes in and then proclaims how Steins;Gate has supposedly so much better characters and is so much better that by episode 4 it was already among his favorites. Like fucking really? I'm supposed to compare the first 4 episodes of both show and come to the conclusion that Erased is shit whereas S;G is godlike? And he loves all those characters when the likes of Daru is some fat nerd stereotype, Mayuri isn't much of anything besides her quirky greeting, Ruka is the most blatant girlish boy that loves MC trope and so on.

I mean not that his opinion has ever been deemed important on NeoGAF to begin with but I wondered if he actually made a good video on erased. He didn't. I don't even like Erased much but you still gotta give credit where it's due.

Lets be honest here, he's just doing it for the views. He knows that by coming out and amplifying all the negatives 150% while not acknowledging all the positives the views will come in droves... especially since the show is considered a top contender by many for AOTS. I mean, he spends almost as much time complaining about A1 pictures and the director of SAO in the video as he does criticing Erased

Just wait for the Mothers Basement video because at least that will be a more balanced review
Though, he may have the problem of being too positive on it considering he is more of a direction guy which Erased was all about
Lets be honest here, he's just doing it for the views. He knows that by coming out and amplifying all the negatives 150% while not acknowledging all the positives the views will come in droves... especially since the show is considered a top contender by many for AOTS. I mean, he spends almost as much time complaining about A1 pictures and the director of SAO in the video as he does criticing Erased

Just wait for the Mothers Basement video because at least that will be a balanced review

I don't think of him very highly either. He genuinely made a video about how great the direction was in the villain reveal scene...when it was terrible.


fleurs n'est pas britannique
Finally saw that finale. it was good, very sweet in a lot of regards even though it fell into some anime cliches like "friendship" and "everyone stayed friends forever in the time jump because we have no lives" Still, that last bit hit me pretty hard.

So what's everyones consensus on the show as a whole? Amazingly strong start that doesn't exactly surpass but is still pretty solid?
So what's everyones consensus on the show as a whole? Amazingly strong start that doesn't exactly surpass but is still pretty solid?

Series didn't know what it wanted to be. Director smartly polished up the best parts of the show, resulting in the superb episodes 2, 3 and 4 but suffered along the same lines by removing a lot of the context of the thriller elements and going on an almost complete diversion at the end.


Overall, I think this should have been a 2 cour anime; they rushed too much, especially after they rescued Kayo. But it was entertaining and that's all that matters.

Loved the entire gang appeared as adults and Airi's final appearance.
Mannn. I'm so disappointed with the last 2 episodes. If the series had kept the same quality as episodes 1-9 ish, it'd be a really solid 8 or 9/10 anime. But it's only like a 5 with the last few episodes.

Anyone know of any other good modern time travel anime? I loved Steins Gate, but other than that I haven't really seen any other time travel anime.

Noein has time travel elements.

PK Gaming


The final confrontation with Yashiro was pretty unsatisfying. Too much vague preaching about how necessary Satoru was for him, but with nothing to really support it. And that's kind of Erased's main flaw; too much telling, but not enough showing. The typical anime friendship spiel at the end didn't really land either because I wasn't invested in any of Satoru's relationships (barring Kayo and his mom). The less said about Airi the better.

Overall the show was kind of a mediocre experience. The slice of life moments were pretty great though.
honestly the ending was solid enough.

But I was laughing uncontrollably for like 4 minutes at the fact that after all of his inspiration from his life, and the scholarly look he has at the end, and the manga he makes is this generic ass shonen action looking motherfucker lmao. Like why.
I don't think of him very highly either. He genuinely made a video about how great the direction was in the villain reveal scene...when it was terrible.

True. But to be fair that video was more about the art direction, cinematography and shot composition which for that part was pretty decent. It was how it played out story wise that most people took issue with. Plus even in the video he comments on how stupid it was that Sataru couldn't escape from the seatbelt, how obvious the killer was and a couple other problems which brought down the scene as a whole.

That said, I don't partake too much myself in the reviewer scene for any medium in general. They all have angles they are trying to push and 3/4 of them always sound like they are trying to put on a pretentious act that "they are better than anyone else"... so if you aren't going to get a balanced review anyways you might as well just give the first 20 minutes a try and go from there because it will almost always be a better determination on something. The only reason I watched this review was because you mentioned how critical he was of the show for no reason.
I liked the ending, but I'm fairly easy to please. I read the relevant chapters of the manga, but I still don't really get the relationship between Yashiro's victims and the spider thread. That whole rooftop scene just went over my head. I guess I just have trouble seeing the big picture. I felt the same way about Parasyte's conclusion.


lmao at that roof sequence

Satoru: "You can't kill me. You need me!"
Yashiro: "Nooooooooo!"

That's... that's the standout moment for me. This... was not good though. When Satoru actually explained how he stopped the murders, I didn't know what was going on and phased out, twice. On the third time watching the scene my brain finally started recording what he was saying. And I still can't believe Satoru JnJ'd him. I mean, it wasn't a real JnJ because Yashiro didn't become a good guy at the end, but Satoru was able to manipulate his actions for a while there.

Yeah, this one def. dropped in quality after the first few episodes (and fell off a cliff near the end), but I'll always have the good memories of that beginning.


I'm not going to pretend this episode is perfect, since it had to stuff way too much information and development into those first 12 minutes, but given the challenges, I felt satisfied. Somehow, it managed to build the narrative of the second half of the series into a coherent thematic message. Seeing Satoru with all his friends felt like a worthwhile payoff to everything that happened.

It's a shame that this wound up just squeaking over the finish line, when it could have been so much stronger. A lot of that comes down to how it was directed. It absolutely had its highs, particularly in episodes 2 and 3, but so often pivotal scenes were rendered laughable because the intended message was delivered with such inelegant sledgehammer bluntness. This was most keenly felt in the thriller scenes, and that heavy hand turned the finale's fairly low-key denouement absurd with that unbelievably on-the-nose storybook sequence walking you through the show's "moral" clip by clip.

I'm still glad I watched it, and I feel satisfied now, even with the wasted potential. Some more restraint, as well as an extra episode or two to work with, could have done wonders.
I'm not even kidding around, if someone made a fan edit of this and removed all of the ending 'OH MY GOD IS THAT THE TEACHER' scenes, got rid of the red eyes, and the car candy scene which just added insult to injury it would be a better show. I mean many things else could be done, but these for me are the most easily fixed.


I'm not going to pretend this episode is perfect, since it had to stuff way too much information and development into those first 12 minutes, but given the challenges, I felt satisfied. Somehow, it managed to build the narrative of the second half of the series into a coherent thematic message. Seeing Satoru with all his friends felt like a worthwhile payoff to everything that happened.

It's a shame that this wound up just squeaking over the finish line, when it could have been so much stronger. A lot of that comes down to how it was directed. It absolutely had its highs, particularly in episodes 2 and 3, but so often pivotal scenes were rendered laughable because the intended message was delivered with such inelegant sledgehammer bluntness. This was most keenly felt in the thriller scenes, and that heavy hand turned the finale's fairly low-key denouement absurd with that unbelievably on-the-nose storybook sequence walking you through the show's "moral" clip by clip.

I'm still glad I watched it, and I feel satisfied now, even with the wasted potential. Some more restraint, as well as an extra episode or two to work with, could have done wonders.

Actually I liked that storybook scene at the end. Seemed like it wrapped up how Satoru had changed in a not-too-on-the-nose, decently written way.

I agree with you overall re: the lack of subtle, but I thought that particular moment was fine.
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