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My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

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tiff said:
I figured furries were one of the groups you could hate on on GAF with absolutely no repercussions.

Yeah, see, that's not really furries' fault though. There are people who want to fuck just about everything you can find on TV, furries just catch the slack because it's cool to hate on them.

Well, I wouldn't say that's entirely true, furries are responsible for a lot of the saucy Rule 34 art of anthro characters out there, and then there's a lot of the muscular wolf artwork I see a lot of here and there (sometimes a different animal base, but I swear it's mostly canine) And it just irks me for some reason.

At the end of the day though, I just figure it's their own thing and I don't let it really bother me.
T-Shirts T-Shirts T-Shirts! For girls....



Fucking adorbs.

Fake edit: Whoa whoa whoa WHOA! They misspelled Pinkie Pie?!?!?!


Uchip said:
its not even a fetish
the fact that you group everyone together into one sick group is pretty pathetic

Really? Being a furry isn't a fetish? I guess this DSM-IV-TR sitting in my lap begs to differ. "Intense sexually arousing fantasies, sexual urges, or behaviors involving the use of nonliving objects". Little excerpt from the section on fetishism. And I would say fur suits are nonliving objects. I'd post more but since my power is out I'm having to post from my phone.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Ugh, I dislike t-shirts that have the name of a show or the characters right on them.

I much prefer subtle clothes like these.

To be honest, I don't think I like any of those t-shirts but they would freakin' adorbs on my 4 year old god daughter. That will be the last time I use that word ever again. I promise.

And that hoodie is definitely awesome.


In Season Two news:
Jayson Thiessen said:
Animation starts this week. A few weeks from now we will have our first animation rough cut for season two!
Sounds like they are well on their way friends! Can you believe it has already been about six weeks since the season ended?


2th said:
Really? Being a furry isn't a fetish? I guess this DSM-IV-TR sitting in my lap begs to differ. "Intense sexually arousing fantasies, sexual urges, or behaviors involving the use of nonliving objects". Little excerpt from the section on fetishism. And I would say fur suits are nonliving objects. I'd post more but since my power is out I'm having to post from my phone.

so everyone that has an interest in anthropomorphic shit, has sex in mascot outfits?
logic fail


i went out and forgot that it was posted a while back
he might as well be calling anime fans pedophiles, and Germans nazi's while hes at it though

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Dear Princess Celestia,

Spike showed me a letter coming from a strange land. It looks like an invitation to some gathering called "Super Smash Brothers". I am not sure if I should attend it, as it seems something big. Do you think I should go? And they told me to bring any item I could take. I wonder why.

Your Faithful Student,
Twilight Sparkle.


Uchip said:
so everyone that has an interest in anthropomorphic shit, has sex in mascot outfits?
logic fail

do we really need to have this discussion? If you don't want to be human, ie. You want to dress up as a giant furry animal as a form of sexual excitement, then yes you are a furry and have a fetish. If you can find me evidence that a large portion of people who dress in fur suits don't do it for sexual reasons I will concede. Until then my heuristic stands that all furries do so for sexual reasons.

Done with furry talk now. If you want to create a thread in OT and have a discussion I am more than willing.
Ookami-kun said:
Dear Princess Celestia,

Spike showed me a letter coming from a strange land. It looks like an invitation to some gathering called "Super Smash Brothers". I am not sure if I should attend it, as it seems something big. Do you think I should go? And they told me to bring any item I could take. I wonder why.

Your Faithful Student,
Twilight Sparkle.

Dash always seemd the most aggressive of the group in terms of fighting / techniques (Manticore, Dragon and Parasprite eps come to mind). I would think she would get the invite.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
2th said:
do we really need to have this discussion? If you don't want to be human, ie. You want to dress up as a giant furry animal as a form of sexual excitement, then yes you are a furry and have a fetish. If you can find me evidence that a large portion of people who dress in fur suits don't do it for sexual reasons I will concede. Until then my heuristic stands that all furries do so for sexual reasons.

That reasoning is just as worse as people who enjoy MLP to have pony fetishes.

AdawgDaFAB said:
Dash has always been the most aggressive of the group in terms of fighting (Manticore + Dragon). I would think she would get the invite.

Master Hand only knows main character's addresses.
Ookami-kun said:
Dear Princess Celestia,

Spike showed me a letter coming from a strange land. It looks like an invitation to some gathering called "Super Smash Brothers". I am not sure if I should attend it, as it seems something big. Do you think I should go? And they told me to bring any item I could take. I wonder why.

Your Faithful Student,
Twilight Sparkle.

(Really wish they would hurry up and show some video...)


2th said:
do we really need to have this discussion? If you don't want to be human, ie. You want to dress up as a giant furry animal as a form of sexual excitement, then yes you are a furry and have a fetish. If you can find me evidence that a large portion of people who dress in fur suits don't do it for sexual reasons I will concede. Until then my heuristic stands that all furries do so for sexual reasons.

Done with furry talk now. If you want to create a thread in OT and have a discussion I am more than willing.

thing is
you are making the assumption that the people that draw the perfectly normal MLP art are into that kind of thing
which is hilariously bigoted
DrForester said:
Even if you just look at "The Cutie Mark Chronicles" I'd say Fillyshy was #2 on the hnnnnnng scale.

Scene of the dancing fillies on stage during Rarity's flashback was #1.

I think you mean, YES YES YES YES is number one.


Calpain said:
Can you believe it has already been about six weeks since the season ended?
I can't believe it has only been six weeks. Need new episodes now!

I'm glad I'll be able to catch Season 2 from the start. Twenty-six full weeks of looking forward to new pony episodes will be nice, unlike S1 where I watched the first 17 episodes over a couple of days and only had 9 more episodes to look forward to.


jogarrr said:
I can't believe it has only been six weeks. Need new episodes now!

I'm glad I'll be able to catch Season 2 from the start. Twenty-six full weeks of looking forward to new pony episodes will be nice, unlike S1 where I watched the first 17 episodes over a couple of days and only had 9 more episodes to look forward to.

I was the same way, I think I came in just before Stare Master aired in late February I think. It was great watching them all at once though, but man it sure was fun watching a new episode each week and watching the fanbase freak out in all sorts of different ways.

Plus all the new art and music that would come flooding out based on stuff from the new episodes was great!

OMG Aero

Choppasmith said:
So PonyGAF need some input on something.

Next week I'm going to be going on a long bike ride from my house in Beaumont, CA to Newport Beach. It's about 90 miles via the Santa Ana River trail (plus side roads). I've done it once before, but I'm really itching to do it again.

"What does this have to do with Ponies?" you ask. Well, I thought it'd be fun to stop along the way and post various Pony flyers along various trees and posts. I pass by a lot of parks and thought it would be kinda cool to post things like "Keep America Beautiful" with Rainbow Dash Salute like one fan did a while back (can't find the original pic) or something lulzy to post over those Racist Obama-as-the-joker flyers I see popping up here and there (I saw it posted a few times last year on the trail)

Any ideas, specific images to use?
I vote for these two:

Myke Greywolf

Ambassador of Goodwill
2th said:
Done with furry talk now. If you want to create a thread in OT and have a discussion I am more than willing.
Well, I'm sorry to bring this up again, but being part of EuroGAF means that I haven't had my chance to get my say on the matter, so here it goes.

I think fursuiting for ends other than cosplaying is stupid. I find "yiffing", whatever that means nowadays, revolting. My opinion is that the most extreme elements of the furry subculture are in real, desperate need of psychological/psychiatric help. Even without taking that into account, many of them are obnoxious, self-righteous, needy people who I probably wouldn't be able to stand being close to, never mind being friends with. And I always thought this way. Keep these things in mind.

However, until a few years back, I had no problem denominating myself as a "furry" (as in "furry fan" - yes, I know I have hairy forearms, but let's not get carried away). Because there was a time when the actual definition of a "furry fan" was actually worth a dime, and that definition was that of a person who nurtures a particular appreciation for anthropomorphic characters. A fan. Nothing more, nothing less.

Well, I like anthro art, as I have already stated in this thread before. I think many times it brings something extra to a piece, be it extra cuteness, extra awesomeness, extra "badassness", and yes, even extra sensuality, when done right, and in the right context. Of course, all of this means nothing without the human-based characteristics we use to evaluate such qualities. That's why it's called anthro.

Somewhere along the way, I had to stuff this taste of mine deep inside my closet. I don't feel that I should have to justify this taste to anyone, or that I should be ashamed of it. However, during the last decade, the big Internet scorn machine decided that it was lulzy to portray one entire multitude of preferences, motivations, options, human beings, as pertaining to a single caricature of its most extreme elements, and that it was alright to hate, ridicule, dismiss, spit on all those people. I no longer identify myself as a "furry fan" because the meaning of the word has been distorted by a crowd that seems more interested on finding the next "easy" thing to safely dump their scorn on, instead of actually treating each person as a human being.

Since I think that, although this taste is a part of me, it shouldn't be allowed to define me in the eyes of others (and it doesn't, in my own eyes), I obviously had to set myself apart from the label, and never bring up my association with it except in a context where it is relevant to the matter at hand. Which is now.

Now, the thing is: what matters to you most? The things you do know about me, or the label that you now may feel justified to stick on me? Because you really can't have it both ways: you either judge people on their own individual merits and flaws, or based on a one-size-fits-all label arbitrarily cooked up by a hateful hivemind.

Uchip said:
he might as well be calling anime fans pedophiles, and Germans nazi's while hes at it though
Also, this.


Amibguous Cad said:
I think you mean, YES YES YES YES is number one.
DrForester said:
Cute, but not cavity inducing.
The best part about that sequence with Twilight geeking out is that she was subconsciously bouncing around ala Pinkie Pie. I could not stop smiling at that.

Calpain said:
In Season Two news:
Jayson Thiessen said:
Animation starts this week. A few weeks from now we will have our first animation rough cut for season two!
Sounds like they are well on their way friends! Can you believe it has already been about six weeks since the season ended?
They will want to block some recovery time this week because win or lose I don't see many people in Vancouver being anywhere close to productive after tonight.


I can follow Myke on twitter?! What benefits would I get for doing so? Deep insight into the gracious mind of ponies representing GAF members? :p


I wouldn't even begin to think how you'd even go about doing that with absolutely zero information, or the fact that my name doesn't even mean anything. you could probably make a more accurate representation of uchip. :p


Everything is moe to me
Ultimoo said:
I wouldn't even begin to think how you'd even go about doing that with absolutely zero information, or the fact that my name doesn't even mean anything. you could probably make a more accurate representation of uchip. :p

*looks at your avatar*

im sure he'll think of something.

Myke Greywolf

Ambassador of Goodwill
Ultimoo said:
I wouldn't even begin to think how you'd even go about doing that with absolutely zero information, or the fact that my name doesn't even mean anything. you could probably make a more accurate representation of uchip. :p
You'd be surprised with what I have in mind.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Myke Greywolf said:
You'd be surprised with what I have in mind.

So not just Rita in pony form? I can't wait to see the final result.


Myke Greywolf said:
You'd be surprised with what I have in mind.
now you're kinda scaring me. you should probably be doing more constructive things like making the second OT. no time for fun and games around here.

Myke Greywolf

Ambassador of Goodwill
Ultimoo said:
now you're kinda scaring me. you should probably be doing more constructive things like making the second OT. no time for fun and games around here.
I just noticed... did this thread just grow by 150 posts in one night???

I'm so screwed! No new ponies until the Offseason OT OP is done, promise.


Pandaman said:
i meant the tales theme of your avatars.
there's no theme. before this, I was running Trish from MvC3, and before that, Neku from TWEWU. you're thinking about this too much. :p I'll find a new phase once I find a new game to play. ;)


UberTag said:
They will want to block some recovery time this week because win or lose I don't see many people in Vancouver being anywhere close to productive after tonight.
As I understand it, the first part of making Season 2 was the writing, which involved individual episode writers working under Lauren Faust, the head writer.

Then Studio B translates the scripts into the main storyboards (in Vancouver), while the voice actors record the lines (also Vancouver) and Daniel Ingram creates songs (more Vancouver). The episode writers/directors run around and oversee and coordinate.

Then the storyboards are sent to Top Draw in Malaysia to be animated. Eventually the animation comes back to the writers/directors and Studio B, and they stitch it all together.

The writing finished before Season 1 ended. Since the animation has started, it means at least some of the storyboards are complete. If the animation is time-consuming, today's shutdown of Vancouver (and resulting hangover) probably won't even delay MLP's schedule by a day.
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