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My PS3 died and I’m trying to live to tell the story

sloppyjoe_gamer said:
Others will confirm, but im pretty sure that they just take your YLOD system and toss it into a pile of other YLOD systems....they wont care if the seals broke or not. Then they just send you another of the same system that they refurb'd.

hmm, interesting. it's worth a shot then if i fail trying to fix it. it's not illegal or anything? trying to "fool" them into giving me another system for one i tried to fix myself.. i mean, they could claim that i could have just opened it for fun and broken it that way, and then refuse to give me another PS3.. though because i would be paying them, it wouldnt make sense really if they could somehow turn it against me. but i dunno, i want to be extra-careful.

(i work at the police deparment and im clueless about laws lol)


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
deadbeef said:
I didn't think to ask, but she did say that the slim and the repaired unit would come with a 90 day warrant but it couldn't be extended for either. Not sure if that's a clue or not.
I think I am going to buy a new Slim and sell my 60 gb to Gamestop while it is still running and avoid all of this. Part of me says I should just wait until my 60 GB dies, but i have been holding off on Demons Souls simply because of the fear of losing my save.
My first post on Gaf and I have sad news, got word today that my launch PS3 60gb is going to ylod.. well it just crashing for now so hopefully i can rescue me save files! did give it a fair bit of use though, but my ps2 is still going strong! and that thing is over 7 years old... maybe more...

Now I don't mind really as this gives me an excuse to buy a silm :D
netguy503 said:
From what I'm hearing the 250 slim's are the one's dying early and not the 120's. Is that correct? Good thing I didn't get greedy and I new I could swap HDD for way less anyway.

My 120 slim died. GPU failed.

netguy503 said:
WOW, I NEVER had a problem with a PS2. I didn't even REALIZE the PS2's had problems until this thread. And I played the PS2 ALOT more than I have played my PS3.

The PS2's were notorious for Disc Read Errors. I had my personal unit fixed 3 different times and now it's getting a DRE again if I power it on.


deadbeef said:
I didn't think to ask, but she did say that the slim and the repaired unit would come with a 90 day warrant but it couldn't be extended for either. Not sure if that's a clue or not.
Like I said above, depending on your definition of a refurb, it should be fine. They essentially use new guts in a used case, or that's what was explained to me.


astroturfing said:
damn, i've been stressing a lot over my dead out-of-warranty 60gb... i dont know whats the best option. my main concern is my game saves.. SO, i would like to ask a question or two if someone could help me... (i would really appreciate it, cos im having a hard time finding answers anywhere).

the reflow with a heatgun YLOD fix can work temporarily, right? i watched the youtube instructions and read hundreds of comments saying that it works. so i guess it really does, with a fairly good chance?

is it possible then, if i can get my 60gb to work, to use the data transfer utility that came with fw3.15 to save ALL my data (including locked saves) to a new PS3? and will the saves work 100% properly, can i continue getting trophies and continue progress in online games etc?

ALSO, if my fixing attempt fails, can i still get Sony to fix it for me for whatever it costs out-of-warranty? (i think it was 190e here... way too high) or will they see if it's been tampered with and refuse to fix it altogether?

thanks for any help!

I just tried the re-flow this weekend. It worked for about 30 seconds. Unfortunately, not long enough for me to run the backup utility lol. I sent mine off to Sony just the other day, so I'll let you know how I make out soon. Over the phone, they said they would try to fix it. As far as I know, they will refurb yours and send it back to you if they can.
PuMa said:
I just tried the re-flow this weekend. It worked for about 30 seconds. Unfortunately, not long enough for me to run the backup utility lol. I sent mine off to Sony just the other day, so I'll let you know how I make out soon. Over the phone, they said they would try to fix it. As far as I know, they will refurb yours and send it back to you if they can.

thanks, i'll be interested to see how it goes!

too bad about the 30secs thing.. :( that really must have been frustrating. i'm going to attempt the re-flow with my brother (who is much better at fixing things) this weekend... if it works ok and then dies after 30secs, man, i will just go mental!


I have no idea who I talked to the first time I called Sony, but I just got off the phone with a different woman and results were better. She went through some troubleshooting with me, I got to the safe mode screen and chose the option to rebuild the drive.

I did that and the XMB didn't freeze on me after. She then told me because of the model I owned, I qualified for the slim model for $148.00 total. She asked me if I wanted to wait and see if I continued to have problems, but I didn't want to take chances so I went with the trade.

I loved my 60g, but the slims seem more reliable.
fps fanatic said:
Or to give these guys a try: http://www.psr1.com/

I actually spoke with them on the phone today and I was pretty impressed. A real live human answered the phone. They spoke and understood english perfectly and on top of that they seemed to really know their shit.
I have a shipping box on the way from them and I'll keep gaf posted on the progress.


My 60gig freezes during the boot up. I tried to manually update the firmware, but it just gets stuck at 99%. Anyone have any idea what up or what I could do?

PS: when did they disable searching?
Gaf, I have a question.

My launch PS3 (20gb) has not had any red/yellow light problems, but it has been overheating after extended periods of use. When this happens, the system works fine and games are playable, but I get artifacts on screen, sometimes they are long lines connected to polygons.

When I first noticed this I opened up the machine (removed the seal to do it) and dusted it all out and applied new thermal paste hoping that would fix the problem. It made the machine run quieter but it still gets the artifacts.

My question is, will Sony still repair/offer me a refurb for it even though I removed the warranty sticker? The serial number is still there. Also, I did upgrade the size of the HD at one point. Would it be worth selling on ebay like some people are talking about and just buying a slim myself to replace it?


Soakedjunk said:
Gaf, I have a question.

My launch PS3 (20gb) has not had any red/yellow light problems, but it has been overheating after extended periods of use. When this happens, the system works fine and games are playable, but I get artifacts on screen, sometimes they are long lines connected to polygons.

When I first noticed this I opened up the machine (removed the seal to do it) and dusted it all out and applied new thermal paste hoping that would fix the problem. It made the machine run quieter but it still gets the artifacts.

My question is, will Sony still repair/offer me a refurb for it even though I removed the warranty sticker? The serial number is still there. Also, I did upgrade the size of the HD at one point. Would it be worth selling on ebay like some people are talking about and just buying a slim myself to replace it?

WOW...this is the first post I've read where someone took apart their system BEFORE the YLOD. WHY...WHY...WHY would you do that!!??? You know you probably made the problem worse for yourself, right???
Can anyone tell me:

1) What kind of malfunction results in a quick flash of yellow (just one or two flashes)
followed by a series of red flashes?

2) Does the required repair for that malfunction result in Sony having to wipe my hard drive?
(mostly concerned about my Demons' Souls save)

It broke down on me without giving me a chance to transfer my saves.

I'm having Sony repair my current 80 gig, and the manager on the phone said it 'may' not need its hard drive wiped/replaced, but he couldn't say for sure.
As he recommended, I put a note in the coffin to request saving the data if possible.

And since I made a good case for some help in defraying the cost of repairs, they are extending my warrantee beyond the usual 3 months, and will send me 4 1st party games of my choosing (Crack in Time to keep, and 3 copies of Uncharted 2 which I plan to sell on craigslist)
netguy503 said:
WOW...this is the first post I've read where someone took apart their system BEFORE the YLOD. WHY...WHY...WHY would you do that!!??? You know you probably made the problem worse for yourself, right???

hehe. I guess I was so used to opening up computers to clean them out I didn't really think twice about it. Also, since the warranty had run out I figured it wouldn't matter too much, but YES, now I am regretting it. Is it worth trying to send in to Sony and see if they will repair it or should I just pawn it off online?
fps fanatic said:
Originally Posted by Infernodash
Yeah I called them first, and from there they sent me an email that linked to the service website, but the 250GB model wasnt one of the choices.
Same procedure for me also. I called the Sony customer service #, and they sent me an e-mail linking me to the site.

But I'm confused as fuck because some people here have said they called and the cust. rep explained to them they had a choice of repairing their older console (60g) but it would cost them a bit more ($150.00 + shipping) or they could trade up for the slim model which would end up totaling about $150.00.

What # are people here calling? I sure as hell didn't get that choice. At the site, it's just the option for repair, and the $150.00 plus shipping totaling to $178 and change. This blows because I just don't have close to $200.00 to repair the console right now...

The way I'm feeling I just want to buy a new ps3.... still no box yet to ship it out and im losing patience.
Kukumalu said:
My 250GB PS3 Slim died at the end of December and I just received a new one yesterday and it is a 120GB model but it is brand new and came with another controller so I'm not even going to bother to call them about it.

I cant handle that, that's highly unacceptable. I paid the premium cash for 250 anything less would be preposterous. I hate to sound like a douche but now I'm regretting even waiting to buy a 250gb since it looks like i'll have to get a 120gb replacement


Infernodash said:
I cant handle that, that's highly unacceptable. I paid the premium cash for 250 anything less would be preposterous. I hate to sound like a douche but now I'm regretting even waiting to buy a 250gb since it looks like i'll have to get a 120gb replacement

I'm hearing the 250's die WAY more than the 120's. Why would you want one? Seriously, 120 is alot of space.


Infernodash said:
I cant handle that, that's highly unacceptable. I paid the premium cash for 250 anything less would be preposterous. I hate to sound like a douche but now I'm regretting even waiting to buy a 250gb since it looks like i'll have to get a 120gb replacement

no. just don't take that shit. call and bitch and you'll get back a 250gb one or at least a coupon or something.


Woo! The new PS3 arrived. Took a bit longer than I would have liked (20 days) but whatever. I'm just glad I could get my accounts deactivated, otherwise I would have been SOL for awhile. I forgot the power cable was different, so I had to move a bunch of shit to unplug the old one and plug in the new one :lol. I could tell the case was used, since there are two "blemishes" on the top. I would say they are scratches, but they seem more like somebody took some really black paint and lightly brushed it on. I can only tell from one direction, and luckily it's not the direction I'll be seeing it from.


netguy503 said:
I'm hearing the 250's die WAY more than the 120's. Why would you want one? Seriously, 120 is alot of space.

Wat really? I've got a 250.

I don't want 2 consoles that i have to worry about breaking down. :lol


KillerAJD said:
Woo! The new PS3 arrived. Took a bit longer than I would have liked (20 days) but whatever. I'm just glad I could get my accounts deactivated, otherwise I would have been SOL for awhile. I forgot the power cable was different, so I had to move a bunch of shit to unplug the old one and plug in the new one :lol. I could tell the case was used, since there are two "blemishes" on the top. I would say they are scratches, but they seem more like somebody took some really black paint and lightly brushed it on. I can only tell from one direction, and luckily it's not the direction I'll be seeing it from.

Wow, lets count the days until you come back with another YLOD problem. :( If you make it past 4 months, I salute you sir.
soco said:
no. just don't take that shit. call and bitch and you'll get back a 250gb one or at least a coupon or something.

I definitely would, it's just the hassle that's upsetting. Hopefully this wont be the case. Also, I hope I receive the box to return it in sometime this month. :lol
i must be a complete idiot, but what is this talk about deactivating accounts?

my PS3 died, do i need to deactivate my account..? why?! doesnt that mean i lose all my friends and trophies etc? sounds damn insane to me. im not willing to do that for any reason. i want to use my current account when i get a new PS3 (or if i manage to fix the YLOD, attempting it tomorrow... dont expect it to work).

(english isnt my main language, maybe im missing something here...)


netguy503 said:
Wow, lets count the days until you come back with another YLOD problem. :( If you make it past 4 months, I salute you sir.
Well, I knew the shell would be used, since that's what the rep told me. The rep also said the guys were brand new, so I'm not going to worry too much. It did smell like paintballs when I opened it up though :lol. It took a good 15 minutes for my trophies to sync though (I have over 800 <_<), AND It didn't record the last few I got in ACII either :(


KillerAJD said:
Well, I new the shell would be used, since that's what the rep told me. The rep also said the guys were brand new, so I'm not going to worry too much. It did smell like paintballs when I opened it up though :lol. It took a good 15 minutes for my trophies to sync though (I have over 800 <_<), AND It didn't record the last few I got in ACII either :(


Oh jeez...doesn't sound good man.

I still have not been able to sync my trophies either. WHATUPWITTHAT!!!??? I'm level 13, don't know how many trophies that is.
My 60gb still alive... I've playing pretty much every night since i used the blow dryer trick. I guess i got lucky, don't ever die on me again pleaseeeeee. If it does SLIM GET!:D


netguy503 said:

Oh jeez...doesn't sound good man.

I still have not been able to sync my trophies either. WHATUPWITTHAT!!!??? I'm level 13, don't know how many trophies that is.
Haha, it surprised me when I opened the box. Also, I don't know if it actually works, but somebody suggested tapping the X button when trying to sync your trophies. If it's timing out, I guess that keeps it from doing so. Could be some quack theory, but hey, it worked :lol. Also, you're a higher level than me, so you probably have more trophies.


dragonflys545 said:
My 60gb still alive... I've playing pretty much every night since i used the blow dryer trick. I guess i got lucky, don't ever die on me again pleaseeeeee. If it does SLIM GET!:D

What's the blow drier trick?
All the horror stories of YLOD and getting a not-the-same model in the replacement/repair process has been bugging me for months now.

I fear the YLOD is around the corner with my launch 60gb, and the overheating and crashing issues that happen a few times a week aren't helping.

Naturally I am strongly considering upgrading to a stable Slim, but fear of losing locked saves among some other data possibly.
With Firmware 3.15's new transfer utility, are those locked saves now transferable? What else is lost?
Of course I am keeping the 60gb hooked up for the PS2 emulation and all, but it would be nice to have all PS3-related things on the new console.


netguy503 said:
That isn't a permanent fix, you know?

Every PS3 dies..not every PS3 really lives

Anyway, after 3 months of ylod, I finally opened it up, removed a big dust bunny from the RSX, replaced the thermal compound, and now it's running as good as new.

Even if it dies again, I managed to backup everything, and that was my main concern.

Now to see how long it lasts....

I highly recommend the gilksy fix if you're out of warranty and need to revive your PS3


TheBrain76 said:
I actually spoke with them on the phone today and I was pretty impressed. A real live human answered the phone. They spoke and understood english perfectly and on top of that they seemed to really know their shit.
I have a shipping box on the way from them and I'll keep gaf posted on the progress.
The site seems pretty cool. It states they're BBB accredited. I was thisclose to going with them till I decided I'd rather go with the slim. Please keep us posted though. If the slim I get fails, I'll probably go with them instead of Sony...

@Killer AJD- You can't use the 60g PS3's power cord with the slim? Please don't tell me that. I hope they send you a new power cord with the slim. I'll be mighty pissed if not..

@Infernodash- I'm waiting on the "coffin" myself. The box was originally scheduled to get to me on the 22nd (yesterday). But I checked UPS tracking and it's been rescheduled for the 25th now. I was hoping to have packed the 60g up yesterday and I would have gone to the local UPS store and shipped it today. Now I have to wait till Monday now.

I'm going through serious PS3 withdrawal right now :lol Haven't played Modern Warfare 2 for a week now. Hooked up an old PS2 fat to get in some gaming. I'll probably go through some games I haven't finished yet, Like Tomb Raider: Anniversary.


Neo Member
I used to run Folding@home a ton on my launch day PS3. I've been using it again recently to help keep my room warm in this Winter weather :lol

Anyways, my PS3 is starting to freeze upon using the web browser for 30 seconds. Not sure if it freezes during game playback, but I know the system doesn't freeze in Life with Playstation, or any other part of the XMB for that matter.

I might try a File System Restore in Safe Mode, see if that does anything for me. I'm hoping I don't have to resort to the heatgun or calling Sony for a repair. I'm broke as it is, and I can't afford a 120GB Slim, as much as I'd love one.


Well it finally happened to my launch 60GB. I always knew it would happen. MW2 is now stuck inside and I'm fucked.

EDIT: Any surefire procedure out there that will enable the PS3 to release the disk?

I still can't believe this shit happened to me.
So my PS3 slim came back from repair yesterday. I called on Christmas day to start the process and got it back on 1/222 so almost a month from start to finish.

Everything is good so far... we'll see when I try to test the other games that crashed and gave me problems which I was borrowing at the time from friends.


Neo Member
File System Restore totally worked for me, hoping it stays that way :D. Good thing I didn't have to resort to Rebuild Database, as I would have to rename all of my music, videos, pictures, etc. And I have wayyy too many on my HDD to want to do that again.


netguy503 said:
That isn't a permanent fix, you know?

Really? I thought my PS3 was going to work forever now that I've baked and pasted it. :lol

May last a week. Maybe a month. Maybe a year.

If it dies again I'll re-flow it and probably move to an ugly slim. Hoping it'll get me through till GT5 is released and hopefully there'll be a nice spiffy bundle on offer. But I'm not sure it'll make it through to 2012.


Anerythristic said:
Hey guys how are the 40 Gigs reliability wise?
darkwing said:
not so good, BD drive problems and ylod galore

I can second this...
I bought a 40GB model back in 2008 but it stopped reading discs just last month... Tried opening it up once, but came short of cracking open the BD-Drive.

Well, at least it still plays the PSN games.

jax (old)

well, still have my deadish OG ps3 from the USA but my solution for PS3 death?

bought a slim with 5 year warranty on it. Lets hope the lifecycle holdsup. I actually believe it will. :D

missing the 4x USB ports though :/


TheBrain76 said:
I actually spoke with them on the phone today and I was pretty impressed. A real live human answered the phone. They spoke and understood english perfectly and on top of that they seemed to really know their shit.
I have a shipping box on the way from them and I'll keep gaf posted on the progress.

Keep us posted too, I might use them instead of just shipping my YLOD 60GB to SCEJ.
2007´s 60gb PS3 YLODed on me :( no warranty and sony offers the expensive trade-in for a refurb. So i just bought a new 19-blade fan and some arctic silver and will attempt the re-soldering fix on the coming weekend... Will let you know how it went down :D
yeah I see more and more posts of 60gbs dying >_<

It's pretty annoying honestly. My 60gb BD drive died a few months ago and sony expects me to pay for a system that I took perfect care of that decides to kill its BD drive itself?

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