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My PS3 version of Skyrim is unplayable


Next week? Can't come soon enough, nothing worse then getting a crash when you forgot to save and have to run that 10 minutes on foot again.

Yeah supposedly next week. We'd probably have it already if it wasn't being held up by console certification processes :(


I'm pretty sure Bethesda didn't show anything other than 360 footage and every preview andreview build was 360. They just can't handle PS3 and hopefully this time people will understand this.

Buy Bethesda games on PC, or 360 if it has to be on a console. I've personally put over 100 hours into the 360 version of Oblivion, F3 and New Vegas and yes I had some crashes and minor bugs but never anything game ruining. These games are designed with the 360 in mind, not the ps3.

Is that true? IGN reviewed them individually according to its review and in the review they were aware of the flickering shadows, framerate drops (during large battle), and bad load time.

Though they also gave the 360 and ps3 version the same score, where as they rated Bayonetta for ps3 and 360 differently due to inferior framerate and loadtimes.


I hate playing on my PC.. so I only have my PS3. I have an early Christmas present lying around (from my old mother). And I know it is Skyrim and Modern Warfare 3 for my PS3 (yeah baby I´m 36 years old and get games for christmas)..
But now reading more and more stuff about the broken PS3 version, I´m scared to open my present.. I played Oblivion on my PS3 and loved it, never had any problems with that game. Also played Fallout 3 on my PS3, loved it, but it wasn´t a smooth expirience. It lagged and crashed very often. I recently got around playing some of the DLC for Fallout 3, But that was really bad.. it actually was unplayable. It lagged and crashed all the time.
Bethesda never fixed fallout 3.. so why would they fix Skyrim.. damn ... damn..
Same thing happens to PC version. Well, at least for Oblivion/FO3.
I haven't played far enough(or saved enough) to have experienced this in Skyrim, but I'm sure this same bug'll show up when I get there.


Same thing happens to PC version. Well, at least for Oblivion/FO3.
I haven't played far enough(or saved enough) to have experienced this in Skyrim, but I'm sure this same bug'll show up when I get there.

I have 50 hours into the game with 260+ saves and no bugs here. PC version


World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
Really? Not even one crash to the desktop? It's the only bug i have, but it happened like 20 times for me in the past week. I never used quicksaves so much in the past in fear of crashes.

Have you been to skyrimnexus yet? There's a mod that gets rid of those annoying CTD's. The only other issue I had was a bug in one of the daedric questlines, everything else is great.


hide your water-based mammals
I have 50 hours into the game with 260+ saves and no bugs here. PC version
It's definitely a widespread issue. Consider yourself lucky with or without tweaks and mods.

Yeah supposedly next week. We'd probably have it already if it wasn't being held up by console certification processes :(

I know this has happened before and it's rather BS. Just patch the damn game and don't hold the others ones back. I understand trying to have parity on consoles but on PC, come on.

Have you been to skyrimnexus yet? There's a mod that gets rid of those annoying CTD's.

If you're going to go through the trouble of mentioning a fix, LINK IT. I will look into it.


Yeah supposedly next week. We'd probably have it already if it wasn't being held up by console certification processes :(

Why those are still in place if things like this are consistently overlooked (in the case of Bethesda games)? Game breaking bug on the retail game? No problem. Patch to fix the bug? "Well we need to test it on different scenarios just to be sure that it won't break any other system in the game." Crazy!


My GOTY, but the freezing/chugging is really starting to get to me on PS3.

I made a second char (first one had 50+ hrs at level 27). My new char is 55+ hrs in and level 41 and it's almost unplayable now after an hour of play. The chugging along and lag is so fucking horrible.


Kinda funny, because I was planning to get the PS3 version this time after dealing with Fallout 3's stupid crashes and performance issues on the PC. I might as well wait and see if this upcoming patch fixes this.


Why those are still in place if things like this are consistently overlooked (in the case of Bethesda games)? Game breaking bug on the retail game? No problem. Patch to fix the bug? "Well we need to test it on different scenarios just to be sure that it won't break any other system in the game." Crazy!

Well to play devil's advocate, when it comes to places like Bethesda and Obsidian a patch can actually break the game further sometimes :p

I remember a patch for Dungeon Siege 3 earlier this year that literally made the game un-launchable on Steam for a day or so.

OG Kush

I feel sorry for casual people who saw the trailer, got hyped and bought a Bethesda game on their console.

I have little to no empathy for gamers who see the Bethesda logo and still insist on buying it for their PS360. Bethesda is shit on consoles. You should have known.

360 runs fine for me. Don't see how its "shit" on all consoles. And how many ps3 users have had smiliar problems as the OP? I thought it had pretty good performance for 95% of ps3 users?
All the Bethesda games are pretty awful technically on every platform. I guess they could scale them back a little but that would cause a shitstorm among the fans, so it's a lose-lose situation for them.


360 runs fine for me. Don't see how its "shit" on all consoles. And how many ps3 users have had smiliar problems as the OP? I thought it had pretty good performance for 95% of ps3 users?

82 Hours into the 360 version with 486 saves and the only problem I have encountered are odd frame rate drops here and there.

No missing textures, No lag, no broken quests just pure gaming goodness.


As an owner of both consoles, I find it funny that some of you continue to buy PS3 versions of multi-platform games after all the horrible ports this platform has received. I personally don't buy PS3 versions of any games unless they are exclusive titles. Not because I hate the PS3, but because the quality of the ports is generally sub-par in my opinion.


Man... I really wanted New Vegas and passed because of the bugs. I did the same thing with Skyrim. How long did it take them to patch New Vegas(I'm assuming they patched it by now)


As an owner of both consoles, I find it funny that some of you continue to buy PS3 versions of multi-platform games after all the horrible ports this platform has received. I personally don't buy PS3 versions of any games unless they are exclusive titles. Not because I hate the PS3, but because the quality of the ports is generally sub-par in my opinion.
I think most people only have 1 of the 2 consoles. There's a lot of people here who have both since this is a pretty "hardcore" gaming forum, but I doubt that having both is at all a standard situation.
I only have a PS3. For HD gaming, I split my time between PC and PS3, which covers every game I really care about.
As to why I chose to buy Skyrim on PS3 instead of PC... My SO is really into SWTOR right now and I have like no PC time so...

Most ports aren't horrible to me. I know they're worse than the 360 version but unless I go out of my way to compare to the 360 version, I don't even notice it. I'm fine with the inferior version of games for the most part because I don't want to buy another console. This case is different though. Being inferior graphically and performance wise I can live with, but here, the game becomes unplayable (that's not hyperbole).

Being unable to finish a game is pretty ridiculous. This has nothing to do with console choice or poor ports to me. This is about Bethesda either:
1) not testing the PS3 version for any significant amount of time
2) knowingly released a game with an unavoidable bug that stops progression

Either case is inexcusable.


I feel sorry for casual people who saw the trailer, got hyped and bought a Bethesda game on their console.

I have little to no empathy for gamers who see the Bethesda logo and still insist on buying it for their PS360. Bethesda is shit on consoles. You should have known.
Because everyone has access to a gaming PC right? Some people on GAF appear to think having a decent PC is a pre-requisite.
And apart from anything else, it runs fine on Xbox. You know, considering it's effectively a six year old PC, it runs fantastically, all things considered. Texture bug will get patched. Till then, play from the disc. No problems.


I got grudge sucked!
As an owner of both consoles, I find it funny that some of you continue to buy PS3 versions of multi-platform games after all the horrible ports this platform has received. I personally don't buy PS3 versions of any games unless they are exclusive titles. Not because I hate the PS3, but because the quality of the ports is generally sub-par in my opinion.

Depends on what type of game it is really, the general rule is if it has a large open world or sandbox set up, stay away from the PS3 version.
When the PS3 version's framerate becomes unplayable I save and quit the game. Upon starting it up again the lag is fixed. For me this only occurs after extended amounts of game play.


I don't think that the ps3 version is the only one that has issues (altought ps3 ones looks like the worse ones), I'm playing it on pc and started to get stuck recently often when talking to NPC's (those didn't allow me to close the conversation, but i can move the camera and talk to that npc)

Also getting some bugs like the game not allowing me to disengange the weapon, do sprints or use shouts :/

edit: I have 42h on the game


Disgusting.. my ps3 version chugs as well.. over 35 hrs... heavy framedrops sometimes but not for very long but its common..


Fuck you bethesda, fix this fucking shit asap you worthless turds.


I feel sorry for casual people who saw the trailer, got hyped and bought a Bethesda game on their console.

I have little to no empathy for gamers who see the Bethesda logo and still insist on buying it for their PS360. Bethesda is shit on consoles. You should have known.

Yea.. I wanted to play it since it wont run on my pc.. want me to invest 500 euros in a new pc? No thanks.
Next time pc gaf is outraged about some company like Ubisofts shitty treatment of the pc platform I'll remember to have little to no empathy for them. They should have known, right?


Well to play devil's advocate, when it comes to places like Bethesda and Obsidian a patch can actually break the game further sometimes :p

I remember a patch for Dungeon Siege 3 earlier this year that literally made the game un-launchable on Steam for a day or so.

I know. hehehe It just baffles me that Bethesda gets a free pass on the certification process of the retail game with a legacy bug that spawns every version of its games on the PS3. I guess Sony just accepts that Bethesda will hopefully patch it after release just because of the importance of the game/publisher to its platform but they are the ones that should pressure Bethesda to solve this problem before release.
Next time pc gaf is outraged about some company like Ubisofts shitty treatment of the pc platform I'll remember to have little to no empathy for them. They should have known, right?

There is a definite set of double standards in place it seems.

No one deserves buggy games, no matter what platform. People here need to learn a little empathy for their fellow man.


Next time pc gaf is outraged about some company like Ubisofts shitty treatment of the pc platform I'll remember to have little to no empathy for them. They should have known, right?

That's not everyone's feelings on that who plays PC, as I've said, I get so many bugs and CTD on PC I feel taken for a ride myself. Considering it sounds even worse on PS3, bethesda probably won't be getting my money ever again. But those people you're talking about are the ones that are allowing them to get away with releasing sub-par software, just like the media.


Maybe I should have gotten it for my PC, but I have no idea if it would run it or not:

Specs for knowledgeable people:

It was just a generic PC I bought over the counter after my old one died.

Lenova brand
Generic Intel Premium processor with what it says is HD Graphics card

6 GB of Ram
CPU is: IPP G620 3.6
Win 7
Re-posting for a new page:

"When asked if the graphics in the PS3 version of Skyrim would be similar to the Xbox 360 game, Bethesda’s Pete Hines said, “Yes, PS3 and 360 have reached a good place of parity….framerate, fidelity, etc. The PS3 version is getting a ton of attention”

Guess I was naive enough to believe one of my fav developers wouldn't flat out lie to my face to get me to buy a product they knew was shit.


Do we know how the save files are getting bigger? Is it just based on overall progress, or does if help if we stop hoarding shit?

30 hours in so far and a few frame rate issues and one freeze do far. Outside of some freezes never really had a problem with new Vegas so hope I'll be ok for a while. Maybe I shouldn't have read this thread...
Do you guys keep a shit load of saves or something? Beside the 3 auto-saves, I keep 2 active saves that I toggle between, and still haven't encountered any of these problems. (I'm not bragging, that's just the way I always save in these games.) Or I have I just not played enough? I'm about 15 hours in.


Do you guys keep a shit load of saves or something? Beside the 3 auto-saves, I keep 2 active saves that I toggle between, and still haven't encountered any of these problems. (I'm not bragging, that's just the way I always save in these games.) Or I have I just not played enough? I'm about 15 hours in.
I usually only have 2 active saves too. I have 3 in this game though.

Most people start having issues around the 20 hour mark. It gets progressively worse as you play more. It seems Whiterun is where people notice it most at first.

I started having issues at something like 30 hours.

I think people have said it matters where you leave stuff (like just dropping stuff in the world) and how many things you just move around and how many things you've killed, etc.


I've heard some of you mention waiting for GOTY editions. Would that have all the issues fixed by then? And when can we expect this edition?


After nearly 40 hours, my PS3 version has finally become unplayable. I literally can't enter any towns without having my FPS drop to single digits. Deleting saves didn't seem to help either. :/
Do you guys keep a shit load of saves or something? Beside the 3 auto-saves, I keep 2 active saves that I toggle between, and still haven't encountered any of these problems. (I'm not bragging, that's just the way I always save in these games.) Or I have I just not played enough? I'm about 15 hours in.
Yeah, you should play some more.

And deleting saves and turning autosave off will not work forever either. When it got really bad, I deleted all but one savefile and turned autosave off (which, btw, feels like balancing on a thin rope over a cliff without a safety net) and the game was still completely unplayable at times. Which means after 80 hours I'm just not willing to play the game anymore.


I'm skeptical that the PS3 patch will completely fix the issue. Wel'll see how things turn out.
I'm worried about this. Is the patch going to shrink my 13MB save file?

Hope they're at least considering giving us a DLC episode for free as an apology. Assholes.
I've got an 8MB save and since I reinstalled 3MBs back when I was getting slight stuttering I've been having flawless gameplay. The only thing I notice is I have to press X twice sometimes to answer NPC's.

Now that is until I play for around 3 hours then I start to get dips, so I just turn the console off, now it isn't a huge inconvenience to me because I hardly play for 3 hours straight but it's still unacceptable, regardless of how much fun I'm having I regret buying this new. F Bethesda.


I'm worried about this. Is the patch going to shrink my 13MB save file?

Hope they're at least considering giving us a DLC episode for free as an apology. Assholes.

Based on what I've heard about FO3 DLC, not only will that not happen, but the DLC will come a year after the 360 gets it, and it will break the game even more.
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