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My PS3 version of Skyrim is unplayable


PC only Bethesda game player here.

That really sucks that these are doing this on consoles, they trumpeted how consoles are 90% of their market and they put out this kinda shit? Should be ashamed of themselves. At least on pc the end user is able to fix their glitchy ass shit most of the time (and im just talking patches, not even MODS).

New Vegas got ripped a new one for bugs, but Oblivion/Fallout 3/Skyrim all got free passes it seems from reviewers. It'd be sad if it wasn't so obvious.

It's because New Vegas was a 100x more buggy than any of the others, The only issue I've run into in skyrim is crashes but I haven't seen any more bugs or problems.

I'm not surprised there are glitches but if the reviewer didn't encounter any than I don't see a problem with them saying they did, if a reviewer did and just didn't say anything than I agree and they should have.


hide your water-based mammals
This isn't really the point. That there are better alternatives out there is a given, the fact they've released a game that has a high chance of becoming almost unplayable is unforgivable - a simple playthrough of the game (they should have done hundreds) should have been enough to show the problem.

If they did this, perhaps they can share how they managed it without experiencing the problems that so many PS3 owners are complaining about?
You know, this gen has woken me up to some facts that almost make you think twice about some of these ports. I know some are lead on 360 but it seems like sometimes some games are shipped buggy on purpose. If it's happened like 3 straight releases on PS3, it's not coincidence anymore to me. I know these guys work hard but it's rather frustrating to even read about bugs like that.

Battlefield has had the same stupid mic glitch like 3 straight releases too so it's not exclusive to Beth.


Just watched that youtube video. Didn't thought it would be that unplayable, damn it was skipping frames all over the place. Bethesda should've fixed it in FO3 and implemented the bugfix in the engine, then we wouldn't have another 2 PS3 Bethesda games with the same gamebreaking bug. Smh.


hide your water-based mammals
Just watched that youtube video. Didn't thought it would be that unplayable, damn it was skipping frames all over the place. Bethesda should've fixed it in FO3 and implemented the bugfix in the engine, then we wouldn't have another 2 PS3 Bethesda games with the same gamebreaking bug. Smh.

I hadn't watched that particular bit in the OP but the game looks a lot better than I thought it would. And yes, that slowdown is ATROCIOUS. Unacceptable and another slap in PS3 users faces.


Look I can sort-of-see how a large save can start causing these issues. But why does it matter if you have one or several different save files?


I expect better of of you (or anyone else). And you got them on PC right?

Nope bro. I've got them on PS3. This IS a thread about an unplayable game on the PS3. Actually it's turned into a thread about a bunch of unplayable games on the PS3...all from the same guys :)
Sad to hear that such problems exist for ps3 owners :/ I have an unopened copy of the pc version sitting at my desk (would ruin me academically if i started playing now) and hope they patch this shit by the time I am able to play.

I've also only seen one article even addressing this issue http://www.gamesradar.com/high-horse-broken-ps3-skyrim-was-inevitable-inexcusable-and-may-be-your-fault/

If that promised patch next week doesn't fix things, I foresee a class action lawsuit against bethesda, maybe that'll get their attention, seemed to have worked on EA


Sad to hear that such problems exist for ps3 owners :/ I have an unopened copy of the pc version sitting at my desk (would ruin me academically if i started playing now) and hope they patch this shit by the time I am able to play.

I've also only seen one article even addressing this issue http://www.gamesradar.com/high-horse-broken-ps3-skyrim-was-inevitable-inexcusable-and-may-be-your-fault/

If that promised patch next week doesn't fix things, I foresee a class action lawsuit against bethesda, maybe that'll get their attention, seemed to have worked on EA

... To Amazon trade-in it goes.

I'm sick of taking all these measures just to make the game playable.


hide your water-based mammals
Nope bro. I've got them on PS3. This IS a thread about an unplayable game on the PS3. Actually it's turned into a thread about a bunch of unplayable games on the PS3...all from the same guys :)

Don't take the way I said personally btw. Truly, next time, let your wallet do the talking. Maybe on PC too. If those kind of bugs are there, hold off until they patch it. I don't think that kind of slowdown is acceptable in any gaming, even. It's embarrassing. I know this is a huge game but on PC, the issues are as apparent but Beth is sort of bailed out by my fast 4xCPU at 4.5ghz and high end GPU. And btw, the game never uses more than about 44% of my CPU either. And going from 4.5 to 3.3ghz loses me like 10-30fps dependent on the view. I know all this from hours of testing and benching for the PC/mod thread. And then there's the whole thing with the last "patch" on PC which invalidates an important fix and introduces more DRM.
Oh wow, I haven't had time to pick-up Skyrim yet and all these posts and the video make me want to wait on the game now until a patch or GoTY sale.



Oh wow, I haven't had time to pick-up Skyrim yet and all these posts and the video make me want to wait on the game now until a patch or GoTY sale.


On PC, it's a fantastic game. 45 hours in, and no bugs yet.

Part of the issue, and this IN NO WAY EXCUSES BETHESDA, is that it is really kind of difficult to fit this kind of a game into the PS3's puny 256 megs of system RAM. These consoles are really under equipped to handle this kind of game. IMO, they should never have bothered with the PS3 versions of these games if they can't get them to run acceptably.


I hadn't watched that particular bit in the OP but the game looks a lot better than I thought it would. And yes, that slowdown is ATROCIOUS. Unacceptable and another slap in PS3 users faces.

AFAIK, Bethesda's PS3 versions always have looked pretty good and certain graphical effects were closer to PC, like textures and shader effects. PS3 New Vegas' textures were basically the PC textures. Fall Out 3 360 version were missing glossmaps (but I think that was rectified with a patch?) and Skyrim PS3 looked cleaner with FXAA esp. the foliage, but downside is a blurred IQ. Now the performance, that is an different matter.


I feel sorry for casual people who saw the trailer, got hyped and bought a Bethesda game on their console.

I have little to no empathy for gamers who see the Bethesda logo and still insist on buying it for their PS360. Bethesda is shit on consoles. You should have known.


Funny how most games get point deducted for the smallest shit and a game with so many known bugs gets a free pass.

Same shit every year with Bethesda games, oh god the game is so big, poor developers didn't have time to do some basic testing. Fuck them, this games shouldn't be scoring over 7 in my book. I love ES games but this shit really pisses me off.

Watch it get GOTY evrywhere.


Sad to hear that such problems exist for ps3 owners :/ I have an unopened copy of the pc version sitting at my desk (would ruin me academically if i started playing now) and hope they patch this shit by the time I am able to play.

I've also only seen one article even addressing this issue http://www.gamesradar.com/high-horse-broken-ps3-skyrim-was-inevitable-inexcusable-and-may-be-your-fault/

If that promised patch next week doesn't fix things, I foresee a class action lawsuit against bethesda, maybe that'll get their attention, seemed to have worked on EA

That article has me pretty bothered by Bethesda now.
I wasn't aware they had such a terrible history. When I hear about bugs in games, I think about bugs in other games. I really didn't expect Bethesda to be on its own level.

I'm disappointed in myself for not doing more research before biting. I'm disappointed in the entire gaming population for giving Bethesda a pass and basically encouraging them to never change. I'm disappointed in the press for making the bugs sound like some small thing that everyone should overlook because the game is the bestest thing ever.

And I'm angry that I'm stuck with this $60 coaster. I'm angry that I gave Bethesda a penny of my money and I want a refund... but this is the gaming industry where refunds don't happen because... uh... because.


Funny how most games get point deducted for the smallest shit and a game with so many known bugs gets a free pass.

Same shit every year with Bethesda games, oh god the game is so big, poor developers didn't have time to do some basic testing. Fuck them, this games shouldn't be scoring over 7 in my book. I love ES games but this shit really pisses me off.

Watch it get GOTY evrywhere.
That's actually an interesting question: if the PS3 version is a pos but the PC version is a top GOTY contender, what do you do as a GOTY jury critic?

Mesh the various versions together and judge them "on average"? Judge the worst one (PS3)? Judge the best one (PC)? And if you use the PC version, do you use vanilla or with mods?

Skyrim on PC with mods is quite clearly one of the best games released this year. Vanilla Skyrim on PS3 is a piece of shit. What do we do?


Over 150 hours on Ps3-- 14mb save file-- it is getting pretty pretty bad. My experience has been very similar to what others have posted, with having to restart more and more often, overworld and especially cities going into single digit frame rates. Dungeons still fine.

I was getting discouraged as I am just wrapping up the Daedra quests and the main quest, but every step I am taking is making the overall experience worse. So I started a new character just to get the normalcy back again. Very disappointing overall, such a fun game. If the patch does not fix this I will continue to tell anyone I know not to get the PS3 version if possible.


I feel sorry for casual people who saw the trailer, got hyped and bought a Bethesda game on their console.

I have little to no empathy for gamers who see the Bethesda logo and still insist on buying it for their PS360. Bethesda is shit on consoles. You should have known.

I disagree, it runs fine on the xbox. In fact I've hardly had any issues with their games on consoles. I had Oblivion on the ps3, which ran fine. Fallout 3 on the Xbox, didn't have any trouble with. I've now got Skyrim on the Xbox and it's been fantastic. I noticed a little bit of screen tearing in a few places but it's been quite rare to see actually.


I have little to no empathy for gamers who see the Bethesda logo and still insist on buying it for their PS360. Bethesda is shit on consoles. You should have known.

That's not fair. Look, I was just as sceptical about day one on this thing as anyone else who has ever played one of their games. But when I read the reviews and they sounded great, then I sat and watched streams of people playing the first few hours on PS3 I thought to my self "O.K. all signs point to a thumbs up". The shit here is that this bug doesn't happen until you've invested time playing. It degrades over time and nobody was going to see that kind of stuff until a few days after. I'm an ES fan. You can't fault someone for wanting to get an anticipated title ASAP. There were just a lot of factors that mislead me..and I'm sure many others.


That's actually an interesting question: if the PS3 version is a pos but the PC version is a top GOTY contender, what do you do as a GOTY jury critic?

Mesh the various versions together and judge them "on average"? Judge the worst one (PS3)? Judge the best one (PC)? And if you use the PC version, do you use vanilla or with mods?

Skyrim on PC with mods is quite clearly one of the best games released this year. Vanilla Skyrim on PS3 is a piece of shit. What do we do?

Uhm...if reviewers act like nothing's wrong with the PS3 version why would suddenly care when giving the game GOTY awards.


Gold Member
Oblivion for the 360 screwed me over big time with a bug. After 40+ hours I put into it, I gave up on it.

After reading all the problems with the 360 version and the slight problems on the PS3 people noticed on day one, I was on the verge of boycotting the game but alas.....I fell for the hype. I ran like a sheep to my nearest game shop and purchased the PS3 version.

Fool me twice, shame on me....


I'm actually kinda scared right now.

Is it a given fact that the ps3 version becomes unplayable at some point or is there a chance that you are able to play the ps3 version from start to finish without all this shit?

I'm asking, because I'm already 30 hours in and I did not see any real problems
(despite the horrible frame drops)


I bought Oblivion when GOTY edition came out. I bought Fallout 3 with GOTY came out. I will buy Skyrim when GOTY comes out.

I really don't have that much patience when it comes to a western RPG, let alone these Bethesda games that are bugged to the max the first 3 months. Since there isn't a multiplayer element, I can wait.


Heh, I remember when I had that problem on Morrowind for Xbox, and the solution was to be sure that you closed every door you opened so that your saved game would not grow as big.


Uhm...if reviewers act like nothing's wrong with the PS3 version why would suddenly care when giving the game GOTY awards.
Heh, that's true.

Then again, hard to blame most reviewers for ignoring the PS3 version - their audience are the enthusiasts, and we've already established that they should know about Bethesda on consoles. :p

If anything, you could blame the journalists who explicitly reviewed the PS3 version.


The Amiga Brotherhood
Oblivion for the 360 screwed me over big time with a bug. After 40+ hours I put into it, I gave up on it.

After reading all the problems with the 360 version and the slight problems people noticed on day one, I was on the verge of boycotting the game but alas.....I fell for the hype. I ran like a sheep to my nearest game shop and purchased the PS3 version.

Fool me twice, shame on me....

Damn that is unlucky, should have gone with the 360 version!


Look, even disregarding this savegame bug/memory leak/whatever, I've already had three quests completely break on me, including one in the main quest line which prevented me from advancing. I fixed two of them (didn't bother with the third because it was a misc. quest) by using the console (and some data shuffling). I had to get myself out of a bind with ^ in pretty much every Bethesda game. I wouldn't even know what to do without access to it.

This is known. People know this. I don't even know what would move people to think "they've got it right this time, I'm sure!". No. Bethesda doesn't get it right. They release broken games. The only question is whether you buy the version that comes with the tools to fix it or not.

That's not fair. Look, I was just as sceptical about day one on this thing as anyone else who has ever played one of their games. But when I read the reviews and they sounded great, then I sat and watched streams of people playing the first few hours on PS3 I thought to my self "O.K. all signs point to a thumbs up". The shit here is that this bug doesn't happen until you've invested time playing. It degrades over time and nobody was going to see that kind of stuff until a few days after. I'm an ES fan. You can't fault someone for wanting to get an anticipated title ASAP. There were just a lot of factors that mislead me..and I'm sure many others.

I hope you learned your lesson for good and will go with the PC version next time.


Also anyone know why there're noticeable input lags in 3rd person view? It feels like extra animations, but when you move the character, the character takes some time to do them instead of moving the character right away, but it's not there in first person view and you could move back and forth quicker... button presses are fine, is that by design and how the previous games are? (and is it there for the pc/360 version?)
On PC, it's a fantastic game. 45 hours in, and no bugs yet.

I'd love to get the PC version but realistically I know my experience on this ancient beast probably wouldn't be any better than the PS3 version.

Need to get around to upgrading my computer next year, it's been six years.
80+ hours on the PS3, 10+ save files each over 9mb.

Game has not crashed a single time. Only hitches I noted were 2-3 seconds of slowdown and frame drop when fast travelling a long distance over the map. Apart from random frame drops (max 2 seconds) while using conjuration and the fire breath shout, nothing else has hindered my experience.

I usually play 8-10 hours continuously. Somehow I've escaped this frame rate issue :)
My 60gb jap PS3 is god-tier


Has anyone tried returning the game to best buy? Would that even work if it's within 30 days? I mean if the game is unplayable...I feel like I should be able to return and it and re-buy it on steam.
I feel sorry for casual people who saw the trailer, got hyped and bought a Bethesda game on their console.

I have little to no empathy for gamers who see the Bethesda logo and still insist on buying it for their PS360. Bethesda is shit on consoles. You should have known.

Guess you're right.


hide your water-based mammals
Funny how most games get point deducted for the smallest shit and a game with so many known bugs gets a free pass.

Same shit every year with Bethesda games, oh god the game is so big, poor developers didn't have time to do some basic testing. Fuck them, this games shouldn't be scoring over 7 in my book. I love ES games but this shit really pisses me off.

Watch it get GOTY evrywhere.

Even the PC has flaws, doesn't stop the actual game from being damn amazing, bugs and all.
I feel sorry for casual people who saw the trailer, got hyped and bought a Bethesda game on their console.

I have little to no empathy for gamers who see the Bethesda logo and still insist on buying it for their PS360. Bethesda is shit on consoles. You should have known.

This is the most condescending thing I've ever read. I have played every Elder Scrolls game since Arena, have a PC powerful enough to play Skyrim, and yet I bought it on the 360 and don't regret it for a second.

I don't need your empathy. The only thing I should have known is to avoid your posts and will from now on. I can barely see your avatar you're on such a high horse.


If we're looking for reasons not to give Skyrim GOTY, just take a look at that interface.

Fuck, I hope you like scrolling and using a tiny percentage of screen estate to display as little information as possible at any time.

Jeff Chen

I think there's a memory leakage. The longer you play, the more choppy and lags you have. To a point you won't be able to wander around near the plain outside Whiterun, because the framerate will be around 5 fps.

Restarting the game seems to fix it, but after hours of gameplay the problem will come back.

Anyway, there is a patch scheduled next week and let's hope it fixes the problem. Fingers crossed.


I got grudge sucked!
I feel sorry for casual people who saw the trailer, got hyped and bought a Bethesda game on their console.

I have little to no empathy for gamers who see the Bethesda logo and still insist on buying it for their PS360. Bethesda is shit on consoles. You should have known.

Outside of a few random bugs, I had minor to no issues with 360 FO3 or FO:NV, nothing on this level of game breaking. I have two friends with the PS3 version of skyrim, both have over 20 hours in their game and they haven't hit the problem yet. I guess its a matter of time thing.


Funny how most games get point deducted for the smallest shit and a game with so many known bugs gets a free pass.

Same shit every year with Bethesda games, oh god the game is so big, poor developers didn't have time to do some basic testing. Fuck them, this games shouldn't be scoring over 7 in my book. I love ES games but this shit really pisses me off.

Watch it get GOTY evrywhere.

I'm pretty sure Bethesda didn't show anything other than 360 footage and every preview and review build was 360. They just can't handle PS3 and hopefully this time people will understand this.

Buy Bethesda games on PC, or 360 if it has to be on a console. I've personally put over 100 hours into the 360 version of Oblivion, F3 and New Vegas and yes I had some crashes and minor bugs but never anything game ruining. These games are designed with the 360 in mind, not the ps3.


Really Really Exciting Member!
On PC, it's a fantastic game. 45 hours in, and no bugs yet.

Really? Not even one crash to the desktop? It's the only bug i have, but it happened like 20 times for me in the past week. I never used quicksaves so much in the past in fear of crashes.


Has anyone tried returning the game to best buy? Would that even work if it's within 30 days? I mean if the game is unplayable...I feel like I should be able to return and it and re-buy it on steam.

Best Buy, you're probably screwed. However, I successfully returned the 360 version of New Vegas last year to Amazon. I'd played it for 25 hours, and ran into the DLC bug where it broke every single one of my save files. so, 25 hours of progress down the toilet. I was livid.

I got my refund from Amazon, and showed Bethesda I meant business buy immediately turning around and buying the PC version from them. Which was fantastic and I ran into zero issues.

Anyway, that was one of my breaking points that got me to finally build a gaming PC. The other game that pushed me was Dead Rising 2, which ran like complete shit on 360. I just got sick of buying these new games that clearly were developed above what the current generation of consoles were capable of. So, now I play everything on PC. Ran an HDMI cable from my PC to my home theater, so it's just like playing a next gen console today.


Really? Not even one crash to the desktop? It's the only bug i have, but it happened like 20 times for me in the past week. I never used quicksaves so much in the past in fear of crashes.

He should start experiencing those more now. It seems to pick up 40+ hours in because the saves get bigger and it crashed for me quite a bit after that mark. The patch should fix that though when it comes out next week.


hide your water-based mammals
He should start experiencing those more now. It seems to pick up 40+ hours in because the saves get bigger and it crashed for me quite a bit after that mark. The patch should fix that though when it comes out next week.

That's a huge issue as saves get bigger and it keeps track of stupid redundant data like an enemy or dragon I killed 20 hours ago. Pretty stupid.


Outside of a few random bugs, I had minor to no issues with 360 FO3 or FO:NV, nothing on this level of game breaking. I have two friends with the PS3 version of skyrim, both have over 20 hours in their game and they haven't hit the problem yet. I guess its a matter of time thing.
True, I might have been too harsh throwing the 360 version and the PS3 version into one pot. It's pretty clear that the PS3 version has much bigger problems.

360 version seems playable, at least.


Really Really Exciting Member!
He should start experiencing those more now. It seems to pick up 40+ hours in because the saves get bigger and it crashed for me quite a bit after that mark. The patch should fix that though when it comes out next week.

Next week? Can't come soon enough, nothing worse than getting a crash when you forgot to save and have to run that 10 minutes on foot again.
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