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My PS3 version of Skyrim is unplayable


Water is not wet!
You could also end up with an unloadable save file in Morrowind OXbox if you didn't remember to dispose every corpse.

Its like what i said when people were talking about Obsidian "putting in" bugs in New Vegas.. these bugs are Gamebryo related and have been there for a fucking decade. Gamebryo is unsuited to these types of games. It cannot handle the 500,000+ unique objects that get added by the player.


This is another great question that I don't know the answer to.
I can only assume very few reviewers played long enough for it to start getting as bad as you see in the video.

Most likely , we should be blaming Bethesda for not giving reviewers the PS3 version. Watched Giantbombs 12 hour marathon (360 version) looked like not many huge issues.


The PS3 version of Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim that Bethesda released is a slap in the face to gamers. Longer loading screens is one thing, but horrific frame rate issues that vary from frustrating to flat out making the game unplayable should never have been left in the final product.

here is some footage that is similar to what I have experienced: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nMu4Tzk2bdg&feature=player_detailpage#t=62s

These errors seem to occur as the file size gets bigger, meaning that they only pop up after 20+ hours of play.
The longer you play, the more the game punishes you.

Pete Hines (Bethesda) has tweeted that "On the list for this update is improved performance for long-term play on PS3." I am eagerly anticipating this update, but I wanted to say something because I don't think it is right for companies to release games in this condition in the first place.
With so many people experiencing it, I cannot fathom how they didn't catch this problem in testing.

I am a huge elder scrolls fan, and yes of course I would rather play on PC but I can't afford one powerful enough.
In any case, that shouldn't be an issue. The drawback of console versions should be lack of mods, not lack of ability to play the game!

From August: When asked if the graphics in the PS3 version of Skyrim would be similar to the Xbox 360 game, Bethesda’s Pete Hines said, “Yes, PS3 and 360 have reached a good place of parity….framerate, fidelity, etc. The PS3 version is getting a ton of attention”.

Apparently, it didn't get enough :p. I can't help but partially blame the rigidity of a cross-platform release date formulated months before the game is finished.

I just want to play Skyrim again :(

I play on PC so obviously this is a problem I haven't had to deal with, but I'm curious about what the root cause might be. Maybe you can try this --> Tips and Tricks: PS3 Rebuild Database and see if it helps.


Also like most ps3 users I can attest to a lot of ps3 games having issues but I guess I look at like this; most dev's are damned if they do damned if they don't. It's no secret Sony dropped the ball when focusing on software for the ps3. What would you rather have a dev do; Not release a game at all ala valve prior to portal 2 and be villanized by the ps3 fans or try to do the best they can with the ps3 architecture and release a game with the skillsets they have?

I'm not trying to make excuses for Bethesda but that has always been a thought I've had when it comes to certain multiplat games for the ps3.

I liked Valve back when they didn't make PS3 games. After New Vegas, Black Ops, MVC3, Dead Island (thankfully this one was just a rental) I miss when developers/publishers figured it wasn't profitable enough to port games over the PS3, instead of deciding to approve a PS3 version no matter how rancid.


They fix some issues though. For all other problems I suggest the PC version, the modding community for Bethesda games is really good in fixing bugs Bethesda is just too lazy to fix.

As someone mentioned earlier, they already got your money, why should they bother?

This is contrarian bullshit tripe! You don't make a game like Skyrim on ANY platform without giving a shit about your player-base and what they care about. This "the modders are the real heros" is foolish and is seeking to find good and evil where there isn't any. The modder community exist for these games because these games exist. There are always new problems new products because they're [the devs] pushing things forward so hard.

Frankly it'll be hard to ever release a game that would play on every PC when games get that complex. Consoles with multiple hardware and software revisions floating around are becoming that way as well. No one is talking about dismissing these very unpleasant user experiences but at the same time, allow them to correct the problem and it will take time and that sucks unbelievably bad but it's not a product of laziness.

I hope they can address the bugs soon. I have a glitch that's preventing me from finishing the hanging gardens quest so I have it easy but I'm certainly empathetic to the OP's plight. I nearly chocked a bish when I almost didn't get the game from newegg on release day.


Even on my 360 stuff was starting to mess up a bit. I installed it to see if it would help performance issues but of course the textures would never load due to that bug.

Deleted some saves and auto saves and ran back to running off the disc and the framerates got a bit better. 45hrs in and its a fun game but damn if Beth games don't come with some weary issues.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
360 version seems to run well enough, with the game installed to a USB the texture problem seems to be a non issue and the caching via HDD makes the load times quick and snappy. I'd say it's a loss for the PS3 version, Bathesda should have spent more time in QA.


Playing on PS3 and it's still my GOTY. I have a save file that is 7mb and growing; getting some really bad framerate issues at times but it sort of fixes itself. Hoping this patch comes out soon. Bethesda really has shitty programmers.

Has anybody tried to start a new game and create a save file that is small then continue their original save on that new game save. If that makes sense. I seen that posted somewhere.

hahaha you wont be sayaing that very soon when the framerate shits itself everywhere.
It really is disgraceful that the game was released in this state. They really must not have
played tested it more than a couple hours.


Dreams of a world where inflated review scores save studios
any official news on a patch? im glad i didnt pick it up right away
Its like what i said when people were talking about Obsidian "putting in" bugs in New Vegas.. these bugs are Gamebryo related and have been there for a fucking decade. Gamebryo is unsuited to these types of games. It cannot handle the 500,000+ unique objects that get added by the player.

Undoubtedly the engine is way overdue for retirement. I had hoped all along they would put off the next TES game until next gen, but I know the series prints money so whatever and the user base on all systems is at high tide.

But from what I've read, PC and X360 don't have this same issue like the PS3. Where the save file grows and the performance gradually gets worse to unplayable. I totally agree about what you're saying about all of the objects and things the game needs to keep track of. I suspect Bethesda didn't code a good database, it's broken at a fundamental level. I'm no expert but remember reading due to Cell's architecture, it likes to access data in a different manner than other typical CPUs. And if you don't heed at least a few rules when programming for it, you're facing a world of problems. And that describes all Bethesda developed PS3 open world RPG games.

If I were the CEO of Bethesda, I would have sacrificed $5 profit or whatever per copy of the PS3 release to fund hiring an outside team to work in parallel as closely as possible with the lead team, to effectively port the game over on PS3. The game sells millions of copies guaranteed. They could have brought in some top talent. Even if it meant delaying the game a few months. It sounds like this game really should have come out next year anyway.

Ploid 3.0

Hasn't pretty much every Bethesda game this gen had this problem? Hell, I seem to remember it being an issue on the XBox version of Morrowind as well.

I had all three previous Bethesda open world rpgs on PS3 and played them a ton. I have never had problems with framerate like this. In Oblivion I used the ground to store my gear and stuff that was just too heavy to carry. I was a alchemy master and I had a ton of different crap everywhere.


This is what happens when you plan your release date too far ahead of time because it looks cool.


It should have been delayed.


This is what happens when you plan your release date too far ahead of time because it looks cool.


It should have been delayed.

Bethesda: Hey Sony, we've got bugs in our build. The PS3 version might need to be delayed

Sony: You guys are gonna delay the 360 version too, right?

Bethesda: Nah, it's running fine, we'll just release the PS3 version a month later

Sony: *leans over to keyboard, types something* I didn't see any bugs. Give us the gold master tomorrow.


Funny enough, last night I was playing Skyrim (already over 60 hours in) and my PS3 YLOD'd when I threw the fire shout. I checked online and it's, indeed, YLOD'd, with my Skyrim disc inside. I would go and grab the 360 version, but I don't wanna buy the game again until the GOTY edition releases, and I'm buying a PS3 again sometime (probably will have to wait until January though...) so I will try to play the game again. I know my PS3 was already sorta messed up, with the fan making a lot of noise, and my BD driver broke once about a year ago, too.

Oh well, love the game too much so I need to get back to it. Even if I can't get back my save file, I hope I can at least retrieve my disc :(


that's unfortunate the game was shipped like that for PS3. I've really been wanting to play it but I'm waiting for the patch to come out and to hear some feedback from it.

little glitches here and there don't bother me (even if they do sometimes take you out of the immersion) but the save file thing is pretty bad :/

Galactic Fork

A little fluff between the ears never did any harm...
See this is why my SMH is warranted. Not only have they acknowledged it, but they stated that it should be fixed in the upcoming patch. Too many people like to assume the worst because it's the easy thing to do.

Technically they didn't say they'd fix it, they just said the new patch would offer "improved performance for long-term play on PS3." Sooo I'll be able to play for maybe 3 hours before the game becomes completely unplayable again instead of just 45 minutes.


That sucks. I know I've heard the same complaint for FO3 and FO:NV. Has to be a Gamebryo problem. They really should've just ditched it for Skyrim. Maybe thay have id working on a more flexible/open world engine for Fallout 4...

Doesn't really affect me though, the PC version is excellent on my laptop. Maxed too. Aside from the usual bugs you would expect.

Ploid 3.0

Bethesda: Hey Sony, we've got bugs in our build. The PS3 version might need to be delayed

Sony: You guys are gonna delay the 360 version too, right?

Bethesda: Nah, it's running fine, we'll just release the PS3 version a month later

Sony: *leans over to keyboard, types something* I didn't see any bugs. Give us the gold master tomorrow.

Sound like the Xbox version needed a delay too. PC version as well.

Edit: I'm not looking forward to going back to a fallout world. I like the greens, pure looking water, and healthy people.

Ranger X

Funny enough, last night I was playing Skyrim (already over 60 hours in) and my PS3 YLOD'd when I threw the fire shout. I checked online and it's, indeed, YLOD'd, with my Skyrim disc inside. I would go and grab the 360 version, but I don't wanna buy the game again until the GOTY edition releases, and I'm buying a PS3 again sometime (probably will have to wait until January though...) so I will try to play the game again. I know my PS3 was already sorta messed up, with the fan making a lot of noise, and my BD driver broke once about a year ago, too.

Oh well, love the game too much so I need to get back to it. Even if I can't get back my save file, I hope I can at least retrieve my disc :(

wow, it doesn't even eject discs on YLOD? damn :/
That sucks. I know I've heard the same complaint for FO3 and FO:NV. Has to be a Gamebryo problem. They really should've just ditched it for Skyrim. Maybe thay have id working on a more flexible/open world engine for Fallout 4...

Doesn't really affect me though, the PC version is excellent on my laptop. Maxed too. Aside from the usual bugs you would expect.
I thought Bethesda said Skyrim isn't running on Gamebryo.


I just don't see how Bethesda's games get such a pass, when they are monumentally broken in so many areas ALL the time. The "no one makes games of these size" argument is getting old. Its somebody job to determine scope and scale for these games. Scale the game to a size where your teams can test it and get these bugs under control. Seriously, its ridiculous...its like clockwork...folks know its going to be broken before they pop the game in.

Why are consumers supporting it, why are reviewers/journalists/media outlets dismissing it? How many other games have gotten ridiculed and dinged for far less. If no one speaks out, if no one leaves the game on the shelf, then there's no reason for Bethesda to change their process.
It takes a LOT to get to complain about a game's stability and performance... I don't even remember New Vegas's quirks on PS3, whatever they were they barely hindered my experience. But when I walk into Whiterun and Skyrim starts chugging along at 2 fps, sometimes freezing for a couple of seconds, I get pretty pissed.


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
If what I've read about this being a problem in FO3 + NV is true, Bethesda should face a class action lawsuit. They have now shipped THREE products with the same bug that renders the software UNPLAYABLE. If that is not acting in bad faith, nothing is.

I agree. class-action lawsuits work as we can see with BF1943 case.



Well, knowing this is a pain in the ass. The problem is, I don't know if at this point I have the drive to go and trade in the PS3 version of the game for the 360 version...

Very rarely do I put 30+ hours into a game and if I don't know if I can justify doing it again.



Well, knowing this is a pain in the ass. The problem is, I don't know if at this point I have the drive to go and trade in the PS3 version of the game for the 360 version...

Very rarely do I put 30+ hours into a game and if I don't know if I can justify doing it again.

well, the patch should be out next week which apparently fixes the problem, so hold out until then.


I remember that I couldn't even get past the Fallout 3 intro initially because the game would keep freezing on me. I figured out the solution eventually, no thanks to them, they need to be more responsible. This ain't amateur hour, if the product isn't up to snuff, don't ship it out.
I thought Bethesda said Skyrim isn't running on Gamebryo.

Didn't the company that owns Gamebryo close down in 2009/2010?

they probably couldn't call it "Gamebryo" since that company and its branding doesn't exist anymore.

but it still looks like Gamebryo and runs like Gamebryo so its probably still Gamebryo.

Dare I say Bethesda was probably lying when they said they where not running on it just to get people pissed off at the poor performance of new vegas to buy skyrim?

Is such a thing even possible? of course it is.


glad I followed the suggestion to wait for the GOTY version christmas 2012. Alot of people pretty warned that these issues were common with Bethesda so you had to see this coming.

i played oblivion and fallout 3 on my ps3. they had bugs and such but nothing hindered me from enjoying the game. a save bug that makes the game virtually unplayable after 30 odd hours of playtime.. no, i didn't see that coming. not complaining, just disappointed.


Maybe I misunderstood quotes and stuff, but leading up to Skyrim I had the impression this was going to run on a totally brand new engine. I was disappointed to find it's pretty much exactly the same (at least on the surface... though the deep bugs still exist) engine that they've been using forever.

Again, maybe I just misunderstood, but right now I feel pretty lied to. There's the other thread about being treated poorly by game companies. I don't want to post there because people seem really edgy in there, but Bethesda is making me feel like a third tier customer right now just because of my platform of choice.
I expected to run and look worse than the other two. But I also expected to be able to complete their game... cause you know... that's pretty important.


I wanted to buy this on ps3, but I won't. Shame

I have a question for PC owners of Skyrim - is it as demanding as Fallout 3 (I guess it is a little more).
I could play F3 without any problems on my previous laptop and I have stronger, newer one now.


I wanted to buy this on ps3, but I won't. Shame

I have a question for PC owners of Skyrim - is it as demanding as Fallout 3 (I guess it is a little more).
I could play F3 without any problems on my previous laptop and I have stronger, newer one now.

You shouldn't have any problems running the game on High, at the least.


wow, it doesn't even eject discs on YLOD? damn :/

Yep, it turns off so fast the drive doesn't have time to eject the disc :(

I will buy a new PS3 in January or so, so once I get it, I will just open this PS3, open the driver and take the disc myself :/


Yep, it turns off so fast the drive doesn't have time to eject the disc :(

I will buy a new PS3 in January or so, so once I get it, I will just open this PS3, open the driver and take the disc myself :/

Remember how old CD Drives used to have the paper-clip hole you could pock into to trigger the manual eject mechanism... why did that go away?


Crazy that the PS3 doesn't have an emergency eject switch/button. You'll think having one would make common sense.
I hear you OP but this is one of those games that just gets a pass. It's sooogood.gif. Same situation happened to New Vegas - buggy piece of shit but brilliant game otherwise.

As meme ridden as it is: I just deal with it. Game sold like gangbusters and gave a clear signal to other devs: if the game is good bugs don't make a difference.


Having bought Skyrim on PS3 first and not being able to buy the PC version via Steam (still not available in my region), I gave up and paused my game play until the next patch.

If that manages to fix stuff, I will resume on PS3. If the changes in performance are negligible and they only fix a few game breaking critical bugs, I will hold off until I get the PC version.

I suppose I should have expected this level of moronic incompetence and lies from Bethesda regarding the PS3 version.


I've ordered it and it's on its way to me, but I'll probably hold off until the patch to play it. I haven't played many Bethesda games but it sounds terrible and I'm quite shocked people give it a pass given it has so many quite serious bugs.
This is laughable

I would demand my money back.
I mean, that's like buying a car which misses 3 gears or stops every 10meters.

i wanted to get the pal PS3 version for my brother for xmans but now Bethesda can suck it. It's the same shit with all their PS3 games all over again.
i could have told you beforehand

ps3 versions of bethesda games were mostly horrible (oblivion was okay due to 1 year delay)

glad I followed the suggestion to wait for the GOTY version christmas 2012. Alot of people pretty warned that these issues were common with Bethesda so you had to see this coming.

I guess I just held up hope that they had fixed the issues for their biggest release ever.

"When asked if the graphics in the PS3 version of Skyrim would be similar to the Xbox 360 game, Bethesda’s Pete Hines said, “Yes, PS3 and 360 have reached a good place of parity….framerate, fidelity, etc. The PS3 version is getting a ton of attention”

Guess I was naive enough to believe one of my fav developers wouldn't flat out lie to my face to get me to buy a product they knew was shit.
I would also like to say that I am very tolerant when it comes to bugs/glitches.

I played Fallout: New Vegas on my PS3 and didn't even think it was that bad. If this game were released in that state, I wouldn't be making a thread about it.

I have been hyped for this game for years, and right now my heart is broken. I can't play it and it breaks my heart.
It really doesnt. Its just code. Those engines are so different than what they started with that they might as well be new.

Edit: Dam, it didnt pull the quote.
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