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Napster Coming To Wii U In Europe

Nintendo be like
Omfg I forgot about this shit. This thread is gold
I just wanted to say that there is a lazy joke in this, but I am too much lazier than the lazy joke in this to bother.

Real question: where do the Wii U, PS4, and XB1 stand on having Spotify, Pandora and the like?

I dont really get your question but I use Spotify often on my ps4 while playing games. It is an official app that replaced Sony own.


Why do a lot of people in this thread think Nintendo is developing this? It doesn't make any sense.

Seriously, what are people expecting Nintendo to do? Should they tell Napster they can't publish on Wii U for their app isn't hip enough? Should they also block any lame 90s game IPs from appearing on eShop?

First people cry for more open, indie-friendly platforms with plenty of apps, then they get disappointed when there actually is stuff that doesn't suit their tastes. Fucking gamers.


I'm pretty sure I'm dreaming right now so I want to post some crazy shit but I better not in the off chance that Napster is actually still a company.


This thread is bringing back many awesome memories.

The new kids will never know the struggle.

Unless they own a Wii U :/
I dont really get your question but I use Spotify often on my ps4 while playing games. It is an official app that replaced Sony own.

I was basically just asking if any of the current consoles have apps for the streaming music services that are actually popular. That PS4 has Spotify AND you can actually run it while in-game is an awfully good start.


Why just Europe, btw? (not sure if the reason is that Napster doesn't exist in NA, I had no idea it still existed at all).

Rhapsody bought the Napster name in bankruptcy, then Best Buy also owns Napster (and Rhapsody), and Rhapsody is the name they use in the NA while Napster is used elsewhere.

So what this really is, is "Best Buy's Music Streaming Service", much like Vudu is "Wal Mart's Movie Streaming Service", so less surprising once you remember how many times Best Buy and Nintendo work together.
this might sound stone age to the US folks but in europe napster remained as a music brand after its filesharing days and became one of the first music streaming platforms such as spotify
currently the owner behind napster is rhapsody and their EU presence is called napster, so you might as well say
"Rhapsody Coming To Wii U In Europe" which probably sounds less stone age to the US people :)
Get with the times people, if anything's out of date here, it's people's info. This is Rhapsody, Napster is simply the branding used in Europe. It's all owned by Best Buy. Basically, this is Rhapsody app on Wii U (otherwise known as Best Buy's music streaming service).


Get with the times people, if anything's out of date here, it's people's info. This is Rhapsody, Napster is simply the branding used in Europe. It's all owned by Best Buy. Basically, this is Rhapsody app on Wii U (otherwise known as Best Buy's music streaming service).

It's more fun to reminisce though.


don't ask me for codes
Are those weird east-european people still sending out invites like crazy?

That drove me off ICQ (well, that and the fact that the only person i used it with stopped using it)

There was a period where there was constant Russian spam, but I haven't had them anymore in years.
Get with the times people, if anything's out of date here, it's people's info. This is Rhapsody, Napster is simply the branding used in Europe. It's all owned by Best Buy. Basically, this is Rhapsody app on Wii U (otherwise known as Best Buy's music streaming service).

People are just avin a giggle m8.


Oh man I can't wait to get on AIM and let my buddy know about this.

Honestly I thought this was a joke thread. Napster seemed way out of Nintendo's league tbh
Napster still exists?

Edit: Oooookay. Its actually Rhapsody in disguise. A service that no one wants to use. Owned by fucking Best Buy. What could go wrong?


Are people still really attributing this release to Nintendo? They didn't develop or publish the app in any way.


Why would I pay for Napster when I can d/l all my .wav files at 128kb/s on my new ISDN line, via my favourite P2P client Morpheus??

Now if you'll excuse me I just got a new GeForce 3 Ti500 and I want to see how fast it runs this sweet Doom 3 alpha leak I just downloaded.

I genuinely had no idea Napster was still a thing. Sounds like cool news?
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