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NeoGAF is heating up!

As I said in the thread dedicated to ResetEra, I registered to Gaf shortly before the schism happened, so I can't say I knew much of who's who, I just followed the pack. Never felt the need to nuke my account here, I was not personally wronged or anything, was barely active at all here so. I loved what Era wanted to be, I truly did, and I was enormously active and positive there. Ultimately, staff proved less and less capable of mantaining transparency, coherence, favouring VIP members, banning based on sympathy and manually deciding the site's stance on things, banning everyone who doesn't fall in line. It's fair game to ban racists and the like, but when the site's stance changes from one day to another (it happened with Kobe, COVID-19 conspiracies, etc.), you can't just permaban folks who are saying things the staff themselves were saying 24 hours earlier to no consequence whatsoever.

This site was basically dead, I peeked back every now and then and the activity was just not there. I remember seeing the New Posts page having like stuff from the day before. As I got banned from Era for, guess what, opposing the moderation team, I initially came back to vent and throw my anger against Era. But guess what, this place seems... fine? There's some offensive terms usage here and there against disabled, trans, etc. people that I'd lose, but there's actually a lot of surprisingly nuanced political and social discourse, and I can appreciate that, despite being very firm and convinced of my beliefs. As much as I dislike the damage the alt-right did in countries like Hungary and Italy, I don't see how supporting those parties impedes a user from discussing about Cyberpunk 2077, The Mandalorian or the Dune books. On Era, if you're not 100% aligned with all opinions and outrages, you're out.

So yeah, here we are, as I'm starting to make moves outside of the Era thread as well. I still don't know how much I'll be around, but one thing's for sure: I am happy to see a lot of familiar faces that I always considered to be great people on Era (again, I barely knew Gaf back in the day) who are now posting here. Refreshing that I can speak about things like these without getting silenced.
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What time is it?
Ihis place has some bat shit crazies

Wrote a little song about it, like to here it, here it go.

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gaf: everyone can freely discuss game and have different opinions


gaf: everyone can freely discuss game and have different opinions

I'm getting a special kind of joy out of the fresh meat coming here and being surprised we're not actually Nazis
I'm getting a special kind of joy out of the fresh meat coming here and being surprised we're not actually Nazis

You know, fun story. When the exodus happened, I used the same username I used back here, despite the fact I was only here for a few months and that it's a username that I created for Gaf. After a while, I thought: what if the vile users that I keep hearing about from Gaf come after me because they see my username on Gaf (that is inactive effectively) and that I also post on Era? What if they harass me? What if they try and get me banned on Era? I did not entertaing the idea for too long, but it crossed my mind.

Turns out it's been Era banning folks for visiting Gaf all along. They're the ones now digging through all tweets and, per a staff member, asking users to report users who they believe to be... gasp... republicans.


WTF. I left there years ago, but I assumed -- wrongly -- that cooler heads would eventually prevail, and they would ease up a bit on the lefty authoritarian craziness. But no. It just keeps going. If anything, it's gotten worse. Insane.

Good news for GAF, I guess.

You can't be a progressive if you aren't progressing and authoritarians of all flavors never give up power. They will continue to refine their purity tests with increasingly ridiculous standards of what is considered acceptable until it inevitably narrows down to the point that it's impossible for anyone to pass except for those holy few who get to administer the tests.


To anyone that left GAF for Era years ago, welcome back but leave that extremist bullshit over there. This is a real forum where disagreements can happen and not have your account shitcanned. Earlier today I used the wrong word while describing the trans community. I was called out on it, I apologized and moved on. I wasn’t called a Trumper, Nazi -ist or -ism then banned. Fuck Resetera.
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You can't be a progressive if you aren't progressing and authoritarians of all flavors never give up power. They will continue to refine their purity tests with increasingly ridiculous standards of what is considered acceptable until it inevitably narrows down to the point that it's impossible for anyone to pass except for those holy few who get to administer the tests.

Smarter progressives know when the end goal is reached for a certain battle. Dumber ones keep pushing well beyond the initial purpose and common sense. Some people need the thrill of the fight, so even if they reached awareness, equality, respect, they will push with made up battles to go on. Equality is still far from a reality, and it won't be for decades for some categories. But you gotta choose fights that make sense, not make them up to fit your narrative. The latter is what Era is doing of course.


You know, fun story. When the exodus happened, I used the same username I used back here, despite the fact I was only here for a few months and that it's a username that I created for Gaf. After a while, I thought: what if the vile users that I keep hearing about from Gaf come after me because they see my username on Gaf (that is inactive effectively) and that I also post on Era? What if they harass me? What if they try and get me banned on Era? I did not entertaing the idea for too long, but it crossed my mind.

Turns out it's been Era banning folks for visiting Gaf all along. They're the ones now digging through all tweets and, per a staff member, asking users to report users who they believe to be... gasp... republicans.
I have the same user name across every platform. I am shocked I hadn’t received a ban from them. I frequently shit on them on Twitter and YouTube.
I have the same user name across every platform. I am shocked I hadn’t received a ban from them. I frequently shit on them on Twitter and YouTube.

The Black Chamber incident shows they only talk about vetting users in privileged positions, but the matter of fact is that post history and off-site commentary is only ever used when they need an excuse to ban folks. Curious to see how they change that now that they realized that, among the prominent members, there may even be people who... gasp... don't agree with them in everything! The horror!
Do I understand correctly, that Era banned discussion of Cyberpunk?

This is what they said about threads for it:
"Cyberpunk 2077 OT will be going up by the end of the day. I'll personally be the one to post it myself. Please bear with me as I'm working around a real life schedule here. When it does go up, we will be setting some ground rules for the thread to ensure everything goes smoothly.

A separate review metascore thread will not be happening as we wish to limit the number of threads on this game. Reviews can be discussed in the OT."

And they also said this:

"We will be personally handling OTs for controversial releases, and we will be vetting the entire contents of them and running them by the appropriate minority staff. And once more, from myself, and from everybody else on the team: We're sorry."

So this is just the status quo for them now, if they deem a game controversial, discussion will be brutally moderated.
This is what they said about threads for it:
"Cyberpunk 2077 OT will be going up by the end of the day. I'll personally be the one to post it myself. Please bear with me as I'm working around a real life schedule here. When it does go up, we will be setting some ground rules for the thread to ensure everything goes smoothly.

A separate review metascore thread will not be happening as we wish to limit the number of threads on this game. Reviews can be discussed in the OT."

And they also said this:

"We will be personally handling OTs for controversial releases, and we will be vetting the entire contents of them and running them by the appropriate minority staff. And once more, from myself, and from everybody else on the team: We're sorry."

So this is just the status quo for them now, if they deem a game controversial, discussion will be brutally moderated.

Having to closely monitor the discussion and dictate what the users should say about a theme means your moderation team has exactly zero faith in you in having a somewhat decent conversation. Or, alternatively, they just want to make sure nobody dares making an opinion differing from theirs.

Both options sound pretty bad, and it's why I'm glad I don't have to bother with that tiptoeing around ban traps any longer.


Rage Bait Youtuber
This is what they said about threads for it:
"Cyberpunk 2077 OT will be going up by the end of the day. I'll personally be the one to post it myself. Please bear with me as I'm working around a real life schedule here. When it does go up, we will be setting some ground rules for the thread to ensure everything goes smoothly.

A separate review metascore thread will not be happening as we wish to limit the number of threads on this game. Reviews can be discussed in the OT."

And they also said this:

"We will be personally handling OTs for controversial releases, and we will be vetting the entire contents of them and running them by the appropriate minority staff. And once more, from myself, and from everybody else on the team: We're sorry."

So this is just the status quo for them now, if they deem a game controversial, discussion will be brutally moderated.



This is what they said about threads for it:
"Cyberpunk 2077 OT will be going up by the end of the day. I'll personally be the one to post it myself. Please bear with me as I'm working around a real life schedule here. When it does go up, we will be setting some ground rules for the thread to ensure everything goes smoothly.

A separate review metascore thread will not be happening as we wish to limit the number of threads on this game. Reviews can be discussed in the OT."

And they also said this:

"We will be personally handling OTs for controversial releases, and we will be vetting the entire contents of them and running them by the appropriate minority staff. And once more, from myself, and from everybody else on the team: We're sorry."

So this is just the status quo for them now, if they deem a game controversial, discussion will be brutally moderated.

Wow that sounds like so much fun! See ya everyone!


EviLore should consider organizing some Cyberpunk copies as giveaways to mark this point in time. And more importantly, celebrate landmark achievements in gaming without fear of extremist ideological influence.
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"We will be personally handling OTs for controversial releases, and we will be vetting the entire contents of them and running them by the appropriate minority staff. And once more, from myself, and from everybody else on the team: We're sorry."

So this is just the status quo for them now, if they deem a game controversial, discussion will be brutally moderated.



Yeah I got banned from ResetEra simply asking them why they were directing all other threads related to Cyberpunk to that shit show thread.

Fuck that website. I've been handed out other meaningless bans on there for trivial shit too.

The mods and general community are a bunch of fucking babies over there. I didn't even say anything inflammatory and generally agree with the shitty way CDPR approached the trans issues being completely fuckin wrong.
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As someone who posts on both forums and tries to stay neutral (both forums have advantages and disadvantages, I know some will hate that comment), it's quite sad to see content being suppressed over there. It's a mistake and a bad look to prevent discussions of any kind and the drama over an OT is quite pathetic.

I wish this place would delete the politics sub-forum, it would really lead to a revival - focus on gaming and bullshit on OT, a place to escape.
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Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
As someone who posts on both forums and tries to stay neutral (both forums have advantages and disadvantages, I know some will hate that comment), it's quite sad to see content being suppressed over there. It's a mistake and a bad look to prevent discussions of any kind and the drama over an OT is quite pathetic.

I wish this place would delete the politics sub-forum, it would really lead to a revival - focus on gaming and bullshit on OT, a place to escape.
You can put the entire politics forum on ignore if you want. It's honestly better to keep it sequestered into one place as much as possible, or else you really can't even have an Off-Topic section.
I want to personally welcome everyone from ResetEra to NeoGaf and especially returning members. Keep in mind we won't always agree on everything and it's ok that we have different party affiliations for I believe we all want many of the same things generally speaking in terms for the betterment of mankind.

Some discussions can be heated on here but there is no need to be in fear of being silenced. Hope you enjoy your stay.
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As someone who posts on both forums and tries to stay neutral (both forums have advantages and disadvantages, I know some will hate that comment), it's quite sad to see content being suppressed over there. It's a mistake and a bad look to prevent discussions of any kind and the drama over an OT is quite pathetic.

I wish this place would delete the politics sub-forum, it would really lead to a revival - focus on gaming and bullshit on OT, a place to escape.

Same I'm just looking for gaming leaks :)


This is what they said about threads for it:
"Cyberpunk 2077 OT will be going up by the end of the day. I'll personally be the one to post it myself. Please bear with me as I'm working around a real life schedule here. When it does go up, we will be setting some ground rules for the thread to ensure everything goes smoothly.

A separate review metascore thread will not be happening as we wish to limit the number of threads on this game. Reviews can be discussed in the OT."

And they also said this:

"We will be personally handling OTs for controversial releases, and we will be vetting the entire contents of them and running them by the appropriate minority staff. And once more, from myself, and from everybody else on the team: We're sorry."

So this is just the status quo for them now, if they deem a game controversial, discussion will be brutally moderated.

What kinda pussy shit is this, holy hell.


my cake, fuck off
To all you Reeeeeeturners why did you leave to begin with ? Honest question .
Because GAF in 2017 was fucked in almost the same way Era is now. Constant dogpiles, Mod's pets, non-transparent bannings, ect... ERA started out looking like a good alternative, but went to shit real quick. I got banned during the Kingdom Come bullshit and pretty much washed my hands of all forums. Came back here on election night(dual-monitored here and ERA for a mix of Liberal/Trumper tears) and found that there was a lot more activity than I realized. Being able to read about Cyberpunk without all the woke bullshit is a nice cherry on top.


As someone who posts on both forums and tries to stay neutral (both forums have advantages and disadvantages, I know some will hate that comment), it's quite sad to see content being suppressed over there. It's a mistake and a bad look to prevent discussions of any kind and the drama over an OT is quite pathetic.

I wish this place would delete the politics sub-forum, it would really lead to a revival - focus on gaming and bullshit on OT, a place to escape.

The only advantages I can think of to that shithole are

A) it's more active and
B) definitely more Nintendo friendly

Aside from that the virtue signalling over there is honestly pathetic, completely disingenuous, and feels totally forced. Not to mention you're walking on eggshells there the entire time.

That place is definitely into censorship.
As someone who posts on both forums and tries to stay neutral (both forums have advantages and disadvantages, I know some will hate that comment), it's quite sad to see content being suppressed over there. It's a mistake and a bad look to prevent discussions of any kind and the drama over an OT is quite pathetic.

I wish this place would delete the politics sub-forum, it would really lead to a revival - focus on gaming and bullshit on OT, a place to escape.
Agreed pretty much 100 percent. I just read the poli forum here and yeah, there’s definitely some garbage here. But I came here for gaming, which has increasingly become more and more of a joke at Era as they let the constant whiners dictate direction.

Irken Skoodge

Neo Member
Because GAF in 2017 was fucked in almost the same way Era is now. Constant dogpiles, Mod's pets, non-transparent bannings, ect... ERA started out looking like a good alternative, but went to shit real quick. I got banned during the Kingdom Come bullshit and pretty much washed my hands of all forums. Came back here on election night(dual-monitored here and ERA for a mix of Liberal/Trumper tears) and found that there was a lot more activity than I realized. Being able to read about Cyberpunk without all the woke bullshit is a nice cherry on top.
Just rejoined today for the same issue. I was looking for some discussion on Cyberpunk, but it was an extremely toxic environment on Era. Glad to be here
This place died, I begrudgingly left because everyone else did and i still wanted to talk about games.
Same. I was away the weekend everything went down, and I log back on Monday morning or whatever day it was, and it was pretty much over by then.

I never nuked my account here in a childish manner, though, like a lot of others did on their way out. Just quietly left and then quietly made my way back.


Agreed pretty much 100 percent. I just read the poli forum here and yeah, there’s definitely some garbage here.

People are more than welcome to make threads with opposing viewpoints over there as well.

We have dudes like Nobody_Important Nobody_Important and BadBurger BadBurger and SF Kosmo SF Kosmo who lean heavily left

We used to have our own TaySan TaySan too

I think most would encourage it. Just be prepared to have some opposition here, but people wanna discuss ideas.
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People are more than welcome to make threads with opposing viewpoints over there as well.

We have dudes like Nobody_Important Nobody_Important and BadBurger BadBurger and SF Kosmo SF Kosmo who lean heavily left

We used to have our own TaySan TaySan too

I think most would encourage it. Just be prepared to have some opposition here, but people wanna discuss ideas.
Opposition doesn’t bother me. Straight up bigoted shit does. But like I said, I’m not here for poli. I don’t fuck with it at ERA either. It’s just one giant echo chamber there. By design because they ban opposing views.
People are more than welcome to make threads with opposing viewpoints over there as well.

We have dudes like Nobody_Important Nobody_Important and BadBurger BadBurger and SF Kosmo SF Kosmo who lean heavily left

We used to have our own TaySan TaySan too

I think most would encourage it. Just be prepared to have some opposition here, but people wanna discuss ideas.
I posted a Ted talk video there about a feminist's experience at a men's right movement. Was hoping to get some left opinions of what they thought about it but got none. :lollipop_pensive:
I said they where no better than republicans in one thread and was banned for inflammatory generalization lmao
One guy complained about moderation, got a ban for Modwhinning + previous transphobia
Someone called out how strange it was to ban someone for transphobia ONLY AFTER complaining about mods, everyone agreed and the account was banned because "alt account" lmao
they prey on anyone who dares to point their mistakes


Unconfirmed Member
I'm getting a special kind of joy out of the fresh meat coming here and being surprised we're not actually Nazis
People are very horny though. Extremely even.
Agreed pretty much 100 percent. I just read the poli forum here and yeah, there’s definitely some garbage here. But I came here for gaming, which has increasingly become more and more of a joke at Era as they let the constant whiners dictate direction.
Videogame forum. Political talk in general is nothing but a distraction of the elites for the little people to argue among themselves while they rule the world.
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People are more than welcome to make threads with opposing viewpoints over there as well.

We have dudes like Nobody_Important Nobody_Important and BadBurger BadBurger and SF Kosmo SF Kosmo who lean heavily left

We used to have our own TaySan TaySan too

I think most would encourage it. Just be prepared to have some opposition here, but people wanna discuss ideas.
SF Kosmo SF Kosmo is a Chinese bot who is effective. He has got me coming around to his side on some political matters..... he is a real peace of shit lol.

Truthfully he is one of the only Liberals on the politics side who takes it on the chin from us but keeps coming back. I respect his and the others grifts. Makes it not so much of an echo chamber.

Most of us all want open discourse which will not be censored even if it gets a little heated. I always tell people just make sure you can back up your ideas with real thought and have tough skin. Its a good IRL lesson as well.


Gabriel Knight
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