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NeoGAF is heating up!

So far the biggest issue I found on Gaf is that there is a lot of misogyny here. The topic where that youtuber girl got a job at Sony as a writer is a perfect example of it. You can disagree with Sony's decision, but spewing hatred towards the youtuber, just because she is a woman, is just wrong and I wish those posts were deleted.
Ah..."misognyny" a typical (far) leftist platitude like "racism", thrown around like it's nothing.

Criticizing a woman doesn't automatically mean someone hates women. And don't confuse banter with real misogyny.
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So far the biggest issue I found on Gaf is that there is a lot of misogyny here. The topic where that youtuber girl got a job at Sony as a writer is a perfect example of it. You can disagree with Sony's decision, but spewing hatred towards the youtuber, just because she is a woman, is just wrong and I wish those posts were deleted.

Are you also white knighting for Casey Neistat when people say he looks like a sex offender? I'm guessing no. That's pretty sexist of you.
Can you elaborate on how TF you tolerated that insane echo chamber?

You are a good person. I give you digital hug, but explain the mind. What were you thinking?!

I tried to avoid the threads that I knew would be a shit show, and avoided engaging with the posters that aren’t worth the effort. There is a pretty significant group of posters who are protected by the mod team and debating those posters is never going to go well. To be fair, It’s not all bad. There are still some decent posters and some good threads. It’s generally easy enough to work out which threads are best avoided.

The obvious problem for me is that the site is badly run and the mods, bless them, have allowed themselves to be backed into a corner and have been shown to be weak and indecisive. A very vocal group of posters know this and basically bully them. The mod team are desperate to avoid being labelled bigots or racists if they push back so they acquiesce to the loudmouths, which just empowers them and make them even more bold and demanding.


Well you might as well get the wakeup call now: GAF differentiates itself by allowing users (like yourself) to reply to said misogyny and handle the offender on your own.

Expecting the mod team to clean up the things that you personally find offensive is where ERA shines.
Ah..."misognyny" a typical (far) leftist platitude like "racism", thrown around like it's nothing.

Criticizing a woman doesn't automatically mean someone hates women. And don't confuse banter with real misogyny.

And people defend it. Misogyny doesn't only mean that they hate women, it's many other things as well. People objectify her and call her a whore, so I'm sure I'm not wrong saying that there is misogyny happening in that thread. Also just because you don't want Gaf to turn into ERA, doesn't mean that there shouldn't be any kind of moderation. ERA bans people for the wrong reasons, so It's good that Gaf isn't like ERA, but there are certain boundaries that should not be crossed and should be taken care of.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
So far the biggest issue I found on Gaf is that there is a lot of misogyny here. The topic where that youtuber girl got a job at Sony as a writer is a perfect example of it. You can disagree with Sony's decision, but spewing hatred towards the youtuber, just because she is a woman, is just wrong and I wish those posts were deleted.

And people defend it. Misogyny doesn't only mean that they hate women, it's many other things as well. People objectify her and call her a whore, so I'm sure I'm not wrong saying that there is misogyny happening in that thread. Also just because you don't want Gaf to turn into ERA, doesn't mean that there shouldn't be any kind of moderation. ERA bans people for the wrong reasons, so It's good that Gaf isn't like ERA, but there are certain boundaries that should not be crossed and should be taken care of.
Yawn. Go yell at those if it's so important to you, or use the Report button, then get over it and talk about videogames.


So far the biggest issue I found on Gaf is that there is a lot of misogyny here. The topic where that youtuber girl got a job at Sony as a writer is a perfect example of it. You can disagree with Sony's decision, but spewing hatred towards the youtuber, just because she is a woman, is just wrong and I wish those posts were deleted.

Criticism of;

Star Wars sequel Trilogy
Terminator Dark Fate
Ghostbusters 2016
Captain Marvel
Current series of Doctor Who

The to-go-to dismissal of any criticism is misogyny.
And people defend it. Misogyny doesn't only mean that they hate women, it's many other things as well. People objectify her and call her a whore, so I'm sure I'm not wrong saying that there is misogyny happening in that thread. Also just because you don't want Gaf to turn into ERA, doesn't mean that there shouldn't be any kind of moderation. ERA bans people for the wrong reasons, so It's good that Gaf isn't like ERA, but there are certain boundaries that should not be crossed and should be taken care of.
You said "there is a lot of misogyny here" which is obviously not true. Sure maybe some users go too far but they get a warning if that's the case.

The real issue here seems you making a problem where there is none.


You said "there is a lot of misogyny here" which is obviously not true. Sure maybe some users go too far but they get a warning if that's the case.

The real issue here seems you making a problem where there is none.
If misogyny is happening, no matter in what capacity, then there is a problem. People seem to be dismissing the fact that Gaf has its issues. If users that have gone too far got a warning then great, but I don't see any indication in that topic that people got the warning. Look, I like this place, you can have a really great discussion with people here, but Gaf obviously could be better. I'm not here to spread some SJW nonsense. I just wish people were more civil in certain matters.
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If misogyny is happening, no matter in what capacity, then there is a problem. People seem to be dismissing the fact that Gaf has its issues. If users that have gone too far got a warning then great, but I don't see any indication in that topic that people got the warning. Look, I like this place, you can have a really great discussion with people here, but Gaf obviously could be better. I'm not here to spread some SJW nonsense. I just wish people were more civil in certain matters.
From what I’ve seen moderation is nearly nonexistent here, that’s not to say they don’t exist but it seems like very few things can get you a warning/ban which can be seen as good or bad, I’ve been using the ignore feature for people that are very offensive and it has been going well.
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So far the biggest issue I found on Gaf is that there is a lot of misogyny here. The topic where that youtuber girl got a job at Sony as a writer is a perfect example of it. You can disagree with Sony's decision, but spewing hatred towards the youtuber, just because she is a woman, is just wrong and I wish those posts were deleted.
Calling someone a whore or cunt, a dick, or ass is not really misogyny. They are insults that are often gender specific because people do not like a persons personality not not because she is a woman man or Trans person. Mostly when people did attack Anita for example they did not attack her because she was a women but because she was an asshole and represented an ideology they did not agree with,

Same with Gamergate. Gamergate was never against women. It was against a certain ideology.


From what I’ve seen moderation is nearly nonexistent here, that’s not to say they don’t exist but it seems like very few things can get you a warning/ban which can be seen as good or bad, I’ve been using the ignore feature for people that are very offensive and it has been going well.

I did not know that this feature exists, thank you.

On GAF warnings are given directly to users via DM, only bans are public. I believe this is to prevent dogpiling and brigading against users by branding them.

Astorian Astorian this covers your comment too.

That clears some things, thanks.
So far the biggest issue I found on Gaf is that there is a lot of misogyny here.

The dictionary defines the term misogyny as, quote:

"feelings of hating women, or the belief that men are much better than women" (source)

Can you provide examples of members expressing the feeling men in general are much better than women in general? Or of posters expressing hatred towards women in general?

Can you?

Because nothing else qualifies as misogyny.

The topic where that youtuber girl got a job at Sony as a writer is a perfect example of it.

It's a perfect example of you not understanding the meaning of the term misogyny, or misunderstanding what most of the complaints were all about, or both.

Complaining about a specific girl getting a specific job she, hypothetically speaking, might not be qualified for is not a libel against women in general. Again, misogyny entails hatred of women in general, simply for being women.

If you claim criticism against any specific women is hatred of women in general, then any criticism of a specific man would likewise qualify as hatred against men in general, in other words, misandry. And because you've criticized a thread where men post and therefore you've criticised a few , by that logic you would qualify as misandrous.

Are you misandrous?

So extend to others the courtesy of not throwing accusations around you don't seem to understand.

You can disagree with Sony's decision, but spewing hatred towards the youtuber, just because she is a woman, is just wrong and I wish those posts were deleted.

How about calling the posters out?
They, hypothetically speaking, get to make a fool of themselves and you get to single out their behaviour as reprehensible, even when it doesn't qualify as misogyny.

Freedom works wonderfully.

I will not stand around as language is cheapened just to fit circumstantial political needs. If you're going to throw accusations of misogyny around be prepared to substantiate them, otherwise it's your behaviour that will be called out around here.
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Which dictionary exactly are you speaking of? Did you find one that fits your need? Because the definition I found is "Misogyny manifests in numerous ways, including social exclusion, sex discrimination, hostility, androcentrism, patriarchy, male privilege, belittling of women, disenfranchisement of women, violence against women, and sexual objectification". Or maybe I found the definition that fits my view, who knows :)


Neo Member
Neogaf is heating up and I still cant see shit on mobile :(. Is there any way to make fonts bigger on mobile, browser settings still won't affect anything?

So glad it's going well btw...
Check if you're mobile browser is requesting desktop view. It's probably that


If misogyny is happening, no matter in what capacity, then there is a problem. People seem to be dismissing the fact that Gaf has its issues. If users that have gone too far got a warning then great, but I don't see any indication in that topic that people got the warning. Look, I like this place, you can have a really great discussion with people here, but Gaf obviously could be better. I'm not here to spread some SJW nonsense. I just wish people were more civil in certain matters.
There is an issue with just banning someone and that is that they will just continue thinking the same thing somewhere else.... instead usually what happens here is that someone confronts these controversial posts using logic, reason and facts to show the person a better or more reasonable attitude / position on the subject.

For instance, I believe in that thread I said that everyone deserves a fair shake and Alanah is no different. Whether she is female, a youtuber, a Gears fan etc has no bearing on her doing a good job.

Nobody is right all the time and I know I have said some stupid things in the past, so I hope there are wise people around to show me a better way when the time comes too.

They do say sunlight is the best disinfectant.
Which dictionary exactly are you speaking of?

The one which I explicitly linked to and the one you could have checked just by clicking?

Cambridge dictionary.

Did you find one that fits your need?

No, your ignorance is noted.
Here are another two, to complement your ignorance:

Diciitonary.com (source)
"hatred, dislike, or mistrust of women"

Merriam-Webster (source)
"hatred of, aversion to, or prejudice against women "

As such, misogyny is hatred of women in general, for the simple reason of them being women and nothing else. Again, if you claim criticism against a specific woman is misogynistic, then you've come out as misandrous.

Are you misandrous?

Your slanderous bullcrap is and will be called out.

Because the definition I found is "Misogyny manifests in numerous ways, including social exclusion, sex discrimination, hostility, androcentrism, patriarchy, male privilege, belittling of women, disenfranchisement of women, violence against women, and sexual objectification".

Poor you.

That in no way negates the fact that it is rooted in hatred towards women in general simply for the fact of being women.

There are women that deserve to be criticized, just as there are men who deserve to be criticized. Period.

Specific accusations of incompetence or lack of skill or promiscuous behaviour waged against a specific girl can in no way be mistaken for irrational hatred against all women in general, unless explicitly rooted in those feelings, no matter how flawed and misguided those accusations might possibly be.

Or maybe I found the definition that fits my view, who knows :)

Yes, maybe that's a move in your repertoire.

Just know your grade-D arguments and accusations will be called out. Don't think that by appearing to be fighting for "the right side of History" you'll be given special protection and you won't have to explain yourself.

Make your case and be prepared to defend it.
Otherwise you will be bound to repeat this rather low point in your presence here.


There is an issue with just banning someone and that is that they will just continue thinking the same thing somewhere else.... instead usually what happens here is that someone confronts these controversial posts using logic, reason and facts to show the person a better or more reasonable attitude / position on the subject.

For instance, I believe in that thread I said that everyone deserves a fair shake and Alanah is no different. Whether she is female, a youtuber, a Gears fan etc has no bearing on her doing a good job.

Nobody is right all the time and I know I have said some stupid things in the past, so I hope there are wise people around to show me a better way when the time comes too.

They do say sunlight is the best disinfectant.
I agree that banning people is not the best approach and generally I'm against it. I want to repeat what I said earlier, that I don't want this forum to turn into ERA. But on the other hand, leaving the matter in users hands is not great either, because if someone is not confronted then he will continue with his attitude. Confrontation also doesn't guarantee that the person will do better.
I agree that banning people is not the best approach and generally I'm against it. I want to repeat what I said earlier, that I don't want this forum to turn into ERA. But on the other hand, leaving the matter in users hands is not great either, because if someone is not confronted then he will continue with his attitude. Confrontation also doesn't guarantee that the person will do better.
Then what do you propose? You understand there is no perfect solution right? And how Gaf is handling it now is great imo.

Rather have more profanity than more censorship.


There are women that deserve to be criticized, just as there are men who deserve to be criticized. Period.

I agree, but for example, if you don't agree with someone's views or agenda then you don't need to call that person a whore. Criticize their views, don't call them names.


I agree that banning people is not the best approach and generally I'm against it. I want to repeat what I said earlier, that I don't want this forum to turn into ERA. But on the other hand, leaving the matter in users hands is not great either, because if someone is not confronted then he will continue with his attitude. Confrontation also doesn't guarantee that the person will do better.
I suppose it goes to the mods after that. They are very reasonable and measured, so if someone gets banned, they definitely deserved it, from what I have seen.


So far the biggest issue I found on Gaf is that there is a lot of misogyny here. The topic where that youtuber girl got a job at Sony as a writer is a perfect example of it. You can disagree with Sony's decision, but spewing hatred towards the youtuber, just because she is a woman, is just wrong and I wish those posts were deleted.

I can't say I care for that stuff either (a lot of those sort of threads makes my eyes roll), but the onus is on you as a member to challenge peoples opinions you disagree with.

If you are civil and they are not in response, then that's the time you contact moderation.

Or just ridicule them to fuck like I do (if I'm inclined) YMMV on that front ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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So far the biggest issue I found on Gaf is that there is a lot of misogyny here. The topic where that youtuber girl got a job at Sony as a writer is a perfect example of it. You can disagree with Sony's decision, but spewing hatred towards the youtuber, just because she is a woman, is just wrong and I wish those posts were deleted.

Yes, yes. Gross misogyny here. Where we like to

*checks notes*

defend women like JK Rowling from the constant attacks from the far left calling them nazi cunt terfs.

...and you might note that quite a lot of gaffers gave the people throwing shit at Alanah Pearce a hard time for their man child bullshit.
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Then what do you propose? You understand there is no perfect solution right? And how Gaf is handling it now is great imo.

Rather have more profanity than more censorship.
nush nush mentioned that warnings are sent to DMs to prevent dogpiling and brigading against users by branding them. While I understand this approach, I would make warnings visible because I think they would do more good than harm. This way people will see what behavior is not welcome here and what they shouldn't say if they don't want to be, in worst-case scenario, banned.
I agree, but for example, if you don't agree with someone's views or agenda then you don't need to call that person a whore. Criticize their views, don't call them names.

Sure. Call that person out. Simple. Maybe they'll reconsider. Or maybe it was banter, in their mind at least. Or maybe raunchy humour in poor taste.

You can ask for evidence, you can ask why is promiscuous behaviour from consenting adults supposedly bad, you can ask why is sexualization supposedly bad, etc.

You can do all sorts of useful things using the Socratic method, without having to twist and distort language. Words have specific meanings for a reason.

Not all reproachable behaviour has to be misogynistic. I can still be a jackass towards Alannah and not harbour any hatred towards women in general.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
nush nush mentioned that warnings are sent to DMs to prevent dogpiling and brigading against users by branding them. While I understand this approach, I would make warnings visible because I think they would do more good than harm. This way people will see what behavior is not welcome here and what they shouldn't say if they don't want to be, in worst-case scenario, banned.

No one cares about what you want.


I'm not the most active user these days but have been a Neogaf user for a long old time. Glad the site is picking up so quickly. Looking back it's been a huge part of my gaming life. I actually lurked for ages before joining in like 2007 ish. I spent some time on Resetera this morning. What a bizarre site that is! I hadn't realised. Anyway, long live GAF.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
I'm not the most active user these days but have been a Neogaf user for a long old time. Glad the site is picking up so quickly. Looking back it's been a huge part of my gaming life. I actually lurked for ages before joining in like 2007 ish. I spent some time on Resetera this morning. What a bizarre site that is! I hadn't realised. Anyway, long live GAF.

Welcome back Huggers, enjoy your stay.


nush nush mentioned that warnings are sent to DMs to prevent dogpiling and brigading against users by branding them. While I understand this approach, I would make warnings visible because I think they would do more good than harm. This way people will see what behavior is not welcome here and what they shouldn't say if they don't want to be, in worst-case scenario, banned.

Some posts do get marked, but it's not common, and it works well enough as is. Or Mods make general posts to ask people to stop fighting and settle down. It works well enough because often times both sides are antagonistic.


So far the biggest issue I found on Gaf is that there is a lot of misogyny here. The topic where that youtuber girl got a job at Sony as a writer is a perfect example of it. You can disagree with Sony's decision, but spewing hatred towards the youtuber, just because she is a woman, is just wrong and I wish those posts were deleted.

I don't think any bad sentiment is because she's a woman, that people take issue with.

I would guess that people are more along the lines pf thinking it's a PR/marketing kind of hiring choice because she's an attractive woman YouTube influencer with a pre-existing following, and people think that she might not be qualified to write for games/their favorite game series on the strength of her writing alone.


Tried to join a few years ago but there seemed to be an infinite approval waiting list. Checked this morning and realised you can now use non-premium email addresses for sign up. All done and dusted and approved within an hour. Glad to finally be able to contribute.

I play games to escape reality, and the constant politicising of anything and everything on other ‘forums’ is downright depressing.

Enjoy Cyberpunk, with a shedick or without, I don’t really care. Don’t become a nazi and ban all form of conversation about it though. It’s like 1984 for fucks sake!

Dr. Claus

Vincit qui se vincit
Era was a nice and good place for the first half year. You could support Trump without getting banned.

Of course that was just done because you can't mass ban in your starting and growth phase. You need to become big first on social media.
no. Era was as shit as it always has been. The only difference is that people aren’t trying to justify their actions anymore.


A message for EviLore EviLore , from a stranger individual, who doesn't speak English well:

After having witnessed the dictatorship established in the last 24 hours on the other forum regarding Cyberpunk, not only will I no longer frequent that inhuman sewer, but I will invite as many people as possible to join Gaf and stay on Gaf. This because freedom of expression and free debate cannot be compromised at these levels. Boycott that sewer. A community that silences, that does not accept any debate, that asks for money and gags you, well, it is a community that must disappear. Politically correct is destroying our lives. The sooner we understand it, the sooner we will learn to protect ourselves.

Stay on GAF, help GAF, grow with GAF!
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Dr. Claus

Vincit qui se vincit
A message for EviLore EviLore , from a stranger individual, who doesn't speak English well:

After having witnessed the dictatorship established in the last 24 hours on the other forum regarding Cyberpunk, not only will I no longer frequent that inhuman sewer, but I will invite as many people as possible to join Gaf and stay on Gaf. This because freedom of expression and free debate cannot be compromised at these levels. Boycott that sewer. A community that silences, that does not accept any debate, that asks for money and gags you, well, it is a community that must disappear. Politically correct is destroying our lives. The sooner we understand it, the sooner we will learn to protect ourselves.

Stay on GAF, help GAF, grow with GAF!

Glad to see you realized how miserable that place is mate and hope you love it here. Only thing is: the dictatorship wasn’t established in the last 24 hours. It was established in the planning phase before the site went live. Only difference is that you realize it now.
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Some posts are so random. :messenger_tears_of_joy:

He really came in gunz blazin, ride till ya die, workin 25/8, 367 dayz a year, 110%, with that callout. :messenger_grinning_squinting:

I know this is mind-blowing but a lot of people didn't see the intolerance till quite some time later.

I quit posting here after the site shut down and didn't pay much mind to the politics, I just went there to discuss shit.

It wasn't after the two events I referenced earlier that I realized what kind of weird place I was in.

Not trying to be a dick, but did you miss the thread on a certain biggest game release of Winter 2020?

It's like the Berlin Wall falling.

You Know What They Say Tommy Wiseau GIF by The Room - Find & Share on GIPHY

I agree, but for example, if you don't agree with someone's views or agenda then you don't need to call that person a whore. Criticize their views, don't call them names.

Sometimes if people are acting like whores, you can call them a whore. We don't need to spend 20 minutes typing up a referenced essay to rebut an asshole or a troll. :pie_mansinger:


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
A message for EviLore EviLore , from a stranger individual, who doesn't speak English well:

After having witnessed the dictatorship established in the last 24 hours on the other forum regarding Cyberpunk, not only will I no longer frequent that inhuman sewer, but I will invite as many people as possible to join Gaf and stay on Gaf. This because freedom of expression and free debate cannot be compromised at these levels. Boycott that sewer. A community that silences, that does not accept any debate, that asks for money and gags you, well, it is a community that must disappear.

Stay on GAF, help GAF, grow with GAF!

Cheers. The way they've just treated Black Chamber Black Chamber is reprehensible, for someone who did so much work for their benefit. Over here we're not going to tolerate that kind of hysteria and witch-hunting, and we appreciate people who are positive and constructive. Your English is great, btw.


I agree, but for example, if you don't agree with someone's views or agenda then you don't need to call that person a whore. Criticize their views, don't call them names.
Of course you could criticize how this person is handeling critic. But why tonepolicing him in the end? If you can not deal with a more rude person just do not deal with them. The biggest freedom people have is to ignore people they do not agree or can deal with. Engage with the other people instead.


If misogyny is happening, no matter in what capacity, then there is a problem. People seem to be dismissing the fact that Gaf has its issues. If users that have gone too far got a warning then great, but I don't see any indication in that topic that people got the warning. Look, I like this place, you can have a really great discussion with people here, but Gaf obviously could be better. I'm not here to spread some SJW nonsense. I just wish people were more civil in certain matters.
My heart rejoices, the nightmarish discussions that led NeoGAF to its lowest point, the plague that devastated subtly, slowly but unstoppably this forum, cut with a ban.
Lessons have been learned, this kind of things must be eradicated, i certainly don't need those kind of discussions while arguing about videogames and as far as i can judge neither does NeoGAF.
Good job boys.
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