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NeoGAF Movies of the Year 2013 Results

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It's kinda funny and sad that people are genuinely happy no superhero movies made in the top 10, like that shows they got it right in years past but have now shown others the light.


The Hunt finished 13th, Blue is the Warmest Color finished 16th and have you seen this year's foreign film Oscar nominations? It wasn't that great of a year for foreign cinema. (The Great Beauty is pretentious. There, I said it.)

More people need to check out Like Father, Like Son.
Not to mention Best Animated Feature nominee, Ernest & Celestine. A more charming animated film you will not find.

You are right: one in the top 15. The point still stands.

Foreign language Oscars rarely if ever reflect the year in world cinema.

It was an exceptionally good Cannes year with films like Blue is the Warmest Color, The Great Beauty, A Touch of Sin, The Past, Like Father, Like Son, Stranger by the Lake and Bastards.

Other prominent non-English language films of 2013 include Stray Dogs, Blancanieves, Drug War, The Grandmaster, Child's Pose, Wadjda, Beyond the Hills, The Square, Beyond Outrage, Big Bad Wolves...


I liked Gravity, and enjoyed it as a fun ride and "smart blockbuster," but I was never among the group who thought Children of Men was mankind's crowning achievement in the first place. Maybe my expectations were just more subdued.


Solid list overall. Some stinkers in there (Pacific Rim, The Hobbit and Star Trek), but I'm happy to see Short Term 12 and The Hunt in the top 15. Still desperately want to see Her. Which opens here this Thursday.


I hadn't even heard about Short Term 12 before the voting thread. I guess I should check it out.

Not going to mega hype it up but it's a very good film. Quietly awesome. As is the Hunt never as a film devastated and made me angry like that.

As for that list 'Gravity' doesn't really stand up to repeated viewings but I guess as spectacle it works. More people need to see 'Blue Jasmine' was one of my faves of the year and I'm astounded at how high 'The Worlds End' is very disappointing compared to both SoTD and Hot Fuzz.
We're getting better with these lists. Would be nice to see more non-english films. Though that isn't taking away from Gravity, which was my film of the year.

There are quite a few there, as mentioned in posts here, and I voted for Rags and Tatters which is fantastic.

The Congress totally flew under my radar. Need to check that out ASAP. Big fan of Waltz with Bashir interested to see what that director can do

To be fair, I only saw it at a film festival and it hasn't had much of a wide release. Which it should, because it's splendid.

Agreed, no Dredd bullshit this time.



Yeah, it's really sad how people celebrate greater variety and quality like that. Hopefully this year will have more entries from an oversaturated subgenre of blockbusters, just as the people demand.

A good movie is a good movie no matter the genre. Having variety doesn't exclude superhero movies.

I'm also guessing you are sick of watching movies about AIDS, cancer, war, race, slavery, money, love, hate, religion, sports, dancing, cowboys, spies, politics and gangsters because of oversaturation.

Grow up.


Glad to see pacific rim and into darkness pretty high. Surprised ST:ID beat iron man 3 and man of steel with all of the hate I've seen, but I enjoyed it.

Edit: ouch oblivion should have been higher.

big ander

Well, this is definitely a list

Thanks CFK
I was going to see the movies recommended here but the "her" trailer makes it seem like a chick flick for men. Not sure if I should watch.
You still use "chick flick" as a pejorative so I don't really recommend seeing anything
Surprised at The Worlds End. That movie was fucking awful.

I understand why Pacific Rim is up there, even if I didn't like it myself, but World End?!?! REALLY?!?
Feel like a lot of people who hated TWE didn't get what it was going for re:alcoholism/addiction in general
What a joke. Best movies of the year aren't even in top 5.
What are the best movies of the year
I count 3 non-English language film in the top 40 and none in the top 15. That's really disappointing.
I felt like I saw my fair share of non-English films and still none really made my 10; at the same time I loved Stoker which had a strong Park touch and Blue is... and A Touch of Sin and more. Just not top 10 material
... is below comics such as Thor 2, Fast Six... This is why we can't have nice things.
I don't know what "comics" means in this context but Fast Six is so much better than Oblivion it's farcical
A good movie is a good movie no matter the genre. Having variety doesn't exclude superhero movies.

I'm also guessing you are sick of watching movies about AIDS, cancer, war, race, slavery, money, love, hate, religion, sports, dancing, cowboys, spies, politics and gangsters because of oversaturation.

Grow up.
No ones naive enough to say all superhero movies suck, but how does it not make sense to be glad that for the first time in a handful of years a big budget superhero movie hasn't suffocated the 100s of smaller movies in different genres. Your equivalence also makes no sense
Also why defend the genre so vehemently when it's unstoppable already, doesn't seem worth the energy


Feel like a lot of people who hated TWE didn't get what it was going for re:alcoholism/addiction in general
I loved all aspects of TWE that focused on alcoholism & addiction.
It's just a shame they decided to abandon that concept 45 minutes in and tack on a stupid sci-fi killer robot / Bodysnatchers / end of the world storyline to it.
I loved all aspects of TWE that focused on alcoholism & addiction.
It's just a shame they decided to abandon that concept 45 minutes in and tack on a stupid sci-fi killer robot / Bodysnatchers / end of the world storyline to it.
I didn't have a problem with the sci-fi stuff (best action scenes Wright's done yet, imo) up until it ditched the confrontation between Gary and Andy in favor of the leader confrontation

i still loved it though


I can understand the perspective about superhero movies in certain ways but doesn't Pacific Rim being in the top 10 still mean that attitude is prevalent? I just honestly don't see how that is justified being in the top 10 but something like The Avengers last year wasn't.


No ones naive enough to say all superhero movies suck, but how does it not make sense to be glad that for the first time in a handful of years a big budget superhero movie hasn't suffocated the 100s of smaller movies in different genres. Your equivalence also makes no sense
Also why defend the genre so vehemently when it's unstoppable already, doesn't seem worth the energy

It doesn't make sense because it has always been like that. Small movies are small, big movies are big and condemning a movie or a whole genre because of it's budget or popularity and not the movies themselves is childish.

Any kind of premise can work, in principle, but there comes a point where economic realities mean the market will be flooded with a 'flavor of the week' genre, and more often than not most entries will end up middling and catering to populist sensibilities. There were two superhero movies in the voted top 10 last year, and neither of them were any good ("in my opinion") - I'm sure TDKR and The Avengers have their passionate fans and hell, I loved Man of Steel this year even as so many hated it, but it's fair to say that a good chunk of those votes were automatic because everyone and their mother goes to see the latest superhero movie nowadays and *most* cinema-goers do not seek broader exposure. I think it's pretty safe to say that any of the genres you've cited are rarer to see from contemporary Hollywood.

Last year, Amour and Holy Motors each barely squeaked into the top 20. This year, the two foreign language films present are a couple of spots higher and, as CFK said, the total number of votes was higher. I don't think these things are unrelated. I do think that flavor of the week movies crowd out better, lesser known stuff. Call me a snob or a child if you wish, but I think getting more foreign and indie and documentary and non-Hollywood films on lists like this is a great thing, if only to broaden exposure and horizons.

And yeah, I'm just plain tired of superhero movies dominating both the popular conversation and movie industry finances.

Just to clarify, I love foreign, indie and all types of movies but I think it's strange that some people seem to be happier with seeing something fail to make the top 10/top 20 then being happy about what's in the top 10/top 20
I haven't seen Pacific Rim yet myself, though you'll find no shortage of complaints about its popularity with GAF in this thread and elsewhere.

If I had to surmise why people were excited for the movie, at least pre-release, I'd say it's because they finally had a giant robot movie not directed by Michael Bay and a giant monster movie other than The Host at all. Without taking quality into account at all, that's pretty different in nature from the general state of superhero movies.

And it's not an adaption, nor part of some never-ending "universe" scheme.


I haven't seen Pacific Rim yet myself, though you'll find no shortage of complaints about its popularity with GAF in this thread and elsewhere.

If I had to surmise why people were excited for the movie, at least pre-release, I'd say it's because they finally had a giant robot movie not directed by Michael Bay and a giant monster movie other than The Host at all. Without taking quality into account at all, that's pretty different in nature from the general state of superhero movies.

But could you not make a similar argument for Avengers popularity in that it was the first movie to bring together a large superhero cast from other films? That was pretty new for people.

I like Pacific Rim, I'm just surprised anyone making the "thank god no superhero" comments aren't also commenting on Pacific Rim being in the top 10.


I haven't seen Pacific Rim yet myself, though you'll find no shortage of complaints about its popularity with GAF in this thread and elsewhere.

If I had to surmise why people were excited for the movie, at least pre-release, I'd say it's because they finally had a giant robot movie not directed by Michael Bay and a giant monster movie other than The Host at all. Without taking quality into account at all, that's pretty different in nature from the general state of superhero movies.

Sure, but at the end of the day, it still kind of sucked and really wasn't any better than your average superhero flick, and certainly not more than Avengers or TDKR, whose placements last year everyone seemed to bemoan.

I get that it's cooler to see originality get more recognition than the umpteenth franchise entry. But at the same time, I'd personally much rather have a good sequel/adaptation than a weak new property. Good is good, you know.


Populist geek-culture fare like Pacific Rim is always going to fare well in a poll like this simply due to the fact that you're talking about dozens of people on GAF who will go out and see that film for every one cinephile that sought out a film like Frances Ha.

I can tell you right now that Interstellar will be in next year's Top 5 simply due to being the latest Christopher Nolan flick even if it's absolute garbage. The sci-fi / Nolan combo probably ensures it'll be Top 3 if it's even semi-competent. (Which, given McConaughey's track record of late is almost assured.)
Yesterday you said John McTiernan should make a Marvel movie. You don't have a right to talk about sensibilities.

Get the quote right: I said if you're jonesing to have the man make a blockbuster film, instead of choosing something like fucking EXPENDABLES, put him on a Marvel movie.

I didn't come out the gate like "DUDE, MARVEL AND MCTIERNAN ARE A MATCH MADE IN HEAVEN" while coating my tummy in a thin layer of man-glue. :)

I feel like "The World's End" is taking the "Dredd" slot on this year's list: A quality piece of entertainment that was more-or-less overlooked upon release that is getting its "rightful" ranking from film fans on this forum. To a lesser extent - that's probably what happened with Pacific Rim, too.

Still though, the list is pretty decent. Definitely better than last years.
let's be real though, those big action setpieces in Pacific Rim were some of the best of the year. I'd say best but i didn't see MoS, so.
let's be real though, those big action setpieces in Pacific Rim were some of the best of the year. I'd say best but i didn't see MoS, so.

They were alright... but they certainly don't make it a top 10 film. there are plenty of other big budget choices that are better complete packages that are far more deserving. That being said, in my opinion it just goes to show how few people have seen some of these movies...

Captain Phillips (i guess it got 10th?, but still...... come on people!) and The Place Beyond the Pines (the latter of which even I am guilty of ignoring... I didn't see it till recently) are superior films in ever right but clearly no one saw The Place Beyond the Pines last year...
They were alright... but they certainly don't make it a top 10 film. there are plenty of other big budget choices that are better complete packages that are far more deserving. That being said, in my opinion it just goes to show how few people have seen some of these movies...

Captain Phillips (i guess it got 10th?, but still...... come on people!) and The Place Beyond the Pines (the latter of which even I am guilty of ignoring... I didn't see it till recently) are superior films in ever right but clearly no one saw The Place Beyond the Pines last year...
Probably not, but i liked it more than any of the superhero movies that came out last year. I actually had it at #9

I agree on Captain Phillips though, I loved that one. Still my favorite of the BP nominees that i've seen


Captain Phillips and The Place Beyond the Pines (the latter of which even I am guilty of ignoring... I didn't see it till recently) are superior films in ever right but clearly no one saw The Place Beyond the Pines last year...
I saw it. It had some decent cinematography but I didn't care much for the 3-act structure of the narrative as the last two really couldn't stand up on their own. Especially the third act with the two sons all grown up and the whole vendetta angle (especially seeing how the kid who held the grudge seemed to have a pretty stable home life).

The film was also a little too literal for my liking. It left nothing open to interpretation as almost all of the lead actors were open books. The acting was solid and there was an overriding sense of tragic loss about everything but it left nothing open to interpretation. The dialogue wasn't exactly inspired, either - but I'll give that a pass as none of these characters were intellectuals.


They were alright... but they certainly don't make it a top 10 film. there are plenty of other big budget choices that are better complete packages that are far more deserving. That being said, in my opinion it just goes to show how few people have seen some of these movies...

Captain Phillips (i guess it got 10th?, but still...... come on people!) and The Place Beyond the Pines (the latter of which even I am guilty of ignoring... I didn't see it till recently) are superior films in ever right but clearly no one saw The Place Beyond the Pines last year...

I saw "Pines". It kind of bored me.
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