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NeoGAF's Top Ten Most Anticipated Games of E3 2017

I'll put aside ordering them, but here's what I can think of:

- Life Is Strange sequel/prequel (cautiously optimistic)
- Spider-Man
- Death Stranding (Kojima loves his E3 teasers)
- Marvel Vs. Capcom Infinite (where the fuck is Ms. Marvel!?)
- Days Gone (cautiously optimistic)
- EITR (assuming Devolver has it at their booth)
- Mario Odyssey (they'd better show it)
- maybe a new Jenova Chen game?
- Mikami's next thing
- RE: Revelations 3 (long shot but maybe...and Moira better be in it so help me god :mad:

Bonus: RE2make


There isn't a lot that has already been announced AND that I actually expect to be at E3 that I am excited for. Xenoblade 2, Mario Odyssey and Ni no Kuni 2 for sure, but other than that? I would love it if Kingdom Hearts 3, FF7Remake, or Cyberpunk 2077 showed up, but I don't expect any of them. Maybe Amy Hennig's Star Wars game? It's the unannounced games that I am hyped for.

Edit: I did forget Octopath Traveler, which I wouldn't be that surprised to see.


1. Xenoblade 2
2. Kingdom Hearts 3
3. Fire Emblem Switch
4. Super Mario Odyssey
5. Final Fantasy VII Remake
6. Ni no Kuni 2
7. Project Octopath Traveller
8. Spiderman
9. God of War
10. Sonic Forces

The first Xenoblade was my favourite game of the PS360Wii gen, so really hyped to see where they take the franchise with the next installment. I really shouldn't have put FF7/KH3 since I feel they might miss the show again. Super hyped for more gameplay and release dates Mario/Ni no Kuni/Spiderman/GoW. Hoping we get a full unveil for both the new Fire Emblem and Octopath. And finally put Sonic on the list since Mania has made me hyped.


7. Project Octopath
Looking forward to getting another RPG for the Switch.

6. Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle
I love the game's quirkiness and how it embraces it. Dat Rabbid Peach.

Really looking forward to watching the tournament. I hope it is a huge success.

4. Splatoon 2
It may not have a huge presence in the spotlight, but I look forward to any new deets, small and large, during E3.

3. Zelda story DLC
Who doesn't love BotW? I really look forward to seeing what it's about--I really need to beat the game before the Spotlight.

2. Super Mario Odyssey
It's nice to see Mario return to a sandbox-style world as Super Mario Sunshine is my favorite Mario game.

1. Xenoblade Chronicles 2
May or may not watch the trailer. All I need to know is the release date and I'm good.

1. Super Mario Odyssey (Switch)
2. Fire Emblem Warriors (Switch)
3. Spiderman (PS4)
4. Project Octopath Traveler (Switch)

I dunno, I want E3 to surprise me.


Neo Member
My top 10 anticipated(but announced?) games -

1Spider Man
2God Of War
3 Death Stranding
4 RDR 2
5 Ni No Kuni 2
6 Dayz Gone
7 Super Mario Odyssey
9 Detroit
10 Uncharted: TLL

and lastly as nothing is announced, really looking forward to Sucker Punch's next.
10. Shenmue 1+2 HD
9. Onimusha Reboot - Believe
8. Spider Man
7. Mario x Rabbids: Kingdom Battle
Yes i said it
6. Last Of Us Part 2
5. Super Mario Odyssey
4. New Metroid
3. Anything New from Platinum - Please Revengeance 2, i know Konami etc but still
2. F-Zero
1. Devil May Cry 5 - Believe Gaf

Some aren´t announced but that doesn´t matter. Still anticipated by me.


I'm mostly interested in seeing the reactions on gaf when the kids find out FFVIIR is now Xbox exclusive.

The panzer dragoon remaster collection, full Xbox exclusive, should get some reactions too.
5: Overwatch announced for Switch

4: Nintendo announced you can now buy Themes and Profile Icons from the eShop open to all third parties. I rush to buy a Shovel Knight icon.

3: Sony announces a new Vita model. No difference from the old except it now has all the PS4 buttons making remote play actually good to use.

2: Super Smash Bros. 5
A brand new sequel with 14 new characters. Joker from Persona 5 is the first announced newcomer. Hype is through the roof but there is one thing that could beat it. An entire new Smash...

1: Super Bash Sisters
Has all Indie characters in a game that plays exactly like Super Smash Bros. except its filled with indie characters. Would include a base roster of 12 characters for Nintendo Switch launching in 2018. Characters would be the twelve best indies of all time AKA:
1: Madotsuki (Yume Nikki)
2: Ellen & The House (The Witch's House)
3: Aya Drevis (Mad Father)
4: Aki/Akito (Misao)
5: Shovel Knight (Shovel Knight)
6: Specter Knight (Shovel Knight)
7: Quote (Cave Story)
8: Goat (Goat Simulator)
9: Witch & Hero (Witch & Hero)
10: Max (Mutant Mudds)
11: Juan (Guacamelee)
12: Stella (Xenophobia)

It will be made by the Guacamelee developers and will be my most wanted announcement.

These are my top 5 most anticipated games for e3 2017. If you meant already announced games then thats pointless since they are already announced. I know what I will buy and won't watch anymore footage of them due to spoilers and liking to go in games blind.


Xenoblade 2 is my number 1.

I loved Xenoblade Chronicles X even though it has its faults. Even of I'm not a fan of the current facial design shown in the first trailer, I'm still hyped. Hopefully monolith soft brings over the open world goodness of X and this time with a good story.

Spiderman ps4. Finally a Spidey game in the hands of a great developer. Spiderman 2 the movie the game was one of my favorite thing back in the day, hopefully we get a nice gameplay demo of just swinging from building to building.

Lady Gaia

The hard part is differentiating between games I'm excited about playing vs. games I'm eager to learn more about in order to find out whether or not I should be. As you'll see below I've weighted surprises rather heavily.

10. Uncharted Lost Legacy
9. Last of Us Part II
8. God of War
7. Mario + Rabbids RPG
6. Spider-Man
5. Fire Emblem Switch
4. Metroid Switch
3. Surprise RPG
2. Surprise Action/Adventure
1. Surprise VR Killer App
1: Super Mario odyssey (Switch)
2: Spider-Man (PS4)
3: Gran turismo sport (PS4)
4: Call of duty WWII (PS4)

Can't think of anything else at the moment. Let's see what E3 brings.


1.- Pokémon Stars
2.- Xenoblade 2
3.- Super Mario Oddysey
4.- Mario X Rabbids
5.- Splatoon 2
6.- Fire Emblem Warriors
7.- Fire Emblem Switch
8.- Dragon Quest 11
9.- Kingdom Hearts 3
10.- SMT 5


Spider-Man is definitely my most anticipated. I'm expecting a lot from Insomniac with this one.

My other 9 anticipated games would be:

- Destiny 2
- God of War
- Days Gone
- Wolfenstein: The New Colossus
- Death Stranding
- Star Wars Battlefront 2
- AC: Origins
- Sucker Punch's new IP
- Borderlands 3 (unlikely it'll be there but we can dream right?)

Also, I'm really hoping to see Horizon DLC. I'm itching to get back to that game.


I have a top 5 in mind but anything past that I'll have to think more on.

5. Mario X Rabbids Kingdom Battle : This is mostly morbid curiosity. I'm so interested to see if Ubi can pull off a self deprecating Mario game without being too tryhard and making it unfunny. I still despise Rabbids though.

4: Breath of the Wild Story DLC : I bought the season pass after I finished doing everything I felt I needed to in the main game and after 80 hours I need more that isn't just collecting Korok seeds.

3. Games That Make Scorpio Look Worthwhile : I've been onboard with Scorpio since the DF reveal a few months ago but for me to want to own this system day one I need Microsoft to show me they're committed to being more than their main 3 franchises.

2. Xenoblade Chronicles 2 : The first Xenoblade is my favorite game of all time. The characters, world and music are unlike anything I've ever seen. I was invested from the moment I set foot in Colony 9. I want to see something that makes me have faith that Monolith can give me that same feeling again after X left me with a bad taste in my mouth.

1. Shenmue 1 and 2 HD Remaster : I love Shenmue. When 3 was announced on Sony's stage I rushed to Kickstarter and refreshed until I was able to donate. To be able to replay these games without the constraints of old hardware and to see them reach a new audience would be a dream come true. Make it happen Sega!

We already know Shenmue is not at E3. So you will be disappointed for Shenmue

Edit: I mixed up Shenmue 1/2/3


Me every E3


But in honesty

New Assassin's Creed
Super Mario Odyssey
Destiny 2
Battlefront 2
God of War
Red Dead Redemption 2
Cyberpunk 2077
Last of Us Part 2
Halo 3 Anniversary
Yeah I know it's not happening but I'm still gonna be super sad regardless when MS's E3 comes and goes and it's not announced :(


In no particular order:

Wolfenstein: The New Colossus - Adored TNO, and knowing Bethesda, it's probably coming out this year. Hoping for on-stage demo ala Doom.

Super Mario Odyssey - I mean, it's 3d Mario, Galaxy is my favorite game of all time, what more do I need to say?

Sea of Thieves - So far the only game on Xbox that interests me in purchasing the thing. I really want it to be rare's return to form, so much so that if we don't see it (or it's bad), that I would be scared of rare's future.

Crackdown 3 - I just want to know if it still exists, and I hope it keeps (most) of its promises.

Retro's Game - I mean, they have to be doing SOMETHING, right?
God I hope it's Metroid, but I won't be picky

Spiderman PS4 - Part of me wants the salt of my one Xbox-bro friend, but I do want to see how Sony handle this considering the coming Marvel movie.

Still can't believe they called it that
- This is mainly just to see what they do with the setting compared to the previous COD games since I ain't touching multiplayer on this thing (ExoSuit for lyfe)

Sonic Forces - Yeah, I know, DeviantArt. But besides that, I just want to see more of this game to give me hope in its quality. It won't, but I want it to.

Mario and Rabbids: Kingdom Battle - Like everyone else, the concept is just too bizarre and extreme for me NOT to be interested. I want to see how both companies handle this, and what the gameplay looks like.

I would mention FFVII R/KH3, but we already know they won't be there
I don't expect Last of Us Part II to be there in any real capacity, if at all. Maybe another unrepresentative gameplay preview like the first one that was shown or a cutscene. Nothing to be excited for IMO.

I guess that leaves Far Cry 5, Mario, and Assassin's Creed, cause I'm curious where they are headed.

That's all for the confirmed stuff. Nothing else I have really any expectations for :p Will be happily pleased with whatever is shown.


Ultimately, I'm always more interested in the stuff we don't know about, like the Sucker Punch IP, or the possibility of another Ratchet & Clank, and the completely unknown, but for the sake of the thread, these are the top things we know about:

1 God of War
I've loved the franchise. The reboot looks amazing, but there's a little bit of trepidation that it may be too different than the old hack-and-slash formula. I'd like to see some more gameplay that plays to the franchise strengths of scale and combat.

2 Vane
It's also been one of my most anticipated indies for years. I'd love to get a better idea of what it is, and hopefully a release date.

3 Cuphead
It's also been one of my most anticipated indies for years. All I really want is a release date.

4 Spider-Man
I'm not a massive Spider-Man fan, but I am a massive Insomniac fan.

5 Days Gone
I've never been a big zombie guy, but the massive amount of enemies seems really cool.

6 Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice
I've enjoyed Ninja Theory's work since Heavenly Sword, and really like the idea of a budget title aiming for AAA production values. The journey has been interesting so far.

7 Dreams
I love Media Molecule, but Dreams is still a little nebulous. I'd really like to know more about the campaign mode.

Other than that there's a ton of indie stuff like Shape of the World, Knights and Bikes, Hob, Sea of Solitude, Wondersong, Fulcrum, Myriad, Ray's The Dead... that may or may not be there.
Apparently nobody read OP's exhortation to stick to known titles (or all-but-officially admitted titles, which applies to Rabbids but certainly not to SSB or Pokémon). But the best things out of E3 are always the unknown unknowns.

I'm a Nintendo+PC player. E3 is a Nintendo event for me, especially with the foreknowledge that BG&E2 will be a no-show. So my list looks like this:

1. Super Mario Odyssey

I already know enough about Splatoon 2; Xenoblade 2 leaves me mildly curious, but I don't feel ready for another one so soon; third-party contributions like Rabbids, the Skyrim port, and FE Warriors are all under wait-and-see (though Octopath is on my radar); FE Switch (the presumptive #2) is likely too far away to show up; and all we know to watch for after that is whichever indies make it to a Treehouse demo segment—think SteamWorld Dig 2. None of these apart from main-line FE are nearly in the same tier as Odyssey. And while I'd like to hear more about the NES compilation that comes with the online subscription, I think it's too early to hear anything useful about it beyond what was already revealed this week.

Among the unknowns, however, I'll be watching for these:

2. Retro's game
3. Platinum's game

And if we get Metroid or Animal Crossing, all the better.
1. Fromsofts new IP RPG

2. Death Stranding

3. Itsuno's new project

4. New Assassin's Creed

5. TLOU PT 2

Sorry, OP. I can't really give a list of my most anticipated titles without unannounced games =P


3. Spider Man
2. Mario Odyssey
1. Kingdom Hearts 3

and that's it? I'm mostly interested in seeing unannounced stuff. I can't really think of anything else I'm actually dying to see.

Also you people who think we will see anything of TLOU: Part II are crazy. They got an Uncharted expansion to sell and a bunch of other games to focus on. It won't even be out till like 2019.


love on your sleeve
God of War and Spider-Man gameplay. That's about it.

Microsoft has been very coy on the details, considering it a true successor to the Xbox One rather than merely a 4k upgrade a la the PS4 Pro.

I think someone's about to be disappointed.
1) Destiny 2 - definitely my most anticipated game now that Zelda, Persona, and Tekken have all launched. I admit I haven't kept track of the actual info Bungie has put out there so far, mostly because I'm currently a bit tuned out on the game news cycle, but I will be tuned in during E3, so I hope Bungie's got a lot of exciting stuff to show! Outside of coming-to-PC and Giant Bomb Unfinished's video on Destiny 2, I barely know anything about it, but post-Taken King Destiny was some of the most arresting multiplayer shooting I've gotten myself into in ages.

2) Red Dead Redemption 2 - I know Rockstar isn't super big at E3, partially because their games take a good long while to come out and because they seem to like to do things their own way, but I imagine they have to have some sort of presence at E3 this year. Can't wait to see what might unfold.

3) Xbox One Scorpio - I currently don't own an Xbox platform, but new hardware coming from the big three is almost always exciting to me. I plan to make the jump up to 4K this year during the fall, and I'm kind of hoping the Xbox One Scorpio will serve as my UHD blu-ray player while also being an excellent opportunity to jump back into the Xbox ecosystem.

4) Fire Emblem Warriors - I've been exciting for plenty of the Musou crossover games, and many of the licensed games I've personally had an interest in (Dragon Quest Heroes and Hyrule Warriors to exactly name the ones I allude to here)) have been excellent, so I can't wait to see how Fire Emblem blends its own signature strategy elements into some of the strategy elements of a Musou. Plus, Hyrule Warriors Legends kinda made a strong case for portable Musou games in my eyes, so having this on my Switch sounds extremely awesome.

5) The Last of Us Part II - this is kind of a sequel I hoped they ultimately wouldn't make, but only because I really liked leaving the story where it was. However, that was my sentiment at Uncharted 4's reveal as well, and I think Uncharted 4 told the best story in the franchise, so I have a lot of faith in Naughty Dog on this one.

6) Far Cry 5 - I liked Far Cry 3 a whole lot, more for gameplay than story, and I enjoyed Far Cry 4 enough despite diminishing returns coming out of 3. 5 seems to bring the story to a place I find extremely compelling, and I really hope it delivers, and I think E3 will be the first time that Ubisoft might showcase some significant changes to the Far Cry formula that I'm hoping they're bringing to the table in addition to the compelling context.

7) Call of Duty WWII - World War II setting is one I feel I enjoy more than modern and near future (though I do like those), and it feels like cooperative modes that are NOT zombies might actually be a real strong part of the design of this game... Which sounds awesome. It's always baffled me how COD barely ever seemed to explore coop outside of Zombies mode for years, but I hope this one finally nails it.

8) Star Wars Battlefront II - I hope EA is going to show this one off proudly as being designed from the ground up based on user desires and feedback out of Battlefront 1. Mind you, I probably enjoyed Battlefront 1 more than the average person did, but I do admit that some extra depth would've made it more impactful as a game in the long run. Plus, a story mode from a perspective I typically don't really give much a mind to might just deepen my pre-existing appreciation for the Star Wars franchise if handled right, though I admit, I'm more into this for potential multiplayer than the singleplayer, even if I think it's great that it's being included.

9) Splatoon 2 - more Splatoon, it looks phenomenal, and I have little doubt Nintendo is going to blow it up as one of their biggest games coming this year.

10) Arms - E3 will be the last big showcase moment before Arms makes its debut. It looks fantastic (the Test Punch times have been outside of my availability schedule) and I hope it's another Splatoon-esque new IP success for Nintendo and their new platform.
1. Octopath Traveler. Anything by the team behind Bravely Default is worth getting excited over. We don't know much about this game yet, but I'd love to see more!

2. Xenoblade 2. I have basically the same comment here: Anything by the team behind Xenoblade is worth getting excited over. Since this is supposedly coming this year, I'm hoping we get a blowout of info at E3.

3. Super Mario Odyssey. I'm still unsure how I feel about this game. Would like to see more to see if it's worth being interested in.
10. Call of Duty campaign
9. Dreams
8. Detroit
7. Star Wars Battlefront 2 campaign
6. Assassins creed origins
5. Mario Odyssey
4. Uncharted Lost Legacy
3. Spiderman ps4
2. Days Gone
1. Sucker Punch new ip

Only included games either confirmed or highly likely to be shown. RDR2, FFVII remake and TLOU2 are very unlikely to turn up, otherwise they would've been high on my list. Death Stranding is likely to be there but cgi only, which dials down my hype meter. A gameplay demo would have put it to the top of the list.
1. Destiny 2
2. Mario Odyssey
3. Spider-Man

Those are the main games I care about. Then there's
4. Crackdown 3
5. Days Gone
6. Life Is Strange 2
7. God Of War
8. The Last Of Us 2
9. Death Stranding
10. Pokemon


Ask me about the moon landing or the temperature at which jet fuel burns. You may be surprised at what you learn.
1. Mario Odyssey
2. Splatoon 2
3. Spiderman
4. God of War
5. Death Stranding
6. FF7Remake
7. Detroit
8. Assassins Creed Origins
9. Wolfenstein The New Colossus
10. Marvel vs Capcom Infinite

Thats for already confirmed titles. 5 of them launch this year, not bad.
1. The Last of Us Part 2: don't think it'll be at E3 though, but the 1st game is my favorite game ever.

2. God of War: In the running for my favorite game franchise ever so a new game has me hyped.

3. Spider-Man: Hoping for a return to form for Spider-Man games.

4. Days Gone: I love zombies and open world games.

5. State of Decay 2: See above.

6. Xenoblade 2: The main reason I bought my Switch.

7. Final Fantasy 7R: Doubt it'll be at E3, but here's hoping.

8. Wolfenstein New Colossus: Here's hoping the game starts off where the last one left off.

9. Far Cry 5: I loved 3 and 4 so more of that would be fine by me.

10. Ni No Kuni 2: Doubt it'll be at Sony's conference, but I'll take a week of E3 trailer.

Honorable mentions: Detroit Become Human, Death Stranding, Destiny 2, Battlefront 2, and Crackdown 3.


My personal list (includes leaks and potential desires/unannounced games):

1. Final Fantasy VII Remake
2. Kingdom Hearts III
3. Pokemon Stars
4. Super Mario Odyssey
5. A new Metroid Prime game
6. Death Stranding
7. Shenmue III
8. Devil May Cry 5
9. Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo Switch
10. Dragon Quest XI


Some titles are probably slipping my mind.

Based on announced/leaked titles I want to see more of / revealed (gameplay):

1. Super Mario Odyssey
2. Dreams
3. Spiderman
4. God of War
5. Crackdown 3
6. Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle
7. Far Cry 5
8. Splatoon 2
9. Sea of Thieves
10. Xenoblade 2

Stuff I'm hoping to see revealed:

1. New Retro Studios Title
2. Pikmin 4
3. New From Software Title
4. New Platinum Title
5. New Metroid game
1. Super Mario Odyssey
2. Need for Speed Payback
3. Wipeout Omega Collection
4. Whatever Nicalis is brewing
5. Whatever Roll7 is brewing

That's where I'm at.


I'm pumped just to see/hear anything about Switch Animal Crossing. It's bound to be coming and I've seen some hints here and there, like a now deleted retweet from Austin Walker about some Real Life Animal Crossing shit.

A date or promise of Monster Hunter GG coming to Switch in US would be nice.

The ultimate surprise I'd love to get is a new Custom Robo or Jet Set Radio.


Membero Americo
1. Super Mario Odyssey
2. Xenoblade 2
3. Spider-Man PS4
4. God of War
5. Devil May Cry 5 (assuming it happens)
6. Visceral/Respawn Star Wars games
7. Star Wars: Battlefront 2
8. Metroid (assuming it happens)
9. Super Smash Bros. for Switch (assuming it happens)
10. Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle
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