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NeoGAF's Top Ten Most Anticipated Games of E3 2017


Assassin’s Creed: Origins
God of War
Star Wars Battlefront II
Call of Duty: World War II
Red Dead Redemption 2
The Last of Us Part II
Kingdom Hearts III
Dragon Quest XI

HM: Death Stranding & Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom


Fuuuuck I hope we see Cyberpunk. Is that even a 2018 release? Or 2019?

I believe as part of a funding agreement they have to get the game out before 2020. So depending on how short of a lead time they want the marketing rollout to be, we could see it in a week!


Sat alone in a boggy marsh
If we exclude games that aren't announced

Cod WW2: Love WW2 movies/games and history and first WW2 game since WAW ( My favourite along with Cod 2 and 4). Really excited to see what they do

RDR2 (if it shows up): love to see what kind of story they are going for

Battlefront 2: skipped 1 due to lack of content/ story mode/ depth. Really want to see how they improve

Spider-Man - Judt give me a good gameplay and swinging reveal and I'll be happy

Kingdom Hearts 3 : just show me enough so I know the game isn't super far behind in development

Other mentions
- Wolfenstein
- Anything CD Project Red related ( preferably Cyber punk 2077)
- Detroit. I want to see if after 4 attempts David cage can do a good game (heavy rain was okay)


I want to be convinced by Xenoblade 2 as that first trailer left me cold af. Show me that breathtaking environmental Xenoblade world design.
If we're going strictly off of announced games.

10. Assassins Creed
9. Xenoblade 2
8. Hennig Star Wars
7. Far Cry 5
6. Days Gone
5. Sea of Thieves
4. Crackdown 3
3. Mario Odyssey
2. God of War
1. Spider-Man PS4
In no particular order, and announced games only:

Xenoblade 2
Fire Emblem Switch
Mario & Rabbids Kingdom Battle
Super Mario Odyssey
The Last of Us Part II
Zelda: BotW DLC

That's really all I can think of right now. I'm otherwise eagerly anticipating new announcements, from Japanese developers in particular.


1. Cyberpunk 2077
2. God of War
3. Spider-Man
4. Detroit
5. New IP
6. New IP
7. New IP
8. New IP
9. New IP
10. New IP

And Scorpio price somewhere in there for sure


Mischief Makers 2



God of War
AMD's Vega GPU
Skyrim Switch
Kingdom Come Deliverance
Ubisoft's next new IP
Sea of Thieves

Mario Odyssey
Final fantasy xv dlc
1. Death Stranding
- Expecting a new cinematic trailer. Think we're done with the teasers, expecting to get a glimpse at what the actual game looks like, at least from a story standpoint. Scarlett Johannson is the lead female, Stefanie Joosten is a supporting character. Gameplay at PSX.
2. SMT (Switch)
3. Fire Emblem (Switch)
- Never played Fire Emblem, but I love Heroes and play almost every day.
4. Fire Emblem Warriors
- Very into Musuo games, really like the series' characters.
5. Octopath Traveler
- Missed out on the Bravely Default games, won't miss out on this.
6. Super Mario Odyssey
- A Mario similar to the ones I grew up with (64 and Sunshine) is a guaranteed hit. Don't need to see more, but I'll check out what they show.
7. Xenoblade Chronicles 2
- Playing through the first one. Wonder what's up with that dude's pants.
8. Final Fantasy VII Remake
- XV is in my top-3 games. Need more FF.
9. Assassin's Creed Origins
- They're taking their time (I think) and it will probably turn out for the best.
10. Spider-Man
- Haven't played a superhero game since ...Spider-Man on GameCube. I still haven't watched last year's trailer. It came on after Death Stranding so I didn't really care, but the memories of the old games makes me cautiously optimistic for this one.

Unannounced games/ones I don't expect to see that I'm excited for include Smash for Switch, Pokemon for Switch, and Project Re Fantasy.


Since I don't own a console, I feel like such an outsider when it comes to E3 anymore. I guess FF7 Remake might make me jump on board but really, I'm not interested in most of the top ten. Damn my getting older.


I only care about The Last of Us and whatever Nintendo's putting out. Maybe God of War. The rest of Sony and Microsoft's output doesn't hold my interest.

edit: oh wait, I'm down for a Dreams demo, too. I love Media Molecule.


1. Visceral's Star Wars game
2. Mass Effect Andromeda story DLC (won't happen criecrie)
3. Detroit
4. Uncharted 4.5
5. TLoU2 (won't be at the show probably)
6. Battlefront 2
7. Super Mario Odyssey (would be much higher if I had a switch or planned on getting one any time soon)
8. Gran Turismo Sport
9. Cyberpunk 2077 (would be higher if I thought it had even TLoU 2's chances of being at the show)
10. Death Stranding (might be higher if I thought it would launch before 2019)


1. Sucker Punch's new IP
2. From Software's next game
3. Devil May Cry 5
4. God of War
5. Monster Hunter XX localization
6. SMT HD localization
7. Dragon Quest XI localization
8. Mario Odyssey
9. New Platinum game (big budget)
10. Animal Crossing Switch

I don't see how people can list remasters in the list. They're cool if they happen but I personally don't see the appeal of hyping them up especially for more recent ones.


I hope we can see gameplay and a release date for: Spider-Man, God of War and Crackdown 3. For rumoured games, I wish to see Pokemon for Switch and Monster Hunter for PC/PS4/XB1.

Other than that, I just want new games. I don't care for TLoU 2 just yet; I don't care for FFVII Remake just yet; I don't care for KH3 if they don't give us a proper release date cause I'm sick of SE JP failed attempts taking so long to release shitty games; I don't care for anything that may take too long to release.

If they plan on showing CGI trailers of games from 2019 onwards, they can keep it to themselves for next E3 events; thank you.
In no particular order:

Super Mario Odyssey
Cuphead (hopefully for the last time finally)
Gran Turismo Sport
Xenoblade Chonicles 2
Shaq Fu A Legend Reborn (I'm serious)
Monster Hunter XX


And on the sixth day the LORD David Bowie created man and woman in His image. And he saw that it was good. On the seventh day the LORD created videogames so that He might take the bloody day off for once.
1. Dreams - crossing all my fingers for campaign trailer and Beta announcement

2. The Last of Us Part II - not expecting much, but any info or showing at all would be glorious

3. God of War - more hectic and epic combat scenarios. I wanna get a better sense of how responsive and versatile the mechanics are.

4. Super Mario Odyssey - it's 3D Mario. Just need to show more gimmicks and levels.

5. Death Stranding - bring on the crazy.

6. Cuphead - ready to see if they've improved those platforming stages. Also release date.

7. Spider-Man - extensive gameplay demo. How they implement the swinging mechanics are crucial.

8. Sucker Punch new IP - they've been cooking for a while, time to show the goods.

9. Splatoon 2 - campaign and lobby walkthrough

10. Days Gone - now is the time to really wow people with all those lofty features they've promised.

The crazy thing is there are a lot of games I'm sure I'm forgetting off the top of my head. This E3 is gonna be jam packed.


People called Romanes they go the house?
Hmm....TBH, as long as there's a good chunk of single-player experiences rather than just CoDs and Destiny-style shooters, I'm down for w/e.

Personally, of stuff already announced (no real order)

1. TLOU2 - it'll probably be limited, but I'd like to see more Ellie in action.
2. RDR2
3. Wolfenstein - Old Blood was a wee bit weak, but if that's due to them working on Colossus, all will be forgiven.
4. Cyberpunk (reaaaaal iffy on this one showing, but we can hope)
5. Visceral's Star Wars project - Battlefront's kinda 'meh' for me, so I'm hoping to get a good single player experience, at the least.
6. God of War
7. KHIII and/or FFVII-Remake (neither will prob show)
10. Far Cry 5 - don't know why, but being on the US has some potential to switch things up a bit, even if it'll probably end up in the usual Ubisoft over-hype.
9. Spider-Man - please, please, PLEASE get this right, Insomniac.
10. Death Stranding - if nothing else, give us at least a little taste of what's actually going on.

Pipe-dream wise, though...

1. Always
Bet on Metroid.
2. Smash Bros Revamp/remaster
3. Pokemon Stars.
4. Fire Emblem Switch being further along than anyone thinks.

Any of those would get me on the switch train ASAP.

edit: Oh shit, forgot about RE2-make. That'll be slick, for sure.


7. Various Switch indie release dates
6. Spiderman
5. Red Dead Redemption 2
4. Death Stranding
3. Super Mario Odyssey
2. Xenoblade 2


I'll break this down by "Nintendo" and "Non-Nintendo."


Of the games that are guaranteed to be there, Super Mario Odyssey is my most anticipated. For those of you who don't follow Nintendo games, this one's a big deal since it's a return to the sandbox-style 3D Mario games first seen in Super Mario 64, and last seen in Super Mario Sunshine.

I'm also eager to see more on Fire Emblem Warriors, Xenoblade Chronicles 2, and Mario + Rabbids — that last one is too bizarre not to check out!

Of rumored titles, I'm hoping to see Smash Bros and Pokemon Stars. I really want to know what Retro Studios and Platinum Games have been working on for Switch. Also want to see a new Pikmin and Animal Crossing. It's about that time.

On the 3DS, I really want to see the Mario & Luigi remake — Superstar Saga is one of my favorite RPGs — and I'm curious to see the "Kirby multiplayer action title" promised in the April Direct.


Of the games that are known, I most want to see the Resident Evil 2 remake, followed by the Final Fantasy VII remake. I'd also like more on Last of Us II, although it might be too early to show. I'm moderately interested in God of War and Spiderman. Detroit: Beyond Human is a game I bet I'll enjoy (Heavy Rain is a fave), but it's one of those games you best enjoy by playing with friends.

Of games that may or may not exist... A sequel to The Evil Within would get me hyped like none other. I'd also be stoked for a new Batman: Arkham game, although I don't know who'd make it. And it's probably too early to announce a sequel, but a DOOM 2 would be amazing. And last but not least, a Bloodborne 2 — or any Souls-like from From Software, really — would be wonderful.
1. Xbox Scorpio-I want to see what MS has up it's sleeve, especially games-wise. This is basically make or break time for me with the Xbone platform, so MS better deliver with it's Scorpio presentation. The Scorpio could be the 2nd coming, but if MS can't deliver with the games, then what's the point.
plus it better have a cool official name

2. Super Mario Odyssey-I'm a Nintendo kid at heart, and SMO looks absolutely gorgeous, and I can't wait to see more.

3. The Last of Us 2-I consider TLoU to be the 2nd best game of this decade (the first being Red Dead Redemption), so yeah super hyped for this.

4. Spider-Man-Insomniac is responsible for my favorite game so far this gen (Sunset Overdrive), so when it was announced that they were making Spider-Man, I was happy as fuck.

5. Crackdown 3-Xbone needs more games, not just more game but more good games. Please deliver MS.

6. Call of Duty WWII-I haven't enjoyed a COD game since Black Ops II. Ghosts, boring. AW, forgettable. BO 3, disappointing. IW, didn't even give it a chance.

7. Star Wars BF II-The first one was a massive disappointment, but things are looking good for part 2.

8. Days Gone-Yet another zombie game, but it's a great looking one.

9. Destiny 2-Cayde 6 reeled me in.

10. The Mario/Rabbids game-I'm a sucker for pain.

What I really want to see from the Big 3 that's unconfirmed.

Sony-To not get complacent. They've been hitting it out of the fucking park lately, but Sony please don't coast and keep the momentum going.

Nintendo-Pokemon Stars, Donkey Kong Switch, Kirby Switch, Smash Bros Switch, Metroid Switch.

MicroSoft-NEW IPs PLEASE. I know launching new IPs has been rough on the Xbone, but MS can't rely on Halo and Gears, since those franchises are on the decline. And please uncancel Scalebound.
1. Bloodborne 2 (or anything by FromSoft)
2. Wolfenstein: The New Colossus
3. RE2make (although I doubt it'd be there)
4. #SpiderManPS4
5. Platinum's Switch game (Hopefully sells me on a Switch)
6. Sucker Punch's new game
7. Death Stranding
8. Assassin's Creed: Origins (cautiously optimistic)
9. Shenmue HD Collection
10. The Evil Within 2 (cautiously optimistic)

There's no way The Last of Us part 2, Red Dead Redemption 2 or Cyberpunk 2077 will be there.
10. Detroit: Become Human

Say what you will about David Cage and Quantic Dream but you have got to appreciate the way these guys mix experimental gameplay with interactive story telling. Heavy Rain ended up being one of my favorite games of the last generation and from what I've seen of Detroit so far I'm impressed. But I feel like we've only gotten a small preview so far and I'm very excited to see more. Fingers crossed for multi-character demonstrations this E3.

9. Final Fantasy VII Remake

This would be in my top 5 but Square has really put a damper on my hype over the last couple of months with news of the development team being restructured and Nomura tempering fan expectations. Plus Final Fantasy as a franchise has really gained a reputation within the last decade for delays and incredibly long development cycles. It wasn't at E3 last year so I'm really hoping we have a "reunion" ;) with Final Fantasy VII this year. While I'm curious about how the action-based combat is going to work in not going to hold my breath for gameplay. But a more extensive cinematic trailer would be more than enough for me to regain the hype.

8. Super Mario Odyssey

This is the first truly major Switch exclusive (IMO of course) and it looks like gameplay is going more open world than ever for Mario. After what Nintendo did with Zelda's open world in Breath of the Wild I'm absolutely psyched to see what they are going to do with a Switch-exclusive Mario open world. We know so little right now and that's part of why this one is so anticipated. So many questions I know Nintendo will have great answers for: why does Mario's hat have eyes now? What unique spin will Nintendo put on a Mario open world? What traversal options will we have for the open world? I know this is going to be one of Nintendo's crowned jewels at E3 and I absolutely cannot wait to see more.

7. Kingdom Hearts III

I almost put Kingdom Hearts 3 and Final Fantasy together as a shared entry for the #7 spot. But it seems like Kingdom Hearts 3 has been in development quite a bit longer and the development of this title doesn't seem to be quite as troubled at this moment (based on what little we know least). While the length of development doesn't seem to matter too much for Nomura's Square Enix projects since Square and Nomura are going to show and release whenever they feel like it, they do have Disney to answer to as well. This is E3 though and Kingdom Hearts 3 was revealed at E3 after all and Final Fantasy XV is now finished so it seems like it's time for Square to start promoting Kingdom Hearts 3 for hopefully a release sometime in 2018. I've been a fan of this franchise since it was first shown to the public many years ago. It has a special place in my heart with its Final Fantasy and Disney crossovers as well as the original characters and settings as well. The little taste of gameplay they've shown so far was vivid, colorful and beautiful. I can't wait to see what changes/additions are going to be revealed for the gameplay and I'm particularly excited to see how far Kingdom Hearts 3 is going to extend into the Disney universe. Are we going to see Star Wars and/or Marvel in Kingdom Hearts 3? I'm honestly going to be pretty concerned if Kingdom Hearts 3 is absent from E3 2017.

6. Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite

Marvel vs Capcom has always been one of my favorite fighting game franchises. I never got into Street Fighter V and I'm hoping MvCI's launch goes much smoother than SFV's did. The graphics already look beautiful and the performance looks buttery smooth. I'm most excited to see how accurate the leaked roster is. Fingers crossed for Dante and Vergil returning and I'm still holding my breath for X-men characters making it in at some point.

5. Red Dead Redemption 2

There's not much that we know about this one right now but Rockstar always tends to deliver the cutting edge in open world video game experiences. Red Dead Redemption 2 is going to be the first Rockstar game developed from the ground up for the current generation of hardware and that's reason alone to have this title on my E3 top 10. I've always been more fond of the gameplay mechanics and narrative that the old west setting brings to Rockstar's open worlds over something like the city-based open worlds of GTA. The delay to 2018 had done nothing to damper my hype. If anything the delay should just make an E3 appearance more likely.

4. Death Stranding

We know Hideo Kojima is going to be at E3 and that alone makes a Death Stranding showing at the Sony conference quite likely. We've had 2 fairly vague but impressive trailers so far and I'm hoping we get a bit more details about the characters/story of this new a fascinating universe. It seems like it's still too early to see or hear about how gameplay is going to work but I'd love to be proven wrong on that. I'm also curious to see what other celebrity talent Sony and Kojima are going to bring in. It's just not E3 without a Hideo Kojima trailer.

3. The Last of Us Part II

Overall, Naughty Dog is probably my favorite developer in the industry right now and although I love Uncharted it's The Last of Us that has put Naughty Dog at the top of my list. I was shocked and excited to see TLOU2 revealed so soon after Uncharted 4 at PSX last year and I know it's still very early and we may not even see this game at E3 this year. But just the slightest possibility of seeing even a brief trailer revealing new details about this highly anticipated follow up to one of my personal favorite games of the last decade is enough to get me excited for the E3 season overall. I feel like Naughty Dog is going to focus on The Lost Legacy this year since it's coming out this year but there is still the very slim possibility of us returning to the post apocalyptic world of The Last of Us Part II this E3 and that alone lands The Last of Us a top 3 spot on my E3 top 10 list. Like Red dead Redemption 2, sometimes the little teases for those sure hit sequels is enough to make anticipation go through the roof.

2. God of War

Next to Naughty Dog, Sony Santa Monica is easily one of Sony's best internal developers. Ever since God of War launched as a franchise on the PS2 I've been a massive fan of the franchise. Like Mario for Nintendo and Masterchief for Xbox; Kratos has really become the stand out icon for the PlayStation platform. Few franchises have been as stable and consistent as God of War. Even franchise "missteps" like Ascencion were still fun, solid and impressive. But things were starting to get a little bit stale in the brutal and dark world of Greek mythology and that is why it was so refreshing to see how Sony Santa Monica has soft rebooted God of War into a dark Norse mythology realm with an older wiser Kratos teaching his gifted son the ways of the gods. The orchestra lead E3 2016 demo was not only my favorite thing at E3 last year but easily one of my favorite E3 demos of all time. I can't wait to learn more about the combat mechanics and the RPG elements that were teased last year. I particularly hope we get to see one of the infamous boss battles the franchise is known for on Sony's stage this year. This one is likely to hit by March 2018 so this will be the final E3 hype God of War gets before release so you just know Cory Barlog and SSM are going to go balls to the wall this year.

1. Spider-Man

Even though it was leaked alongside God of War shortly before E3 last year (I still had my doubts until we actually saw the reveal) this was probably the most pleasant surprise of the 2016 Sony Press Conference. Insomniac has always been a very consistent and quality dev but they've never really had that massive breakout hit on the level of Uncharted or God of War...until now. Spider-man PS4 just seems like the start of something special. A top developer given the opportunity to go crazy with a massive property like Spider-man is reason enough for excitement alone. The trailer last year was a spectacular introduction to the world that just made me immediately want to see and hear more. As a long time Spider-man and Insonniac fan this project is a match made in heaven that I didn't even know I wanted until I saw it. Like God of War, we haven't seen or heard practically anything since last E3 and that has just made anticipation higher than ever. I can't wait to see how the web slinging and traversal mechanics are going to work with Insomniac having the momentum based open world traversal of Sunset Overdrive under their belt now. I hope we see a villain boss fight during the gameplay demo this year. I would love to see Green Goblin, Doctor Octopus, Venom or Mysterio personally. So many things to be revealed and so many good vibes around this project that I don't really see how it can disappear when you consider the developer pedigree. Please don't let me down Insomniac!

EDIT: Sorry about the typos, I am typing this post from my phone. Also:

Honorable Mentions:

Ni No Kuni II: I love studio Ghibli and I loved the first game as well. Can't wait to see more!

Ace Combat 7: very curious to see more of the VR elements of this game.

Days Gone: I love the World War Z style take on the infected and I'm a big fan of Sam Witwer from The Force Unleashed and Being Human.

Star Wars: Battlefront 2: I'll always love Star Wars and I can't wait to see more of the campaign mode.


Oh wow, I forgot all about Death Stranding. Do you think Kojima's gotten enough done to have something meaningful to show?


Oh wow, I forgot all about Death Stranding. Do you think Kojima's gotten enough done to have something meaningful to show?

Maybe a new trailer to show off another celebrity appearing in the game?

I doubt we'll get gameplay until a year or so before it's set to come out.


1.Death Stranding
2.Cyberpunk 2077
3.Red Dead Redemption 2
4.The Last of Us: Part II
6.God of War
7.Final Fantasty VII - Remake
8.Xenoblade Chronicles 2
10.Dragon Quest XI

Some of these won't even be there but this is what I'm most excited about in rough order.

Honorable mention

Ni No Kuni II, Detroit: Become Human, Hellblade, Deep Down(believe), Wild, Days Gone, State of Decay 2, Absolver, Kingdom Hearts 3

Lady Gaia

I believe as part of a funding agreement they have to get the game out before 2020. So depending on how short of a lead time they want the marketing rollout to be, we could see it in a week!

CDPR have been been clear that this year is about Gwent, so I wouldn't expect to see anything on Cyberpunk 2077 until next year.
Project Cars 2
Crackdown 3
System Shock 3
MechWarrior 5
Sunless Skies

And I REALLY hope a new Splinter Cell is announced, even though I probably won't like the direction it will take.


In no particular order

Super Mario Odyssey
Xenoblade 2
Final Fantasy 7R
Death Stranding
Pokemon Stars
Super Smash Switch
Ni No Kuni 2
Battlefront 2


1) Rogue galaxy 2
2) Rogue galaxy 2
3) Rogue galaxy 2
4) Rogue galaxy 2
5) Rogue galaxy 2
6) Siphon Filter
7) Siphon Filter
8) Siphon Filter
9) Siphon Filter
10) Siphon Filter
#1 - Kingdom Hearts III
It's been 4 years since the game was announced during Sony's stellar 2013 Press Conference. In that time we've seen very little of the game. Could this be due to them not wanting to steal the thunder of the other KH Collections? Or a troubled development? We'll have our answer at E3 I bet. I'm pretty optimistic though and expect some great things from Square's Osaka Team. New worlds, polished gameplay, new music, and a peek at the supporting cast and villains? Yes please.

#2 - Final Fantasy VII: Remake
Another highly anticipated title for me but I wouldn't be surprised or disappointed if it was absent. Given they're moving the game to internal development it's understandable. I'd love to see it all the same because hype controls my mind and emotions. New trailer showing off Tifa, Aerith and more? Just get Visualworks on it.

#3 - Spiderman PS4
Insomniac doing a Spiderman game has me sold. I need to see more of this game and I need to know when I can hold it in my hands. Hoping this is the Spiderman 2 of this generation.

#4 - Death Stranding
Honestly I don't even know if I'll ever play this game whether it comes out or not. I get a lot of enjoyment out of these Kojima reveals due to how insane they are. I'm just there for the entertainment. The man could do these trailers for 10 years and I'd still be down.

#5 - Super Smash Bros. Switch
Everyone knows this is coming and the wait for it to finally be revealed is nothing short of agonizing. New characters, new stages incl. 3DS stages, new modes. Bring it, Sakurai!

#6 - Monster Hunter XX Switch
I could never get into MH due to the recent entries being on 3DS and my OG 3DS made controlling that game a living nightmare. Playing this on a Switch with a pro controller has me excited and I want it ASAP. Bring the good news, Capcom!

#7 - Xenoblade 2
Every fiber of my being tells me this is getting delayed to next year. Let my dreams defy logic! I need a big JRPG for Switch and this seems to be it for now.

#8 - Assassin's Creed Origins
Syndicate was a fantastic game and got me excited for AC. Them combining ship gameplay from Black Flag and an awesome setting like Egypt has me ready for some gameplay reveals.

#9 - Super Mario Odyssey
I know this game will be good. It's a known quantity just like Zelda. That said I want to see why I should be excited aside from it being Mario. I expect them to deliver easily on that.

#10 - Dragon Quest XI
I don't think they would ever give Press Conference time to a Dragon Quest game but I want them to. Square propping up their next mainline game during the Sony Press Conference would be amazing. A chance to really get people into their next big adventure and try and increase interest in the West. Hopefully the localization for the game is fast.


I don't think I could name 10? :/
Would need to think about it

But my most anticipated for E3 is definitely between new South Park and Spider-Man. Beyond that I just want to see new stuff.
10. Surprise announcements
9. Nintendo Switch whats next
8. PS4 whats next
7. Xbox Scorpio
6. Xbox games
5. Xbox games
4. Xbox games
3. Xbox games
2. Xbox games
1. Games to dust off Xbox One or buy Scorpio, or just sell it.


So with this there are certain games I am already sold and and thus do not really care to get too much more info on. This includes games like Detroit: Become Human and Fire Emblem Warriors. So this list of games is stuff that I am actually interested in learning more about.

1. The Evil Within 2 - With Capcom turning away from the horror/action genre I really hope that Bethesda picks that ball back up and keeps going in the direction of the first Evil Within. I like the horror aesthetic more than I do the typical underpowered "dude your fucked" experience most horror games give. This is why I loved RE 4-6. They were action games with a horror coat of paint, and that is what The Evil Within was too, except it leaned into the horror a lot more than the second Resident Evil trilogy ever did. If they can more or less keep that balance in a sequel I will be thrilled.

2. Resident Evil 2 Remake - Please be in the style of RE4-6.

3. Need for Speed: Payback - The trailer looked fantastic. At this point I will be paying attention at E3 to make sure they didn't fuck something up. The people speculating about a loot box mechanic have me nervous.

4. The Crew 2 - The first game had so much potential but the actual act of driving the vehicles was shit. I will be closely be paying attention to any hands on impressions that come from a floor demo.

5. Mario x Rabbids: Kingdom Battle - Interested in seeing what the gameplay is like. The art style from the leak was really neat.

6. Spider-Man - I loved Marvel and superheroes in general and I think Insomniac is fantastic but they really have yet to show anything to warrant any hype. The suit also looks really lame. I am waiting for them to give me a reason to get hyped.

7. Days Gone - Same as Spider-Man. This game looked super generic last E3. I want them to show me why I should give a shit.

8. Marvel vs Capcom Infinite - After the utterly pathetic roster leaked they really need to show something incredible with this game to get me back on board.

9. The Avengers Project - Marvel/Square made it explicitly clear with the reveal that this game was a ways away but I would still appreciate a trailer that told us what kind of game it is going to be.

10. Visceral's Star Wars - Same as The Avengers. I know that the game isn;t coming any time soon but I still would like to know what kind of game it is going to be.


The Evil Within is one of my favorite games this gen. Is there any evidence we're getting a sequel, though??

I put it on my own list, but I didn't know it was borderline expected...
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