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New Lair screens (really)


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Speevy said:
You can't make such a comparison. The games are too different technically.

Am talking art wise. That color and building looks the same to me.


mckmas8808 said:
Actually I do it to post it on another website because they have limitations of screenshot sizes, but nice trying to point me out.

And actually the screenshots look better in 720p due to me being able to see more things in detail.

Oh all right, sorry bro.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Onix said:
Oh boy. :/

There are a lot of things going on that you can't see in pics (need motion) that would make me question that.

Don't encourage him. And don't derail this thread where folks of many stripes are enjoying Lair's pretty water and lighting. This is not the place for an argument that has been done to death.


Post Count: 9999
jett said:
I can tell you that I'm tired of you reducing every ps3 screenshot you rehost just to make it look better than it really is. :p

Really? 'Cause if you look at the original sized shot ... it actually looks much better than the rehost.

Speevy said:
Well, that didn't save Rogue Leader and Rebel Strike from being among the Gamecube's most forgettable, mediocre games.

Let's hope it PLAYS well and just take the visuals as a given. This is Factor 5 afterall.
Rogue Leader was great and if I remember was praised alot. Hell it was called a killer app, even Gamespot gave it a 9.4. :/

Forgettable? It is mentioned almost any time anyone brings up a graphics debate mentioning gamecube. The only reason Rebel Strike sucks is because Factor 5 doesn't know the first thing about making enjoyable ground gameplay, the air combat was great.


time to take my meds
I said wow. I just wish the fire looked better. But thats a minor complaint considering the overall look of these screens. Which is awesome imo.
Water is really nice but the game overall still looks ugly to me. I desperately need to see the supposed snow and jungle levels. I'm sick to death of these brown mountains.

I'm definitely still not a fan of dragon and monster models.


BamYouHaveAids said:
Umm what else would fireballs do? It looks like a flight combat game with dragons, I don't understand. What did you expect? A kung fu extravaganza?

Something other than Star Wars wrapped in dragon Textures.


Shabaz said:
Thats so cute, insecure over a game.

Quite the contrary, I left the debate after page one when I realised no one would actually tell me what the game was about. You lot are the ones that keep bringing up the 360 thing, not me.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Green Biker Dude said:
Is there anything known about this game that actually justifies the hype? Or is it just graphics?

Watch this interview of what the game is about.


There is the hypes.

xabre said:
Quite the contrary, I left the debate after page one when I realised no one would actually tell me what the game was about. You lot are the ones that keep bringing up the 360 thing, not me.

xabre please watch this video preview.


Onix said:
Really? 'Cause if you look at the original sized shot ... it actually looks much better than the rehost.

Personally, the muddy look of the guy's armor bothers me some. There's just something wrong with it.

Anyways, like I said, I want to see screenshots of hundreds of dragons at the same time like them bastards first showed. :p

jax (old)

My Arms Your Hearse said:
Water is really nice but the game overall still looks ugly to me. I desperately need to see the supposed snow and jungle levels. I'm sick to death of these brown mountains..

you have a point about the brown mountains but we didn't see much of GOW except for Brown screens..etc for a long long time. Cliffy + 1up even talked about why.


Onix said:
If you think that is the gameplay, then you must have slept through half the interview :lol

Didn't watch the interview, watched some gameplay footage (albeit old TGS footage). That was the vibe that I got from watching said video.


As I have been continuously saying, the most impressive game I have ever seen in person and probably the first PS3 game the competition can't replicate graphically.
mckmas8808 said:

Guys you can't ****ing tell me this doesn't look very comparable to Gears of War. I mean to me it looks like it uses Unreal Engine 3.0 in this one very shot. (And yes I know it doesn't).

honestly, the character models in gears of war smoke that knight (especially the texturing). on the other hand, from what i understand, this game has a much larger scope than gears so... yeah. the game doesn't look bad, but i question the people in here acting as if it is the second coming.


BamYouHaveAids said:
Rogue Leader was great and if I remember was praised alot. Hell it was called a killer app, even Gamespot gave it a 9.4. :/

Forgettable? It is mentioned almost an time anyone brings up a graphics debate mentioning gamecube. The only reason Rebel Strike sucks is because Factor 5 doesn't know the first thing about making enjoyable ground gameplay, the air combat was great.

Neither of those games is well regarded. You are mistaken.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
MikeHaggar said:
honestly, the character models in gears of war smoke that knight (especially the texturing). on the other hand, from what i understand, this game has a much larger scope than gears so... yeah. the game doesn't look bad, but i question the people in here acting as if it is the second coming.

Why? What are some people supposed to do? Some of us like the graphics. And some of us listened to the interview preview and got even more excited. What do you want us to do?
I really don't know a lot about Lair except it's got dragons, knights, and you fight other knights on dragons as well.

What are people hoping from with Lair? Is is supposed to be like Panzer Dragoon, or more of an action game where you can ride dragons?


Looks ****ing incredible. I'm just concerned how it plays. I've seen a number of videos and interviews of this game, and it looks incredibly boring.

However, if you owned a PS3. I think it would be worth it to buy it just to enjoy the visuals.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
Wollan said:
As I have been continuously saying, the most impressive game I have ever seen in person and probably the first PS3 game the competition can't replicate graphically.

Hyperbole much? This looks great, it's Factor 5, but assuredly this could be done elsewhere.

Piper Az

mckmas8808 said:

Guys you can't ****ing tell me this doesn't look very comparable to Gears of War. I mean to me it looks like it uses Unreal Engine 3.0 in this one very shot. (And yes I know it doesn't).

It actually reminds me of Lost Odyssey than anything else. It doesn't touch Gears of War, IMO.


Mr. Spinnington said:
I really don't know a lot about Lair except it's got dragons, knights, and you fight other knights on dragons as well.

What are people hoping from with Lair? Is is supposed to be like Panzer Dragoon, or more of an action game where you can ride dragons?

Ever played Drakengard? That's pretty much the vibe I'm getting.


Speevy said:
Neither of those games is well regarded. You are mistaken.
huh? Rogue Leader was very well regarded. As was said, the thing that blew about Rebel Strike was the onfoot gameplay, if everything stayed in the air it would have been great.
Bad_Boy said:
I said wow. I just wish the fire looked better. But thats a minor complaint considering the overall look of these screens. Which is awesome imo.

Yeah I've noticed that the fire effects are quite primitive, especially after playing games like Gears of War, Resident Evil 4 and Devil May Cry 4.


santouras said:
huh? Rogue Leader was very well regarded. As was said, the thing that blew about Rebel Strike was the onfoot gameplay, if everything stayed in the air it would have been great.

Rogue Leader was until Factor 5 decided to make a PS3 game. :(

I guess it depends on where you were posting when the game was released? I thought the general consensus was that the games (both of them) were shallow exercises with terrible AI.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Green Biker Dude said:
Summary plz.

New information in the interview:

Environments include two large cities, oceans, deserts, canyons, tundra, jungles, etc.

Boss creatures like giant manta, elephant, etc.

Plot synopsis - volcanic eruptions are destroying the planet. The main character is a dragon rider of the last nation that still has fertile land left. They are attacked in the beginning of the game by another country trying to steal their food.

The other country is in the part of the world that has doesn't have much life/food left. They are despert and have to attack to survive. The main character becomes more cynical about the war as the game progresses and questions his on country's motives.


Agent Icebeezy said:
Take away the THX 7.1, and I'm sure it could be done. I'm talking specifically graphics.

I don't want to create a fight but let's agree to disagree. Hearing how they are using the CELL to completely make the 3D polygonal layout, animation and so forth and then send that data
to the RSX just for it to focus on drawing on top makes me doubt what the competition can replicate.
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