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New Nintendo Switch will use Orin SoC variant codenamed T239/Black Knight

Rat Rage

Gold Member
Certain people when they hear "nintendo switch hardware rumor"



Astral Dog

So it looks like they're probably revealing this closer to whenever they release it. Like the Lite and Switch before it.
Makes sense because its not a replacement better keep the current system selling as much as possible until Pro is ready.

Switch 2 will have a long marketing campaign leading to launch
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It should be mentioned that kopite7kimi is probably the most reliable person when it comes to Nvidia rumours considering that kopite7kimi was almost completely spot on when it comes to the specs of the Ampere GPUs months before it was officially announced by Nvidia.

Black Knight seems to fit in with Nvidia's naming scheme, considering the codenames for all of the automotive SoCs are named after fictional superheroes in the DC Comics (Xavier, Orin) whilst the codenames for all of the mobile SoCs after the Tegra 4 are named after superheroes in the Marvel Comics (Logan, Erista, Mariko, Parker, Black Knight). (Charles Xavier is technically a superhero in the DC Comics and the Marvel Comics via Doctor Strangefate in the Amalgam Comics since DC Comics and Marvel Comics are the parent companies of the Amalgam Comics).


Astral Dog


Why the fuck do we have to go through this every generation? This epic level of delusion? The rumors about Wii U and the Switch were off the fucking charts.
The Switch was actually pretty decent hardware for Nintendo, not the most high end at launch but capable of displaying very impressive visuals for a handheld. And with updated/modern tools by Nvidia that made development easier.

no doubt the future iterations of the Switch will be exciting news, but as always keep expectations in check, as long as its able to handle proper 720p/1080p and with a jump in framerate that would make a world of difference, anything else is a plus 🤭(but im hoping for dat DLSS)
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I expect Nintendo to disappoint, so I think they wont even go pass 4 cores and 512 cudas.
This is plausible.
For a revision, a Switch Pro, Nintendo don't need more cores they already have inside the base Switch. A boost in the CPU and GPU clock and they are good to go.
I would say no more than 1024 cores at 1.2ghz, a 2.5TF machine as the best scenario. More realistically 512 cores, half of TF.

But sometimes, some CPU can't be scaled down, so you need a different chip to do the same things.
Gimme a proper console with a bit of power, the kiddie handheld screen is useless to me
Kiddie handheld screen, what?

You do know that there are millions of adults who use the switch right? I'm 42 and use it way more than anything else. Being able to game on the porch sipping a drink in the summertime, on the toilet, waiting for the mechanic to fix the car etc..

Others use it because of having schedules and kids, as they are busy. The switch is good enough in looks and has an incredible library. The instant suspend is great. It also replaced handheld for millions of people.

Phones aren't the same and have crap pay2win games.


It won't have 2048 CUDA cores if it's a portable. Either the new Switch is a home-console only or they'll use a severely cut down version of that chip. 512 CUDA cores is the best we can expect in a portable form factor. Also 6-8GB of LPDDR4X/5.

Forget it, a portable Switch Pro will NEVER be as powerful as a Series S. Last I checked the laws of physics still apply, unless you want your Switch to be hooked up to a car battery.

Mr Branding

Gimme a proper console with a bit of power, the kiddie handheld screen is useless to me
I don’t get this. The screen is kiddie?

My guy, it’s Nintendo.
Their whole shtick is based around kiddie and nostalgia.
If you want a ‘mature’ console with a bit of power you’re kinda looking in the wrong place


There are millions of whiny 5-year olds on Earth, and I AM THEIR KING.
Please Nintendo leap the Series S, I know you have one last hurrah in you.
I know some people are skeptical especially with size of chip.

But maybe consider that the sequel to Switch is not another switch. What if it's a console platform and they have Switch and new Switch revision run alongside it? Why assume Nintendo will continue with only Switch again? They dont want to miss chance for 2nd Wii moment!!!


I know some people are skeptical especially with size of chip.

But maybe consider that the sequel to Switch is not another switch. What if it's a console platform and they have Switch and new Switch revision run alongside it? Why assume Nintendo will continue with only Switch again? They dont want to miss chance for 2nd Wii moment!!!
I mean, sales-wise, the Switch has been their second Wii moment. They could just as easily be setting themselves up for a second Wii U.

Buggy Loop

Core count doesn’t really matter or can be compared to consoles when we don’t know the clocks. For sure it’ll be low for thermals/batteries. How the fuck did series S even enter this discussion when we know so little?


But it's just a rumor.

Does this rumor have a lot of traction behind it?
Mochi at Bloomberg did say it was, PS4 Pro/XboxOneX or maybe even more, in terms of power.

I think this will be a home console with maybe a portable variant on 3nm, coming sometime in 2024/2025.
Furukawa did state they had new initiatives that would appeal more to westerners than to the Japanese.


Furukawa did state they had new initiatives that would appeal more to westerners than to the Japanese

Hmm. That would line up.

I'd be all over a powerful Switch, goddamn.

Metroid Dread with better visuals/performance?? Yes please! (Happy with how it currently looks as well)


I'm not sure what's more pathetic, these rumors or that blue box shit. The switch pro is such an insane rumor that never dies.

I'm sure it'll exist... at some point.
Exactly, I think it's a fairly "easy" guess to make, that there would be a better Switch, perhaps not a whole level better but at least a partial upgrade like New 3DS/DSi were at the very least and possible though less likely a real powerful console. So "Insiders" can continue to say it'll be released and as long as something is released they'll be "correct" even if they were entirely wrong.
People get one leak revealed to them, gain clout and then make a career out of a mix of predictable guesses and out there guesses. As long as they were right once, they can live off of the predictable guesses and people won't question it since they also have "other" stuff.
For anyone doubting kopite7kimi's creds, just don't.

He isn't some "iNsIdEr" who posts FUD, with an agenda against some console manufacturer because his feelings were hurt as felt that the internet was one sided on social media about a game console, or some 2-bit hack like Moore's Law Is Dead, pretending to be an "iNsIdEr" to get those clickbait views for ad revenue, by regurgitating captain obvious info, educated guesses that are on the internet (reddit/youtube/twitter/LTTForums), growing big enough to actually have industry people leak info with these kind of hacks.

He, kopite7kimi, along with a few others, like TUM_APISAK, on twitter, are as LEGIT, as they can get. They ONLY share credible info, unlike the fake clickbaiting muppets above in my post, and their (kopite7kimi and TUM_APISAK) track record's almost 100% correct. Never had a leak wrong. This is the single reason why almost ALL TECH YT channels and websites quote these 2 twitter ID's when it comes to rumors.

If I can remember correctly, either APISAK or Kopite, leaked the PS5 SoC layout but without the die shot (Codename: AMD Gonzalo), way before Sony's announcement and even the AMD Smartshift implementation that bumps the clocks higher to reach the theoretical peak of 10.3 TF.

These guys are the real deal when it comes to hardware leaks from the semiconductor industry. Whether this SoC will be straight up loaded onto the Switch Pro or a cut down variant will be used, is debatable and that's for us to wait and see. Going with the latter, going by Nintendo's antics in the industry and their profit margins on hardware using a low BoM, for now until it's announced, so that I don't get disappointed expecting more.
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Kiddie handheld screen, what?

You do know that there are millions of adults who use the switch right? I'm 42 and use it way more than anything else. Being able to game on the porch sipping a drink in the summertime, on the toilet, waiting for the mechanic to fix the car etc..

Others use it because of having schedules and kids, as they are busy. The switch is good enough in looks and has an incredible library. The instant suspend is great. It also replaced handheld for millions of people.

Phones aren't the same and have crap pay2win games.
Don't Feed The Troll...!


A 3050?

On a Nintendo Platform?

Hell no. No way. That’s bigger than a series S.

Not happening.


Why the fuck do we have to go through this every generation? This epic level of delusion? The rumors about Wii U and the Switch were off the fucking charts.
The Switch was actually pretty decent hardware for Nintendo, not the most high end at launch but capable of displaying very impressive visuals for a handheld. And with updated/modern tools by Nvidia that made development easier.

no doubt the future iterations of the Switch will be exciting news, but as always keep expectations in check, as long as its able to handle proper 720p/1080p and with a jump in framerate that would make a world of difference, anything else is a plus 🤭(but im hoping for dat DLSS)

That’s irrelevant to what I said though.

Look back at the pre reveal rumors about how powerful it was


Flashless at the Golden Globes
2000 cuda cores is basically an rtx 2060. that tells me that the switch might be a docked only 6 tflops console.

it will definitely perform better than the xss especially in rt games since the rt performance of the ps5 and xsx is equivalent to a 2060 or 2060 super.

tensor cores and dlss 2.0 might even help it come close to ps5 performance. who knows.

Astral Dog


Why the fuck do we have to go through this every generation? This epic level of delusion? The rumors about Wii U and the Switch were off the fucking charts.

That’s irrelevant to what I said though.

Look back at the pre reveal rumors about how powerful it was
That was just fanboys hoping for a power hungry home console AND handheld, they had no idea it was an hybrid.

Nintendo since the release of the DS have been very clear they are out of the power race, they don't stand a chance against Microsoft and Sony.some fanboys still can't accept it after all these years..

But it was the best decision for Nintendo to compete. now with Switch they can offer AAA production values on a portable, with Nvidia as partners they will find a balance between cool tech and affordable price


A 3050?

On a Nintendo Platform?

Hell no. No way. That’s bigger than a series S.

Not happening.

more like nvidia 1650 on a new architecture. Nintendo is never going to go with the monster console again. They want to save money on everything and give us the same remakes every 2-3 years. I still dont understand why people are buying skyward sword HD bundle. If that game sells 10 million copies we will get all old games remaster again. Its time nintendo should give people what they want. A powerful hybrid console capable of running all current gen games.
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That's a 65W SOC that's in the picture, with 12 CPU cores and 2048 CUDA cores.

Whatever the switch uses will likely be 15W or less, so I'd have to imagine Nintendo will halve the CPU and GPU cores, and use lower clocks than standard.

Either way, it would be a nice uplift from the OG Switch, particularly if they are able to squeeze in 8GB or RAM.


It will be build with the cheapest solution , but with high price and great games . Just expect a small upgrade with this form factor , nothing fancy , Nintendo left the powerful hardware race long ago.

Boy bawang

It's be about 25% of a series S, but when accounting for DLSS, you'll get about 50-60% of a series S in game. Which would already be mighty impressive for a glorified tablet.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
more like nvidia 1650 on a new architecture. Nintendo is never going to go with the monster console again. They want to save money on everything and give us the same remakes every 2-3 years. I still dont understand why people are buying skyward sword HD bundle. If that game sells 10 million copies we will get all old games remaster again. Its time nintendo should give people what they want. A powerful hybrid console capable of running all current gen games.

The 1650 has half the shader cores of the 3050.
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