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New Saints Row 2 screens ( pre-alpha build )

rezuth said:
I always saw Saints Row as a parody of GTA style of games. Works perfectly for me, enjoyed the first game.
You know the old saying.

When you can't beat them, create a horrible game mocking them.
TheIroning said:
Day 1

Heres a hint guys: this game isn't trying to be 'cool', its trying to be stupid

I'm having the hardest of times explaining this to a friend of mine. We both view the humor present in GTA and Saints Row completely differently, it seems.

He loves the story/"humor"/voice acting in GTA games, while I mostly cringe at it.
He hates the story/humor/setting in Saints Row because he says it's taking itself too seriously, trying to be cool, while I find it's the complete total opposite. It's being too serious on purpose, which makes it incredibly humorous, and I feel this is exactly what they were aiming for. I'm "getting it".

It succeeds with me, but fails with my friend. It's like two completely different mindsets.


MMaRsu said:
Wow that trailer is awesome :)
Chainsaw, Minigun, Flamethrower. :O

..and lawl at the shock paddles and the tazer gun. :lol The new rocket launcher design is a bit over the top though. Actually, all the weapon designs look like they stole them from some FPS game. I love it.

Manually loaded projectile
Fast reload response
Effective and deadly at any range

What it is:
A destructive technological marvel; courtesy of the minds of Ultor.
A rocket propelled grenade launcher using laser guided rockets that can be targeted mid-flight.

Possible uses:
Hold up clothing stores with style.
Fire rocket into the air then watch as your co-op ally desperately tries to evade the incoming projectile.

The city seems more alive with the gardners and tai chi people in the park (ala GTAIV) as well. From what you can see, the new areas and rebuilt city looks pretty good. :D


LOL @ all the GTA fanboys getting all agitated and shit. Lighten up. There is room for both. Saints Row gave the GTA series a good run for its money, but why let facts get in the way of a good fanboy circle jerk.


rezuth said:
I always saw Saints Row as a parody of GTA style of games. Works perfectly for me, enjoyed the first game.

It's a parody of last gen GTA games. I think when we play the new GTA4, our expectation on these sort of games will go up ten fold and as a result, SR2 won't seem so appealing...


I'm not going to lie. That trailer was just awesome. LOL at the satchel XD

I'm so happy that I get both GTA IV and SR 2 this year.

Edit: Doesn't Stilwater remind anyone else of that place the Simpson's moved to, or at least in the trailer? The one where Scorpio was the boss of that corporation. :lol
Core407 said:
It's a parody of last gen GTA games. I think when we play the new GTA4, our expectation on these sort of games will go up ten fold and as a result, SR2 won't seem so appealing...

There cant be room for both games?


mysticstylez said:
There cant be room for both games?




sebmarine said:
LOL @ all the GTA fanboys getting all agitated and shit. Lighten up. There is room for both. Saints Row gave the GTA series a good run for its money, but why let facts get in the way of a good fanboy circle jerk.

I agree.

I am a GTA fan, but I was happy to get the chance to play a game in the same genre on the 360 with SR.

We don't like to talk about it now, but I can remember a lot of GTA fans being impatient with TT's original plan to release GTA IV in October of 2007. Then, we found out about the delay, and it was pretty bleak.

SR did a great job filling a pretty huge void. This is a day one purchase for me.


sebmarine said:
LOL @ all the GTA fanboys getting all agitated and shit. Lighten up. There is room for both. Saints Row gave the GTA series a good run for its money, but why let facts get in the way of a good fanboy circle jerk.

Why would they be getting agitated? I just see people complaining about the quality of a pre-alpha build.

By the way, why is it still pre-alpha? Havent they been working on this since Saints Row 1 released?


Teknoman said:
Why would they be getting agitated? I just see people complaining about the quality of a pre-alpha build.

By the way, why is it still pre-alpha? Havent they been working on this since Saints Row 1 released?
No idea. You'd have to ask them the reason for always coming into a thread about a series they already said they hate, just to say they hate it. Again. ;)

There's far more than just reactions to the shots going on in this thread. Not sure how you apparently missed those.

Anyway, the pics in the OP are the pre-alpha shots. That's why I questioned why they'd even be released at this point. The one's I posted are the shots from the newer(est?) build.


Not sure what all the hate is about.

Saints Row never took itself seriously story-wise. Not sure why anyone else wouldn't understand that.

In addition, it was fun to play. Did some things that the GTA games had yet to do. It was the first 'next gen' game of this type that really succeeded in what it was trying to do.

Sure, GTAIV will still blow it away and is king, but I had a good time with SR.
nib95 said:
After seeing more of GTA IV, I almost cringe when I look at Saints Row 1/2.

Not necessarily because of the visuals, but because it's so damn stereo typically "gangsta" it just bugs the hell out of me. Developers trying to cash in on the cool new rap gansta trend. At least GTA IV has some style, charisma and finesse to it.

Saints Row is just cheap in comparison. Even when compared to San Andreas. I mean seriously....WTF is this shit?



One thing Saints Row did right was the aiming system and introducing online to the free roam genre. Eh who knows, might turn out pretty good since its still in pre alpha. Guess it still has a long way to go. They really need to tweak out the graphics engine though.


raYne said:
No idea. You'd have to ask them the reason for always coming into a thread about a series they already said they hate, just to say they hate it. Again. ;)

Willy Wanka

my god this avatar owns
There is nothing wrong with some of that old style GTA insanity so bring on the jetpacks, gyrocopters, lasers, flying motorbikes, monkeys, monkeys with jetpacks or whatever crazy stuff they want to come up with. I liked the first one and online co-op means I'll be giving this a chance too.


raYne said:
-Full story co-op: Drop in or out seemlessly. Like Crackdown, you go into a friend's "world" and if he's farther ahead than you are, you can do the missions while it keeps track of what you did solo. Then gives you the choice to skip it when you encounter it in your own game world.
-The ability to pick up and use parts of the environment as melee weapons or throw them.
-You can grab people and use them has human shields.
-Useable planes and other vehicles not in GTA4. (You can crash planes through buildings etc to make your own entrances/escapes.)
-Character creation and customization (including clothing, taunts, custom walking style, voice)
-Vehicle customization (colors, paint styles, bodykits, wheels, interior etc).
-You can take health (food) with you instead of always going to find some.
-The great side missions from the first, plus new ones.

Uhh.. whatever isn't revealed yet or I can't remember.
Saints Row 2 seems like it'll be awesome. I am more hyped for it than GTA IV.


KTallguy said:
What does this game have that GTA4 doesn't?

free aim - all the time.

I have no idea why Rockstar refuses to implement it in GTA, but they've gone with retarded lock-on once again.


GQman2121 said:
What engine is this game running on? Is it's there own?
Yeah, it's Volition's proprietary engine. The same one they used for the first game. Though, supposedly, they've improved it quite a bit and this one shouldn't suffer from the same performance problems as the first.

According to interviews anyway.


Steroid Distributor
Yeah as much as people bash this game for being made by supposed old white guys I'm there day one. I loved the first one. Had an awesome time just blowing stuff up.

I used to get a bunch of cars together and throw some pipe bombs into the pile. BOOM! I haven't played a game yet that let me mess around with stuff like Saints Row did.

Like throwing a pipe bomb through an open car window and having the driver slam on the brakes and try to get out. Only to have the bomb go off and send the car and driver flying in the air.
Setting a car on fire and watching the driver and passengers stumble out of the vehicle on fire and watch them fall limp to their death on the ground.

The game is so sadistic. LOVE IT!


Brashnir said:
free aim - all the time.

I have no idea why Rockstar refuses to implement it in GTA, but they've gone with retarded half free, half lock-on.


Truelize said:
Yeah as much as people bash this game for being made by supposed old white guys I'm there day one. I loved the first one. Had an awesome time just blowing stuff up.

I used to get a bunch of cars together and throw some pipe bombs into the pile. BOOM! I haven't played a game yet that let me mess around with stuff like Saints Row did.

Skills for kills agent. Skills for kills.
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