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New Showdown: LOW Trailer (looks surprisingly good)

That's reassuring. Man, I feel so weird about this game. I'm almost posative the clunky striking will be back. But, then I see movies like the ones I just posted and I'm as happy as a little guuuurl. Another cool thing I like about the game is that they have a "WWF style magazine" menu/feature going on. That's what I read at the operationsports Q and A....anyhow, I really dig the character select screen. Very fitting IMO.


First tragedy, then farce.
damnit, I know Im getting this on day one now and it angers me... I DONT WANT TO SPEND MONEY.

evil ways

Disco Stu said:
The question is, did the person who wrote those words actually play the game?


That's not really what they said about the game, it's an inside joke that has to do with The Crow movie.
Some guy on operationsports.com wrote a very good post in the Showdown Q and A.


Also, I think that Acclaim should have classic moves for classic wrestlers (eg. headlocks, slams and suplexes) instead of giving them all contemporary moves from the paper-thin contemporary movelist from LOW II. I still see classic wrestlers in the SHOWDOWN videos performing less-used moves they would never do (various wrestlers performing the Stunner, Andre The Giant doing the Stinkface, some other wrestler doing the Pedigree), instead of ones they would do. The moves from LOW II they have should be brought over to SHOWDOWN, but many of the moves should be relegated to the CAL and never put into the in-game wrestlers' movelists (like if I wanted to create The Rock, Triple H, Stone Cold Steve Austin, or Kurt Angle). Acclaim never looked at the movelist from LOW II and realized that it was totally inadequate for trying to portray some kind of authenticity of classic wrestlers and classic wrestling. I hope that Acclaim did add many new moves, including lots of classic and contemporary moves, to SHOWDOWN. If they did not, a big dilemma arises: when I go to edit the in-game wrestlers' moves, will I be giving them all the same moves (vertical suplexes, scoop slams, atomic drops and backdrops)? One thing that the SmackDown! series has done better is offer several different animations for the same move (20+ clotheslines, 20+ DDTs, 20+ powerbombs, 8 Scoop Slams). Did the Acclaim team REALLY study old tapes of wrestlers when they were making SHOWDOWN, and if so, did they apply what they learned by creating classic move animations? So far, I've seen the Airplane Spin, the Giant Shove, Hogan's Finger Wag, Block And Punch and a reanimated Sharpshooter. Another thing I saw is that the in-game wrestlers seem not to have the taunts they should have. Many of the in-game wrestlers just seem to have random or inappropriate taunts applied to them. How come Jake "The Snake" Roberts doesn't have a finger twirl for a taunt and in his DDT animation (unless he has two DDT animations, as every wrestler has two finishers)?

I will be getting SHOWDOWN: Legends Of Wrestling on June 22, and I hope that it is not just an overglorified, overhyped LOW 2.5.

Sums up my feelings exactly. There's nothing else coming out for awhile that I want, so I've gotten stuck on Showdown as being my wrestling game fix till King Of Colloseum 2 comes out. To pass the time, I've been watching the same old Showodwn movies allot, old WWF pay per views, and playing the classic wrestling games that I consider great.

The problem with a game like Showdown is that it can almost never live up to the expectations of an old school wrestling fan. There's just to much stuff to do. Watching Wrestlemania VII last night, I was struck by how much fun that era of wrestling was and how there's never really been a great game for that time.

We had the great WCW games on the N64, but those were just the beginning of No Mercy/VPW2. They didn't have the great roster that Showodown has, they were just a little while after. Last night, I watched the Rockers take on Haku and the Barbarian, the British Bulldog and his mascot Winston take on the Warlord, Dino Bravo VS The Texas Tornado, Jake "The Snake" VS "The Model" Rick Martel in a blindfold match, Dibiase VS Virgil ("The toes Virgil, now the toes") and a few other matches.

It was all great fun. Bobby Heenan and Gorilla Monsoon were the best fucking commentators I ever heard. They could make a boring match watchable, and a good match great. The PPV was awesome. Even the lame moves were kind of appealing.

Warlord with his manager slick giving a promo: British Bulldog, you won't be able to escape the might of my...Full nelson!!! .

It was awesome. Everyone had mullets. Everyone. The rockers were great to watch, all of the wrestlers were great. Even if they sucked. There wasn't any cursing in the promo's, Sgt. Slaughter's promo was him sticking his finger at the viewer and grunting "rawr!!!"

The the in ring antics seemed to play with the crowd more. Everything looked allot more cartoonish and fake. This wasn't All Japan String style, this was classic early 90's WWF...huge bodybuilders running around like a chicken with its head cut off when they were in pain, reacting to a punch that was thrown seconds before, managers screaming and giving advice (Hart with his microphone, Slick talking Jive, Paul Bearer comforting/covering the urn whenever Taker got hurt).

There was sex though. Remember Sensational Sherry on her knees in front of the Ultimate Warrior asking for him to give the Macho King a title shot? Mean Gene holds the microphone to her mouth, which is at UW's crotch. She says something along the lines of "I'll do anything". UW spits on the floor (But doesn't really spit), and begins shaking his head like he's a chest popper victim in the Alien movies. He kneels down to Sherry and screams "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" and she begins to scream and cry. Hell yeah.

It was just a more fun time in wrestling. At least to me. If Akklaim can bring at least part of that into this game, it will be worth my money.

About movesets. One game that handled classic wrestling movesets better then any other game before or since is Giant Gram 2000 for the Dreamcast. This game had a handful of classic wrestlers like The Destroyer, Fritz Von Erich, Andre (in mask), and Bruno Samartino. They all had the moves they used back then, and nothing more.

Yet, they weren't boring. They were/are fun as hell (Fritz might be my favorite character in the game). The reason why they were fun to play as was that their moves were so well animated, and so painful looking that you just had to cringe when they were done. Hell, even a basic body slam for an old school wrestler in that game looked incredibly good.

I have the sneaking suspicion there won't be different types of bodyslams, headlocks, backbreakers in this game. It just doesn't seem the makers style, more one size fits all. If that's the case, its really a shame. Because a little change in animation can go a long way.

All the negative aside, I can't wait to get my hands on this game. I'm expecting the worst, but hoping for the best. Don't get me wrong, Bish's words are very reassuring and some of the movies look very good. I'm excited. But, I was burned so very badly by the first LOW, and it seems like some law of the universe that a great classic wrestling game will never come out.

Next Tuesday can't come early enough. Please God, let it be good.


I have gotten aboard the hype wagon for this game as well. I was looking at my stacks of games last night and realized that I couldn't find anything to play that I wanted to. I really wanted to play a good wrestling game, but something that is fresh. But by fresh, I mean something that can re-kindle the spirit of old-school WWF. I have never played any of the LOW games before, but have played most of the other released WWE, WCW, Def Jam type of games. Even Fire Pro. None of those games catch my interest other then FirePro (but it is so old and dated), like S:LOW seems to be doing. I can't even hardly watch wrestling on the TV anymore cause it is such crap compared to what I saw when I was 7 years old in the mid 80's through the mid 90's. I am highly anticipating Def Jam: Fight for NY just as much as Halo 2 or any of the other top notch releases coming out. But Sep/Oct is such a long time away, that I am leaning on giving S:LOW a shot. I too trust Bish's word on wrestling games. I sure hope this one is at least fun. If it had a decent control scheme (I have heard a slowish Smackdown comparision, and also have heard it may be like Aki's) and just a 'defend titles in exhibition, that would be more then enough for me. This roster more then gets me hyped. I will most likely be buying it for Xbox next week. I need a different take on the wrestling genre. WWE games have gotten old and stale to me.

So by just starting to do my research on this game, what are the current gripes that seem to be surfacing? Are the submissions decent? Is there good interference? Do wrestlers sell moves good? Weapons? Weight detection? I surely hope that by the looks of the last 2 efforts that the 3rd time is better then the latter.

People who have played the E3 build of this game, can you kinda rank it among what is currenly out on the market?

evil ways

Kingpen said:
I have gotten aboard the hype wagon for this game as well. I was looking at my stacks of games last night and realized that I couldn't find anything to play that I wanted to. I really wanted to play a good wrestling game, but something that is fresh. But by fresh, I mean something that can re-kindle the spirit of old-school WWF. I have never played any of the LOW games before, but have played most of the other released WWE, WCW, Def Jam type of games. Even Fire Pro. None of those games catch my interest other then FirePro (but it is so old and dated), like S:LOW seems to be doing. I can't even hardly watch wrestling on the TV anymore cause it is such crap compared to what I saw when I was 7 years old in the mid 80's through the mid 90's. I am highly anticipating Def Jam: Fight for NY just as much as Halo 2 or any of the other top notch releases coming out. But Sep/Oct is such a long time away, that I am leaning on giving S:LOW a shot. I too trust Bish's word on wrestling games. I sure hope this one is at least fun. If it had a decent control scheme (I have heard a slowish Smackdown comparision, and also have heard it may be like Aki's) and just a 'defend titles in exhibition, that would be more then enough for me. This roster more then gets me hyped. I will most likely be buying it for Xbox next week. I need a different take on the wrestling genre. WWE games have gotten old and stale to me.

So by just starting to do my research on this game, what are the current gripes that seem to be surfacing? Are the submissions decent? Is there good interference? Do wrestlers sell moves good? Weapons? Weight detection? I surely hope that by the looks of the last 2 efforts that the 3rd time is better then the latter.

People who have played the E3 build of this game, can you kinda rank it among what is currenly out on the market?

Read the beginning of this thread, a lot of the noticeable flaws or shortcomings have been discussed, plus bishop played the game at E3.


I've skimmed through this thread...gotta read it fully when I come back...

I'm looking at getting it purely for it's multiplayer, if there are interesting modes and match-types (and the control is decent...ie. just as decent as RAW 2), I'll be there.
Kingpen said:
So by just starting to do my research on this game, what are the current gripes that seem to be surfacing? Are the submissions decent? Is there good interference? Do wrestlers sell moves good? Weapons? Weight detection? I surely hope that by the looks of the last 2 efforts that the 3rd time is better then the latter.

Well, for me the main gripe is the Legends of wrestling franchise. I really hyped myself up for the first game, and it was complete and utter garbage. The control was extremely clunky...just bad, bad arena graphics, collison detection was terrible, strikes took awhile to come out, the ISP chaining system was a joke, no weight detection, no match pacing, the CAW was God awful, movesets were horribly off with no way to alter them, and the tag team camera angles were atrocious.

All that with the fact the game could have been really great made me very biased against the LOW series. II came out, and I skipped it. The idea I got about the game was that it was a step up over the first of the series, but not the huge step up I was waiting for.

I'm still unsure if Showdown is that step, but I'm taking the chance. Bish says its a fun game, and a hell of allot better then the first two. So, that is very reassuring. He also says the striking is clunky, and that isn't reassuring. But, I can deal with it. I'm just unsure of how clunky the control is overall...

From what I read, the ISP system has been ditched, but the game still retains the basic grappling system from before (Which wasn't half bad). There's now a reversal button. Movesets can be edited. From movies the graphics look great arena wise, character models look great, the camera angles seem fixed. Weight detection is in from reports as well. Pacing is supposed to be in there, as is selling...to what extent, I don't know. CAW is in, and looks pretty good.

All that aside, the game has a bunch of kickass wrestlers that I've waited for I don't know...ten years to show up in all their glory. Namely The Ultimate Warrior. Couldn't find any old WWF tapes in stores, but I found he has some old matches on kazza. Rawk.


Is there any word of Titles being able to be gained in 'exhibition mode'??? Gosh, this would probably make my take the plunge on this game in tandem with the roster it sports.

What is the general feeling on the story/career mode? One of my favorite modes was from back in the Wrestlemania 2000/WCW Revenge days. It was a simple 'go up the ladder and beat everyone' till you get to the champion. The thing that made it fun was that I had control of who the champion was via 'exhibition title defenses'. I hope it turns out to be something like that. There is so much nostailgia with the roster that it would make it a huge success.

Any word of 'run-in interference'? Do managers help you cheat. I still dispise Mr. Fuji to this day....

How are the weapons? How does the blood work out?

What current game would be the best to compare the gameplay to?

Please keep in mind that I am a newbie to the series and am coming in clueless to what was present in the other versions. THANKS


Banstick Emeritus
I saw blood on the Xbox version when braining Hogan with a chair...blood stains the canvas, if that's your thing. :D

Don't know about exhibition title switches or season mode, I was trying to play as many games as possible to get a feel for the gameplay mechanics...plus the kiosk didn't have any Acclaim reps who knew anything about the game! Good sales job, guys.

The control is superior to Raw 2 and the previous two LOW games. I still prefer the "sports entertainment" aspect of SmackDown!, personally, but I can see myself spending a fair bit of time with this game.


Cool thanks Bish,
I guess this is the million dollar question to ask you. Based on what you played, and being that you are a great source to ask in comparision on rassling games, "Are you going to spend the $50 bucks to buy this game?"

What improvements would you outright suggest based off your E3 suggestions, that maybe you haven't seen evidence of yet?

THANKS, btw you really should go back to the Denzel Avatar you had back in the day...


First tragedy, then farce.
I thought it was fairly clear that there are two movesets for wrestlers.. classic and modern. That is why you see Andre doing moonsaults and whatnot, just set it on classic mode and go.

Bish, how do the big boys work? Does it take more to bring down a beast like Andre than say the Brain?

evil ways

I thought it was fairly clear that there are two movesets for wrestlers.. classic and modern. That is why you see Andre doing moonsaults and whatnot, just set it on classic mode and go.

I really hope you can edit them anyways.
The thing is watching the gameplay videos i can really get a feel for the game. I see it being a decent game for old skool fans. If ppl are expecting all the bells and whistles of the smackdown game then they will be dissapointed.

It has the most complete roster i have ever seen in a game.


Banstick Emeritus
The guys I played with were mainly Bret Hart, Savage, Hogan, George the Animal, Koko B Ware, and the British Bulldog...so I can't really speculate on what, if any, differences there are when taking on a behemoth like Andre. Would I spend 50 bucks outright to pick it up? No...but I have set aside a couple of game for trade-in towards a purchase on day one...and that's not something I would have said about the last two. So take that for what you will.
StoOgE said:
I thought it was fairly clear that there are two movesets for wrestlers.. classic and modern. That is why you see Andre doing moonsaults and whatnot, just set it on classic mode and go.

Is this confirmed somewhere? If so, then +1000 for Showdown.
http://www.gamingring.com/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=1;t=000073 has a feature going on about the game in its forums section The reviewer for that site said the following on gamefaqs.

I am actually impressed with it. Its much better then previous LOW games. I am impressed with the different arenas they managed to put in the game. The mid south arena, the pontiac Silverdome, Madison Square Garden there all captured very well.

Sounds like what Bish said. Very reassuring. In the mean time I'm watching old WWF matches. Just watched Hogan/Warrior.


MC Safety

evil ways said:
That's not really what they said about the game, it's an inside joke that has to do with The Crow movie.


Fun Fact: (And I apologize for the digression) I tested Acclaim's dreadful Crow video game back when I was but a mere scrap of a lad. I'll never forget being in that hot, dusty PC room with 20 or so testers, all of whom had the volumes for their computers up as high as they would go.

Every three seconds: "Hey, clownface!" Then: "Represent!"


Scrounged up a few games to make 1st day release only 30 bucks for me. That is worth it I think. Anybody know if the guide has come out yet, or if it has been leaked on the internet?

evil ways

I knew the extra copies of the Zelda Collector's disc would come in handy, I figure I can get at least $18 for it, and take Smackdown HCTP as well while it's still worth something, since I'll probably get SD vs RAW at the end of the year anyways.

As for the guide, unless it gets delayed, it's supposed to ship between today and tomorrow.
Holy Macaronni fellahs, the stuff on gamering has me wanting this game. One of the reviewers is taking early Q and A and posting screens. He posted two screen of the CAL which had Mankind and Kane masks. Really cool. Also, some shots of the career mode which looks neato.

Like Bish he says it isn't the greatest wrestler ever, but its better then the previous LOW/RAW. Its going to be decent! rawk!


just got back from trading 3 crap games and getting an extra 10 bucks at gamestop. They gave me a free t-shirt with the game that basically has the picture of the cover. Can't wait till next wednesday...

evil ways

Biff Hardbody said:
Holy Macaronni fellahs, the stuff on gamering has me wanting this game. One of the reviewers is taking early Q and A and posting screens. He posted two screen of the CAL which had Mankind and Kane masks. Really cool. Also, some shots of the career mode which looks neato.

Like Bish he says it isn't the greatest wrestler ever, but its better then the previous LOW/RAW. Its going to be decent! rawk!

Any word on editing existing wrestler's appearances and moves? I can't find my Gamingring password cause I haven't posted there since before Here Comes the Pain came out.
evil ways said:
Any word on editing existing wrestler's appearances and moves? I can't find my Gamingring password cause I haven't posted there since before Here Comes the Pain came out.

Yes, that's been confirmed for some time now. You can edit everything about your wrestler, from moves to clothing (entrance gear as well). I got that info from different dev interviews and the Operation sports Q and A. I think the gamering guy said it as well.

It worth going there, some of the screens are really cool. One where Sting is landing a splash in the corner against Nikita (I think)...that really sold me as to how cool the game seemed. Its hard to explain, but I looked at and was like "yeah, everything looks right there".

You can also make female legends...hopefully I can create a decent Ms.Elizabeth to take Macho Man to the ring...

I'm going to do what Kingpin did and reserve this puppy.


First tragedy, then farce.
I cant wait till I get this game so I can put the Macho Man over the way Hogan was... the way is should have been. Ohh yeaaahhh.
"Randy 'Macho Man' Savage f/ DJ Kool - Be A Man Lyrics

Album: Be A Man

Listen / Buy
Artist Chart History
Reviews for this song

Huh Hulk Hogan, Hollywood Hulkster
Wahatever they call you, I'm comin after you, you coward

Hot diggity damn Hulk I'm glad you set it off (set if off)
Used to be hard Hulk now ya done turned soft
Doin' telephone commercials I seen ya
Dancin' in tights as a ballerina
I knew all along you had those tendencies
Cuz you've been runnin' from Macho like I got a disease
Dude please your pay per view event was a joke
You're avoidin' Randy Savage cuz you know you'll get smoked
Come on that phony fight the Rock spanked you fast
But when I challenged Hogan to a real fight he passed
I called him out but the punk was scared to go
It was a charity event but the Hulk didn't show
Hollywood Hulkster you're at the end of your rope
And I'm a kick ya in the butt and wash your mouth out with soap
Cuz like Rodney Dangerfield you gets' no respect
So come on Hulk let's wreck so I can put you in check

Be a man Hulk Come on don't be scared
Your runnin' from Macho that's what I heard

Be a man Hogan Come on don't be a chump

I never thought Hulk would go out like a punk

Be a man Hulk Come on don't be scared
You're runnin' from Macho that's what I heard

Be a man Hogan Boy you's a chump
Cuz Hulk Hogan is a real big punk

They call you Hollywood (hugh hugh) don't make me laugh
Cuz your movies and your actin' skills are both trash
Your movies straight to video the box office can't stand
While I got myself a feature role in Spider Man
Ya hidin' man but when I find you it's on
And when I slam ya to the dirt you'll wish you's never born
I smell a coward mmmm is that you Hogan
Macho's gonna kick ya butt is the slogan
You try to ignore me thinkin' I'll go away
But I'm a keep on messin' wit ya dude day after day
And once you step to Macho you're through
The joke's on you so Hulk what you gonna do
Probably nothing cuz you're a real big punk
You called my dad up on the phone man you's a chump
Cuz if you really got static take it up with me
And I'll punk ya butt out for the world to see



Eminem? 50 cent? who the fuck are they?

evil ways

Well Showdown is officially mine. I took Max Payne, RE Code Veronica X, Zelda Collection and HCTP and paid for Showdown plus got a few dollars more. The guy at the register said he didn't know anything about a free shirt so I left empty handed.

Can't wait for the game though.

evil ways

I went out a few minutes ago to buy some milk, juice and bread, and look what I just found at Walmart:


When I got home and stared at it I felt the urge to hum his WWF theme.
evil ways said:
I went out a few minutes ago to buy some milk, juice and bread, and look what I just found at Walmart:


When I got home and stared at it I felt the urge to hum his WWF theme.

That fucking owns. I want one.


First tragedy, then farce.
I still think Randy Savage should have busted in the middle of the match made in hell (warrior/Hogan), and he and Elizabeth could have just kicked ass for their honeymoon... pretty much when I was little I wanted that to happen in just about every match.

I remember every damn time Randy would reach for the ropes I would start screaming 'dont do it'.. and to my knowledge he never used the ropes to get out of a pin or submission...

I think I still have a man crush on him.

evil ways

I wonder if the game has Savage's move where he grabbed the opponent by the head and jumped over the top rope to choke them with the ropes.

evil ways

Holy fucking shit!! All 4 men in the team walk together into the ring.

I'm going to re-enact all the greatest Survivor Series matches of all time.
After viewing the first movie, all I can say is HOLY SHIT. I mean, yes there are problems...nothing really glaring though. Just look at that vid...damn. So much better then any other video I've seen.

I guess the second video is still being uploaded, because the filze size gets bigger every time I dl it.

No problem, I'm going to keep watching it.

Oh yeah, when Andre got tagged in you knew that was Koko's ass right there. Andre looked fucking gigantic next to him. Koko kicked his ass though!

Moves look good, there's some impact that seems to have been lacking from previous vids. Game flows too....really well. This video has really changed my perception of the game.


Anybody know if characters carry belts to the ring? Or if there are any belts in the game? If there is any trace of being able to put a belt on the line in exhibition mode, this game could possibly be one of my top games of the year, and that is just based on the features alone. I haven't even seen the game in motion or obviously played it.

I hear that the guys actually tap out to submissions? Is this true? Is there any type of replay/ auto-replay feature when a finisher is done?

There seems to be so many little details in this game that probably will make it really good. All members of your team walking to the ring together? Can I get a mop job on Isle 6!!!
Kingpen, I don't know the answer to all your questions. I've seen people give up to submissions in vids, yes. I haven't seen any auto replay. You should really watch the video that was just posted to get a feel for the game...it looks fucking great.

Kabuki, I don't think there are custom soundtracks. The reviewer for gamingring.com has the X-Box version and said no on that issue.

I keep watching that first vid he posted while I wait for the second to be uploaded. Its so damn nice...there's still some lack of selling, weight detection problems, collision detection...but its not major. The graphics are ace, the character models look cool as hell, the arena's are the best I've seen in a wrestling game (lighting is great), commentary is good, moves and animation have real impact....and the whole thing has a flow. Most importantly, it looks really fucking fun...like the wrestling of old. I want this now.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
Anybody know if characters carry belts to the ring?

I think it was in the Operation Sports Q&A thread I read that champs do not carry their belts to the ring with them. Dont take that as fact though.

evil ways

There are certainly more arenas than I expected. I thought it would just be MSG, then a few generic arenas and the usual small town gym arena but they went all out with it. The Pontiac Silverdome, The Omni, Tokyo Dome, Boston Garden, hell even the Skydome in Toronto.
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