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New The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild screenshots from now until launch


Nope, checking again the video, there are big differences between areas. As I edited later, the textures in the snow area for example are way poorer.

What nope? I said the video is representative of the game.

Compared to the initial teaser, this games feels like it had a Ubisoft-tier downgrade in graphics. If it wasn't called Zelda, people would probably believe it if they were told this was an indie title.

There literally hasn't changed anything graphically wise.


Compared to the initial teaser, this games feels like it had a Ubisoft-tier downgrade in graphics. If it wasn't called Zelda, people would probably believe it if they were told this was an indie title.

You never fail to make me chuckle.

Keep on Spielering, Spieler.


You can point out all these small differences all you like, but if the end result is that XCX looked spectacular and BotW looks poor, then surely Monolith are the ones who might the right decisions?

I know, I also find XenoX way prettier than BotW. But it's like comparing The Wind Waker to Twilight Princess.


Good Art™
only people who just play Nintendo consoles think this

Oh please, you are contributing nothing with your comment yet you point the finger at "people in this thread". Please explain how this is the most ambitious open world game ever done? How does it surpass the Witcher 3 or the latest GTA in terms of ambition (which is not a real metric btw).

Well i don't know maybe the game is an open world emergent fantasy with really advanced physic, AI, interaction with everything, animations, dynamic light... on a PS3+ capable hardware.

Some of those comparison here are beyond stupid. It's like saying The order made the right choice cause it looks better than Uncharted 4. Who cares about gameplay right..


what exactly makes this game more ambitious than other open world games from Rockstar or CD Projekt Red?
First of all, they're going for very different things. I'm talking about gameplay here, and you don't have the gameplay depth and level of interaction shown in those 5 hours of gameplay in the titles you mentioned, not even remotely close. Which is even more absurd when you think that the gameplay shown was entirely limited to the tutorial area, which is less than 2% of the game. They're basically going for the level of interaction seen in titles like Dishonored, possibly more in depth, and they're applying those concepts (and other new ones) in a giant open world game. That's simply insane. Also saying that Zelda is more ambitious in terms of gameplay compared to other open world titles doesn't mean that said other games are suddendly shit. I spent more than 400 hours in The Witcher 3 and over 200 in X, and they're easily amongst my favorite games ever. I also consider GTA V to be a masterpiece despite having always hated the series in the past (with the exception of Vice City).

Nope, checking again the video, there are big differences between areas. As I edited later, the textures in the snow area for example are way poorer.

Keep in mind that the demo is likely over 1 year old compared to the final game. Not saying that the final game will have Witcher 3 textures, but the game clearly is not finished.

I'm willing to bet that the aliasing will look as in the latest video, not as in the E3 demo on Wii U. Especially with the framerate issues.

Why? The game is using edge smoothing AA like Mario 3D World. The game showed dips in the mid 20s and even sub 20 in the E3 demo, which were reported by digital foundry. 30fps with dips when shit gets real is more realistic than constant 20fps in a Nintendo game, especially when the latter is due to shitty encoding.


The grass yes (especially since it looked less aliased in the Switch gameplay), the trees not so much.

Hey, the guy responsible for trees in Zelda games is a legend!





The Birthday Skeleton
Keep in mind that the demo is likely over 1 year old compared to the final game. Not saying that the final game will have Witcher 3 textures, but the game clearly is not finished.

Why? The game is using edge smoothing AA like Mario 3D World.

Exactly, that demo will be 1 year old compared to the final game, but you're the one who are bringing it up. The final game on Wii U will be different, all right. We'll see.


I'm willing to bet that the aliasing will look as in the latest video, not as in the E3 demo on Wii U. Especially with the framerate issues.

Again, the game barely has any AA in the DF footage. It has some small post-processing AA going on but it still shimmers like crazy. And you could never ever make that out in the latest video we got at Fallon.


Exactly, that demo will be 1 year old compared to the final game, but you're the one who are bringing it up. The final game on Wii U will be different, all right. We'll see.

I don't see how it can look worse compared to a demo running on the same hardware one year before (which was also lacking stuff like rain and real time meteo in general), but ok. We'll see.


The Birthday Skeleton
I don't see how it can look worse compared to a demo running on the same hardware one year before, but ok. We'll see.

A slice optimised for E3 vs. full game with everything in it.

Again, the game barely has any AA in the DF footage. It has some small post-processing AA going on but it still shimmers like crazy. And you could never ever make that out in the latest video we got at Fallon.

Not on Fallon, the two videos from TGA.


A slice optimised for E3 vs. full game with everything in it.

The two guys from DF said in the video i posted that it was unoptimized code running on debug hardware with effects like rain missing and plenty of dips in the most chaotic situations. I really don't see the thing you're suggesting. At worst it will look the same (with meteo added) and will have the same dips.


what exactly makes this game more ambitious than other open world games from Rockstar or CD Projekt Red?
The naturalistic interactivity mainly. And I say this as a massive fan of Witcher 3. Your three main functions out in the world in both Rockstar's or CDPR's world's are either 'kill something', 'talk to something', or 'pick up something'.

Neither of those other games use the open world environment as a real function of gameplay, but purely as setting to facilitate the story. You're not thinking about "oh I can actually burn this grass and it'll travel all the way to where the bad guys are and kill them." Or "well I have an axe which means atleast some of these trees I can chop down to cross a gap." And in a Zelda-like fashion, your abilities in BOTW are what's going to dictate how you interact with the environment. Not in the franchise's usual way of marking what you need to get to wherever, but because your own natural logic and understanding of the world would dictate how you get around.

They're doing something with the open world that most don't do.


What's the word on dungeons? I'm hoping Breath of the Wild is loaded with dungeons. 9 minimum would be nice.

There's a rumor about 4 main dungeons, like in Majora's Mask, but we don't know if that's true. Officially all we know is that there are dungeons (which they didn't want to discuss them yet) and over 100 shrines.


The naturalistic interactivity mainly. And I say this as a massive fan of Witcher 3. Your three main functions out in the world in both Rockstar's or CDPR's world's are either 'kill something', 'talk to something', or 'pick up something'.

Neither of those other games use the open world environment as a real function of gameplay, but purely as setting to facilitate the story. You're not thinking about "oh I can actually burn this grass and it'll travel all the way to where the bad guys are and kill them." Or "well I have an axe which means atleast some of these trees I can chop down to cross a gap." And in a Zelda-like fashion, your abilities in BOTW are what's going to dictate how you interact with the environment. Not in the franchise's usual way of marking what you need to get to wherever, but because your own natural logic and understanding of the world would dictate how you get around.

They're doing something with the open world that most don't do.
This is what makes me so excited to play. Zelda worlds (most of them anyway) are just so lush with interactivity. Even small things like cutting a sign in half and seeing it float in the water make the games feel very charming.

It seems like the environment itself of BotW, however, has a lot to interact with. It takes that concept to the extreme.
What I find strange is that the one thing that I think looks really weak in comparison to BotW's peers (the game world) is the one thing they're focusing on. If Xenoblade X had taken this approach it would have made perfect sense but for BotW you're just focusing on
a) How bland and low-spec everything looks, and
b) How in a game about 'being immersed in the wild', almost every other open world game will provided a more visually immersive open world to get lost in.

Just a weird approach.

Yup. I think they've already communicated the message that it's a world with a lot of scale really well now, it's time to start focusing on the stuff the games does that's really unique and exciting, like physics, and interactivity (the way you can ride your shield around and how that looks incredibly fun, for example). The combat segment shown in the let's play would make for some great short videos, there was a bit where Link was knocked back, but he fell on his front and ended up sliding down a slippery hill.


What's the word on dungeons? I'm hoping Breath of the Wild is loaded with dungeons. 9 minimum would be nice.
The rumor is 4 main dungeons but Treehouse confirmed on stream that the game had 100 Shrinesthat kind of act like puzzle-focused mini dungeons and they can range from little puzzles that last less than 3 minutes to big areas that could take around 20 min to complete
There's a rumor about 4 main dungeons, like in Majora's Mask, but we don't know if that's true. Officially all we know is that there are dungeons (which they didn't want to discuss them yet) and over 100 shrines.
I know it's unpopular opinion, but Majora's Mask was one of my lesser favorite Zelda games for that very reason. Shrines are cool for open world discovery and all but, personally, I'd much rather have a lot of main story dungeons. It also depends on what "shrines" are and how easy it will be to find them. If shrines are easily visible and on the scale of the random boats you'd find in Wind Waker's world, where they're very short and offer mostly money (rupees) as a reward for completing, then I'll be sorely disappointed. i'd prefer more subtle secrets and puzzles and findings in city hubs and out in the open world, and not the kind of stuff like in Skyward Sword where all the Shrines are already easily visible.


It's very laughable how people attack this game cuz of open world etc. People wanted change and now Nintendo changes the Ocarina of Time formula finally and people hate it.

If you want Wii U tech demo graphics then why? They can't make a huge af world like this with those graphics and they would have to sacrifice gameplay mechanics also.

Anyway i'm sure someone will mod it on PC later so if you don't like the artstyle maube just wait for that.

The art style does not even look bad looks like a water colorod film wich is awesome.

Guess you can't please everyone but i'm glad Nintendo is shaking Zelda up a bit, the OoT formula got real old after Skyward Sword.


Pretty sure it'll be a fun game. But like others have had, really hoping this is not the Switch graphics.

To be honest, I really don;t like the art direction of this game... the hair looks worse than FF15, and he looks so weird and short from that screenshot. I really hope this game will have a huge open world gameplay.

Still debating if should buy a Switch just for this game since this is the only big RPG title after FF15 (nope I am not a Persona fan).


Ōkami;226619713 said:
Screenshot 1

No mention how often screenshots will come out, daily, weekly, randomly no idea.

Dem flat textures. I don't find the game pretty but I am impressed with the scope.


So now it comes back to esthetics. It is a valid point and it's understood, yet most people have bad taste. I mean we live in a culture where people think art is something that comes plastic wrapped in a frame at IKEA or something like that. It's shameful.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
It's very laughable how people attack this game cuz of open world etc. People wanted change and now Nintendo changes the Ocarina of Time formula finally and people hate it.
Literally no one ITT is saying this

If you want Wii U tech demo graphics then why? They can't make a huge af world like this with those graphics and they would have to sacrifice gameplay mechanics also.
Or this

Anyway i'm sure someone will mod it on PC later so if you don't like the artstyle maube just wait for that.
Or this

The art style does not even look bad looks like a water colorod film wich is awesome.
As someone who has literally worked on a water colored animated film, no it doesn't. The character models work but let's be honest the game in terms of rendering is really behind in a lot of ways and very obviously held back by the subpar hardware of the wiiU. :/

Guess you can't please everyone but i'm glad Nintendo is shaking Zelda up a bit, the OoT formula got real old after Skyward Sword.
Skyward Sword didn't have the OoT formula, like at all.


I understand this screenshot may not be great, but it's not like we cannot judge the game visuals by anything else when there's plenty of gameplay videos out there. And I think this looks pretty damn good, specially considering how large the areas are: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r2JtSXXY_WY

Sure, it's not PS4/XB1 good, but we're talking about WiiU hardware, so I'm not sure why someone would expect such impossible thing.
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