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New Xbox One Rumors: PS4 PSN > XBL, snap crashes games, ES RAM life long bottleneck

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Albert Spinello is more trustworthy. We know his name and his face, we don't know anything about those GAF users or mods. They could be secret Sony employees. Or people paid by Edward Snowden. Why Edward Snowden you may ask now. Think about it.
Doesn't Snowden have his own asshole to keep watch over these days? He ain't got no time for this!


Gold Member
I think a lot of these issues are being caused by the abrupt removal of the original DRM.

This is phenomenal.

I don't think it makes any sense to blame the removal of all that DRM for the current issues...IF they are in fact real issues. The DRM policies would have been handled by code and blocks of code, which can be removed. Now it's true that the rest of the code would need to be modified to work without the now missing pieces but that should really be a minimal effort type of project. If it isn't, I'd say you have way to complex a coding project in the first place!

No, I think these issues...again, IF they actually exist, are just the growing pains of a much more feature rich and advanced infrastructure trying to be put into place. But we'll see. Only 18 days till PS4 and a week after that, the Xbox One. All mysteries shall be revealed!
quoted three times in a row I must either be doing something right, or something very very wrong

You're expecting him to actually READ UP on things and get informed on what he's talking about, Swift. Come on, now.

Yep that's why I kept trying to post the summary from the other thread

There has been a lot of people weighing in on this not just mort and thuway

Can't be. You must be lying unless you show your face
and your genitals
. You're not trustworthy.

Hmm tempting but I think you'll just have to go on faith.

Microsoft is the only credible source.

Well they have been getting better at what they say. So much of it is so incredibly twisted it's hard to call a lie. Like does anyone even understand where they pulled the balance bs out from? How do I argue against that level of quality FUD?



All Credit to Lovely Salsa for this gem.

dat ass
I guess licensing wasn't an issue when they published screens like this?

It would have been, but they would have sought permission from the various rights holders.

His tweet is just from Lesson 1 of the Albert Penello School of Spin. Say something factual and true but ignore the fact that your statement is a solvable solution with just a bit of effort.

It is true they'd have licencing issues, but all they'd need to do would be to get the people to say yeah sure give us free advertising in your UI video, or given that they're in control of the bloody thing remove the offending tiles with placeholder/mock-up content.

Notice how when he responded to the question of if the UI will be that fast and fluid he never once said a word meaning 'yes' - nor mentioned the words the question contained.

Instead he used different words that give the impression he is talking about what you are talking about.

He said the transition times and animations are all how the will be on the real dash - so the narration in the top left will show each word with that exact timing and it will fade out in that exact same way, but that is not to say that actually it will stall for few seconds before or after animations and transitions.

I'm not suggesting it won't be that fast, rather that the reason people don't believe a single word he says is because he has no idea how to speak in a normal way outside of PR mode when engaging regular people. Look at Shu's feed for example, it is full of simple yes/no responses.


I was going to buy an Xbone and a PS4 at launch, but I'm seriously considering cancelling my Xbone preorder at this point, and just buy one a couple of years down the line. So many bad news, EVERYDAY.


Sure he can since he apparently has a beta Xbox One in his house.

He has to probably run that by his supervisors, and that doesn't take into account the licensing issues. Its not as easy as you might think.

But like I said, the issue is that we don't have it yet. MS should have their shit toether.


"Sorry about the camera work, we didn't want you to see I wasn't pressing any buttons"

Wasn't it confirmed to be real time, though? The picture he sent out was Tweeted after he hit send. If not, it would seem silly to have that sort of collaborative effort between a Gamescom event and Twitter.


ESRAM is a bottleneck because it's tiny. There's nothing confusing about it.

L1 or L2 cache in a is also a bottleneck yes?. because its generally under 1MB. This is a typical "I heard it repeated a million times so it must be true" contribution. You don't need GB of space to hold very high bandwidth buffers.


Easily spun...how? It was all done live, *and* the tweet Shuhei Yoshida made on the PS4 with that screenshot displayed on Twitter at the time he made it:


Sure, it was probably done on a PS4 developer kit, but that does not change the fact that what we saw is what we get. All done live. No muss, no fuss!

The upload function works. Wonderful. That's about 0.10% of the functionality.

If Killzone MP and the streaming works like that on day one I'll be pretty amazed. The fact is the OS running these things is incredibly complicated and what I'm saying is, is that display from Gamescom was very probably manufactured to look slick when in fact it probably took weeks and a lot of effort to show.


Seems people learned little from the Kinect Star Wars nonsense.

You see a person, you see a screen, doesn't mean you see a person controlling the screen.

For the thread itself, all the insider leaks in the world pale in comparison to the merry jig MS themselves are doing. Those tweets might as well be Exhibit A in the trial of Who Killed The Xbox One.

It's so obviously a real demo of the UI regardless of if he is actually controlling it or someone backstage is. The fact the beginning of the conference started with an awkward long pause while they seemed to have trouble to get the video input right lends credence to the notion he was actually doing it. There are too many pauses while content loads, stutters, micromovements when he uses the touchpad, in other words stuff they would edit around or tighten up in a mockup video. It clearly looks like a real piece of software being used.


the denial is strong in here.

There is some denial. But at least for me- a dude who doesn't even have an Xbone preorder- I think its fair to at least wait for the retail hands on from the journalists before crying for blood? These rumors are good warnings, but the product hasn't shipped yet.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
You mean this lovely piece of display?


To be fair this doesn't prove much. Did you read that recent article about the first iPhone demo in January 2007? The software was apparently so buggy that Steve Jobs had to do a very specific sequence of actions through the software or it would crash (for instance, opening Safari first then Mail was fine, but Mail first then Safari would cause it to crash), and it crashed very often during rehearsals.

This is why MS releasing a demo would not be evidence either; they could easily manipulate footage using cuts or only show the stuff that is working. Anything that is staged is precisely that: staged.


quote three times in a row I must either be doing something right, or something very very wrong

Yep that's why I kept trying to post the summary from the other thread

There has been a lot of people weighing in on this not just mort and thuway.

You're doing good work posting that summary.

I'm just giving you a hard time. Some posters should read your stuff before they throw their two cents in.
The real question that the are looking at:

"Is it worth our time doing all of this to feed a never ending request for more information or is it better to spend the time making sure it works?"

I think the latter makes more sense. To do the offline video you lose most of what they were showing because you are disconnected from Live.

Sorry, not buying that at all. A simple intern could do what im suggesting. You need little tech knowledge. Penello could do all himself.


Funny fact from BGS... I tried to find Titalfall but I can't... or I missed it in anyway (and I found Watch_Dofs being showed in a secret door) or it was not in the event.

That makes me remember the GAF joke... the answer is NO.
Win 8 Metro UI and OS is shit and they built XB1 on top of that. Hence the shittyness continues on XB1. Plus they put 2 more OS on top of that shitty OS. Who the F designed this. Keeping things simple in design is the best design. But they complicated things and are paying for those bad decisions. From the other thread I posted and this is so true in light of all of this:

You are absolutely right that Sony will have their own issues to deal with as every company does when they release a software based product. I know this first hand as being in the software industry. But the issue with MS seems to be more of bad design choices which are much harder to fix compared to normal "bugs" that are encountered in a product during development and after release. You have to do a lot to fix around a badly designed software product unless you start from scratch with a better design. If Sony has not screwed up in their fundamental design of PS4 and its services, they should be relatively OK, while they eventually fix the bugs in their system after release. MS on the other hand seems to have done goofed and are in a worse position.
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