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New Year's Resolution: "No"; Purchasing Games for 2012

Ranger X

I'm in the same boat as you. Buying more than playing.
I tried to actually get pickier with my purchases but this led me to another problem: I bought too many platform/consoles and now I buy just as many games as before, even if I am wayyyyy more picky now. And those Steam sales... good God. This is not good for the backlog. But I cannot resign to never buy something. This year I am trying one last time to get even more pickier. I will also not buy sequels of games I already own or games that are too similar to what I already own. This should drop down my purchases alot.


I'm totally down (please, Nintendo, DON'T release a new Metroid in Q3/Q4). My biggest problem is that not only have I been buying games, but all of my gaming time has gone into older games that I've already played the hell out of.

If I'm good this year, buy no new games, and manage to actually clear out some of my backlog, I'll make a resolution in 2012 to beat more games than I buy.
I think Nintendo made the same argument for not having them. Personally, I'll play the game for fun then take a look at the achievements. If some seam easy or fun I'll try to get them. If some sound like a waste of time or not fun I don't bother.

That's the way I'll go about it, as I detailed. Basically, no more ridiculous trophy/achievement farming. If they're fun and easy and I'm close to getting them all or something, fine, but shit like finding all 100 feathers in Assassin's Creed II and such can just take a hike. It adds nothing to the game and there's not even much, if any, payoff to doing so.
Ive got a big backlog as well, however there are some killer games coming out in 2012.

I havent bought a game in Nov/Dec however (incl skipping UMVC3, KOFXIII etc) so i think im doing well.


My aim is to go 6 months without buying any new games or DVDs. I only have a backlog of around 10 games but to be quite honest I'd be amazed if I'd finished more than 3 of them by the time July 2012 rolls around.


Junior Member
Good luck! I did this in 2011 with games and books and it felt great!

I didn't have a huge backlog by GAF standards, but it was big enough that I got hundreds of hour of gaming in without buying a single game until Black Friday. Even then, I purchased a Kinect bundle only because my girlfriend was interested in it.

2012 should see the end of my backlog altogether. I'm only planning on three purchases in 2012; ME3, AC3, and BioShock Infinite. None on day one, probably no more than $30 each.
Doing that sorta.

  • No purchase of a new game within the first three months of release. (longer if I can do it without going insane.)
  • No purchase of an MMO within the first twelve to eighteen months of it launching.
  • No purchase of a new console within the first twelve to eighteen months of it launching.

I have an insane pile of shame but more than that, this Q4 and late Q3 really proved to me that buying games at launch is fucking madness.


I have 107 both physical and digital completely unplayed games (majority is physical) so in the next year my purchases are going to be very slim.Probably around 5 games for the whole year.


I'll probably be buying 3 or 4 new games next year, and the rest will be 2011 games (or older). My need to buy Day 1 has diminished significantly, bar a few franchises.


Plays with kids toys, in the adult gaming world
I did this for 2011 (not counting crazy deals like brand new AAA games for $5...was a computer error lol) Now my backlog has moved out of the 8-BIT/16 BIT era and is well into the 32-BIT Era and up....
Not doing it next year but what I am doing is not buying any next gen systems or games until I finish everything up to the PS3/360 era
I have way too many games I want next year to even attempt this.

However, I think I'll make it a resolution this year to never pay full price for anything ever again.


In complete sincerity, I cannot think of a single game releasing in 2012 that I feel is a must-buy right then, with the possible exception of a surprise The Last Guardian release date (also, if MGS5 somehow materializes). Most (all?) of my favorite franchises seem to have bitten the dust in terms of gameplay style, general design or overall quality.

What I do plan on doing, though, is finally building myself a competent PC and playing catch-up on tons of great titles that I've missed through the years (mainly through Steam). Despite gaming heavily since the beginning of the 8-bit era, I have no plans to purchase any of the next-generation consoles or handhelds. There is some catching up to do here and there on older consoles (even a few NES games!) but I can say with complete honesty that there is a very great chance I will not purchase a single next-gen machine. My interest on that front has almost totally waned.

So, my resolution is build a great PC and get busy playing catch-up.

I was going to make a thread about my big 2012 resolution, but found this thread and decided it wasn't needed. So I'll share; namely,

I am fucking done with trophies and achievements.

I just don't give a shit anymore. I've found that I have been enjoying games less and less because I obsess over getting the T&A's rather than just playing games and having fun with them. After getting the Platinum on Final Fantasy XIII, I realized how much time I wasted and how much fun I did not have killing like 10,000 turtles just to get a couple of goddamn Platinum Ignots. The very fact that I went through with that confirmed that I have various problems, some mental.

These things are a waste of time and in my opinion go a really long way toward actually sucking the fun out of a game. Now, certainly, like anything it can be okay in moderation: if I play through (and enjoy!) a game without actually going for them, but end up with a great deal of them and the remaining ones aren't going to be a huge ordeal, sure, I might go for them. But I am finished sinking so much time into a game that I don't even necessarily want to be playing just so that I can appease the completionist whore in me. When I get a new game I should not feel the need to check out the list and see what I should be doing in order to get them. From here on out, I am going to start playing games again the way that they should be played rather than pandering to a developer that says I need to win 10,000 matches just to get a BLING on the screen, or be responsible for giant turtle genocide just so that I can upgrade a couple of weapons-- that I would not have given two fucks otherwise about if a trophy or achievement weren't attached to it.

I initiated this movement by creating a new PSN account and nuking my prior one from orbit. It was the only way to be sure.
Speaking of! I have a new PSN handle, so add me: firerises83. You will find that, to my delight, my trophy level is currently at 1.

I have never had the trophy/achievement problem you describe, but I wanted to give you a fist-bump for making the change. Too many people get ridiculously absorbed into that crap and play for the wrong reasons. Seriously, congrats.
I was going to make a thread about my big 2012 resolution, but found this thread and decided it wasn't needed. So I'll share; namely,

I am fucking done with trophies and achievements.

I just don't give a shit anymore. I've found that I have been enjoying games less and less because I obsess over getting the T&A's rather than just playing games and having fun with them. After getting the Platinum on Final Fantasy XIII, I realized how much time I wasted and how much fun I did not have killing like 10,000 turtles just to get a couple of goddamn Platinum Ignots. The very fact that I went through with that confirmed that I have various problems, some mental.
i'm not done with them but in the case wher eit's ot fun to get them ( the trophies /Achievements ) i don't do it .

Trophy % for AC2 is at 94%i could easily waste 6/8 hours to get the rest but no i'm done with the game.Same for ff13 I enjoyed the game but at 63% i let it go .it wasn't fun so i quit Same for a lot of titles...

when it's not fun i say "screw them" and move on to the next game i have a lot of games but only 6 plats.


I've said this before, but I'm one of those people who has cleared his backlog once before. And once I did, I didn't feel any different. The need in me to complete all the games I have disappears when the rest of my life is in order. It's only when there is something missing, do I start looking for trivial problems such as trying to complete a backlog.
Mission Impossible? Can't have any exceptions. Why have a New Year's Resolution. I won't buy any games, but this one is an exception. Oh, and this one. Another one. Back to square one. =/


keep your strippers out of my American football
Given that most of my friends have stopped multi-gaming, I can keep to the resolution of no purchases until the eventual price drop. Mass Effect 3 is going to be the only tough one though.


In a similiar vein; I've put on a wager with mrs_toa, that I'll buy no more than 2(two) gadgets during 2012, not couting replacements for items which breaks down irreparably.

I think I'll tag along on this one also, if you don't mind OP - timelimited though; No game purchases during Q1 2012. Come Q2, the racing seasons starts and time to play games are nil anyway.


sparkle this bitch
Under 300$ next year, no exceptions, no systems, etc.

60$ of it will be used for Guild Wars 2.

Using mine as a basis, I decided to create a layout of interests for me. One common problem, it never includes indie titles. I don't know what comes out till it is already out most of the time.

Good thing is, I basically picked up everything I wanted from 2011 this year. Only Skyrim really remains and I can wait the year for it. Other titles are LOTR and Trine 2. Which I can easily wait for those 75% off sales when they have their standard price slashed.

Full price, or close to purchases
-Guild Wars 2(PC)

Potential full price, or close to purchases

-Diablo III(PC), Torchlight II(PC), or PSO II(PC). I'd probably will want to pick one of these because once I get addicted. I'll lose about 5-6 months. Heh.

Price collapse, 10-20 budget buys(This isn't an insult to quality, but its just where most of the games I have a strong interest in will fall too).
-Dishonored(PC): By the team behind Dark Messiah and it looks like they are getting the budget they deserve this time.

10$ and under category. Its not that these are by any means bad titles once again. Any one of them can easily turn into a day one purchase. Its just where they stand now. Largely due to not enough money, time constraints, or interest. This is where most games will fall. These are also titles which can easily be forgotten and knocked out due to quality reasons. [/B]
-Darksiders II(PC): I liked the first enough, and the cliff hanger has me excited.
-TERA(PC): I want to give one of these a try
-Dragon's Dogma(360...hoping for PC): Basically that is why its here. It has no online and no PC version, otherwise it would honestly be a day 1. Monster Hunter made for Western audiences.
-Dust: An Elysian Tail(XBLA): Is it ever going to come out?


I've found a better idea that works for me. It doesn't really apply to those ridiculously low Steam sales however. If I can pick up a game for less than I pay for a cup of coffee, then whatever.

However when it comes to new games at launch, I've gotten out of the practice of picking them up if I'm not actually going to play them right away. LA Noire is a good example of why I do this now.

I wasn't really that interested in it, but the Giant Bomb guys talked it up so I impulse bought it. Still haven't gotten around to playing it, and I see it for so much cheaper all over the place now. What a waste of money.


I've just decided to buy as few games as possible, ideally zero but I'm just aiming to keep it as low as possible. Then I've made a list of roughly 25 games I want to finish this year, based on reviews etc. it should be a good year of gaming if I get them all done.

Mario Kart 7
Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3DS
Legend of Zelda

Super Mario Galaxy
Super Mario Galaxy 2
Zelda: Skyward Sword

Batman: Arkham City
Child of Eden
Fallout: New Vegas
Final Fantasy XIII
Halo: CE Anniversary
Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet
Resident Evil 4 HD
Saints Row 3

Demon's Souls
God of War 3
Ico HD
Oddworld: Strangers Wrath HD
Resistance 3
Shadow of the Colossus HD
Uncharted 3


Good start to the year, I beat Super Mario 3D Land. I'm not sure if I want to try to beat Super Mario Galaxy, or start on my PS2 backlog. First up would be .Hack//Infection.


Oh man, I was trying to do this until Binary Domain came out, but I already broke my rules and ordered 3 dumpster PS3 titles for cheap on ebay that I missed out on last year. I won Ratchet and Clank All 4 One for $20 sealed, got Mindjack for $12 new, and Knights Contract for $20-ish as well. Yeah, the last two games are mega questionable, but I'm in the mood for some trashy games. Good luck to those who can hold out! It's way to difficult for me.


My goal is to only buy one game a month this year, but I haven't decided if this includes things that are already prepaid for (ie gift cards or psn money I have but haven't spent).


I only own 7 games. Hell yeah I'll be purchasing that racing game I'm looking forward to in March. I really don't buy that many games either, and keep even fewer. I'm picky in my old age.

I couldn't imagine having a backlog of over a hundred games to play that I owned.

Hell, I get jittery when I own over 10 at one time.

Yes, I know I have issues. But minimalist simplicity is key for my gaming.


I'm planning to get some new hardware this year (3DS, WiiU) so that makes it pretty hard to not get any games.

Other then that there's not too much I'm interested in this year, other then maybe Xenoblade. I could probably go the whole year without buying games if it wasn't for the fact new hardware is coming. My backlog is only about 5-7 games too.


Neo Member
My resolution is to not platinum anymore games and focus on casual gaming, and more so reading/learning stuff that will be useful for my work and personal well-being and put them into practice.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
You know, when I'm not that into a game, I usually don't finish it and play something I'm having fun with. How you guys feel you have to complete something is beyond me.
Good start to the year, I beat Super Mario 3D Land. I'm not sure if I want to try to beat Super Mario Galaxy, or start on my PS2 backlog. First up would be .Hack//Infection.

Do you have all 4 dot hack?

My favorite part of my resolution is I feel like I can take all the time I need now.


Day 5, doing good. And I'm so far not succumbing to my other bad habit - haven't "false started" anything yet. I think I'm further in Skyward Sword in less than two weeks than I've ever gotten in Twilight Princess in 5 years! ^_^


You know what? I'm in on the OPs resolution, I buy waaaaaay too many games, and easily have a 100+ backlog. So 40 games or the end of the year, with the only exception possibly being the Wii U release, which I feel is a reasonable exception.

Subscribed and ready, will update with progress, working on RAGE at the moment.
I'm doing the same thing because I'm saving for a new house. Plus my backlog will take me longer than a year to clear. :\ On the plus side, this year when my wife and extended family ask me what I want for birthday and Christmas I will actually have something to ask for a change. However I'm still picking Mass Effect 3, Bioshock Infinite, and X-com.

No ninja edits here, no sir.


I was going to try not buying any more games until the Steam summer sale, but I caved and preordered the new Indie Royale bundle. Maybe from this point forward? Yeah.....


Just made a list of the 40 games I plan to do, and their estimated completion times (I clearly have nothing better to do) and it looks like I've got 300 hours of gaming ahead of me before I'll buy a new one... That number is even lower than it should be, as I'm including a few games that I started but never finished, and some shorter indie titles (which are still full steam titles)

This'll be interesting.


Do I win a prize for talking about my penis on the Internet???
I just want SSX, depending on how good it is maybe Ill last till fall.


Great idea I am with everyone in this thread as I should be saving for a trip to europe later this year.

Making a backlog list (1 game per system) this includes 99c ios games


Commence backlog pics



This is my resolution this year too. My wife doesn't think I can do it. My first step is to stop visiting CAG so much, cheap games are just too tempting. My backlog has almost 100 games, so I'm not short on games to play.
I am also struggling with this. Im not making any declarations on how much I will spend or whatever, but I am trying to put an absolute premium on making it through my backlog.

I have two weaknesses... Steam and the PSN. I decided to tackle my enormous backlog in both of these with 2 google docs breaking up the games into genres I can play at the same time (so, like, I'll have a strategy game im playing, a shooter im playing, etc) and I tried not to make the lists too top heavy as if the quality went down I would waiver.

So far it's worked. Every time I look at steam or the PSN I then go back to my docs and tell myself "NO YOU MOTHERFUCKER LOOK AT ALL THOSE AMAZING GAMES YOU HAVE TO PLAY! GET STARTED ON BIOSHOCK ITS BEEN IN YOUR BACKLOG FOR YEARS!" And I'm happy to say im a couple hours into Bioshock and *surprise* it's really good. Much better than Dreamland or whatever stupid game was on sale on steam yesterday that i wanted to buy.

Anyway, if you want to take a look.... and yes, these documents are the work of a madman, I've made peace with that.

PC Games:


PS3/PSN Games:


The thing that is gonna screw my wallet this year, however, is the Vita. So by the end of the year I expect to have another document just like this to make my way through that library.
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