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New Year's Resolution: "No"; Purchasing Games for 2012


^^ That's an impressive organizational job.

Here's my unsorted list of 40 games from my backlog, however this is by no means my complete backlog:

Arkham City
Bad Company 2
Modern Warfare 3
Half-Life 2: Episode 2
Max Payne
Uncharted 2
Assassin's Creed 2
Crysis Warhead
Deus Ex: HR
Hard Reset
LA Noire
Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light
Mass Effect
Max Payne 2
Metro 2033
Mirror's Edge
STALKER: Shadow of Chernobyl
Super Meat Boy
Rainbow Six: Vegas 2
Penumbra: Overture
And Yet It Moves
Cave Story+
Mario Galaxy 2
Misadventures of PB Winterbottom
PixelJunk Shooter

Wish me luck!


I bought like 3 games in 2011, shouldn't be hard to do similarly in 2012. I have a much smaller backlog, but if I buy games I plan to buy older ones.


I would like to do this at one point, but I don't think I could hold off on Diablo 3 and Guild Wars 2.

I don't think I could limit myself on PC games, sadly. Indie games on the PC will break that limit quite easily, especially with the indie bundles and Steam sales.

I think I'll make my resolution a simple one: beat more games than I buy.


Just cleared my first game off my backlog, Ico HD (PS3) and got a nice platinum trophy for my efforts. The first time I've ever played the game and I can't believe I've waited so long! Not sure what's up next, but I've bought 0 games so far!


Can this also become a 'we have a huge backlog and we need motivation to finish it' support thread?

Cuz goddamn, do I have a monstrous backlog.


Didn't have much game time today, but I chugged through a few levels of CoD and some Cogs levels to change the pace a bit... This is going to be a looooong year
I finished Limbo last night and started into Bulletstorm. So that's some progress!

Now I'm strongly eying Fallout New Vegas, which may slow down my backlog-clearing attempts... Still debating whether or not to start that, but I've already started installing mods.
2011 for me was just catching up to this current gen of consoles. 2012 is for to to finish my short backlog and finally delve into some new games. the only games i beat that came out after 2007 so far are the batman arkham games.


OP here. So far so good. While everyone is enthralled in the world of Skyrim, I went back and started playing Oblivion which I have always been meaning to play but never got around to it. As a big fan of Morrowind and Fallout 3 I knew I would like Oblivion. Oblivion should keep me busy for quite a while.


I've beaten Uncharted 3, Gears of war 3, Battlefield 3, Call of duty Blops, and nearly finished Sonic Generations but giving up on the last boss area since its just not fun, in the last month. I'm about to move on to Resistance 3 and Infamous 2! I have a question regarding Yakuza 4. Should I move on straight to it? Or do I need to beat Yakuza 3 first?


This is actually my resolution as well. 140 or so games in my backlog, so no new games for me this year. No exceptions unless they are gifts or bought with gift cards.

The added benefit of this is that out of those 140 games, only around three run poorly on my current pc so no new games means no new hardware!


OP here. So far so good. While everyone is enthralled in the world of Skyrim, I went back and started playing Oblivion which I have always been meaning to play but never got around to it. As a big fan of Morrowind and Fallout 3 I knew I would like Oblivion. Oblivion should keep me busy for quite a while.

Ahaha, that takes balls man, I deliberately picked 40 non-RPG games so that there's a sliver of hope for finishing them before the end of the year. Good luck though!


I'll partially join the resolution. As in, not buying games that I randomly have never heard of but seem good.

There is no way I can avoid buying a few games...like.. Mass Effect 3, Bioshock Infinite, Diablo 3


I only bought 3 full-sized games on disc this year, Portal 2 on PS3, Skyrim and Battlefield 3 on X360. I bought zero games on Steam/PC. I did buy plenty of XBLA and iPhone games but they're relatively cheap. I see no reason to get down to zero, that seems a bit extreme, I like playing games too much for that.
My goal for 2012 is to keep everything else the same and cut my iPhone game purchases by 75% or so.


I am on Steam, my new policy is I only buy during sales. That's fine, I have 16 games in my back catalog, enough to hold me over til the summer sale but I should be finished by then. Especially since I can drop Cave Story + because I beat the freeware version 4 times already.
I'm definitely not buying any games for at least the first 5 months of the year. I'll see how I feel after that. I've got a lot of unplayed games, but I have no desire to play them atm.
Hold on to your seats but I have nearly 200 games that I own digitally but have not played. I decided that this stops now! I will not buy a new game until either I finish 40 games off that list or the years ends.

Anybody in on this with me?
That kind of blows my mind. I can understand having a backlog. 5, 10, maybe even 20. But 200 fucking games?

That makes absolutely no sense. You really might have an addiction thing going on there. Especially considering you've got to "try" and stop yourself from buying more.
My Steam backlog (bumped bigtime during the holiday sale) should keep me from having to buy any games this year. Hell, I've put Skyrim on hold (about 50% done) and I still have Minecraft to get back to.


Just finished Orcs must die!

was surprisingly good and humorous picked it up on 75% off during the sale with all the DLC the extra levels do not seem worth the price (5 levels for about $4) but they are more difficult than the 20-30 which are available in the main campaign

Dont know how i would have survived without the DLC items though especially the vampire gauntlets

aww yeah :)

Keep on going guys and dont forget to enjoy yourselves!
I think that it's smarter to do a resolution of how much money that you're allowed to spend on games. At least you can still get a taste; the problem isn't games, it's games in excess.
Almost a week now and so far I'm feeling like this shouldn't be too bad.

On my second run of Saints Row The Third; approaching 100% with this character. After I get that done I'm going to play Skyward Sword followed by Arkham City.

My intention is to play games like I used to: bleed them dry and get as much enjoyment as possible before ditching them. All the game switching that I was doing lately had me somewhat disenchanted with this hobby. Need to slow my shit down.


Almost a week now and so far I'm feeling like this shouldn't be too bad.

On my second run of Saints Row The Third; approaching 100% with this character. After I get that done I'm going to play Skyward Sword followed by Arkham City.

My intention is to play games like I used to: bleed them dry and get as much enjoyment as possible before ditching them. All the game switching that I was doing lately had me somewhat disenchanted with this hobby. Need to slow my shit down.

Exactly my feeling. When I used to get a new game (earlier in the gen) I would play it or hours and hours, but now when there's a Steam sale, I just end up having so many things to play that I don't play anything because I'm not as engaged.

Same thing happened when I got my PS3 a little bit into the generation, there were already a bunch of greatest hits so I picked up like 5 but didn't give any of them their fair shake because I had so many.
At the moment the only thing I'll pick up soon is Mass Effect 3 and Max Payne 3, both of which I won't buy day one, but wait for a price drop. Other than that, there's Bioshock Infinite...


Pretty easy to say this when there isn't anything decent coming out for months.

Not really, I've been gaming this way since I switched to Steam from consoles. It's pretty easy, you just make this rule and it creates the other ones for you basically; Nothing over 10 dollars.

You're welcome.


Im going to stop buying games at launch unless there multi player heavy, i couldve saved myself a bomb if i had just waited and bought games a few weeks later as the uk internet sites do great deals weeks after launch.
Can this also become a 'we have a huge backlog and we need motivation to finish it' support thread?

Cuz goddamn, do I have a monstrous backlog.
I think that's a cool idea.

I started up Crysis 2 last night, played some more Rayman: Origins, and put in another half an hour or so with Dragon Quest V. Talk about random variety.


Sure, I'll play all the hot new hi-tech games from the far-flung future of February 2012 while you are stuck with that moldy old outdated smelly stuff from November 2011.
Not really, I've been gaming this way since I switched to Steam from consoles. It's pretty easy, you just make this rule and it creates the other ones for you basically; Nothing over 10 dollars.

You're welcome.

Nothing over 10 dollars? That doesn´t help the slightest with Steam purchases. :) You´re just going to end up wasting a lot of money anyway with that rule.


OP I wanted to do the same thing as you, but a whole year seemed too long.
So, I decided to not buy a game until steam summer sales begin and after that re-evaluate for the rest of the year
until steam winter sales
After the last steam sales I added almost 30 games to my backlog. My brother let me have his wii, since he pretty much is done with it for now and this adds at least 30 more games. Including some classics like Planescape: Torment or the Broken Sword Games, that are always in the back of my mind, I have nearly a hundred games that I want to play.
So no new games for me the next 6 months.
Some of you guys should really look into backloggery.com. Here's mine: http://www.backloggery.com/The_Darkest_Red

Thx for this, it looks really helpfull!


Played a lot more RAGE and I'm really digging it, and then fell through geometry and lost a whole lot of progress. So. Frustrating.

Gotta remember to manually save a lot more often...


So far so good. I took a break from Oblivion and finished up Gears of War 3. It's nice to have a short game that I can finish in a reasonable amount of time.

Not sure if I feel like going back to slow-paced Oblivion. I have Splinter Cell: Conviction, Vanquish, Crysis, Darksiders, Super Meat Boy, Devil May Cry 4, GTA 4 Episodes, and Bayonetta all waiting. What to play next . . .


So far so good. I took a break from Oblivion and finished up Gears of War 3. It's nice to have a short game that I can finish in a reasonable amount of time.

Not sure if I feel like going back to slow-paced Oblivion. I have Splinter Cell: Conviction, Vanquish, Crysis, Darksiders, Super Meat Boy, Devil May Cry 4, GTA 4 Episodes, and Bayonetta all waiting. What to play next . . .

Bayonetta or Darksiders.

I have a similar situation: I'm in the middle of Rage (which I'm not really loving to death so far), I have Vanquish, Crysis 2, Assassin's Creed Brotherhood and Revelations, Fallout New Vegas, Resonance of Fate and a shit ton of other games.

Almost finished with Valkryia Chronicles. Don't know why I stopped playing, I was really liking it... Same with Lost Odyssey.
I'm doing a version of this.

-No buying ports of games I already own on other systems
-Ignoring Steam sales
-No buying old games for nostalgia's sake
Hmm - this thread made me finally get around to setting up a Backloggery account. Just going through my Steam list and a few PS3/360 titles I have almost 150 games in my backlog. I wish I could say that I am willing to spend the next year working my way through those games, but I also have a wishlist that is near 50 games long. Fortunately many of those are single player PC so I can wait for Steam sales or the like.

Perhaps I will give this resolution a shot for all single player games in 2012. Multiplayer is a whole different story though.


love of gaming is a big part of my life. no way could i ever do this. no point. because a full year later i'd be spending a years worth of money (though heaveliy discounted by then) just playing catch up. then suddenly i'd have a huge new backlog.

anyway, vita and wii-u are launching this year, so F no. lol
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