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New York Times: Trump Backers (the 45%) Like His First Draft of a New America

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It's amazing how much time some people think about illegal immigration, when they have probably even never seen an undocumented person themselves. So many problems this country has but all that is on their minds are walls, and how the illegals are bleeding them dry, not the ridiculous spending on election fraud crying, walls, military budget 10 fold any other nation, but it's the illegals.

Race has nothing to do with it. Of course.

Caja 117

Yeah. All this bad news is the best news theyve heard in a decade to these people. This has been the greatest week of their lives probably. And we all know the answer to what will happen when things crash.. they will scapegoat someone to take the blame.

Yeah, having Fox news as a outlet for their news is a problem too, look how vile and manipulative of information they are, I saw the poll of the day and this is what it has:

Q: Should President Trump should lift the Obama sanctions on Russia?

Yes, we need to reach out to Russia
No, they need to be punished for their cyberattacks
Not sure

Guess what option has more votes....

misinformation is a really big and scary problem right now the people.

I wonder, isnt fox news own by 20th century fox? couldn't they do something about how information is reported to be less deceiving?
I'm visiting Ohio and when I got into politics with my uncle it just turned bad. I said what happens to people without Healthcare and the poor , his answer was "the world's over populated anyways , and people that don't work will die"

Then he gave me a story of someone he knew at works wife died because she had Obamacare and 7 hospitals wouldn't treat her so she died and they told him if she was uninsured they couldve helped her. How do you respond to that ? I'm 99% sure that he made that up or got the facts wrong but I know nothing about this or if it's true.

He also "dis likes" blacks , said that the top 80% of wealth in the world going to the top 1% was fine, and tried to argue that if people got a base income that no one would want to work because if people have a base income that tazing the millionaires was wrong because they worked for their money.

You just run out of things to say to them , and when they spout off things like "well everyone that stood in hillarys way has ended up dead" and you say find me a source or prove it , they put the burden on you to prove them wrong.

There are no logical arguments to be had

This one really gets me for some reason. My dad and a couple longtime friends all at least mentioned Hillary's kill list. Then when the Russian hacking came out, suddenly no standard of proof was high enough to match their requirements for evidence.


Still, people here said they felt as if immigration had undercut wages for construction workers in the area. One man said he was uneasy about the longstanding Somali community in Columbus, about an hour's drive south. Several embraced Mr. Trump's directives that limited new refugees, ordered up the border wall and cut off federal grant money to cities labeled sanctuaries for immigrants.

“I'm 100 percent behind the wall,” said Ms. Cottrell, the salon owner. “If he asked me to lay the first brick, I'd sign up. I'm tired of them being here illegally and cutthroating the rest of us.”

this is what nazi support sounds like


I got sick to my stomach reading this article and realizing this is what America, as defined by its electoral system, wants and will likely continue to want for at least the next 8 years.

This is going to cost every human being on earth immensely.


Unconfirmed Member
"Ms. Cottrell" said:
If he asked me to lay the first brick, I'd sign up. I'm tired of them being here illegally and cutthroating the rest of us.

Good. Why dont you just build it yourself? We are not paying shit, though.
I'm sorry, but anyone who thinks I need to be understanding or sympathetic of Trump voters, to extend the olive branch, politely identify yourself so we can both Ignore each other on here. I have no kind words for the man, his administration or the people who voted for him and nothing you say will change that


It's beginning to feel like the only way these people realize the hole they've dug themselves into is for the dirt to fall down on top of them, taking us along the way down. We're in for a hard four years, guys.
Selfish people think their actions are not selfish. Individualism is the cancer of society. The false American dogma that rugged individuals will rise to the top over the lazy moochers is simply bigotry and racism in a fancier package. It's the "Fuck you, I got mine" mantra that this cohort has wanted to scream for so long and finally feel comfortable doing so. I don't believe this divide between those wanting to succeed together and those wanting to take everything they can for themselves is repairable.


I realized this long ago. Trump received 46.1% of votes compared to Clinton's 48.2%. That's a lot closer than people like to admit. Meaning, nearly half of voters want all of this. I'm curious how the people that chose not to vote feel.
I realized this long ago. Trump received 46.1% of votes compared to Clinton's 48.2%. That's a lot closer than people like to admit. Meaning, nearly half of voters want all of this. I'm curious how the people that chose not to vote feel.

Probably as disinterested as before.
Yes, the cutthroat world of operating hair salons for 3500 people in Mount Gilead, Ohio.

So cutthroat.

All those immigrants, practically swarming the street of Mount Gilead, constantly tossing up hair salons, putting good white beauticians out of business.


We must protect this house.
We must protect this HAIR.

Thanks, Donald!


I work in Trumpland.

They are less informed than you could possibly imagine. Largely they don't know enough facts, or have enough information to have a legit opinion.

Also I've been listening to Fox News. They live in a different reality than the people on this forum live in. It's completely different.

The biggest problem with this is they want it this way, they don't want the facts. They want what Fox News tells them.


My dad this morning argued against letting ANYONE into the country. Trump's ideas are sinking deep into some people and turning them into absolutely disgraceful people.
The biggest problem with this is they want it this way, they don't want the facts.

There's a basic inconvenience to learning that they are unwilling to put up with. It's how the confirmation bias takes hold so strongly: If we can speed up all the bullshit that allows us to arrive at the conclusion we're already pointed towards, well, the quicker the better.

Nobody wants to read, and those that do want to read, only want to read for a little bit, just long enough to find something they can hit someone with and stand there with their arms folded afterwards.

They want someone to tell them a story, and they want to be the good guys in that story.

So they don't really give a shit how that story spins out so long as a) they win because b) they deserve to.

You don't even have to be a good storyteller. You just have to hit those two notes.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
Trump and Bannon's week one actions are pretty obviously designed to excite the most racist, xenophobic, and nationalist parts of his base. The people who are also most likely to remain dedicated Trump voters and sympathetic to fascist power plays so long as those actions make life harder for anyone that's brown and/or not christian.

I'd say this is one of the big reasons republicans are so nervous about healthcare being fucked up, because that's one of the few things that could snap white people out of their Trump Trance.


Trump and Bannon's week one actions are pretty obviously designed to excite the most racist, xenophobic, and nationalist parts of his base. The people who are also most likely to remain dedicated Trump voters and sympathetic to fascist power plays so long as those actions make life harder for anyone that's brown and/or not christian.

I'd say this is one of the big reasons republicans are so nervous about healthcare being fucked up, because that's one of the few things that could snap white people out of their Trump Trance.

If Republicans offered a universal healthcare for white people only, they'd have these guys forever.
Trump and Bannon's week one actions are pretty obviously designed to excite the most racist, xenophobic, and nationalist parts of his base. The people who are also most likely to remain dedicated Trump voters and sympathetic to fascist power plays so long as those actions make life harder for anyone that's brown and/or not christian.

I'd say this is one of the big reasons republicans are so nervous about healthcare being fucked up, because that's one of the few things that could snap white people out of their Trump Trance.

Yup, the GOP was fretting yesterday that it's gonna be called "Trumpcare" - something that terrifies them going into 2018.
Who is more disgusting?

1. The people that voted for Trump because they just wanted the sweet tax breaks and being completely mindless of all the atrocities he is committing and will commit in the future?

2. The people that voted for him specifically to commit the atrocities being done and will happen in the future?

3. The people that somehow equated ties to Wall Street and emails to be worse than the atrocities being committed and will be committed in the future by Trump?
Who is more disgusting?

1. The people that voted for Trump because they just wanted the sweet tax breaks and being completely mindless of all the atrocities he is committing and will commit in the future?

2. The people that voted for him specifically to commit the atrocities being done and will happen in the future?

3. The people that somehow equated ties to Wall Street and emails to be worse than the atrocities being committed and will be committed in the future by Trump?

3 was never really anything other than the brickbat they'd swing to keep 1 & 2 from getting attacked. Nobody really gave a shit about 3 aside from that utility.

People voted Trump because a) they don't like others succeeding while they flounder and b) they want to believe someday they'll be rich like Trump.

All the shit that happens to "other" people is shit they deserve, because those people's existence is forcing these bedwetters out of the soggy daydream where all the good things in the world happen to them without their really trying.

They want someone powerful to place the blame for their stagnation and self-destructive nature on anybody else, because then they're justified in continuing to not adapt for the benefit of the generations following them.


Who is more disgusting?

1. The people that voted for Trump because they just wanted the sweet tax breaks and being completely mindless of all the atrocities he is committing and will commit in the future?

2. The people that voted for him specifically to commit the atrocities being done and will happen in the future?

3. The people that somehow equated ties to Wall Street and emails to be worse than the atrocities being committed and will be committed in the future by Trump?

2. For these people winning is a zero sum game, so they "win" when someone else is hurt.
3 was never really anything other than the brickbat they'd swing to keep 1 & 2 from getting attacked. Nobody really gave a shit about 3 aside from that utility.

People voted Trump because a) they don't like others succeeding while they flounder and b) they want to believe someday they'll be rich like Trump.

All the shit that happens to "other" people is shit they deserve, because those people's existence is forcing these bedwetters out of the soggy daydream where all the good things in the world happen to them without their really trying.

They want someone powerful to place the blame for their stagnation and self-destructive nature on anybody else, because then they're justified in continuing to not adapt for the benefit of the generations following them.

Thank fuck you're back. This is what I feel is at the core of it in a nutshell.

I mean there's the corporate deregulation side but for the vast majority they want to go grab hold of that American notion of success lest they feel like they're a failure, accept that they have been sold several lies by people who are claiming to help them, or that they themselves are to blame for their situation.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
“If he asked me to lay the first brick, I’d sign up. I’m tired of them being here illegally and cutthroating the rest of us.”
Oh, I'm sure she'd lay the first brick. And then she'd say, "OK, that's it. I'm done. Don't wanna break a sweat." go back to her hair salon and wonder how illegals continue to "cutthroat" the rest of us.
It's why the phrase "liberal bubble" being so widely accepted (and even internalized by the left) is one of the most destructive/damaging bits of conventional wisdom swallowed in the last 20 years.

The bubbles are not in the urban areas where the existence of realized left-leaning ideals are proof of their benefits to larger civilization.

The bubbles are in the regions outside those areas that refuse to acknowledge the adaptation their communities must make to some degree in order to stay viable.

All the self-destructive notions that manifested in this election are notions that have been grasped at and held tight by people in those bubbles as excuses to hold fast to a dead/dying worldview.


Yes, the cutthroat world of operating hair salons for 3500 people in Mount Gilead, Ohio.

So cutthroat.

All those immigrants, practically swarming the street of Mount Gilead, constantly tossing up hair salons, putting good white beauticians out of business.


We must protect this house.
We must protect this HAIR.

Thanks, Donald!

I honestly don't know what you intend to prove with that picture and post. Have you actually been there in the city?

I called it last week in another thread. Trump's base will eat this shit up. This is why they voted for him in the first place. As much as I hate Trump I have to give it to him. The guy followed through on almost every controversial thing on his list on week one. He didn't stall for years like every other politician does. His base will be behind him for that even if he makes mistakes going "see he is not like those career politicians that has been fucking us all these years"

Basically what I am saying is get ready for eight years of Trump.
I honestly don't know what you intend to prove with that picture and post. Have you actually been there in the city?

Basically what I am saying is get ready for eight years of Trump.

Nahh, if anything this is turning the apathetic voters off of the idea of protest votes fro 3rd parties and abstentions. They're actually seeing the results of the worse candidate being elected, and hopefully understanding that there are much worse things than slow progress. MUCH worse

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
If Republicans offered a universal healthcare for white people only, they'd have these guys forever.

Hmm, I know, a system of color-coded plans. The best plan of course, would be the White Plan, and only offered in certain regions...
Use immigration to appeal to racists and ethnonationalists and gain their vote. Use the promise of enabling corruption and kleptocracy to appeal to a party and take it over. Sell the country out while turning it into an authoritarian nightmare.

Thanks, Donald. Thanks, Americans.
I honestly don't know what you intend to prove with that picture and post. Have you actually been there in the city?

I have family in a town as small as that one here in Oregon, about 15 minutes south of the state Capital, in a region of the state that is pretty solidly red.

How could you not discern, via that post, or the posts that followed, my intent in posting it?

It's a satirical poke at wronghead notions being grasped and promoted by people whose worldview is skewed for self-serving purposes to help explain to themselves why they are where they are and not somewhere else.

That's not to say there's nothing wrong with living in a town of 3500 and enjoying the slow, easy rhythms of a satisfying life, if that's specifically what you wanted with your life, to be part of a small community and enjoy the space and leisurely pace such a life provides.

But a lot of these people, when interviewed, betray a general sense of soured disappointment in their station to some degree, as if they don't deserve what they've settled for, and are simply waiting for someone else to sweep in, eliminate the competition that's "holding them down" so that they might ascend to the station they've always believed was rightfully theirs in the first place, momentarily denied them through outside forces seeking to minimize their place in this world.

Hence their decision to vote for a career slumlord who gives zero fucks about these people as anything but food for his bank account, a reality television star who lacquers everything around him in a thin veneer of gold. Because he's the guy who says he'll get rid of those others for them, so that their rightful way of life will be restored.

That town seems like a nice place to live. If it weren't for all the fucking bedwetters in it looking to scapegoat the rest of america for why they turned out the way they did.
I realized this long ago. Trump received 46.1% of votes compared to Clinton's 48.2%. That's a lot closer than people like to admit. Meaning, nearly half of voters want all of this. I'm curious how the people that chose not to vote feel.

The only people I personally know who support Trump didn't actually vote... What even crazier is that 2 of them are illegal immigrants... As I said before, Trump is just a symptom of very sick society...
The only people I personally know who support Trump didn't actually vote... What even crazier is that 2 of them are illegal immigrants... As I said before, Trump is just a symptom of very sick society...

He's also a symptom of the broken election process. Everything is busted.


People keep saying that it's amazing he got all this done first week and that he didn't stall like other presidents.

Do guys do realize there's a R-dominated House and Senate right?


People keep saying that it's amazing he got all this done first week and that he didn't stall like other presidents.

Do guys do realize there's a R-dominated House and Senate right?

My aunt said this yesterday and I almost cried " if he's as bad as they say the other politicians in Washington will stop him "

It's making me more and more depressed the longer I stay here.
It's harder and harder everyday for me to feel bad about them once they lose thier health insurance. I'll get affected too but I guess I'll take some grim satisfaction that they'll start feeling the terror I'm experiencing.
Fox News and talk radio are literally the only news sources they have, not surprised by any of this. On CNN and MSNBC Trump is covered like the world is about to end, on Fox News we are entering the next golden years
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