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New York Times: Trump Backers (the 45%) Like His First Draft of a New America

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Nahh, if anything this is turning the apathetic voters off of the idea of protest votes fro 3rd parties and abstentions. They're actually seeing the results of the worse candidate being elected, and hopefully understanding that there are much worse things than slow progress. MUCH worse

With Trump guaranteed to enact greater voter suppression to those that favour Democrats not to mention Russia likely giving him a hand in 2020 yet again plus the possibility of another Bernie type character to split the vote further, nah, if i were to bet, I'd stake it on Trump getting 8 years.


Does anyone else in this thread have frequent escape fantasies about moving to an English-speaking liberal democracy far, far away from the United States, say New Zealand? Part of me say it's impractical but the appeal of it is undeniable.


It's harder and harder everyday for me to feel bad about them once they lose thier health insurance. I'll get affected too but I guess I'll take some grim satisfaction that they'll start feeling the terror I'm experiencing.

Perhaps I'm too pessimistic but I think this will be a war of attrition.
It's been a week.

Give it 6 months.

See how happy they are then that inflation hits and the next recession recovery is built on their backs, again.
With Trump guaranteed to enact greater voter suppression to those that favour Democrats not to mention Russia likely giving him a hand in 2020 yet again plus the possibility of another Bernie type character to split the vote further, nah, if i were to bet, I'd stake it on Trump getting 8 years.


The nonsense about "5 million illegal votes" is definitely going to result in stricter voting laws.

Russia is ready and willing to keep this train going as long as possible.
Putin knows that if a Democrat ever takes office again, they'll sanction the fuck out of his country.

I'm not so sure about another Bernie-type, but there's already talk of a "Justice Democrat" movement, which is guaranteed to do more harm than good.

This all depends on if we even make it that far. In a little over a week, Trump teases the idea of massive worldwide tariffs, institutes a horrifying & disgraceful Muslim ban, then goes on to have phone sex with Putin.

Fucking Hell.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
It's really quite sad, but this appears to be the reality. They may not be the majority, but these people represent close to half of this nation's population. I really don't see how we can keep on like this. This is probably a gross generalization and I know this is far more nuance, but it looks like we have a more-or-less progressive and productive population being ruled by a regressive and fearful population that relatively does not have much output when it comes to the economy.

I fear there will be a breaking point at some point in the not so near future. It's infuriating to see people applaud hatred and racism and the reversal of progress that took generations to achieve.


Not surprised by the results. Trump is giving them exactly what they voted for. The consequences of Trump actions won't hit for a couple years, and the question then will be if they'll blame Trump or not.


"Who needs to think about the reality of the world. We're white. Just get rid of all these annoying non-white problems. A+"



These people are born into the right wing bubble, and it's all they know. Critical thinking is a foreign concept to them, and when they are made to, they retreat into their bubble. I've seen it far too many times.

Currently seeing this on my Facebook.

Logic and civil discussions like we have here are imposible with these people.


Not surprised by the results. Trump is giving them exactly what they voted for. The consequences of Trump actions won't hit for a couple years, and the question then will be if they'll blame Trump or not.

They will find a way to blame Obama and the immigrants still.


I wonder how many people who voted for him to 'send a message' and 'shake up the establishment' while secretly believing that he wouldn't carry out his promises regret their vote now.

Stop fooling and lying to yourself. The Civil's Right movement didn't change anything except the laws. A significant portion of America believes in what this man is doing. Either that or they believe in one issue so strongly that they voted to put him in office, ignoring everything else he stands for. Some people don't even care that a man like this could come to power. That's even worse.These are no longer some fringe beliefs. They have become mainstream.

We knew what we were getting when he showed outright hate, bigotry, and sexism in his campaign. People still voted for him. The man himself is not as scary as the people who share his beliefs. They have just remained hidden and voiceless so long, biting their tongues whenever they see a person of color, woman, or someone different from themselves. Most of us live in an echo chamber.

The laws have been changed but the majority of people are the same as always. All we needed was fuel to start this fire so they could come out from behind the shadows. America needs to wake up to that reality and we need to pass laws so that this can't happen again. They needs to be extreme "vetting" of future Presidents.

And if this is true, what are they going to do now? Are they going to sit back and watch everything unfold or start to organize against this man they put in power?


It's been a week.

Give it 6 months.

See how happy they are then that inflation hits and the next recession recovery is built on their backs, again.

Pretty much this, if thats how it plays out. At this point his doing things is aligned with what he got voted for under the pretense that those actions will be a benefit to our nation. If/when they backfire and people see the consequences in their bubble of reality...at that point Trump will start to have real fucking problems from the public/nation as a whole. Right now their is a line in the sand...That shit will be gone if peoples money/jobs/lifestyle experiences or expectations go south.

If by some chance enough of his policies help the nation (fuck the world position), than, were going to be stuck with him the full 8.
Does anyone else in this thread have frequent escape fantasies about moving to an English-speaking liberal democracy far, far away from the United States, say New Zealand? Part of me say it's impractical but the appeal of it is undeniable.

I don't know about fantasies but it's seemed completely unavoidable to me that while people are going to stay and fight this, because we love a good fight here in America, our best and brightest will, in time, start abandoning our borders.

People are going to start leaving by the end of this year.
Does anyone else in this thread have frequent escape fantasies about moving to an English-speaking liberal democracy far, far away from the United States, say New Zealand? Part of me say it's impractical but the appeal of it is undeniable.

NZ is where all the hedge fund managers plan to escape to when the shit hits the fan in the US.
It's been a week.

Give it 6 months.

See how happy they are then that inflation hits and the next recession recovery is built on their backs, again.
You think they'll have the insight to understand that their vote lead them to that? Trump will point to another boogieman (China! Canada! Europe! They're so fancy over there with their French!) and his followers will eat it up.

Damn it, damn it all. Make sure you vote in 2018 people.


This whole thing has been a massive wakeup call for America.

Now you can see the true underbelly of your country laid bare, you can't turn your heads and ignore it anymore.

The one unintentionally good thing Trump did (and probably will ever do) is drag this ugliness out into the light. Now you can all see exactly what you are dealing with.

For too long America has been apathetic. Now you have to face the monster head on.
This whole thing has been a massive wakeup call for America.

Now you can see the true underbelly of your country laid bare, you can't turn your heads and ignore it anymore.

The one unintentionally good thing Trump did (and probably will ever do) is drag this ugliness out into the light. Now you can all see exactly what you are dealing with.

For too long America has been apathetic. Now you have to face the monster head on.

oh we knew already. And wake up call for who? Those who voted for Trump? They're living the dream.
This whole thing has been a massive wakeup call for America.

Now you can see the true underbelly of your country laid bare, you can't turn your heads and ignore it anymore.

The one unintentionally good thing Trump did (and probably will ever do) is drag this ugliness out into the light. Now you can all see exactly what you are dealing with.

For too long America has been apathetic. Now you have to face the monster head on.
We all knew half of the country held beliefs that were abhorrent but did not express because they would be social pariahs. Trump's election gave them the "courage" to express their true selves. Dicks.

Zen Aku

”Trump's done more in five days than Obama did in eight years," said Doug Cooperrider, 58, who works in construction repairing bridges and roads around central Ohio.

Yeah he certainly fucked up more in 5 days than Obama did in 8 years.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
I don't know about fantasies but it's seemed completely unavoidable to me that while people are going to stay and fight this, because we love a good fight here in America, our best and brightest will, in time, start abandoning our borders.

People are going to start leaving by the end of this year.

We just bought a house last year, but I'm already considering the notion. This week has just been too much to not start thinking of contingency plans.

My wife is a foreign national. Her country is one of America's staunchest allies, but it is also one that has been the target of Trump's trade tantrums. We moved back here during the Obama presidency and I planned to settle down for the long haul, but I'm not so sure at this moment.

I plan to fight for now at least, but it's becoming increasingly difficult to find encouragement.
We just bought a house last year, but I'm already considering the notion. This week has just been too much to not start thinking of contingency plans.

My wife is a foreign national. Her country is one of America's staunchest allies, but it is also one that has been the target of Trump's trade tantrums. We moved back here during the Obama presidency and I planned to settle down for the long haul, but I'm not so sure at this moment.

I plan to fight for now at least, but it's becoming increasingly difficult to find encouragement.

Let me guess: Japan.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Let me guess: Japan.

Yeah. Don't get me wrong, Japan most definitely has its own issues with right-wing rhetoric and policies and nationalism. This time last year I wouldn't have even considered making the move back, but this past week and what is surely to come has really changed my perspective.


Unfortunately, they, like Trump haven't thought through the logical conclusion of their actions. His approval ratings, which are already a disaster, will sink to epic lows but only when it's too fucking late to easily reverse any of the bullshit.


I want to get out of the USA before it goes full blown fascist and 1) we're considered radioactive by all other countries sans Russia or 2) we're no longer allowed to travel abroad. But my wife refuses to entertain the idea and wants to buy a house in Phoenix (a stronghold of republican shitheads) and stay & fight. I don't think she has the historical perspective to understand how bad it can get how quickly.


Just remember, a majority of Americans don't want this. We can take it back. We just can't be complacent. We can do this


I honestly don't know what you intend to prove with that picture and post. Have you actually been there in the city?

I called it last week in another thread. Trump's base will eat this shit up. This is why they voted for him in the first place. As much as I hate Trump I have to give it to him. The guy followed through on almost every controversial thing on his list on week one. He didn't stall for years like every other politician does. His base will be behind him for that even if he makes mistakes going "see he is not like those career politicians that has been fucking us all these years"

Basically what I am saying is get ready for eight years of Trump.

It's really not that unusual for presidents to pursue fulfilling their campaign promises quickly. It happens pretty often. Trump is just unleashing more executive orders at the beginning of his presidency than usual, which is why other presidents' efforts to fulfill their campaign pledges "stall for years" -- because they're pursuing actual legislation with lawmakers, which takes a hell of a lot more time. Whether those EOs end up sticking is a matter for the courts and Congress. Obama signed an EO to close Guantanamo Bay on his first day in office, and that ultimately didn't pan out (as happened to many other EOs down the line).
America is a strange country. I feel like it is one of the only countries where the uneducated, backwards people in rural areas have such a strong opinion and such pull, despite having no facts or understanding of anything.

Coming from Asia the uneducated rarely determine where the country heads and instead just stay quiet (which is also not a great thing).


I honestly don't know what you intend to prove with that picture and post. Have you actually been there in the city?

I called it last week in another thread. Trump's base will eat this shit up. This is why they voted for him in the first place. As much as I hate Trump I have to give it to him. The guy followed through on almost every controversial thing on his list on week one. He didn't stall for years like every other politician does. His base will be behind him for that even if he makes mistakes going "see he is not like those career politicians that has been fucking us all these years"

Basically what I am saying is get ready for eight years of Trump.

It's only 1 week but what you are saying is true. The base is in love right now. This reminds me of primaries: Liberals and this forum in outrage at everything he said and did, and meanwhile a significant portion of his base was loving every minute and solidifying. Trump is doing no wrong for those that voted. He is delivering on what he said with a speed unexpected by many

Everything people are suggesting, that he is worse than they expected, are all liberals that were already freaked out by his views


America is divided as fuck, that's the reality of the situation. These dumb ignorant fucks that are being catered to right now won't ever have to deal with any of this because it doesn't affect their rural white trash lives at all.

Unfortunately, the majority of the country that does have to deal with this shit is due for a rough four years. I guess that's the price to pay for living in a country where those seemingly forgotten rural Americans can vote and make their voices heard, no matter how ignorant that message/wants actually are.

Maybe that's what makes America so unique and is the real message behind true democracy. The will of the people.

And if those people are backwards, racist, stupid and increasingly hateful towards everyone that's not like them, then that's a reality and conversation that Americans need to handle and deal with themselves.

That's a battle that goes way beyond politics. Way beyond Trump. That's personal, neighbor to neighbor, culture against culture. Where is the country headed?
They wont be happy for long.

This: http://insider.foxnews.com/2017/01/...ve-order-illegal-immigration-norris-pen-obama

Is the kind of propaganda a majority of the country watches.
Even if the will suffer, they won't connect that to Trump.
He is the hero, he can't do wrong.
And just listen to the first sentences of the video... disdain for intellectualism. This will help them tremendously in deflecting any blame away from Trump.
Also, as long as there is someone telling them that Trump is great and other factors are at fault for bad things, people will never admit that they voted for the wrong guy.
oh we knew already. And wake up call for who? Those who voted for Trump? They're living the dream.

Not to stir that pot, but Democratic voters who "can't believe this happened" on election day. The amount of people on Twitter I saw decrying this and friends I heard say was shocking. Almost every single one of my friends never for once thought Trump could win.


Unconfirmed Member
Yeah, having Fox news as a outlet for their news is a problem too, look how vile and manipulative of information they are, I saw the poll of the day and this is what it has:

Guess what option has more votes....

misinformation is a really big and scary problem right now the people.

I wonder, isnt fox news own by 20th century fox? couldn't they do something about how information is reported to be less deceiving?

Where's the "No, they should be punished for invading a US ally" option?
Ugh, the worship of the gun is so disgusting to me.

You already get to own your weapon of death, now you care how "friendly" the courts see you?

YOu know the sad thing is that, out of all of the shit Trump is doing or about to do, guns is probably the one thing I'd concede on being not as bad out of a list where EVERYTHING is bad lol

Lego Boss

USA went from the land of the free to a Russian sattelite which weaponised immigration in less than a fortnight. Still reckon this is a smokescreen to make us look the other way whilst the real damage is done elsewhere (Trump as Putin's mannekin).

History is happening now. How will we be seen when future generations look back on us?

Fox Mulder

Does anyone else in this thread have frequent escape fantasies about moving to an English-speaking liberal democracy far, far away from the United States, say New Zealand? Part of me say it's impractical but the appeal of it is undeniable.

No. I want our side to stand up and take this country back. Trump is doing what he ran on but millions stayed home and didn't vote.

America is better than this.
America is divided as fuck, that's the reality of the situation. These dumb ignorant fucks that are being catered to right now won't ever have to deal with any of this because it doesn't affect their rural white trash lives at all.

Unfortunately, the majority of the country that does have to deal with this shit is due for a rough four years. I guess that's the price to pay for living in a country where those seemingly forgotten rural Americans can vote and make their voices heard, no matter how ignorant that message/wants actually are.

Maybe that's what makes America so unique and is the real message behind true democracy. The will of the people.

And if those people are backwards, racist, stupid and increasingly hateful towards everyone that's not like them, then that's a reality and conversation that Americans need to handle and deal with themselves.

That's a battle that goes way beyond politics. Way beyond Trump. That's personal, neighbor to neighbor, culture against culture. Where is the country headed?

The issue is you get bullshit news places like Fox News coexist as a legitimate news source (and similar rightwing radio shit) and ALLOW them to spread like legitimate news sources in the name of Freedom of Speech.

Something has to be done THERE. However, that beast has grown huge enough to affect an entire election. You guys have to fight it with the equivalent grass-roots force and it'll HAVE to be tooth and nail because you guys are pretty fucking behind, especially since Dems are still not even sure who they want in 2020 yet.

Unfortunately you can't do away with hate speech nor misleading news because the next few decades will not allow it (Trump's SCOTUS pick will certainly not allow it). But if you can start convincing swing voters to start seeing what you're seeing and start looking past their right wing sources, it will do a world of good in moving towards 2018 and 2020.
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