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New Yoshi's Island announced for 3DS!


What a great day it was for for 3DS. Yoshi and Zelda!

Also i'm sure the art style of this looks just gorgeous when really running on 3DS, even though have to admit that it isn't looking very appealing to me in these screens / videos.


I'm really confused by the distaste for the art. It really looks perfectly in line with the original; just more watercolour, less crayon.


I like that Nintendo are trying out a new art style with the game. A series like Yoshi ought to evolve with far more experimental art styles and try new things each time hence why I hope the Plush Yoshi game isn't an Epic Yarn pastiche.

It would be the perfect series Nintendo can bring experimental artistic innovation to, because the art is what almost always makes Yoshi games into the charming games they are.


from the press site

Nibel has gone HD!


Dude, I'm somewhat perturbed by the fact that the 18 year old SNES predecessor looks considerably better than that.

ya :( looks ok... i guess. i hate that they cant have all old school style sprites for some reason, this at least looks a lil better than NSMB's art style blech.


Yeah I agree. The original had a had an drawn feeling to it but this......I dunno:


Yeah. This was also made with the Super FX 2 so it shows what good art and good tech (2D wise) can do together. The 3DS version looks a bit strange and flat. Not bad, just not as amazing.
Eh, "properly watercolored" or not, it still looks pretty great to me.
Yeah, just a little muddy imo.

There's no such thing as "proper" watercolor. There isn't 1 particular way to paint in watercolor

Well, ok, yes. That's true, there isn't. I'm just referring to... I don't know how to word it. It's completely subjective, I'm just used to... "beautiful" watercolor things ala Chris Sanders, and these backgrounds, while nice, are very... 'amateur' looking. But it's totally personal opinion and I'm sure it's the look and style that Nintendo were going for.

One thing in particular that bothers me is that watercolors always tend to have soft edged, but since these are multi-plane levels with scrolling layers and backgrounds, everything has a very sharp harsh edge to it that makes it look like it was painted on thick paper and then cut out and layered. There's no way around this, especially on a 3DS, and again it was probably intentional. It just bothers my eye.

Edit: On another note, Yoshi clearly has no legs in this version. Yoshi from the intro movie to Yoshi's Island CONFIRMED.


I never beat the last level of Yoshi's island. That's pretty much what has haunted me for years.

Fuck, I'm still getting this. Did Nintendo just announce my birthday or something?

If they get on Metroid, shit will be impossible.
Looks pretty good, but I wish it were 2D sprites. But the art is interesting nonetheless. Ah well, I'm still pumped for another Yoshi's Island!


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I feel like I am moving backwards through time. Not only do games play worse than they did, but now they look worse too. This just looks super dull and slow.
Kinda wish they'd stuck with a 2D sprite for Yoshi and Baby Mario, but I'm sure this looks better with the 3D turned on.

So damn hype for this. Love the Yoshi's Island series.

Now, I would like to hear more on Yarn Yoshi, please and thank you.


I love the look of the backgrounds, but hate the pre-rendered characters and enemies. It would look much better if everything was consistent. Still excited! But I have a feeling we won't be seeing this until next year.
My biggest worry is, by far, the music. If what we hear in the trailer is any indication, Kondo's magic shall be missed. Yoshi's Island DS had 1, maybe 2 good tracks in total, and it's one of the main reasons I was so disappointed with it.
Just like with LTTP, same thing here, the original definitely looks better. But whatever, hoping it's fun at least, which it should be.

Davey Cakes

The game looks "painted" in a different way than the original. Or more of a combination of hand-drawn and painted on canvas.


I'm really happy they brought back the egg throwing mechanic of Yoshi's Island, but goddamn, the artstyle looks fucking terrible. The characters don't fit in with the backgrounds at all.


tagged by Blackace
Got SUPER HYPE until I saw the art.. :(

I don't know, it's not bad but it's just not the same and I prefer the original. I would've preferred the same or the yarn style.

Some of the videos/screens look fairly inconsistent so I'll have to see it IRL to be the judge but right now I'm kinda iffy on this.


Just looks like a whole mess of different styles. There's objects with and without outlines, there's different styles of shading, there's a water color look to certain parts, a canvas look to to others, and on some what looks like sponge paint. There's diagonal and horizontal strokes. Some backgrounds look like they just had a Photoshop filter applied, others like they were hand drawn, some look intentionally flat, others almost like clay. The shading is inconsistent, there's soft transitions and harsh shadows on objects on the same plane. And the combination of sprites and 3d objects certainly doesn't help.

It's all very odd.


Looks good but I miss the hand drawn look of the original. I wish they found a better way to handle the egg aiming. Other than that I'm excited for this very unexpected game.


Junior Member
After seeing this and the new Zelda, it seems like Nintendo is starting to rely too heavily on the 3DS's graphic effects (since they are cheap to implement, from a processing point of view). I much prefer stylized art to realistic lighting and shading in my Nintendo games.


If it's the year of Luigi and Yoshi, it's a good year. I'm all over new Mario Versus Donkey Kong, too.

And the music. Such a disappointment compared to the first game's soundtrack.

The partner gimmick was a drag but I'll be honest and say that the main reason I hate Yoshi's Island DS is because of the music.

It's so bad and the castle music in particular makes me mad listening to it.


It's the best "soundtrack-made-of-remixes-of-the-same-song" since Super Mario World.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IXFiRjiPKEA That's what the New Super Mario Brothers subseries tries to do and fails at doing. WHAA, WHAA.


I must be the only one who liked YIDS.

I liked it, but didn't love it, mostly because I don't think it did anything particularly well. I can't remember any of its music, I can't remember any specific level... The whole thing was just competent and there was nothing memorable about it.
Ugh. Not everything has to be 3D character models Nintendo. I feel like they're applying New Super Mario Bros. to all their franchises. I guess maybe with the 3D effect, sprites don't work as well?

If this were a Yoshi's Island with the old art style I'd be there day one. As is....I don't know. I'll have to see more.

It's the best "soundtrack-made-of-remixes-of-the-same-song" since Super Mario World.

YES! Totally agree man, the soundtrack is worse than the one in YS, but it's really cute and some remixes are pretty cool. Even the castle music isn't that bad to me.


it does have a funky look so i get the hate but i love it. looks like it could potentially be as gorgeous as the original. just need to see a bit more.


I hate the art style. It can't decide if it wants to be 2D or 3D, so it fails at being either at the same time.

I'll buy if it plays as well as the original, but this game should look beautiful, not like this.
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