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Next Xbox Reveal Set For May 21, 10:00 A.M. PST, Livestreamed

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Now, isn't LoL free-to-play? I wonder if they'll make revenue on advertising instead of an upfront cost? I guess a 10$-15$ price tag for the full game wouldn't be a bad deal either, depending on how invested you are in it.
why wouldnt be a megaton seen that is a fantastic game?

Because I really don't see LoL changing the dynamics of the "console war" in any meaningful way. Which is what people have traditionally used the word "megaton" for. Final Fantasy Versus XIII getting announced as a Xbox exclusive? Megaton. GTA5 getting a Xbox next exclusve port? Megaton. LoL on XBLA? Meh.

Obviously my opinion, but you know how people on forums are. If you don't say "IMO" then they get confused and angry for some reason.


Why would a current LoL player actively choose to play without KBM, that's what I'm struggling with here. I can see why D3 players will buy the console version, I can see why people wanted Minecraft... I can see why people would want something like WoW.

i dont know how they could implement this...i read someone saying League of legends coming to durango and ijust jumped on my chair...

there was rumors about a touch pad also on the xbox controller maybe with something like that? dont know..
My good friend (in real life) was talking about D3 for months and months before it launched, but he just couldn't justify buying a gaming PC for it. He didn't want to have to deal with buying a new desktop or a laptop. He was excited to hear that D3 was going to come to the PS consoles, but he's holding out to hear if they're coming to the Xbox ones as well. He doesn't have a PS3, but we're definitely going to play the shit out of it if it comes to the 360 (or whatever next-gen console we both get).

Some people just aren't comfortable with playing games on PC. I could see myself buying a gaming PC maybe many years down the line, but for now I'm a console guy as well. I just like the convenience and the knowledge that I won't have as many problems with running games, even if they don't look as nice. Not to mention I've never, ever liked k&m for gaming.

Could have said the EXACT same thing about Minecraft though. I don't see how it's not the same thing.

I guess we'll have to wait and see.



Now, isn't LoL free-to-play? I wonder if they'll make revenue on advertising instead of an upfront cost? I guess a 10$-15$ price tag for the full game wouldn't be a bad deal either, depending on how invested you are in it.

League is free to play, yes. But, if you want all the Champions you're going to have to buy them. There are a lot of micro transactions in the game.


Now, isn't LoL free-to-play? I wonder if they'll make revenue on advertising instead of an upfront cost? I guess a 10$-15$ price tag for the full game wouldn't be a bad deal either, depending on how invested you are in it.

you buy new champions and skin for champions u already own..in the game...

(and trust in me before or later u will buy something if u play it)


LoL on the Nextbox wouldn't be targeting current LoL players. It's going to obtain a whole new plethora of players. There's a clear sign that this game is one of those kind of franchises that's beyond the regular confines of gaming, like CoD, so I could see this get huge on the consoles. Maybe not as big as it is on the PC, but still huge.

League is free to play, yes. But, if you want all the Champions you're going to have to buy them. There are a lot of micro transactions in the game.

you buy new champions and skin for champions u already own..in the game...

(and trust in me before or later u will buy something if u play it)

That makes sense. I remember Epic talking about MSony embracing the F2P model.

To me, that statement never meant "everything is free to play!" to me but rather they're removing the archaic restrictions that the PS360 had to put in place because of how old their infrastructures are so that F2P games can exist and do just as well, without jumping through hoops.


Why would a current LoL player actively choose to play without KBM, that's what I'm struggling with here. I can see why D3 players will buy the console version, I can see why people wanted Minecraft... I can see why people would want something like WoW.

For the people who won't play it on PC. I doubt Minecraft had many switching to console but many play it there.
Minecraft and LoL are completely different, it's pointless to compare the two. Only things they have in common is that they're indie/smaller games that became huge and popular.

Why would a current LoL player actively choose to play without KBM, that's what I'm struggling with here. I can see why D3 players will buy the console version, I can see why people wanted Minecraft... I can see why people would want something like WoW.

Not only that but are they going to separate Xbox players from PC players? If so, then LoL will probably be dead before it even takes off. If not, then they're going to roffletrucked by the PC players and will probably get annoyed/stop playing as a result.
My good friend (in real life) was talking about D3 for months and months before it launched, but he just couldn't justify buying a gaming PC for it. He didn't want to have to deal with buying a new desktop or a laptop. He was excited to hear that D3 was going to come to the PS consoles, but he's holding out to hear if they're coming to the Xbox ones as well. He doesn't have a PS3, but we're definitely going to play the shit out of it if it comes to the 360 (or whatever next-gen console we both get).

Some people just aren't comfortable with playing games on PC. I could see myself buying a gaming PC maybe many years down the line, but for now I'm a console guy as well. I just like the convenience and the knowledge that I won't have as many problems with running games, even if they don't look as nice. Not to mention I've never, ever liked k&m for gaming.

Could have said the EXACT same thing about Minecraft though. I don't see how it's not the same thing.

I guess we'll have to wait and see.

Pretty much this. I can't stand gaming on PC except for RTS' and simulators. I would even give LoL a second chance if it comes to consoles.


Minecraft and LoL are completely different, it's pointless to compare the two. Only things they have in common is that they're indie/smaller games that became huge and popular.

That's a big similarity though. Huge and popular PC only games might be what console gamers want.


I'm not sure MS are looking at Lol as a megaton, more of a money spinner. It it takes off they'd make a small fortune early on.
According to Microsoft's revenue distribution chart, there's about triple the money being spent on consoles than on PC. So it's not like there isn't an untapped market for LoL. Just as there was for Minecraft. I just don't think it has the same appeal. Some of you disagree. Will be interesting to see. Why would they make it exclusive though? Seems like you'd want to maximize earnings and put it on both consoles.


Because I really don't see LoL changing the dynamics of the "console war" in any meaningful way. Which is what people have traditionally used the word "megaton" for. Final Fantasy Versus XIII getting announced as a Xbox exclusive? Megaton. GTA5 getting a Xbox next exclusve port? Megaton. LoL on XBLA? Meh.

Obviously my opinion, but you know how people on forums are. If you don't say "IMO" then they get confused and angry for some reason.

today (IMO) if u talk about competitive gaming...you are talking about league of legends....not Halo or COD...
sorry for what im saying coz i know could sound profane.....halo and cod r little games compared to the numbers that move league of legends..and i dont see any reason why console gamers dont owuld love that game (always if it will have the same gameplay etc etc)


I'm not sure MS are looking at Lol as a megaton, more of a money spinner. It it takes off they'd make a small fortune early on.

Right, it doesn't even have to be a megaton. It can just be another reason for people to pick up a Nextbox over a PS4 or Wii U.

According to Microsoft's revenue distribution chart, there's about triple the money being spent on consoles than on PC. So it's not like there isn't an untapped market for LoL. Just as there was for Minecraft. I just don't think it has the same appeal. Some of you disagree. Will be interesting to see. Why would they make it exclusive though? Seems like you'd want to maximize earnings and put it on both consoles.

Microsoft probably gave them some dough, and helped bring it over to the console/controller. That would be my guess.


Torchlight is a beautiful thing on 360. I even loved Sacred 2 save for some of the tech flaws.

Really cannot wait to see the next Alan Wake and Fallout 4. Hope both are shown in some form at E3. Teaser or something.
today (IMO) if u talk about competitive gaming...you are talking about league of legends....not Halo or COD...

Yeah, DoTA 2, Starcraft 2 and League of Legends.

Maximum control with KB/M in a highly competitive multiplayer environment. If you don't segregate the Xbox community from the PC community it'll be slaughter. If you do segregate you have the potential for a mild success but it won't necessarily be near Minecraft numbers.

Maybe the rumour have us over estimating what both parties expect from the deal though.

Even a mildly successful micro-transaction game can make millions. I just don't think labeling this exclusivity as a 'megaton' is fair or accurate. And it's pretty laughable to think League of Legends would be a reason to get a Xbox Infinity, but hey.


I'm dying for a next gen Crackdown with good effort put in.

Collecting orbs and jumping from rooftop to rooftop? Addicting as all hell.

I have never had as much pure fun in any game as I did in Crackdown and Crackdown 2. The random stupid shit you can do in there had me and my friends laughing so often, that to this day, we refer to the series as "Crackup".


How reliable is


famousmortimer anyway? He seems to be the person who first started this rumor. He also hinted at Insomniac being on stage for a Nextbox exclusive.
Torchlight is a beautiful thing on 360. I even loved Sacred 2 save for some of the tech flaws.

I hated Sacred 2 on 360. And then after 4 hours started to love it despite all of those flaws. Something really addictive about it. I liked Torchlight as well, but it was incredibly shallow. I've had much more fun with Diablo 3.


I hated Sacred 2 on 360. And then after 4 hours started to love it despite all of those flaws. Something really addictive about it. I liked Torchlight as well, but it was incredibly shallow. I've had much more fun with Diablo 3.

Put somewhere between 150-200 hours into Sacred 2. Moved on from Diablo 3 pretty quick, but I could possibly get back into on console. Not a big fan of the way it has been run on PC.
How reliable is


famousmortimer anyway? He seems to be the person who first started this rumor. He also hinted at Insomniac being on stage for a Nextbox exclusive.

He has a vita website. I don't think he would slander Sony just to do it. It probably is something he's heard. Doesn't mean it's correct.
Put somewhere between 150-200 hours into Sacred 2. Moved on from Diablo 3 pretty quick, but I could possibly get back into on console. Not a big fan of the way it has been run on PC.

I enjoyed Diablo 3 until Inferno and then immediately saw why people were turned off. My only option was to get gear from the AH, but by the time I was playing the gear on the AH was incredibly stupidly priced. I assume that was to encourage people to use the RMAH.

I'm watching LoL on the 360 Twitch app. Looks fun. Reminds me of Warcraft. I'd play this.


I just started playing LoL, but it doesn't run the greatest on my Dual Core MBP, if it was playable on a next gen console it would definitely be a big selling point for me.
Diablo 3 is going to do well on consoles, fairly simple game play without the horrendous AH or always on BS.

That's a big similarity though. Huge and popular PC only games might be what console gamers want.

CS:GO and TF2 are huge on PC but aren't nearly as big on 360.

Difference is Minecraft is a game that's accessible to anyone and everyone with a very low learning curve, it's like the textbook definition of pick up and play. You don't need to invest any time into learning how to play in order to get enjoyment out of it. Old folks, parents who only have a few minutes of gaming time available, it's pick up and play and have fun by yourself or with family/friends/kids. LoL is quite literally the complete opposite, it has an insane learning curve, so you're not going to go into LoL "pwning n00bs" you will be getting your asskicked on the regular until you start learning all the heroes, their skills, runes, etc. Even then you're not guaranteed to win. LoL is also competitive MP only. There is no story mode, there is no "relax with family and friends" mode. You have to participate in the community in some form in order to advance. Want new heroes? compete, want new items? compete, want new equipment? compete. But at the same time it's a MOBA so there isn't this exploration/chill/crafting/metagame type component like a MMO. For instance COD is wildly popular, because it's capable of being competitive but at the same time it's pick up and play and has a low learning curve. You can never have played CoD but move the sticks around and squeeze the triggers and you've pretty much learned all of the basics of CoD so you can still have fun. That doesn't really exist in LoL

Accessibility is the name of the game, and it's something Minecraft does better than...well a shitload of games. The argument has never been will LoL on Xbox work. The argument is thinking LoL will be just as huge as Minecraft is vastly oversimplifying why Minecraft is popular in the first place. Minecraft wouldn't be anywhere near as big on 360 if it had a barrier of entry similar to LoL.


CS:GO and TF2 are huge on PC but aren't nearly as big on 360.

Difference is Minecraft is a game that's accessible to anyone and everyone with a very low learning curve, it's like the textbook definition of pick up and play. You don't need to invest any time into learning how to play in order to get enjoyment out of it. Old folks, parents who only have a few minutes of gaming time available, it's pick up and play and have fun by yourself or with family/friends/kids. LoL is quite literally the complete opposite, it has an insane learning curve, so you're not going to go into LoL "pwning n00bs" you will be getting your asskicked on the regular until you start learning all the heroes, their skills, runes, etc. Even then you're not guaranteed to win. LoL is also competitive MP only. There is no story mode, there is no "relax with family and friends" mode. You have to participate in the community in some form in order to advance. Want new heroes? compete, want new items? compete, want new equipment? compete. But at the same time it's a MOBA so there isn't this exploration/chill/crafting/metagame type component like a MMO. For instance COD is wildly popular, because it's capable of being competitive but at the same time it's pick up and play and has a low learning curve. You can never have played CoD but move the sticks around and squeeze the triggers and you've pretty much learned all of the basics of CoD so you can still have fun. That doesn't really exist in LoL

Accessibility is the name of the game, and it's something Minecraft does better than...well a shitload of games. The argument has never been will LoL on Xbox work. The argument is thinking LoL will be just as huge as Minecraft is vastly oversimplifying why Minecraft is popular in the first place. Minecraft wouldn't be anywhere near as big on 360 if it had a barrier of entry similar to LoL.

I see what you mean. We don't even know if it's coming out to consoles, so we may be jumping the gun here. I still think it could be really big if it does though, but we'll just have to agree to disagree.

Also, TF2 could have been big on the 360 if it had half of the support that Valve gave it on the PC. I remember there being a fairly lively community for quite a while, but mostly everyone gave up and moved on after Valve kept promising a patch but never delivering. I could see them re-release it on the Nextbox though as a F2P game.
Because I really don't see LoL changing the dynamics of the "console war" in any meaningful way. Which is what people have traditionally used the word "megaton" for. Final Fantasy Versus XIII getting announced as a Xbox exclusive? Megaton. GTA5 getting a Xbox next exclusve port? Megaton. LoL on XBLA? Meh.

Obviously my opinion, but you know how people on forums are. If you don't say "IMO" then they get confused and angry for some reason.

Lol and Minecraft are much bigger than Final Fantasy VS.

Think about it, Minecraft on Xbox sold more than Final Fantasy 13 on 2 consoles. This board in general has a skewed perspective on the worth of console/PC exclusives, there is a huge audience that doesn't play PC at all that made Bioshock, Mass Effect, and Left 4 Dead into massive hits for the 360.

Diablo 3 is going to be big for consoles, rumored LoL would be too.


Regarding the conference:

What are the odds of being able to find a download of the full conference video within a few hours of its broadcast?

I'm at work during the conference, and I'd like to go into it "clean" without reading all of the details on the internet first. So I'd like to stay in media blackout during the day, come home that afternoon, download the video file, and then sit back and watch it "fresh".

You think it'll be on YouTube or something where I could get at it that way?

Seriously, what's the point of livestreaming it when everyone that wants to watch it is either at work or at school? Piss-poor scheduling. Sony's doing this part right.. their last conference and their upcoming E3 conference are both scheduled in the evening when people can actually watch it live.
How reliable is


famousmortimer anyway? He seems to be the person who first started this rumor. He also hinted at Insomniac being on stage for a Nextbox exclusive.

He's extremely reliable. It depends on how solid his source is for that particular piece of info and how confident he is in it, though.

Insomniac being Nextbox exclusive for a title wouldn't be surprising. I doubt EA wants to publish another one of their games with Fuse being a massive bomb, so they're going to need another publisher. Microsoft may want them on stage just like Sony trotted Bungie out on stage, but I don't see it having the same impact.

Sadly, Insomniac's output has been mostly garbage the past gen, but I still enjoy me a Ratchet game every now and then (Crack in Time was great).

I wish they'd stop trying to follow everyone else, their games just look generic and have a sterile feel to them.
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