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NieR: Automata |OT| "I wouldn't expect too much from this game if I were you."


So, at pax east they pretty much confirmed that if there's enough demand. Drakengard Collection PS4 is going to happen.


I know people don't like these petitions but if no one is gonna make one, I'll do it. I won't miss a chance to get Drakengard 3 for PS4.

It's very much a typical corporate answer so I wouldn't get my hopes up too much.

Tho getting these games remastered would certainly be glorious, Nier and Drakengard 3 I can see happening, Drakengard 3 was supposed to be a ps4 game afterall, but Drakengard 1 i don't see getting remastered ever

It's not dying that's making it a chore, I can just keep healing as I have a ton of health items. It's the fact that it every fight becomes a drag because it goes for way too long and I just find it...not fun because there's so much of it here in route C.

Mobs are bigger, enemy HP is larger, and you keep doing it while new mechanics get thrown in. I haven't had a breather at all since I started this route because it's just been a repeat of that over and over.

Did you upgrade the weapons? That would at least get over the fights quicker. But if you don't enjoy it you don't enjoy, that's something you won't be able to change I guess.


So, at pax east they pretty much confirmed that if there's enough demand. Drakengard Collection PS4 is going to happen.


I know people don't like these petitions but if no one is gonna make one, I'll do it. I won't miss a chance to get Drakengard 3 for PS4.

I wanna go on record and state that I would buy all that day one. Never played Drakengard and would love a Nier remaster.


C is harder. I steamrolled B, and actually died in C. I was level 47 or so. You can pick up corpses for their buffs or assist. Ending of A teached me to just load up on cures. Money is never an issue. Those cores can't be missed and sell for loads.
I never had an issue with difficulty but only played on normal and some side quest. Guess I'm just used to action games since I still play devil may cry.
I appreciate the past games for what they are but, I don't really know if remastering them is worth it. They are very clunky games and even tho I would be happy for the fans if it happens I fear they would probably bomb.

Better to start building up the Yoko Taro future on the success of Automata rather than use it as a reason to resurrect the old games that were less than critically acclaimed if that makes sense.

Probably the best way would be to release the original Drakengard as a PS2 classic and depending on the success of that move on to a possible D3+Nier full remaster.
Plugin chips and upgradable weapons don't matter if you are fighting enenies that are 20 levels higher than you.

There are sidequests that you can do pretty early on that have enemies which are level 40 or 50

No matter you customization you will do shit damage and the fight will take forever....

@nOoblet16 just farm 10 levels and you will be ok.

I now it may sound boring but you get a lot of EXP in the game, there are many sidequests and there are EXP chips that give you even more, so it won't take long to get there.


I would play Replicant just to see the canon stuff. I'm saying this after getting the Platinum on Gestalt lmao


Only way I'd be on board is with a SERIOUS overhaul of combat in all 3

Ehhhh. Drakengard 3's combat was pretty great and fun. All I need is 60fps, really, it'd make the combat system even better.

If we're talking things that need to be tweaked besides the SUPER OBVIOUS (framerate), I'd take better enemy variety and voice lines and a few graphical improvements.
So, at pax east they pretty much confirmed that if there's enough demand. Drakengard Collection PS4 is going to happen.


No Drakengard 2, that's how you know it's legit. Sadly I can't see Drakengard 1 getting remastered any time soon but with Automata blowing things up the way it is hopefully SOMEONE important is considering NieR and Drakengard 3 for the Remaster treatment.


I wonder if Automata will reach a million sales. Haven't heard anything on sales from PR. Perhaps they're waiting on the PC release as well.


Drakengard games would need a gameplay update on top of the visuals improvement (dat draw distance) because they are very, very, VERY outdated combat-wise.


Yea fuck this, I'm not playing this game anymore for a while. The difficulty spike is sudden and I can't do anything to alleviate that now. The game didn't have any problems with my level right until the end of route B, while I still could have done something to increase it. Then it drops me in the middle of this shit and I find out I am underleveled and I can't go back to do anything. Not only that, the boss battles are more difficult as well not just in terms of level but the mechanics.

I'm not sure if I want to go through all of that, I've put away so many games that do a random difficulty spike at the end or near the end simply because I don't have time for this frustrstion when I could be playing something else. I donno what easy mode would do apart from letting me take more damage, I certainly won't be using auto chips as the game just plays itself when you do.
What part are you having difficulty with? I don't remember any bad difficulty spikes on route C at all. In fact I was at about your level when I finished route B. Are you upgrading your weapons and equipping your chips?


I wonder if Automata will reach a million sales. Haven't heard anything on sales from PR. Perhaps they're waiting on the PC release as well.

200k during launch week in japan. Meaning no further sales, no western sales and of course no pc sales.

A million is very realistic imho
Started the game yesterday after a BotW brake.

Reached the
amusement park
. I'm in for something really special aren't I?

Story already got me hooked and the combat is godlike.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
The opening week sales in Japan makes a pretty much a lock that SE will do something with the franchise; those were very solid numbers and the extremely positive critical reception is a nice bonus.

The thing is as well, its a much needed win for Platinum too, so I can't see them being averse to future collaborations. The only question being how best to use their particular strengths in relation to IP.

Yoko's way too much of a loose cannon for SE to let him near FF or DQ, but Parasite Eve is an old franchise that could possibly be revived. Although in all probability I'd imagine Nier/Drakengard is arguably "bigger" now.


The opening week sales in Japan makes a pretty much a lock that SE will do something with the franchise; those were very solid numbers and the extremely positive critical reception is a nice bonus.

The thing is as well, its a much needed win for Platinum too, so I can't see them being averse to future collaborations. The only question being how best to use their particular strengths in relation to IP.

Yoko's way too much of a loose cannon for SE to let him near FF or DQ, but Parasite Eve is an old franchise that could possibly be revived. Although in all probability I'd imagine Nier/Drakengard is arguably "bigger" now.

They're just gonna make Ni3R, and I'm perfectly happy with that.


Beat A last night. Man, what a game. I started B, and
love how not only the story is going to continue, but that it plays different too. Genius!


The problem is the difficulty spike..which is the game's problem. If you don't think there is one then explain it to me how is it that I had zero issues until the end of route B but struggle to kill even one enemy in route C opening ?

From what I can see the benefits of easy mode over normal aside from being able to soak a little bit more damage (not significant enough to make a difference really) is pretty much just the ability to use auto chips. I don't want to use auto chips.

Sure Route C is harder, but it sounds like you're underleveled dude. Level up somehow, upgrade your weapons, equip better chips (Auto-Heal, Overclock, Offensive/Deadly Heal, Weapon Attack chips, etc.)
Drakengard would need a serious overhaul for me to even consider buying it. I have D3 on PS3 and aside from the low framerate it just isn't as appealing to me as NieR and Automata.

I'd buy a Gestalt/Replicant combo pack in a heartbeat though.


Un Rama
I too would pay out the nose for Drakengard and Nier remasters.

Loving the game so far I just wish the Pro version didn't drop so many frames and chug as much as it does.
Do you have to do anything particularly specific to open up the other routes like in the original? Probably a good idea to spoiler tag the answer, thanks!
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