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Nintendo Evaluation

Smiles and Cries said:
its rocking my boxers on the DS side... if the Rev proves to be anything like DS WOOOT! :D

like wise, though i will support nintnedo anyway

I do liek Iwata's approach. solidfy the handled base, then go all out on the console. with the same different but intuitive stance as the ds, and try to win from that stand point.



"Might i suggest that the chances of this thread not disintegrating into a mong fest are 14014581957123441 to 1..."


DCharlie said:

"Might i suggest that the chances of this thread not disintegrating into a mong fest are 14014581957123441 to 1..."

I like what Nintendo is doing. They're doing awesome, IMO.

Bring on the Revolution!! :D

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
DS, incredible.

console, intrigued and slightly optimistic. I think it will kill in japan, america is a question mark and Europe is and always will be sony land anyway.


I like what Nintendo is doing for DS ... in Japan...
Nintendo Europe must wake up and release more titles and hurry !
A lot of people in Europe import (me too), but i'd like to see games like Ouendan in Europe ! Please !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But, really awesome job on software...if revolution takes this direction, il will be a huge success.
Nintendo = fun, and they are important in any gamer's life

Other companies = Core gaming

you can choose to have PS3 or X360, but you HAVE to have REV


Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt
Nintendo DS is awesome, Revolution concept rocks, so I don't have any doubt, I'll love Revolution, too.
almokla said:
Nintendo = fun, and they are important in any gamer's life

Other companies = Core gaming

you can choose to have PS3 or X360, but you HAVE to have REV

you read my mind. A true fun gamer you are.... :) :lol :lol
They can do no wrong in my book, but then again i've been their whore snce i could wear my own mickey mous pjs.

I blame Miyamoto for the N64 and not Nintendo as a whole. Good thing he created mario and zelda otherwise he would have been gunpeid....ooops :D


If Nintendo just keeps doing this every gen from now on,
I don't think any hardcore gamer would want to be without them.
Just have to wonder if the casuals will eat it up.
Hopefully the marketing is GREAT on Nintendo's part.
If they can echo the DS, in terms of sheer volume of titles, and both new and classic game concepts wrapped together (like how the DS is getting possibly the best version of Castlevania ever, and we're getting a normal Mario Kart with online play, but games like Kirby DS and Ouendan can be enjoyed on the system as well), I will be very happy.

I just wish they weren't so afraid/hesitant to add the nice eye and ear candy to their games when they seem to have the chances. A few times Nintendo-made Gamecube games looked quite good (Pikmin 2 and Melee spring to mind), but many others seem like they could've done better (Mario Kart, Sunshine to name two). And MK and Sunshine were both big-name titles with a lot of expectations. Also, when a game designed for budget release like We Love Katamari can still foot the bill for orchestrated music, I start to wonder why Nintendo doesn't do so more often. What was there in Melee sounded fantastic. But it's nice to know that there's some nice orchestrated work in Twilight Princess, in addition to the excellent Kondo work as well, so that's a good step in that direction.

As long as they don't overprice the game downloads on the Revolution (I really don't want to be paying significantly more for one game versus another on the same console because it's a Mario game, or Kirby or what have you), I think that'll go over well, too.

The DS WiFi stuff is looking good, just a tad annoyed they were slow getting started with it, but this is absolutely better than nothing (and I love what games they picked to start it off with, Mario Kart and Animal Crossing). I don't like that their current stance towards voice chat seems to be "since we can't monitor it, they shouldn't have it," since that'll cripple some online games and make both the mic and headset jacks a bit useless. Hopefully they'll change that stance, or not force it on third parties. WiFi takes it out of the hardware anyway, though, so that's probably another good reason why they're not in a rush to implement voice chat as well.

I'm positive, especially since a ton of DS games have just been revealed today. If they can ride this wave and bring that same crowd onto the Revolution, things will be very interesting indeed.


almokla said:
Nintendo = fun, and they are important in any gamer's life

Other companies = Core gaming

you can choose to have PS3 or X360, but you HAVE to have REV

Dude, you brought a tear to my eye ..well not really XD , but you hit that nail with some big ass hammer.


No ill well against them. The DS doesn't interest me and i regret buying a GC because it now collects dust, so unless i see something that really interests me i will wait a few price drops for the revolution.


Nintendo's Pro Bono PR Firm
Despite its few gems, the GC era did hurt Nintendo.
But we can now all feel the wind of change: new CEO, new strategy, new positioning towards online gaming, disruptive technologies within DS and Rev.
Nintendo is in a league of its own. As a passionate gamer, I like my PSP but I must say I love the DS more. As a passionate gamer, I'll have a x360 or PS3, but something tells me I'll also love my Revolution more. Nintendo is in the right track. With good execution I can even see them be the unexpected leader of this industry in few years.


dabbled in the jelly
Nintendo has been doing an excellent job recouping a lot of fine titles from Japanese developers with DS and hopefully that translates well over to Revolution. I mean when you even have Team Ninja praising your controller then you know you've done something very right.

On the flip side Nintendo is doing a piss poor job of gathering good talent from America and Europe to develop their quality games for the Gamecube especially any exclusives. I'm just now seeing better DS western support with more startegy games being announced but as far as bringing over original content taking advantage of DS dual and touch screen it is still rather unimpressive. EMBRACE PC DEVELOPERS. Hopefully they become more agressive in alligning western developers with their DS and Revolution. Instead of waiting for the talented western devs to come to Nintendo they should produce a team whoes sole purpose is to go around demonstrating to them how they can use the DS and Revolution controller to the best of their abilities and help them to make their implementation into their games as seamless and intuitive as possible. And LOWER YOUR LICENSING FEES FOR REV. Nintendo no longer have a good rapport with not only the good western dev houses but the bad ones also and they think they will pay the highest licensing costs just put there game on Rev? We live in the age of MS and money-hats and if it takes money-hats to get the best devs to develop for Rev then they had better play ball.

I would love for Reggie or someone to read this because aside from this very huge and important over-sight, Nintendo is on the right path to having a very superior generation with the DS and Rev than the Gamecubes. Don't fuck this up with your arrogance Nintendo and do not skimp on System Memory for Rev. If developers don't believe in your Rev controller philosophy being anything but a nice little gimmick then Make them believe by showing them what it can really do to enhance their own games and then do the same with the DS. Make the name Nintendo cool again in the playground and campuses and sales will increase in the west instead of decreasing every generation.

Hmm, what else what else? Oh yeah, Nintendo needs to not ever, EVER again half ass another Mario or Zelda game. There is no excuse for the 7 Levels/250 blue coin hunt in SMS and the absurd Triforce hunt in WW. Delay the shit and get it right like you apparently are doing with TP.

We need to have one of these every month because it feels damn good to get that shit out.


Sho Nuff said:
Why does this thread exist? It's not like Nintendo needs a report card from gaf.

Nightfraud needs to report back to his sources so that they in their turn can report back to the janitors at Nintendo HQ, who can later slip a suggestion note under Iwata's door.


Ceb said:
Nightfraud needs to report back to his sources so that they in their turn can report back to the janitors at Nintendo HQ, who can later slip a suggestion note under Iwata's door.

Give that lame shit a rest..


I loved Nintendo consoles since the NES, but somehow I don't like my gamecube. It's just standing there, collecting dust (much like the xbox) - my PS2 is getting a lot more playtime. Therefore I never had a Portable until the DS came out.. and I just had to get it. Somehow it got me really excited for gaming again.
Needles to say that I looove what we know about the Rev so far. Backward compability, Nintendo games online and the controller already sold the system like 10 times to me. So I really appreciate this kind of "new" Nintendo, as long as they support their systems with quality software, I don't even need a lot of 3rd party support (if any).
It's a beautiful day in this neighborhood,
A beautiful day for a neighbor.
Would you be mine?
Could you be mine?...

It's a neighborly day in this beauty wood,
A neighborly day for a beauty.
Would you be mine?
Could you be mine?...

I've always wanted to have a neighbor just like you.
I've always wanted to live in a neighborhood with you.

So, let's make the most of this beautiful day.
Since we're together we might as well say:
Would you be mine?
Could you be mine?
Won't you be my neighbor?
Won't you please,
Won't you please?
Please won't you be my neighbor?

:D :D :D



I'm very interested in where they're going with consoles, and their handheld output is excellent.

The Gamecube? Not so happy.
As far as DS goes, it's only a matter of getting the cash for SEVERAL games before I get the DS.

Gamecube? I really want to know what's happening on the ZeldaTTP front. The suspense and waiting is making me cringe in sadness....


I went to WAGs boutique and all I got was a sniff
Ive yet to buy a DS, but one of my firends has one and Ive been enjoying it very much. At first, I thought that DS was just another Nintendo gimmick, but after spending some time with it, I realised that its a very good console. I should never have doubted them in the handheld market. They have been on top of it for years and so far they seem to have dealt with Sony.

As for consoles, I have to admit Ive been disappointed. GC has some great games such as Zelda: WW, the upcoming Zelda: TP, SSB:M, ToS, MGS: TTS and some others, but there could have and should have been more enjoyable games and some better exclusives. MGS: TTS was good for someone like me who had not played the original, but for those that have, the only thing that improved was the gameplay and there was nothing else apart from that. At the moment though, Nintendo seem to be heading in the right direction. revolution is the first console under Iwata and he seems to be getting Nintendo back on track. revolution sounds great so far. This new pad has so much potential, but Nintendo havent screwed everyone over and have said that they plan to make a normal controller too.

If this question was asked a couple of months back, I would have said I didnt think much of them. Now, its more of the opposite, Nintendo seem to be showing their true potential and putting it to good use.


I haven't been this happy about Nintendo and the direction they are heading in a long time. They are bringing unique and exciting things to gaming, and for someone who's played everything to death, it couldn't be any more welcome.
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