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Nintendo Evaluation


Gold Member
Scalemail Ted said:
Nothing wrong with that. Just out of curiosity, where does your initial negative impression come from? You obviously havent held a neutral objective view.

gamecube and DS I guess?


As I said too, I am not a fanboy of any system or company, and will be the first to sing the praises of Nintendo if the Revolution lives up to its title billing. I guess E3 will really clear the air surrounding the Rev and the PS3. Lets see where things stand in a month.


Gold Member
Solo said:
As I said too, I am not a fanboy of any system or company, and will be the first to sing the praises of Nintendo if the Revolution lives up to its title billing.


atleast you admit that you can change your mind compared to some others who already has it suck regardless.

I was very upset at first when nintendo announced the revmote, but I realized that they will be smoked so badly again if they went the normal way. Nintendo is not cool enough for the mainstream to buy as their first console anymore. (not talking about handhelds)

The existence of Nintards alone is enough to cause anyone to hate Nintendo.

you don't want to play nintendo games because of fanboys on the internet? um ok.
I'm intrigued with what they can pull off with the revolution, and I love my DS, so I guess I'm overall satisfied, but at the same time, I hate when people use Nintendo's direction as a reason to talk down on other console manufacturers. As if the industry is crashing and burning and only Nintendo can save us all. Or how ever since the controller was announced, controls are now horribly broken (it may turn out better, but saying dual analog is now broken is a bit extreme imo). I also don't agree with the notion that somehow other systems will have no innovative games and are the same thing, while the Rev will be 100% always innovative gaming. I hardly ever call a game innovative because of the controller used...I'll consider it innovative because of it's underlying mechanics and ruleset, pacing, etc. Of course, a controller can help things along, but it's by no means guaranteed.

And although I understand why they have to go with their relatively weaker console specs, from a gamer standpoint it's kind of annoying. It's like the SNES was the last console where they didn't have a glaringly obvious weak point. The N64 was a powerful system with a great controller...but we have 20 times less storage space than our competitor but our games cost $20-$30 more. Gamecube was another powerful system, but let's gimp the storage space size again, and not give any support to our broadband adapter even though we have a rep from the previous generation with great multiplayer games!

So on one hand I'm incredibly enthused about trying the new system and controller, and what they're doing makes perfect business sense it seems, yet on the other hand, I wish I didn't have to feel I should "turn off" my A/V geek tendencies to enjoy a gaming system.
soul creator said:
I'm intrigued with what they can pull off with the revolution, and I love my DS, so I guess I'm overall satisfied, but at the same time, I hate when people use Nintendo's direction as a reason to talk down on other console manufacturers. As if the industry is crashing and burning and only Nintendo can save us all. Or how ever since the controller was announced, controls are now horribly broken (it may turn out better, but saying dual analog is now broken is a bit extreme imo). I also don't agree with the notion that somehow other systems will have no innovative games and are the same thing, while the Rev will be 100% always innovative gaming. I hardly ever call a game innovative because of the controller used...I'll consider it innovative because of it's underlying mechanics and ruleset, pacing, etc. Of course, a controller can help things along, but it's by no means guaranteed.

And although I understand why they have to go with their relatively weaker console specs, from a gamer standpoint it's kind of annoying. It's like the SNES was the last console where they didn't have a glaringly obvious weak point. The N64 was a powerful system with a great controller...but we have 20 times less storage space than our competitor but our games cost $20-$30 more. Gamecube was another powerful system, but let's gimp the storage space size again, and not give any support to our broadband adapter even though we have a rep from the previous generation with great multiplayer games!

So on one hand I'm incredibly enthused about trying the new system and controller, and what they're doing makes perfect business sense it seems, yet on the other hand, I wish I didn't have to feel I should "turn off" my A/V geek tendencies to enjoy a gaming system.

Well said, pretty much how I feel.


I'm pretty much bored with all types of gaming. I blame growing up and WoW. So if the revolution can get me interested in buying another game again, then +1 to Nintendo.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
SantaCruZer said:
you don't want to play nintendo games because of fanboys on the internet? um ok.

The funny thing about it is that if 'tards from their camp acted the same way, they wouldn't mind at all.


Thinks he should have been the one to kill Batman's parents.
I'm very happy with the DS and I think the Revolution is a fantastic idea. Whether or not it delivers . . .


I'm not into DS, GBA, or PSP, so while I'm sure that's all great, I'll never experience it.

I'm intrigued by the Revolution, but disappointed that my Gamecube has been a paperweight for the past year.


Might be too early to say, but I think Nintendo successfully sidestepped the whole downward spiral that engulfed Sega.


I went to my parents place yesterday and pick up some old boxes i had there. I opened up one of them and look what I found (webcam pic):


I have about 5-6 more boxes like this filled with old nintendo games and that doesn't include all my newer stuff (cube, ds, ps2, xbox, dreamcast, ps1) that are still hooked up. Nintendo has given me quite a lot of childhood memories. I'm going to dump all this stuff on ebay to pay for my trip to europe.

As for the Rev, I'm really interested in playing it but i've lost so much interest in gaming that even though i am going to buy one, i really doubt i'll put much playtime in it. Same thing for the PS3. I do like Nintendo's direction though I also think they should have bumped the power up to something more "last year" instead of more "year 2000"

P.S Yes that's wrestlemania on NES, I have shitier games than that in my collection.


Some things just don't make sense. I mean, THINK ABOUT IT.

We already have 360 and PS3 giving us the "core" of games that we want. Basically, the same kind of games we've been playing for years with better graphics, HD potential, and hopefully these two systems can push online gaming on consoles to the max. There's absolutely nothing here to complain about. Just the next stop on the train that's been running since 95. Fine.

But the fact that people are bashing Nintendo now for going in a different direction just really makes you meatheads look even dumber. I mean, is there ANYTHING they can do that would appease anyone that is NOT a Nintendo loyalist? Do you really need a third system competing for your dollars in the same way?

Is Zelda in HD in widescreen with a PS2 controller running on PS3 all it takes? I mean, really?

Cause I feel like some people here won't be happy with Nintendo until their system is EXACTLY like PS3/360 with their franchises on it.

Man, I guess the only good thing that will come from Nintendo going 3rd party one day is that you people will finally stop bitching about Nintendo, and considering this is GAF, you'll all be pissed when Zelda get's delayed till 2010 for PS4 :lol


My best friend said to me yesterday "man, the N64 really soured you didn't it?" I told him back "Yea it did, but it was because I bought it at launch and had to defend myself and act like a Nintendo fanboy for a whole year as you guys rubbed how cool that Playstation was that you got and the only thing I had was Turok"

For whatever reason when that veil of Mario and Zelda drops it just takes a lot more to be enamored with Nintendo games after that, more then just being another Mario game. After the debacle that was N64 Nintendo really needed to step it up with the Gamecube and I think that had some success, but also failure with it. I wouldn't say it was a bad purchase at all, in fact at its price now I could tell somebody to go buy one and they have a good selection of games to choose from. I would say I played it more then my xbox and it did bring us Resident Evil 4.

I think the DS is fine and as long as some really cool new games keep coming out it will continue its trend. I think the Revolution is up in the air but it does have potential. I think it will do very well in Japan, for sure better than 360. Here's the thing though, I think the majority of fans and Nintendo themselves are viewing the system differently. Nintendo has been planting little seeds for the last couple years leading up to the Revolution. Like..

"The industry is stagnant and will die if it doesn't innovate"

"People are getting bored of games they are playing"

"Games are too long and complex"

Paraphrased from different interviews but if you notice the trend it's of course all seeds of PR for the Revolution. I think what most of the Nintendo fans are hoping for or keep on saying with the controller being the standard, and everyone wanting to copy it and etc. isn't really what Nintendo is after and I don't think that overall direction is very good anyways. Especially since the majority of those saying those things haven't even touched the controller or saw a game in action. Some industries can be fine with one leader and a monopoly on the industry. I feel the video game industry is best with at least two competitors in the arena. I DON'T want Sony or MS copying the Revmote because I like those control schemes as is. I'm not falling for the Nintendo propaganda and i'm not bored with gaming as is and I don't feel its stagnate. What I do like is choice though. And at the end of the day I think Nintendo does to and thats the real direction they are betting on.

They knew the direction MS and Sony were going and they correctly guessed the increased costs. They also see what a good majority of us gamers see which is pretty similar platforms that can be compared pretty closely with some exclusives to seperate them. Nintendo played that game this gen and it didn't turn out to hot for them. So, and I really have to applaud them on this, they went and are making their own niche and I think its great. Now its going to be what they do with this niche and how well of a balancing act they can pull of with their current gamers and this mysterious "other" market they are trying to grab. If they pull it off really well they are in a great position. With gaming prices on the rise you may see alot more people with PS3's and Revolutions or Xbox 360's and Revolutions compared to people with PS3's and Xbox 360's. It really is the perfect companion to BOTH of those consoles. From a business standpoint it just makes a lot of sense. It just depends on Revolutions opening act. I think if they have a lackluster launch lineup, if the controller doesn't work out as expected, if the games are all just this gen rehashes with the revmote controller forced on, no original ideas or IP's and no Mario well then it won't be so rosy. Just a lot of variables to work out but if they knock it out of the park I think they could have a monster on their hands.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Flipmo23 said:
Is Zelda in HD in widescreen with a PS2 controller running on PS3 all it takes? l

Well, I wouldn't mind that, really. (with a GC controller, of course) :)


drohne said:
that doesn't sound good to you? :/
The day that sounds good to me will be the day I stop playing games. If Zelda's appeal ever becomes whether or not it's in HD or WS then that will tip me off to the fact that Nintendo's gone the way of RARE and just run out of ideas.
yoopoo said:
Have you used a ps2 controller? Its horrible for any game.
I wouldn't go that far, it's a great controller, the point I was making is that some people that play games - well, most of em, just won't allow for something new even when there are TWO systems already giving them what they want. It's like they want Rev to be exactly like 360/PS3, I mean, those two are basically clones. Why even bother with the same thing if Ninty were to follow that lead?


hyperbolically metafictive
the way of rare is to ineptly copy nintendo games. so i guess nintendo went the way of rare circa mario sunshine. not such a good way!

the hysterical aversion some gafers have to the dual shock honestly cracks me up. i don't know. to me it seems about 95% identical to the xbox and gamecube pads. maybe i'm a controller philistine.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Flipmo23 said:
The day that sounds good to me will be the day I stop playing games. If Zelda's appeal ever becomes whether or not it's in HD or WS then that will tip me off to the fact that Nintendo's gone the way of RARE and just run out of ideas.

Having good gfx doesn't mean Nintendo will automatically make the game itself mediocre, you know...

It's like they want Rev to be exactly like 360/PS3, I mean, those two are basically clones. Why even bother with the same thing if Ninty were to follow that lead?

Okay, we need to stop this. Just because the systems could be similar doesn't mean the games will the same across all platforms. Let's just pretend all 3 consoles could output the same visuals (for argument's sake, we'll say PS3 level, since it's allegedly the most powerful). Now, why would many people not stick with one console, despite all 3 having the same power? The games! I can't play Zelda on a PS3, and I can't play MGS4 on an Xbox360.


drohne said:
the way of rare is to ineptly copy nintendo games. so i guess nintendo went that way circa 2001. not such a good way!

the hysterical aversion some gafers have to the dual shock honestly cracks me up. i don't know. to me it seems about 95% identical to the xbox and gamecube pads. maybe i'm a controller philistine.
Well, at least you said it. Maybe Nintendo HAS gone stale. They've been rehashing the same old franchises as long as we can all remember. Now, we all know that they aren't about to dump all their franchises down the drain and start from scratch, so wouldn't the Rev make complete sense for them and their fanbase? I mean, we get to play all our favorite franchises, and they'll feel new with that controller. Instead, some of you want to play the same games with the same kind of controller in HD on a PS3-level of hardware. As if the graphics EVER were the main attraction with Ninty's games.
Oblivion said:
Having good gfx doesn't mean Nintendo will automatically make the game itself mediocre, you know...
Which is my point. If the games have been good without the graphics, you're telling me that all you want from their next system is the same games you saw on GC with better visuals?
Oblivion said:
Okay, we need to stop this. Just because the systems could be similar doesn't mean the games will the same across all platforms. Let's just pretend all 3 consoles could output the same visuals (for argument's sake, we'll say PS3 level, since it's allegedly the most powerful). Now, why would many people not stick with one console, despite all 3 having the same power? The games! I can't play Zelda on a PS3, and I can't play MGS4 on an Xbox360.
Ok, and that's been the selling point for Nintendo systems since the dawn of time. Mario, Metroid, Zelda. We've been playing these games (especially Zelda and Mario) in their pressent form since the 64. I don't see how anyone can be content with another generation of the same shit. They finally decide to switch it up on us, and people are complaining. though I suspect that those are the ones that would hate Nintendo regardless.

Musashi Wins!

It can't be any worse than the GameCube. Seriously.

I hope it's cheap.

Nintendo fans on the internet are the equivalent of Scientologists. I wasn't aware of them for a long time, but now that I've observed them for a bit, it's best not to get involved.


Flipmo23 said:
I wouldn't go that far, it's a great controller, the point I was making is that some people that play games - well, most of em, just won't allow for something new even when there are TWO systems already giving them what they want. It's like they want Rev to be exactly like 360/PS3, I mean, those two are basically clones. Why even bother with the same thing if Ninty were to follow that lead?
Its not a great controller at all, its the most uncomfortable of the three, the sticks have a horrible feel to them along with shoulder buttons, and d-pad is as crappy as ever.

Its a horrible horrible controller, no way around it.
yoopoo said:
Its not a great controller at all, its the most uncomfortable of the three, the sticks have a horrible feel to them along with shoulder buttons, and d-pad is as crappy as ever.

Its a horrible horrible controller, no way around it.

Yes, because your opinion is fact.


hyperbolically metafictive
didn't you people lose it over twilight princess? before it was waggle-compliant? what's gone wrong with an attractive zelda game you play on a gamepad since then? consistency is overrated -- lively minds change -- but spontaneously revising all your values to fit your favorite multinational's latest market gambit is unbecoming. to put it gently.

revolution just doesn't interest me. what will i miss? zelda and mario. mario is probably fucked.


yoopoo said:
Its not a great controller at all, its the most uncomfortable of the three, the sticks have a horrible feel to them along with shoulder buttons, and d-pad is as crappy as ever.

Its a horrible horrible controller, no way around it.
Still wasn't the point of the argument. Whether you like the controller or not, the point is, the controllers for 360 and PS3 are similar... 2 sticks, face buttons, etc... The rev is straying far from that path, and people are complaining because Nintendo didn't go the route of it's competitors.

drohne said:
didn't you people lose it over twilight princess? before it was waggle-compliant? what's gone wrong with an attractive zelda game you play on a gamepad since then? consistency is overrated -- lively minds change -- but spontaneously revising all your values to fit your favorite multinational's latest market gambit is unbecoming. to put it gently.

revolution just doesn't interest me. what will i miss? zelda and mario. mario is probably fucked.
Hey, if Mario and Zelda don't interest you, then it really shouldn't matter what direction Nintendo is going in, I mean, that's their bread and butter, and you're asking for cream cheese. :lol
drohne said:
didn't you people lose it over twilight princess? before it was waggle-compliant? what's gone wrong with an attractive zelda game you play on a gamepad since then? consistency is overrated -- lively minds change -- but spontaneously revising all your values to fit your favorite multinational's latest market gambit is unbecoming. to put it gently.

revolution just doesn't interest me. what will i miss? zelda and mario. mario is probably fucked.


I know this to be true, for Nintendo has spoken thusly.


hyperbolically metafictive
i'm not sure how you came up with the idea that i'm not interested in mario or zelda, but i'm finding it very difficult to argue with your avatar. :lol
Flipmo23 said:
Ok, and that's been the selling point for Nintendo systems since the dawn of time. Mario, Metroid, Zelda. We've been playing these games (especially Zelda and Mario) in their pressent form since the 64. I don't see how anyone can be content with another generation of the same shit. They finally decide to switch it up on us, and people are complaining. though I suspect that those are the ones that would hate Nintendo regardless.

This is what I don't get, all of a sudden this stuff is shit? Why? I don't care anyway, because I'm pretty sure that success or failure, the life span of Rev will be pretty short. If the control is successful and "revolutionary" I think Nintendo won't take long (~3 years at most) to produce a "Rev HD" that will upgrade a lot of the hardware components.
Flipmo23 said:
I don't see how anyone can be content with another generation of the same shit.

Interacting in a new way with the same old software is somehow going to do what? It's not this magical Rosetta Stone that will bring about some new Golden Age of gaming, it's not going to program better A.I., make devs stop using lazy design crutches...


Nintendo Evaluation

Gamecube - B- (overall)

Third party Support/Quality: C+
First party Support/Quality: A-
Design (original): C-
Design (remake): I
Customer Service: A
Marketing: D
Strategy: B-

Nintendo DS - B+ (overall)

Third party Support/Quality: B+
First party Support/Quality: B
Design (original): F-
Design (remake): B+
Customer Service: A
Marketing: B+
Strategy: B


The nerdiest nerd of all the nerds in nerdland
Flipmo23 said:


drohne said:
the hysterical aversion some gafers have to the dual shock honestly cracks me up. i don't know. to me it seems about 95% identical to the xbox and gamecube pads.

Apart from the position of the d-pad and right analogue, apart from the position of the shoulder buttons, apart from the build quality of all the buttons, apart from the worst ergonomic design, and apart from the worse "analogue" sticks ever to grace mankind. The sticks alone are enough of a reason for the DualShock to be hated for eternity


Thinks he should have been the one to kill Batman's parents.
jaundicejuice said:
Interacting in a new way with the same old software is somehow going to do what? It's not this magical Rosetta Stone that will bring about some new Golden Age of gaming, it's not going to program better A.I., make devs stop using lazy design crutches...

It doesn't have to be a "magical Rosetta Stone" to be worthwhile. My hope is that some devs out there will take advantage of the Revmote + low development costs and give us some new ideas that we wouldn't see otherwise. I'm just as disinterested in playing the same old games with a new interface as I am in playing them in HD.


Gold Member
Musashi Wins! said:
It can't be any worse than the GameCube. Seriously.

totally agree. The fault with GC was the shitty support.

Musashi Wins! said:
Nintendo fans on the internet are the equivalent of Scientologists. I wasn't aware of them for a long time, but now that I've observed them for a bit, it's best not to get involved.

I have always seen you as a great poster. I know that nintendo fans (well I admit that I tend to favor nintendo) can be very rabid, but at the same time you can admit there are fanboys for the other systems as well. Seriously sometimes it sounds that only the N-fans exists.

drohne said:
revolution just doesn't interest me. what will i miss?

Maybe the VC of genesis and other old games do?


Gold Member
Amir0x said:
so then he's not missing anything :lol

ah I think the problem is that he has played most of those games already :p

I love Toejam and earl 1 for genesis though.


SantaCruZer said:
ah I think the problem is that he has played most of those games already :p

I love Toejam and earl 1 for genesis though.

basically the point was that if you're getting a NEW system to play OLD games that are readily available for much cheaper/illegally, then you're not really missing anything. it's a neat feature, though

Revolution gotta live or die on its revmote functionality.


hyperbolically metafictive
oh, i see -- i meant "i'll miss mario and zelda" as in "i'll regret not being able to play new mario and zelda games."

i own hundreds of old console games, and i'm not paying again to download them. i can't keep all my old consoles hooked up, but i'm ethically comfortable with emulation. the virtual console idea would actually be kind of interesting on a portable.


Gold Member
Amir0x said:
basically the point was that if you're getting a NEW system to play OLD games that are readily available for much cheaper/illegally, then you're not really missing anything. it's a neat feature, though

Revolution gotta live or die on its revmote functionality.

Oh I definitely agree with you. I am not buying Revolution for the VC. I have played most old games anyway. Revmote will make or break it.

drohne said:
oh, i see -- i meant "i'll miss mario and zelda" as in "i'll regret not being able to play new mario and zelda games."

I hope we'll see Mario at E3 so we'll soon know if it will be shitty or not.


drohne said:
oh, i see -- i meant "i'll miss mario and zelda" as in "i'll regret not being able to play new mario and zelda games."

don't regret! live life for now, buy a Revolution!


AniHawk said:
Might be too early to say, but I think Nintendo successfully sidestepped the whole downward spiral that engulfed Sega.
If Sega had a gameboy printing money for them, they'd still be making a console too.


hyperbolically metafictive
i don't know what it'd take to make me pay actual money for that hardware. or that controller. something much bigger than 2d castlevania, which is what forced a ds on me. and 2d castlevania looms pretty large in my gaming landscape.
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