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Nintendo Evaluation

drohne said:
i find it difficult to see how a game enthusiast can look at the ds and like nintendo's new direction. i suppose the japanese sales figures are exciting, but the software? really? i've long suspected that nintendo fans prefer nintendo to videogames.

If the DS was filled with only training and nintendogs kinda games, then you might have a point, unfortunately, Nintendo is smart enough to cater to both sides (we still get our traditional efforts and most in excellent form) and the DS is my fave Nintendo system since the SNES. :)
Its about damn time Nintendo followup with a proper sidescrolling Mario game. Its been what? ...Like 1993, since the last *real* Mario game?
Scalemail Ted said:
Its about damn time Nintendo followup with a proper sidescrolling Mario game. Its been what? ...Like 1993, since the last *real* Mario game?
Other than New Super Mario Bros. you mean? I agree it would be great to see one on a home console but it seems sort of unlikely considering they have a handheld out now that's perfectly capable of doing extremely nice 2D stuff, with the option of using 3D as well.


Gold Member
Chris Remo said:
Yes, the software, really. Your suspicions are wrong, at least in my case. I've been playing video games my whole life (and have loved them the whole way) but didn't pay any attention to Nintendo until maybe a couple years ago. I started out a PC gamer, which obviously has a lot to do with that. I LOVE the DS library, and, shockingly enough, I still play other games.

you write for shacknews right? (also known as scarys shugashack back in the days) I find it very surprising that you can find a Nintendo fan on that site, and a journalist on top of that. Nintendo did something right I guess :)
SantaCruZer said:
you write for shacknews right? I find it very surprising that you can find a Nintendo fan on that site, and a journalist on top of that. Nintendo did something right I guess :)
Yep, I'm the console editor, so it would be kind of silly if I didn't like Nintendo (AND MICROSOFT AND SONY!!!). We've got plenty of Nintendo fans among our forum members actually, when I started writing there I definitely didn't expect that. We have millions of readers who don't comment in our forums so I definitely can't speak for them, but yeah our overall audience is PC-oriented for the most part.


Gold Member
Chris Remo said:
Yep, I'm the console editor, so it would be kind of silly if I didn't like Nintendo (AND MICROSOFT AND SONY!!!). We've got plenty of Nintendo fans among our forum members actually, when I started writing there I definitely didn't expect that. We have millions of readers who don't comment in our forums so I definitely can't speak for them, but yeah our overall audience is PC-oriented for the most part.

been reading that place ever since it was scarys shugashack back in 1997 or something, and consoles was very much hated on that site back then, so it's good that times have changed for the better. Also it's nice that some PC oriented media is also taking Nintendo in consideration for next-gen, as it's quite common that they're ignored. Good job.
SantaCruZer said:
been reading that place ever since it was scarys shugashack back in 1997 or something, and consoles was very much hated on that site back then, so it's good that times have changed for the better. Also it's nice that some PC oriented media is also taking Nintendo in consideration for next-gen, as it's quite common that they're ignored. Good job.
Yeah, even just five years ago, only 5% of our readership owned consoles. Now, 85% of them do, so it shows how much times have changed.

And it would be madness for a site like ours not to cover Revolution. I mean, we're built on first person shooters! :)


Gold Member
Chris Remo said:
Yeah, even just five years ago, only 5% of our readership owned consoles. Now, 85% of them do, so it shows how much times have changed.

And it would be madness for a site like ours not to cover Revolution. I mean, we're built on first person shooters! :)

True that. With the new control aspect of Revolution, we could maybe see some PC enthusiasts try out a Nintendo console for the first time.
SantaCruZer said:
True that. With the new control aspect of Revolution, we could maybe see some PC enthusiasts try out a Nintendo console for the first time.
I've seen tons of comments like that in our forums. Lots of people saying stuff like "This is the first console I've ever even considered buying" or "This will be the first console I've bought since the SNES." Revolution may not have the biggest userbase of the next generation (I'm fairly sure it won't) but I think it's beyond question it's going to have the most diverse one.
Chris Remo said:
Other than New Super Mario Bros. you mean? I agree it would be great to see one on a home console but it seems sort of unlikely considering they have a handheld out now that's perfectly capable of doing extremely nice 2D stuff, with the option of using 3D as well.

Actually, I was talking about New Super Mario Bros. Its about damn time! Really why'd they wait so long? Anyway, Im happy Nintendo finally came to their senses and made this game. :)


Gold Member
Chris Remo said:
I've seen tons of comments like that in our forums. Lots of people saying stuff like "This is the first console I've ever even considered buying" or "This will be the first console I've bought since the SNES." Revolution may not have the biggest userbase of the next generation (I'm fairly sure it won't) but I think it's beyond question it's going to have the most diverse one.

yeah If they can capture the audience to atleast select the Rev as their secondary console it would be good enough for Nintendo, and a big step forward from GameCube. Regarding your quotes, I could very well see some PC gamers switching over to Nintendo again. :)
I'm going to post what I just did in the other, of 1,000,000, Nintendo REv threads. I think it demonstrates the center of what a gamer's evaluation of Nintendo should be at this stage:

Scrow said:
nintendo are aware that there are developers/publishers not willing to think outside the box and use their new method of control to its full potential.

don't expect nintendo to give any real support to the shells.

And I think this captures what is good about Nintendo right now. Whether or not Nintendo becomes more closely approximated with the market leader, Sony, is irrelevant as far as I'm concerned. We all know that competition is great for any particular industry. But I also feel that NINTENDO is very good for this industry, at least as of right now, and Red Steel might demonstrate that.

Instead of forcing Third parties to pour resources that Nintendo has already poured into R&D, Nintendo seems to be sharing its ideas so that 3rd parties can easily make new, innovative games with the FHC without Nintendo getting hit with the ridiculous cost of developing games outside of their expertise and without 3rd parties needing to take amazing risks with time and money.

Finally, I think we can find something that approximates the Nintendo difference. Nintendo is actually "making love" with third parties it seems. I hope we see more of this. We saw them developing closer relationships with 3rd parties with GameCube, but Red Steel is something entirely different. The sheer fact it is being demonstrated along side Gears of War and Metal Gear Solid 4 demonstrates to me that this relationship is producing some pretty sweet fruit for the industry already. Nintendo's relationship with Ubisoft on this game demonstrates that someone has finally understood that not only do console makers rely on 3rd parties, but 3rd parties rely on console makers. Anything that strengthens that relationship without taking away one or the other's autonomy seems to create amazing things, assuming Red Steel turns out to be as good as it sounds.

If Nintendo's role in this industry is to force companies to keep making giant strides while the company itself remains profitable but not market leader, then so be it. I'm a happy gamer with every new amazing videogame that comes out. If Revolution pushes these boundaries in ways that I find irresistible, then I will support Nintendo and purchase Revolution and have tons of fun with it. If I take a look at the cards on the table and Sony's are always a higher suit, then I might go with Playstation 3. Either way, I believe it to be undeniable that Nintendo is adding some very positive "fluxes" to this industry right now. And believe me, it needs them.


Theyre doing the same thing they have been for years now. Which is drifting even more towards irrelevance for me, by forcing gimmicks (connectivity with the GC, waggle wand with the Rev) upon me, and resisting technology (no CD for N64, no DVD for GC, no HD for Rev). Call me a hater of innovation, but I still want a traditional gaming system that pushes the technological limits. Nintendo has pushed me into the Sony and Microsoft camps for these reasons.
Solo said:
Theyre doing the same thing they have been for years now. Which is drifting even more towards irrelevance for me, by forcing gimmicks (connectivity with the GC, waggle wand with the Rev) upon me, and resisting technology (no CD for N64, no DVD for GC, no HD for Rev).

You forgot to add to your list the Touchscreen on the DS!
Scalemail Ted said:
You forgot to add to your list the Touchscreen on the DS!

I just love how he makes claims like "no DVD" = nintendo resisting technology, then goes on to state that the revmote technology is a gimmick. :lol


Magicpaint said:
I just love how he makes claims like "no DVD" = nintendo resisting technology, then goes on to state that the revmote technology is a gimmick. :lol

How is it not a gimmick? Does waving my arms around like an idiot with a remote on half baked hardware advance gaming? And why am I not surprised that within 2 replies a Nintendo lover is bashing me?


Solo said:
How is it not a gimmick? Does waving my arms around like an idiot with a remote on half baked hardware advance gaming? And why am I not surprised that within 2 replies a Nintendo lover is bashing me?

Saw Red Steel? Read impressions?
Doesn't seem like it. Small movements should be perfect with Revolution instead of those exaggerating 'commercials'.

You are the one swinging a sword. You are stabbing people. You're not just pressing a button anymore. How can you not like it?

The fact that you call it 'half-baked hardware' says enough.


Gold Member
Solo said:
How is it not a gimmick? Does waving my arms around like an idiot with a remote on half baked hardware advance gaming? And why am I not surprised that within 2 replies a Nintendo lover is bashing me?

Actually it's way to early for you to judge the revmote as we haven't seen how it works in motion with games yet. Wait till E3.
Solo said:
How is it not a gimmick? Does waving my arms around like an idiot with a remote on half baked hardware advance gaming? And why am I not surprised that within 2 replies a Nintendo lover is bashing me?

Do you know what the Revmote is capable of? Because if you doo, you'd simply know that the Revmote in itself is NOT a gimmick, it's a true 3D controller which is capable of controlling 3D games far better than a 360 pad for example. I don't know where you got the "waving my arms around like an idiot" thing, it sounds soooooo back when the Revmote promo vid was released. If you read impressions from those who tried the revmote or maybe actually looked at the info we got on Red Steel, you'd know subtle flicks of wrist is all that's needed for the most part.

I'm not bashing you, I find your comments to be absolutely ridiculous.


Reports indicate its roughly 2x as powerful as the GC. How can I not be underwhelmed? And pardon me for thinking the revolution should be in game design, not in game control.


Gold Member
Solo said:
Reports indicate its roughly 2x as powerful as the GC. How can I not be underwhelmed? And pardon me for thinking the revolution should be in game design, not in game control.

why have 3 consoles that does exactly the same? (regarding control)
Solo said:
Reports indicate its roughly 2x as powerful as the GC. How can I not be underwhelmed? And pardon me for thinking the revolution should be in game design, not in game control.

So Mario 64 was ideal for the SNES pad?


Gold Member
Solo said:
I never heard this complaint the previous 3 generations when it was the case.

it DO gets a little old to have 3 consoles that does the same AGAIN. Don't you think? I mean, what's the benefit for that.


Iwata een bom zal droppen
Solo said:
Reports indicate its roughly 2x as powerful as the GC. How can I not be underwhelmed? And pardon me for thinking the revolution should be in game design, not in game control.
So you'd be quite happy still playing on NES controllers? I hate narrow minded fools like you, they are trying to improve the way we control games and you bitch about it?


Magicpaint said:
So Mario 64 was ideal for the SNES pad?

Perhaps if Mario 64 has been released on the SNES or the Mario SNES games had been 3D, then I could hop in my time machine and answer you.


Roders5 said:
So you'd be quite happy still playing on NES controllers? I hate narrow minded fools like you, they are trying to improve the way we control games and you bitch about it?

Wow. I love to be insulted for having a different opinion. Sorry that I missed the addendum to the thread title in which it was deemed "circle jerk only plz".
Solo said:
Perhaps if Mario 64 has been released on the SNES or the Mario SNES games had been 3D, then I could hop in my time machine and answer you.

Nice to dodge the point entirely.

The fact is Mario 64 couldn't have worked well on a SNES pad, look at Mario 64 DS with a D-pad. So a revolution can come in game controls too.


Anyways, the thread asked for each person to state his or her opinion on the state of Nintendo, which I did. So it doesnt mesh with the general sentiment in the thread, so what? I'll gladly leave if criticism is unwanted.
Solo said:
Anyways, the thread asked for each person to state his or her opinion on the state of Nintendo, which I did. So it doesnt mesh with the general sentiment in the thread, so what? I'll gladly leave if criticism is unwanted.

Criticism isn't unwanted, I simply question the validity of your criticism.


That Nintendo has forced gimmicks upon us is perfectly valid, as are their flub ups WRT some tech choices. I will concede the point about SM64, although the controller was a result of the new hardware which allowed for 3D.
Roders5 said:
So you'd be quite happy still playing on NES controllers? I hate narrow minded fools like you, they are trying to improve the way we control games and you bitch about it?

Yet you're happy with current-gen graphics, MS and Sony are trying to improve that. I don't hate Nintendo or the direction their taking, but I hate narrow-minded fools like you who bad-mouth everyone who doesn't bow at the altar of Iwata and praise great Nintendo for it's masterly innovations. In some ways they innovate, in some ways they stagnate, like any company


Solo said:
I never heard this complaint the previous 3 generations when it was the case.
The only gen with 3 'real' competitive systems was last one.

Cube clearly didn't benefit from that.


I'm glad they went the innovation way. I'm not sure who from Nintendo talked about diminishing returns but you know I totally agree with that. I look at games like MGS4, Gears of War and such and I'm like "well that diminishing return sure is bullshit" but at the same time I try to imagine a next-gen mario, pikmin or you know any Nintendo franchises and I just don't see how they would benifit that much from such graphical power. I think introducing a new way to control games should benefit them much more.

At the same time this is no excuse for the lack of HD support. I can understand Nintendo not wanting to support either BR or HD-DVD but the HD era is coming and unless Nintendo plans to make a new console in the next 3 years I think it could backfire on them. Also, the revmote as yet to prove itself, it sounds really good for FPS games but there are alot of genre that might not work that well with it. Sure you can use the shell but really what's the point?

I can't wait to see more games for the revolution and I hope that more third parties will support Nintendo if the revmote controls are all it's said to be. Count me excited for E3 :D
Solo said:
That Nintendo has forced gimmicks upon us is perfectly valid, as are their flub ups WRT some tech choices. I will concede the point about SM64, although the controller was a result of the new hardware which allowed for 3D.

I can't recall Nintendo forcing gimmicks on us, examples? Maybe early DS software, but that's hardly forcing gimmicks. Instead they are better known for improvising and setting standards for the insudtry. :)


Magicpaint said:
I can't recall Nintendo forcing gimmicks on us, examples? Maybe early DS software, but that's hardly forcing gimmicks. Instead they are better known for improvising and setting standards for the insudtry. :)

Mostly all the connectivity bullshit on the GC.
Solo said:
Mostly all the connectivity bullshit on the GC.

That hardly lasted though, and yes I agree those were gimmicky, but they didn't last long and didn't seem forced to me, save for in Crystal Chronicles and maybe Four Sowrds. It was entirely optional besides those.


Anyways, I will gladly eat crow if Nintendo returns to glory with the Revolution. But until I see a game that really knocks my socks off I will continue my hunger strike. Last time I really loved Nintendo was during the early half of the N64 era. Its been a long time.


Gold Member
Solo said:
Anyways, the thread asked for each person to state his or her opinion on the state of Nintendo, which I did. So it doesnt mesh with the general sentiment in the thread, so what? I'll gladly leave if criticism is unwanted.

You criticize the control of revolution even though:

1) You haven't used it yet
2) You haven't seen it in motion in actual games


SantaCruZer said:
You criticize the control of revolution even though:

1) You haven't used it yet
2) You haven't seen it in motion in actual games

1) Neither have you, and it could be clunky and unintuitive for all we know.
2) Neither have you, and a good controller wont matter if the game its controlling sucks in the first place.
I'm willing to bet E3 has our answers. :p

I loved my PS2 quite a bit more than my GC and I enjoyed my Xbox just as much as I did my GC. So Sony won this gen hands down for me. Though GC provided me with my favourite game of all time too.

But the Rev is something altogether different from the GC in design and philosophy, I'm always willing to give Nintendo the benefit of the doubt seeing as they've made most of my all time favourites.


Gold Member
Solo said:
1) Neither have you.

no I haven't, but I have been saying wait till E3 all along. No premature statements. What I do know, and have said is however that there wont be 3 consoles that does the same thing. Good for the consumer to have more choices imo.

Solo said:
2) Neither have you, and a good controller wont matter if the game its controlling sucks in the first place.

That is true. However who says that the games using it must suck? Againt wait till E3.
SantaCruZer said:
no I haven't, but I have been saying wait till E3 all along. No premature statements. What I do know, and have said is however that there wont be 3 consoles that does the same thing. Good for the consumer to have more choices imo.

That is true. However who says that the games using it must suck? Againt wait till E3.

magazine reports as well as developer reports would have most believe otherwise about whether or not the controller is intuitive...


I know what the reports have said. Im just waiting for a first hands (no typo) experience to base my opinions off. Second hand opinions FTL.
Solo said:
I know what the reports have said. Im just waiting for a first hands (no typo) experience to base my opinions off. Second hand opinions FTL.

Nothing wrong with that. Just out of curiosity, where does your initial negative impression come from? You obviously havent held a neutral objective view.


Scalemail Ted said:
Nothing wrong with that. Just out of curiosity, where does your initial negative impression come from? You obviously havent held a neutral objective view.

From the repeated attempts of Nintendo to rape my former love of them throughout the past 5 years. Basically all the stuff Ive already listed. I just dont *trust* them anymore. Its like they got knocked down during the N64 era, and never fully got back up.
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