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Nintendo's 2015 Fiscal Year Earnings Release/News Conference


So the 30th Anniversary of Zelda is canceled?

If the PS4K really is Q1 2017, then the March launch somehow becomes even worse for Nintendo. You can feed all the BS you want about "Nintendo doesn't cater to that audience", but if they don't want another Wii U, launching against a newer version of the current #1 console is a bad way to go about doing things.


This is also a really special case. GBA was only 3 years old, Wii U will be 4. I think they don't like to instantly proclaim dead systems that are so young

And you completely failed to actually pick up on the part of the statement that I was responding to. This isn't normal for them to be saying things like this.


I guess that the non-official Neo confirmation and specs made Ninty upgrade the power of NX, and that's why it got delayed.

Still disappointed...


Okay, I actually do think it makes sense to hold off the release if the product isn't ready considering how murderously horrible the Wii U's launch was. But who thought that no E3 was a good idea? Are they going to show off the console and then release it a month later?

Not showing anything about the NX at E3 could suggest they just don't have anything that's ready to show. I wonder if releasing in march is Nintendo "taking their time" or struggling to get something out...


This really could not have gone much worse. Pretty spectacular, really.

You can always trust Nintendo to do something worse than our wildest dreams.

This is fucking hilarious but by all accounts it should be expected. With few dev kits out and obviously fuck all people working on games for it yet it needs more time to cook. Won't be good for them though if they go against the PS4 NEO and an E3 with no NX is a joke.



but yeah lets launch the new console after the holidays no big deal

This is worrying. Signals to me that there's no unannounced first party heavy hitters coming at all this year. Even Nintendo isn't confident in the remaining time WiiU has left. Seems like a retread of the Wii to WiiU transition. Man, I was really hoping for a more graceful transition this time.

Would they even bother with a price drop?


Pokemon Sun and Moon is clearly going to be their biggest Holiday title. They might rush out a Skyward Sword remaster or some shit by the end of the year for their Wii U game idk.


So nobody know anything about the NX. All leakers are fake as hell.

Wonder how good nintendo is keeping everything secretly .


For the whole "won't simply replace Wii U and 3DS", that shouldn't surprise anyone. Microsoft and Sony have always concurred.


If the PS4K really is Q1 2017, then the March launch somehow becomes even worse for Nintendo. You can feed all the BS you want about "Nintendo doesn't cater to that audience", but if they don't want another Wii U, launching against a newer version of the current #1 console is a bad way to go about doing things.

One holiday sales period ahead of their competitor isn't really enough of a headstart to make a lick of difference anyways.


So nobody know anything about the NX. All leakers are fake as hell.

Wonder how good nintendo is keeping everything secretly .

Zelda NX was leaked.

That's about all we know.

How they're focusing on Zelda at E3 and not showing NX is insane to me.
One holiday sales period ahead of their competitor isn't really enough of a headstart to make a lick of difference anyways.

They need any and all help they can get coming off of the Wii U. Missing holiday in general is bad, but coupled with still having to launch against a strong competitor is even worse.


One holiday sales period ahead of their competitor isn't really enough of a headstart to make a lick of difference anyways.

But wouldn't a few weeks be much worse? I'd say so.
Obviously it's not ready so they have to wait


It was never confirmed for a 2016 release, so how can you say it was delayed?

Gaf made assumptions.

See I made an assumption it was coming this holiday, hence I'm more disappointed than the 2017 crew who are being smug. Ah well, I'll get over it. I'm not bitter, just confused but we'll see how Nintendo handles. It's not completely fucked until they fuck up the reveal "event" or whatever.
So lets celebrate 30 years of Zelda! At E3, with this videopackage.....

The 25th anniversary had a live concert that took up 1/3rd of the conference. This time they'll have a pre-recorded concert that will take up 1/3rd of the direct. The rest of the direct will be about Federation Force and developer interviews on the new zelda concluding with a 1 minute zelda trailer that will have to satisfy us for another 6-9 more months until the next trailer.


So the NX coming out four whole months later than some people expected is the end of the world for Nintendo and that's the story we're all going with here?
DS was a weird point where they weren't sure if it would take off and took special precautions to make sure it didn't sink their handheld brand. I'm not sure I'd call that normal.

We know that now after the DS has already come and gone, but at the time they literally called it a 3rd pillar. You're right though, it was a precaution. They same might be said for the NX, too.

We know that it's a home console because Zelda is already confirmed for it. Them confirming Zelda gives us a bit more insight. If it wasn't meant to replace the Wii U, then why port one of your biggest titles to it? That tells us that they believe some people that want to play Zelda will not have a Wii U. What's the point of a third system if it seemingly plays the same games? NoA came right out called it the next generation of Nintendo. This is 100% meant to replace the Wii U.

Then again, this is Nintendo. This thing could very well be a VCR.


If you buy a console for a game that doesn't have a confirmed release date then you are a fool.

So the people who bought in for one of Nintendo's biggest franchises are fools for not foreseeing that it would be released 4 years after first being announced, at the beginning of the Wii U lifespan? Guess people are fools for expecting titles to be released on a nintendo console at all.
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