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No girly-men allowed: Official Contra 4 shut-up-and-shoot Thread


Lost all credibility.
Father_Brain said:
15-20 hours, all the backtracking and puzzles can get pretty intricate towards the end
I liked how the closing cinematic tied up all the loose ends in the story.


BLARG! I didn't see the spoilered konami code reference in the OP.

ANYWAYS, I decided to try it and it works. Haven't figured out how to get extra lives yet.


Pick it up yesterday morning finally. Great so far, hard as feck but that's how it's suppose to be. I've lost quite a bit of these precise jumping, shooting skills not playing this type of game in some time. I'd know there is a guy there in the exact same spot killing me every time and yet my brain doesn't fire fast enough to jump out of the way yet :lol


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
XiaNaphryz said:
This game is SO awesome...remember when this was first announced and everyone expected this game to suck? Stuff like:
he has gotten owned a few times, P3 anyone? bebpo and duck "omg it looks like shit, its going to suuuuuuuuuuck!"


This is probably not the best place to post this but, Contra 4 was $20 at Frys Electronics when I picked it up yesterday.... they didn't even advertise the price in their ads....

anyways, awesome game :) I expected Wayforward to fail miserably, but they've succeeded in making a fun action game.


Mode said:
This is probably not the best place to post this but, Contra 4 was $20 at Frys Electronics when I picked it up yesterday.... they didn't even advertise the price in their ads....

anyways, awesome game :) I expected Wayforward to fail miserably, but they've succeeded in making a fun action game.
People need to get out and buy this


30% Failure Rate
Umm.. maybe that's because Jake "Virt" Kaufman made the music in Contra 4.

Also the music in the Laboratory part of stage 2 sounds very similar to Scurge: Hive music (he did that soundtrack as well).


Golden Darkness said:
I know that.

He was indeed giddy about putting his fanwork into an actual Contra game. http://www.vgmix.com/vg25/viewtopic.php?id=6815&p=7

It's just this tidbit really cinches the fact this Contra game is at heart, a fan-made game.
You make it sound like that's a bad thing.

And besides, even if it is a fan-made game but it's more truer to its name than other series can ever hope to be.

WayForward knows what we want out the game and they gave it to us in spades. I hope this game succeeds so they can get a chance to handle other IPs.


I'm so impressed by what an authentic classic Contra experience this is. It fits perfectly with the series.

Frankly, it might be the best Contra game ever. Oh yes, I said it.
lyre said:
You make it sound like that's a bad thing.

Did I mean to say it was a bad thing? I'm just surprised that Virt got to remix his Contra fantune for the game. I mean... getting to put your own fanwork into an actual title of the series. He's officially the luckliest fan on Earth.

But you just got to wonder, how many people who don't go online will realize that one of the songs was actually a remix of a fan attempt to mimic the style of Konami chiptunes, much less the soundtrack was composed by said fan? They'll just see and hear a Contra game that lives to the Contra spirit.


Guys post pics, yt videos, everything!

I want to drown in contra awesomeness!

On Youtube there arre only old crappy vids :(


I conquered Easy mode with only one continue (missile sequence is still retarded.)

Lost a whole continue on the first level in normal mode.



hyperbolically metafictive
i haven't bought this yet, because i know i'd drop mario for it, but DAMN IT I NEED SOME CONTRA

mr gay can wait


drohne said:
i haven't bought this yet, because i know i'd drop mario for it, but DAMN IT I NEED SOME CONTRA

mr gay can wait

I did this myself. No one can truly enjoy Mario while Black Viper enslaves the Earth.


Draft said:
I conquered Easy mode with only one continue (missile sequence is still retarded.)

Glad I was not the only one.

The worst part is that there are no more powerups after that to the boss, which I guess is why they made him easy since they know 99% of people would only have the standard gun against him.


Thinks he should have been the one to kill Batman's parents.
I finally put some time into Contra 4 while listening to 1up Yours. I made it through six stages and I think they more or less got this right. It's definitely a piece of fan service - I saw plenty of level bits inspired by/alluding to previous entries in the series. It seems like a mix of Contra and Contra 3 the most.

The good thus far:

- I like the way most of the weapons feel.
- Platforming matters.
- They absolutely nailed the aesthetics.

My issues thus far:

- I wish the default gun was more like it was in Contra 3. I wish it was a touch more powerful.
- They definitely should've kept the Contra 3 Flamethrower.
- I don't think the dual screen approach works. There's just too much information on screen for this style of game and I don't think it adds anything. Implementation is awkward.


Lost all credibility.
I haven't found any podcasts discussing impressions of this game. At least Cagcast was giving away 4 copies of the game, but neither host had actually played the game.


I am loving each minute of the game. Awesome fan service, great art, good difficult(although I don't see any human being beating the game in hard), the challenges are great and the extras are cool. I even liked the dual screen setup. To be honest I was expecting more from the 'museum' extra, but still.
The only big issue is the DSL digital pad, but it's not a problem of the game creators.
Now it's time to beat the game on normal and the last 20 challenges.


I've gotten level 1 down pat on normal now - can beat it without losing lives. I can feel the chest hairs growing back.

I seriously wish I could get the homing missiles at level 1. They make the level so much easier. Also, their upgrade is better than the spread shot.

You've definately got to jump the second you can get the cluster missiles at the lab cause without them, the lab is retardedly hard.


30% Failure Rate
Great game overall, but I have a few minor complaints.

- No button config. (I kind of prefer the NES style of BA rather than YB)
- The 3D Base levels are pretty bad. Particularly the bosses. I was expecting some cool two-screen sized bosses...
- In the unlockable Contra and Super C they've changed the button config to YB, WHICH FUCKS UP THE KONAMI CODE!!! Now you have to press UUDDLRLRYB to get 30 lives. Lame. Really lame WayForward. You don't fuck with the Konami Code. You don't. You just don't...
JRPereira said:
I've gotten level 1 down pat on normal now - can beat it without losing lives. I can feel the chest hairs growing back.

I seriously wish I could get the homing missiles at level 1. They make the level so much easier. Also, their upgrade is better than the spread shot.

You've definately got to jump the second you can get the cluster missiles at the lab cause without them, the lab is retardedly hard.

To get the homing missles. Just shoot it, drop (down + A) get it, and then grapple directly above you.

As for the lab level, just stick to the top via grapple and you'll be fine.
I can't get past level 7 on normal.

So I opted out, became a little bitch -- and finished the game on easy mode.

There are 9 levels right? Holy shit...the game knows it's so badass, it didn't even let me finish the game because I was playing on easy. It stopped after the 7th level, called my a girly-girly and showed me the credits.

Imagine a full, next-gen, 65 dollar game doing that. Sorry, you just suck too much to see the last few awesome levels. Get your ass out of here.


C- Warrior said:
I can't get past level 7 on normal.

So I opted out, became a little bitch -- and finished the game on easy mode.

There are 9 levels right? Holy shit...the game knows it's so badass, it didn't even let me finish the game because I was playing on easy. It stopped after the 7th level, called my a girly-girly and showed me the credits.

Imagine a full, next-gen, 65 dollar game doing that. Sorry, you just suck too much to see the last few awesome levels. Get your ass out of here.

hehe. I'm fine with that approach because it's a tradition and some games have still been doing it on consoles over the gens. Can't think of a next-gen game that does it, but I know there were PS2 games that had fake-end on easy.

It's nice because it lets you actually finish the game and feel satisfied you beat it, and at the same time gives you an incentive to play on normal. If you could get all the levels on easy, most would just bail out on normal and stick to playing easy forever.
C- Warrior said:
Imagine a full, next-gen, 65 dollar game doing that. Sorry, you just suck too much to see the last few awesome levels. Get your ass out of here.

It's scary enough imagining a 65 dollar next-gen game, thankyouverymuch.


What do I do on the boss that's like
those Nausicaa things, where it runs along the ground and there are motorcycle guys endlessly coming alongside it? I killed all the pods along the bottom, then couldn't figure out what to shoot at, there didn't seem to be a target at the head.


antipode said:
What do I do on the boss that's like
those Nausicaa things, where it runs along the ground and there are motorcycle guys endlessly coming alongside it? I killed all the pods along the bottom, then couldn't figure out what to shoot at, there didn't seem to be a target at the head.

Kill the bike guys and then jump down and land on the bike before it blows up. Then shoot the head and the bomb guys that come out while on the bike


Lost all credibility.
typhonsentra said:
How's the co-op?
:lol I wonder if when Contra III came out people asked "How's the co-op?"

I haven't tried yet but i'm gonna take a wild guess and assume it's the same but with extra person on screen.

This game would benefit from WFC SO MUCH though, just because it's hard to find friends who are hardcore enough to be as good as you in the game, let alone own their own copy since there's no single card play.


The physical form of blasphemy
Challenge mode is something else. Some of these goals. Dear lord. lol. Beat it on easy. Next up, normal and a ton of these challenges.


Man..after it being release for about 1 week, my local EBGames in Canada hasn't even received it yet..what the hell is up with these release dates in Canada lately..first it was Silent Hill Origins, which won't be released till Nov. 21, up here, and now Contra IV.


I've only started playing this, not being a previous Contra fan, the only other version i've played was on the Konami Collection on DS. I'm only on the very first level though, but i'm hoping there's not that shitty 3D bit in it.. If there is, I hope it's not as shitty.

Great game though, really regret not discovering this many years ago, I would have been obsessed with it!


So I've been pretty busy this weekend but I've been getting a lot of time in with C4 regardless and I've been telling every person I meet in real life to buy the game if they have a DS because no DS owner should be without the best contra on the system.

Normal is still kicking my ass and a lot of the things that don't bug me in easy do bug me in normal. Like I haven't played old contra in AGES but I can't imagine the hitbox being as large as it is here. I've gotten killed by bullets barely tapping the end of my gun which sticks out a bit from my body. Also I've died a lot of times from duck shooting on a 2nd floor of something and when I jump up to dodge a bullet instead he jumps down to the 1st level/pit and dies because the timing seems a bit too close there.

I do like the leveling up weapons and I like how if you have a lvl.2 weapon bosses die reallll fast, which is very rewarding for keeping them. Stage 6 is really fun and probably my favorite contra level in that perspective. The end is really a nice treat. The boss of stage 7 is a very neat fight.

One thing I wish the game had was a stage select. At least a practice mode one. I really like some of the later stages but I don't want to play 30 mins just to get there and play them again.

The remixed music on hard is great, but jeez is anyone actually going to get to hear it all?


I just ordered this from Amazon. Now is the best time for me to get games and Thanksgiving break is coming up (thank goodness).

I am ready to grow chest hairs.
Bebpo said:
So I've been pretty busy this weekend but I've been getting a lot of time in with C4 regardless and I've been telling every person I meet in real life to buy the game if they have a DS because no DS owner should be without the best contra on the system.

Normal is still kicking my ass and a lot of the things that don't bug me in easy do bug me in normal. Like I haven't played old contra in AGES but I can't imagine the hitbox being as large as it is here. I've gotten killed by bullets barely tapping the end of my gun which sticks out a bit from my body. Also I've died a lot of times from duck shooting on a 2nd floor of something and when I jump up to dodge a bullet instead he jumps down to the 1st level/pit and dies because the timing seems a bit too close there.

I do like the leveling up weapons and I like how if you have a lvl.2 weapon bosses die reallll fast, which is very rewarding for keeping them. Stage 6 is really fun and probably my favorite contra level in that perspective. The end is really a nice treat. The boss of stage 7 is a very neat fight.

One thing I wish the game had was a stage select. At least a practice mode one. I really like some of the later stages but I don't want to play 30 mins just to get there and play them again.

The remixed music on hard is great, but jeez is anyone actually going to get to hear it all?

Challenge mode is a good way (if not a bit indirect) way of practicing various levels.

More importantly, challenge modes get you to understand methods of play that doesn't involved mash the shoot button like an idiot.

Friendly fire challenges, or accuracy challenges, and no-fire challenges get your to excercise those contra muscles that you don't think you need but really help.

I except the natural course of many people with this game to be:

1) Buy it
2) Repeatedly get fucked on normal.
3) Beat it on easy
4) Finish about 20 or so challenges.
5) Wish how a real life Lucia existed.
6) Beat it on normal.
7) Finish the last 20 or so challenges.
8) Get close to beating it on hard.
9) Get close to beating it on hard.
10) Realize that you'll never actually beat this game on hard.
i picked up contra 4 a few days ago, and holy shit, man oh man they do not make games like this anymore. so hard, so unforgiving, i felt my chest hair grow, and many a deaths were had. mainly mine, on normal. so i tucked my junk under my legs, and got to level 5 on easy. figure got to build up the ol contra muscles before taking on normal(hard, now thats another story).

Konami, if you have any sense, ANY sense, take iga off castlevania, and put wayforward on the case, if it makes you feel better, have iga write the story, but let all gameplay and 2d aspects and design go to wayforward. as much as i like ayumi kojima's artwork, i think the world needs a manly Belmont, not an overly femmine goth Belmont. Now back to more relevant things.

the first level of C4 is a nice contra homage, as is the waterfall in level 2, things dont kick up untill the second boss. the second boss gave me contra 3 chills, like omfg its gonna kill me jump dodge claw, repeat. then the contra reflexes kicked in and i saw its pattern. awesome stuff.

the dual screens don't bother me like i thought it would. i just had to adjust my contra way of thinking, that involved alot of diagonal shots, and anticipating whare bullets would come from with a quick glance to ether of the ds's screens. With the DSL i can see where people might have problems, but with my og brick ds, diagonal shots work out great. the r button stop and shoot functionality is ACTUALLY useful, learn to love it. and weapon switching is a godsend, when you want to save that lv2 spread shot. also laser is hella powerful this time , perhaps a little too powerful.

So the next day i tell my co worker that we finally have c4 in at work, and like any hotblooded male on his first break he picks it up. then you know what happens from there, lets attack aggressively!

co-op works how you would expect contra co op to work, mowing down aliens, timed jumping the works. although if you play on easy, co-op makes the game a little to easy. bosses go down faster. normal alevates that. and hard, with practice might actually be doable co-op wise. and yes you can steal lives, the way i got the live steal thing to work was just to do the contra code after all of my lives were depleted.

over all excellent work, and lets hope for a contra 5 down the line!


Does anyone else find it ironic that the characters are big, buff action tuff guys but they die at even the slightest touch of another man, let alone a bullet...

what's the subtext in that?
666 said:
Does anyone else find it ironic that the characters are big, buff action tuff guys but they die at even the slightest touch of another man, let alone a bullet...

what's the subtext in that?

Everything is radioactive upon touch.

....I don't know, stop rationalizing shit, this is Contra.


I finally found this at Wal-Mart on Sunday, really great game. It's punishing but I refuse to play it on Easy. I haven't played much, but what I have is 9+ material and the stage layouts are really well-designed.

The screen gap gives me a little trouble, but it's nothing I can't get used to.

They just don't make games like this anymore, which is a shame.


C- Warrior said:
Everything is radioactive upon touch.

....I don't know, stop rationalizing shit, this is Contra.

So in effect, it's THEM who are girlymen!

Johnas said:
They just don't make games like this anymore, which is a shame

Yes they do, you just bought it...!
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