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No Man's Sky: Free updates coming, potential paid DLC in future depending on budget

The other day i was literally trying to pursuade myself into feeling better about my NMS purchase. I said to myself "i'll just come back to it when they have added more content" as i closed the game after being so bored by it with a playtime of about 5 hours. And now this....? NMS is becoming worse of a purchase for me than when i picked up destiny at launch. Fucks sake. It keeps happening...

People were calling it Destiny's Child at reveal for a reason.


Get Inside Her!
If the Neo is your first PS4 (like it will be for me), this game will probably be pretty neat by the time you actually pick it up.


People feel saying indie devs are small is an excuse to give indie devs a free pass and handwave criticism

Well, that's not what I was saying.They are a small studio. Being a small company means limited resources. They want to stay in business. So they either spend their resources and time making a new game, or support this one. In either case, they need to SELL something. It's pretty easy to grasp IMO.

Regarding the sales - doesn't Sony get a cut? I thought they helped fund this game?



I could of swore Sean worked on this game too.


Well, that's not what I was saying.They are a small studio. Being a small company means limited resources. They want to stay in business. So they either spend their resources and time making a new game, or support this one. In either case, they need to SELL something. It's pretty easy to grasp IMO.

They sold this game at $60 with, IMO, barebones content. Also Sony picked up the marketing tab, usually the biggest expense for a game. Along with this game selling gangbusters, Im more than sure they have the money to provide some free content to their consumers especially after once touted content has seemly been cut
Well, that's not what I was saying.They are a small studio. Being a small company means limited resources. They want to stay in business. So they either spend their resources and time making a new game, or support this one. In either case, they need to SELL something. It's pretty easy to grasp IMO.

Regarding the sales - doesn't Sony get a cut? I thought they helped fund this game?
Then Murray shouldn't have said that there wouldn't be paid DLC.
The free updates were definitely the last push over the edge to buy the game.

This guy... he has known all the buttons to push from the start. He appears to have no scruples when it comes to selling this game at all.

He's an artist, not a PR person. He made promises that coincided with his original vision for the game, things that he sincerely believed he could deliver on, without a rep from Sony standing nearby to say "that's actually not a feature they've implemented yet" or "substantial DLC will be paid." The gamey elements are lacking because... honestly... Hello Games probably doesn't have anyone who knows how to make functional online multiplayer, or good combat, or rewarding survival mechanics.

Molyneux is different, because he made a career out of overpromising and underdelivering. Todd Howard is too, because Bethesda's games are always bursting at the seams with content, despite missing some interesting concepts that were promised during development.

Murray's still on his first offense, so he's not Molyneux, but NMS is nowhere near a Bethesda game despite being the same price as one, so he's not Howard either. He can still salvage this, but it's going to take a lot of free updates and CDPR-style goodwill moves.

NMS is a perfect example of an indie studio getting in over their heads, as well as a reminder of why PR people exist.


They sold this game at $60 with, IMO, barebones content. Also Sony picked up the marketing tab. Along with this game selling gangbusters, Im more than sure they have the money to provide some free content to their consumers

Sorry, but I edited my post before you quoted.

Didn't Sony help fund this game?

And yes, I'm not saying they shouldn't release ANY free content. But paid content should be a priority for them.


Welp. I'm a big fan of this game despite the Internet backlash, but I mean he clearly went on record saying they'd have free DLC. C'mon man.
I don't even know what to say...

I mean, way before the controversy stuff happened and I was hyped for this game I had still always thought and said that charging $60 was the wrong move and was going to bite them.

Come launch I can't even count the amount of posts that I've read that state they wish they hadn't paid $60 dollars and that they think it should have been way less.

Now there are whispers that they might be charging for DLC that they made so apparent would be free that people would use it as a point of defense against the outrageous pricetag. I mean the dream was basically a minecraft style system of updates and support...
Well, that's not what I was saying.They are a small studio. Being a small company means limited resources. They want to stay in business. So they either spend their resources and time making a new game, or support this one. In either case, they need to SELL something. It's pretty easy to grasp IMO.

NMS is, by all accounts, going to be one of the best-selling games of the year and due to the small studio size, their development costs were most likely relatively low. There's no real reason why they can't add staff members and support continued development on NMS while still working on a new game. And in fact, they already announced that they hired additional staff & QA support after the game came out to help deal with all the demands on their time due to the huge success of the game.

Regarding the sales - doesn't Sony get a cut? I thought they helped fund this game?

I believe Sony only did a marketing deal (console exclusivity or timed exclusivity in exchange for marketing) & didn't actually fund any part of development.
Well, that's not what I was saying.They are a small studio. Being a small company means limited resources. They want to stay in business. So they either spend their resources and time making a new game, or support this one. In either case, they need to SELL something. It's pretty easy to grasp IMO.

They survived creating No Man's Sky off the money from Joe Danger. 2 downloadable games that didn't light up the charts. Unless they massively expand or their next project takes ages, I don't think Hello Games will have an issue living off the NMS money until their next game comes out.
"Maybe in the future there’s some reason why we just couldn’t possibly afford to do a certain feature without charging for it".

I don't see how that's unreasonable?

The title should be NMS may have free content forever, but paid not ruled out for costs.

Oni Jazar

Is it me or is the op topic title backwards? Shouldn't it be "No Man's Sky Might Have Free DLC, But Paid Isn't Ruled Out"?

Topic makes it sound much worse than it is.


Unconfirmed Member
Haven't bought game yet but I thought the reason for the $60 price was that all dlc was going to be free?

It probably was then he saw how much the game sold and was like, "Shit, I can make a ton more money if I charge these guys for DLC."


Well, that's not what I was saying.They are a small studio. Being a small company means limited resources. They want to stay in business. So they either spend their resources and time making a new game, or support this one. In either case, they need to SELL something. It's pretty easy to grasp IMO.

This is all true. However, they just sold a shitload of copies of a small indie game for $60 that is missing some very considerable features despite it being a cute little indie experience. And they did so while not letting players know those features were not there and possibly never existed at all, and while maintaining that DLC would be free.

So from the consumer's point of view: they bought a game that was far more limited than was advertised for AAA price and now have to possibly pay more to get a more full-featured NMS experience.

The cool thing to do would be to release at least ONE major DLC for free so that the OG price tag is more justified and then look toward paid DLC.


I don't see how that's unreasonable?

The title should be NMS may have free content forever, but paid not ruled out for costs.

Is it me or is the op topic title backwards? Shouldn't it be "No Man's Sky Might Have Free DLC, But Paid Isn't Ruled Out"?

Topic makes it sound much worse than it is.

The point is he just said this last week

"You've paid for the game, so you should get this stuff without paying even more money. So no, there will be no paid DLC, just patches."

Ollie Pooch

In a perfect world, we'd all be homersexual
I think this is a bit overblown but maybe... get the bare bones content in the game up to a $60 standard then they can reasonably talk about paid DLC.
I think this is a bit overblown but maybe... get the bare bones content in the game up to a $60 standard then they can reasonably talk about paid DLC.
I'll agree to this. I'll take it a bit further tho, make sure people aren't getting crashes before talking about dlc, I personally haven't had a single one but I think it's inexcusable so many have


Neo Member
This isn't really shocking. I expect the studio has plans to pump out plenty of free content updates over time, but this is clearly a project they are hoping to keep alive for many years, so the fact that they are at least considering the prospect of paid DLC in the future is not at all surprising.


The thread title is unnecessarily negative and doesn't really get across what he was saying. More accurately, No Man's Sly will have free new content, but paid DLC isn't ruled out.


No surprise he saw how much the game sold and now wants the money. Anyone who knows they can easily make lots of money would do it.


Still the op makes it sound like paid would be the norm instead of a possibility. The article headline is: No Man's Sky director Sean Murray doesn't rule out paid DLC - but wants to remain free
At this point, nobody knows what the norm is...
Still the op makes it sound like paid would be the norm instead of a possibility. The article headline is: No Man's Sky director Sean Murray doesn't rule out paid DLC - but wants to remain free

No, what it's saying is No Man's Sky might have Paid DLC in the future, but the prospect of Free DLC only isn't completely ruled out. Nothing in my title implies any norm, consider there is no standard set at the moment.


He shouldn't just be that honest all the time knowing how some people are tracking every word he says literally all the day.

Ollie Pooch

In a perfect world, we'd all be homersexual
I'll agree to this. I'll take it a bit further tho, make sure people aren't getting crashes before talking about dlc, I personally haven't had a single one but I think it's inexcusable so many have
I've had a few hard locks of my PS4 and some other buggy glitches but nothing terrible. Still, it's reasonable to expect it'll be patched pretty fast and I'm sure they're on it.

I think the narrative of these guys being all 'take the money and run' is a bit unfair, despite Murray's propensity to talk a lot of grandiose bullshit. Still, he could afford to be far more accurate and careful about what he blabs out in interviews, given the massive audience and AAA-level price.
Such an odd and annoying minefield for the indie developer with AAA attention on him. I feel for him, he needs to watch what he says in the future though.
I've had a few hard locks of my PS4 and some other buggy glitches but nothing terrible. Still, it's reasonable to expect it'll be patched pretty fast and I'm sure they're on it.

I think the narrative of these guys being all 'take the money and run' is a bit unfair, despite Murray's propensity to talk a lot of grandiose bullshit. Still, he could afford to be far more accurate and careful about what he blabs out in interviews, given the massive audience and AAA-level price.
Definitely agree with this I love the game but pr is a hard game to play and Sean Murray needs to get alil practice in because I don't think he's a bad dude just really bad with communication right now
I'm still not sure why everyone is getting mad and riled up? I read those quotes and I don't see anything that contradicts what he said before. I'll wait and see how the game is supported with updates and what paid DLC looks like if/when it's announced before forming a strong opinion

Going to try something rare around here called..wait and see


Drunky McMurder
You know what I get out of this? He realized he was foolish to promise that he'd never charge for dlc and make it impossible to do a large update (like a full expansiom) that he would want to do but would not be feasible if they do not charge. He does not want to close the door on doing something like that so he thought maybe if he restated that soon enough it wouldn't be too late.

I for one would rather more things be possible even if they aren't free with this game then only be limited to what they can do reasonably and not charge for.

You guys do realize they do have to make a profit for their company to survive and have to keep things feasible?

You know what I get out of it? He said it after the game is fucking out already. It's amazing how many possibilities changed once this game actually released.
I'm still not sure why everyone is getting mad and riled up? I read those quotes and I don't see anything that contradicts what he said before. I'll wait and see how the game is supported with updates and what paid DLC looks like if/when it's announced before forming a strong opinion

Going to try something rare around here called..wait and see

Maybe try reading the OP now, both links included, and then seeing why people are slightly upset then. It might help.

I'll continue to repeat what I've said before: if you don't like it, or do like it, that's fine either way. You can be upset as a consumer, or you can ignore it/embrace it. Whatever. No need to tell others what to think or feel with their purchase.

I'll give him credit personally for changing his stance, even though I think he waited too long to do so. But for me, keeping the game was dependent on free updates, however feasible that might be. It's possible that they'll still be meaty, but considering his track record, I'll wait until release day to judge. If it's serviceable, I'll fuck with the DLC and support it with my money.

If you or anyone else has opinions on that matter, that's all good. Just don't tell others how they should feel. It's just tacky.

Ollie Pooch

In a perfect world, we'd all be homersexual
I'm still not sure why everyone is getting mad and riled up?
I think at this point it's safe to say he's been built up by everyone as a bit of a villain, which I don't really agree with. He's definitely stretched the truth and been quite vague at times. It's quite misleading, IMO.
I was honestly having a ton of fun. Then I warped. And then it was.. Hey more planets to find some material rocks and... Find some material rocks.


Junior Member
At this point I'm pretty sure he will give it free.

He's pretty much forced to with all this bad press going around so to counter that he'd have to make it free.

Not that it will affect them as they made huge bank out of this game already.


I guess the VR patch will cost us money then. If it's possible technically, Sony would be stupid not to push for it considering how well the game is selling.
Maybe try reading the OP now, both links included, and then seeing why people are slightly upset then. It might help.

I'll continue to repeat what I've said before: if you don't like it, or do like it, that's fine either way. You can be upset as a consumer, or you can ignore it/embrace it. Whatever. No need to tell others what to think or feel with their purchase.

I'll give him credit personally for changing his stance, even though I think he waited too long to do so. But for me, keeping the game was dependent on free updates, however feasible that might be. It's possible that they'll still be meaty, but considering his track record, I'll wait until release day to judge. If it's serviceable, I'll fuck with the DLC and support it with my money.

If you or anyone else has opinions on that matter, that's all good. Just don't tell others how they should feel. It's just tacky.
Ah ok I see. Yea that's a tap dance there. I'll still reserve judgment on how the support of the base game goes. If paid DLC amounts to Expansion pack level DLC and the game got a ton of free updates too (I.e. Driveclub) I'm personally fine with it. So we'll see
Sean Murray's statements procedurally generated by more money!

Nothing wrong with doing anything they've done with the game except the part where he keeps talking about shit that doesn't happen in an effort to sell you on a product then change the channel.

I know too many devs worth their salt that would give their left arm to have the exposure this guy did to cut this asshat any slack. You don't do what this guy is doing. What a shit-show.
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