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No new SFV character?


take this with a gigantic spoon of salt.

So my sources just hit me up.
Capcom is delaying the May Update and fusing it with the June Update.
June Update will include:
Cinematic Story Mode
Zenny Shop
Compensation Gift for the delay and major problems with SFV at launch up till now (Which should be Sagat, Stage and some kind of outfits).
Hard to believe, but it would be awesome. Even more if it includes Ken's classic costume and classic stage. Let's hope they announce an arcade mode.


Wow, the replying Tweets are absurd. "How dare they only announce the character 2 days before release instead of 10?!" Man, it doesn't matter how close the announcement and content are, as long as the content is good and comes out in a timely fashion. How unreasonable can you be?

About as unreasonable as keeping your fanbase in the dark the entire month. Communication is important and erodes most complaints you're complaining about.


I mean they've got 3 more days to get the character out for this month or they have failed. I remember getting confirmations for Alex and guile well ahead of the date no?

And like I said, Capcom got a lot of shit when after the Alex update we got nothing else until a few days before his release when they announced the release date.

I figure they wanted to nail everything down and be sure that they can say "the Zenny Shop will be up along with the next character" OR they tried to do that, failed, and that's why they didn't say anything.

I sincerely don't believe they're patching out infinites or fixing hitboxes with the new character. What's holding them up is the networking stuff (which they're bad at) and not the gameplay/character stuff (which they're good at).


Junior Member
I love that Ibuki design. I really can't wait for her. There's no doubt her V Skill will be her dash that goes through opponents and/or her jump. V Trigger could be her Kunai super.
While I love her original design & hope it's her Story alt, I personally wish that her old outfit was a different color that stood out more (though I understand that beige is fitting for a ninja). Her new design shown in Rainbow Mika's story is a nice mix of her schoolgirl outfit & her ninja garb (with the ninja gauntlets). Hopefully she has bicycle shorts similar to what Karin wore under her uniform in Alpha 3 rather than the typical panties if Ibuki has a skirt to go with that uniform.


needs 2 extra inches
This has been especially bad form for Capcom with its handling of SFV. They've set out a road map for this content, and have barely been able to follow it. May is almost over and we don't even know who the next character is or when they'll release that content. No pictures, no video, no transparency at all if the content might be delayed. Just a possibility of maybe showing something the last Sunday of the month. Who the fuck is running this shit and thinking this is a good idea? There's nothing more frustrating than watching your favorite series being handled so poorly.
I understand how different the landscape is now from when SSFIV4 and MvC3 were released, and how budgets are severely restrained this time around, but I keep being reminded of how efficient and effective the steady release of trailers and information were for characters then vs. now. And how much hype was driven by the fan base. They're dropping the ball really hard with how they severely underutilized social media for this game.




These are legit? looked up on the site and didn't find their pages. They are supposed to be the guys from the SF2 intro, no?


take this with a gigantic spoon of salt.

So my sources just hit me up.
Capcom is delaying the May Update and fusing it with the June Update.
June Update will include:
Cinematic Story Mode
Zenny Shop
Compensation Gift for the delay and major problems with SFV at launch up till now (Which should be Sagat, Stage and some kind of outfits).

Lmao at all of this


take this with a gigantic spoon of salt.

So my sources just hit me up.
Capcom is delaying the May Update and fusing it with the June Update.
June Update will include:
Cinematic Story Mode
Zenny Shop
Compensation Gift for the delay and major problems with SFV at launch up till now (Which should be Sagat, Stage and some kind of outfits).

SF5 fanfic lmao


So weird that he looks so different in V when canonically it takes place before III, where Akuma looks like this:

The fact this game is still before III is stupid, especially since we're suppose to believe things like Ken's radical change in style is merely temporary giggles.


Where are people getting that Ibuki is possible for this month? Legitmately curious, has there been something said to hint to her being before Balrog?


The road map listed Ibuki next.

I'm pretty sure it listed Balrog third, not Ibuki?

take this with a gigantic spoon of salt.

So my sources just hit me up.
Capcom is delaying the May Update and fusing it with the June Update.
June Update will include:
Cinematic Story Mode
Zenny Shop
Compensation Gift for the delay and major problems with SFV at launch up till now (Which should be Sagat, Stage and some kind of outfits).

You ruined this possibility with Sagat. No way they give a full character out for free, especially with the zenny shop being launched at the same time.


Cock Strain, Lifetime Warranty


until they actually miss a month, its not a big deal. if anything, the end of the month has been the time characters have dropped the last two times..perhaps people need to see the pattern here?


My take on the big news coming tomorrow night -

90% chance -
New Character launching Tuesday(I would love Ibuki but it's probably Balrog) , will still be free because the Zenny Store still isn't ready and won't be for a while. Along with the trailer for the new character though, I think we'll have a trailer for the story mode and that will show up between June 21st and June 30th(they claimed a summer launch so it will still hold true).

70% chance -
Might even announce that the Zenny store WILL be coming in July. A thanks to anyone out there who purchased SFV and extra thanks to everyone that bought a season pass. Due to the continued problems launching the zenny store the season pass' contents will be amended - instead of 6 characters and their "combat" outfits, the contents will be 6 characters, combat outfits and 3 exclusive stages as well as a 250,000 fight money bonus. This will apply until the end of the year. Anyone with a capcom ID as of May 31st will also be gifted an additional 250,000 fight money as compensation for all the issues and as thanks for supporting the game.

<50% chance -
A reaffirmation to fans and current owners that Capcom will keep supporting SFV and it's community with new content such as stages- colors, costumes and characters through multiple seasons. They've also been hearing the complaints about costume grinding and a lack of single player content as well as requests for even more training options and will work towards satisfying the demands of the current players and a potential future audience.

<1% chance -
To that end , a road map will be detailed about the future of content going forward -
June 2016 - Story mode , July 2016 - Zenny Shop(battle costumes for all select-able characters, second new stage), new character 4, August 2016 - new character 5, September 2016 - New character 6 (and third new stage), October 2016 - final season 1 balance patch(for capcom pro tour purposes) February 2017 - SFV 2.0 - arcade mode(complete with barrel/car minigames, replaces "character story") , possible arcade release (japan only) , full proper tutorial (one that explains ALL of the games mechanics at a beginner , intermediate, pro, master levels and combo training that lets you practice in slow motion that highlights what frames to look for to make sure moves connect and then slowly speeds things up until you get the hang of it), engine improvements (cleaner graphics, better load times , zazzier UI, survival mode tweaks (instead of colors, you get more fight money), ALL colors purchasable with fight money, new characters (including a proper boss battle and maybe even a classic hidden fight). March/April/May/June 2017 get 1 new character each and then August,september,october,november 2017 get 1 new character each, game also launches with at least 2 new characters day 1 and 2 new stages. As well, features that looked to be intended for initial release are actually in the game - destructible walls added to some levels and weather / time of day settings available (rain/sun/night).


until they actually miss a month, its not a big deal. if anything, the end of the month has been the time characters have dropped the last two times..perhaps people need to see the pattern here?

At this point I thought people figured out the character always drops on the last day of the month.

The whole thing is just odd though. Why not let people know a little earlier what character is coming? Holding silence doesn't really help here. At least in this case they're tying it to a event. The other two just plopped whenever.

qcf x2

take this with a gigantic spoon of salt.

So my sources just hit me up.
Capcom is delaying the May Update and fusing it with the June Update.
June Update will include:
Cinematic Story Mode
Zenny Shop
Compensation Gift for the delay and major problems with SFV at launch up till now (Which should be Sagat, Stage and some kind of outfits).

lol this is a terrible rumor. The idea that Capcom would drop 3 characters in 1 month, with one of them being totally free is nutso. Doesn't make sense for Capcom OR based on what they've done so far. Plus they already gave an apology gift, the Chun Li and Ryu battle outfits.

I think what I find most curious is Ono's relative silence since launch (other than his plentiful apologies in the first few weeks). I guess he's busy on another project or something, but his teasing of character reveals was the only thing that made the wait for SFV's release bearable. I know the Laura leak broke his soul into pieces, but I wish he or some apprentice of his would do that for the new content, stages included.

"Surprise" will probably be daily challenges. The fat Shadaloo trooper guy has been on-disc since forever (launch? beta?) and has yet to be used.
Capcom needs to stop hiring western artist for their Japanese games they look really s***. They got so much better internal artists that they stopped using for SF instead using random udon artists whose art looks like a fan did it.
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